// Copyright 2008 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. var MjsUnitAssertionError = class MjsUnitAssertionError { #cached_message = undefined; #message_func = undefined; constructor(message_func) { this.#message_func = message_func; // Temporarily install a custom stack trace formatter and restore the // previous value. let prevPrepareStackTrace = Error.prepareStackTrace; try { Error.prepareStackTrace = MjsUnitAssertionError.prepareStackTrace; // This allows fetching the stack trace using TryCatch::StackTrace. this.stack = new Error("MjsUnitAssertionError").stack; } finally { Error.prepareStackTrace = prevPrepareStackTrace; } } get message() { if (this.#cached_message === undefined) { this.#cached_message = this.#message_func(); } return this.#cached_message } toString() { return this.message + "\n\nStack: " + this.stack; }; } /* * This file is included in all mini jsunit test cases. The test * framework expects lines that signal failed tests to start with * the f-word and ignore all other lines. */ // Expected and found values the same objects, or the same primitive // values. // For known primitive values, please use assertEquals. var assertSame; // Inverse of assertSame. var assertNotSame; // Expected and found values are identical primitive values or functions // or similarly structured objects (checking internal properties // of, e.g., Number and Date objects, the elements of arrays // and the properties of non-Array objects). var assertEquals; // Deep equality predicate used by assertEquals. var deepEquals; // Expected and found values are not identical primitive values or functions // or similarly structured objects (checking internal properties // of, e.g., Number and Date objects, the elements of arrays // and the properties of non-Array objects). var assertNotEquals; // The difference between expected and found value is within certain tolerance. var assertEqualsDelta; // The found object is an Array with the same length and elements // as the expected object. The expected object doesn't need to be an Array, // as long as it's "array-ish". var assertArrayEquals; // The found object must have the same enumerable properties as the // expected object. The type of object isn't checked. var assertPropertiesEqual; // Assert that the string conversion of the found value is equal to // the expected string. Only kept for backwards compatibility, please // check the real structure of the found value. var assertToStringEquals; // Checks that the found value is true. Use with boolean expressions // for tests that doesn't have their own assertXXX function. var assertTrue; // Checks that the found value is false. var assertFalse; // Checks that the found value is null. Kept for historical compatibility, // please just use assertEquals(null, expected). var assertNull; // Checks that the found value is *not* null. var assertNotNull; // Assert that the passed function or eval code throws an exception. // The optional second argument is an exception constructor that the // thrown exception is checked against with "instanceof". // The optional third argument is a message type string or RegExp object that is // compared to the message of the thrown exception. var assertThrows; // Assert that the passed function throws an exception. // The exception is checked against the second argument using assertEquals. var assertThrowsEquals; // Assert that the passed promise does not resolve, but eventually throws an // exception. The optional second argument is an exception constructor that the // thrown exception is checked against with "instanceof". // The optional third argument is a message type string or RegExp object that is // compared to the message of the thrown exception. var assertThrowsAsync; // Assert that the passed function or eval code does not throw an exception. var assertDoesNotThrow; // Asserts that the found value is an instance of the constructor passed // as the second argument. var assertInstanceof; // Assert that this code is never executed (i.e., always fails if executed). var assertUnreachable; // Assert that the function code is (not) optimized. // Only works with --allow-natives-syntax. var assertOptimized; var assertUnoptimized; // Assert that a string contains another