// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

namespace ic {

// --- The public interface (forwards to the actual implementation).

macro CollectCallFeedback(
    maybeTarget: JSAny, context: Context,
    maybeFeedbackVector: Undefined|FeedbackVector, slotId: uintptr): void {
      maybeTarget, context, maybeFeedbackVector, slotId);

macro CollectInstanceOfFeedback(
    maybeTarget: JSAny, context: Context,
    maybeFeedbackVector: Undefined|FeedbackVector, slotId: uintptr): void {
      maybeTarget, context, maybeFeedbackVector, slotId);

macro CollectConstructFeedback(implicit context: Context)(
    target: JSAny, newTarget: JSAny,
    maybeFeedbackVector: Undefined|FeedbackVector,
    slotId: uintptr): never labels ConstructGeneric,
    ConstructArray(AllocationSite) {
      target, newTarget, maybeFeedbackVector, slotId)
      otherwise ConstructGeneric, ConstructArray;

// --- Common functionality.

extern macro MegamorphicSymbolConstant(): Symbol;
extern macro UninitializedSymbolConstant(): Symbol;

const kMegamorphicSymbol: Symbol = MegamorphicSymbolConstant();
const kUninitializedSymbol: Symbol = UninitializedSymbolConstant();

macro IsMegamorphic(feedback: MaybeObject): bool {
  return TaggedEqual(feedback, kMegamorphicSymbol);

macro IsUninitialized(feedback: MaybeObject): bool {
  return TaggedEqual(feedback, kUninitializedSymbol);

extern macro LoadFeedbackVectorSlot(FeedbackVector, uintptr): MaybeObject;
extern macro StoreFeedbackVectorSlot(
    FeedbackVector, uintptr, MaybeObject): void;
extern macro StoreWeakReferenceInFeedbackVector(
    FeedbackVector, uintptr, HeapObject): MaybeObject;
extern macro ReportFeedbackUpdate(FeedbackVector, uintptr, constexpr string);

}  // namespace ic