expected substring. var assertContains; // Assert that a string matches a given regex. var assertMatches; // Assert that a promise resolves or rejects. // Parameters: // {promise} - the promise // {success} - optional - a callback which is called with the result of the // resolving promise. // {fail} - optional - a callback which is called with the result of the // rejecting promise. If the promise is rejected but no {fail} // callback is set, the error is propagated out of the promise // chain. var assertPromiseResult; var promiseTestChain; var promiseTestCount = 0; // These bits must be in sync with bits defined in Runtime_GetOptimizationStatus var V8OptimizationStatus = { kIsFunction: 1 << 0, kNeverOptimize: 1 << 1, kAlwaysOptimize: 1 << 2, kMaybeDeopted: 1 << 3, kOptimized: 1 << 4, kMaglevved: 1 << 5, kTurboFanned: 1 << 6, kInterpreted: 1 << 7, kMarkedForOptimization: 1 << 8, kMarkedForConcurrentOptimization: 1 << 9, kOptimizingConcurrently: 1 << 10, kIsExecuting: 1 << 11, kTopmostFrameIsTurboFanned: 1 << 12, kLiteMode: 1 << 13, kMarkedForDeoptimization: 1 << 14, kBaseline: 1 << 15, kTopmostFrameIsInterpreted: 1 << 16, kTopmostFrameIsBaseline: 1 << 17, }; // Returns true if --lite-mode is on and we can't ever turn on optimization. var isNeverOptimizeLiteMode; // Returns true if --no-opt mode is on. var isNeverOptimize; // Returns true if --always-opt mode is on. var isAlwaysOptimize; // Returns true if given function in interpreted. var isInterpreted; // Returns true if given function in baseline. var isBaseline; // Returns true if given function in unoptimized (interpreted or baseline). var isUnoptimized; // Returns true if given function is optimized. var isOptimized; // Returns true if given function is compiled by Maglev. var isMaglevved; // Returns true if given function is compiled by TurboFan. var isTurboFanned; // Monkey-patchable all-purpose failure handler. var failWithMessage; // Returns the formatted failure text. Used by test-async.js. var formatFailureText; // Returns a pretty-printed string representation of the passed value. var prettyPrinted; (function () { // Scope for utility functions. var ObjectPrototypeToString = Object.prototype.toString; var NumberPrototypeValueOf = Number.prototype.valueOf; var BooleanPrototypeValueOf = Boolean.prototype.valueOf; var StringPrototypeValueOf = String.prototype.valueOf; var DatePrototypeValueOf = Date.prototype.valueOf; var RegExpPrototypeToString = RegExp.prototype.toString; var ArrayPrototypeForEach = Array.prototype.forEach; var ArrayPrototypeJoin = Array.prototype.join; var ArrayPrototypeMap = Array.prototype.map; var ArrayPrototypePush = Array.prototype.push; var JSONStringify = JSON.stringify; var BigIntPrototypeValueOf; // TODO(neis): Remove try-catch once BigInts are enabled by default. try { BigIntPrototypeValueOf = BigInt.prototype.valueOf; } catch (e) {} function classOf(object) { // Argument must not be null or undefined. var string = ObjectPrototypeToString.call(object); // String has format [object <ClassName>]. return string.substring(8, string.length - 1); } function ValueOf(value) { switch (classOf(value)) { case "Number": return NumberPrototypeValueOf.call(value); case "BigInt": return BigIntPrototypeValueOf.call(value); case "String": return StringPrototypeValueOf.call(value); case "Boolean": return BooleanPrototypeValueOf.call(value); case "Date": return DatePrototypeValueOf.call(value); default: return value; } } prettyPrinted = function prettyPrinted(value) { let visited = new Set(); function prettyPrint(value) { try { switch (typeof value) { case "string": return JSONStringify(value); case "bigint": return String(value) + "n"; case "number": if (value === 0 && (1 / value) < 0) return "-0"; // FALLTHROUGH. case "boolean": case "undefined": case "function": case "symbol": return String(value); case "object": if (value === null) return "null"; // Guard against re-visiting. if (visited.has(value)) return "<...>"; visited.add(value); var objectClass = classOf(value); switch (objectClass) { case "Number": case "BigInt": case "String": case "Boolean": case "Date": return objectClass + "(" + prettyPrint(ValueOf(value)) + ")"; case "RegExp": return RegExpPrototypeToString.call(value); case "Array": var mapped = ArrayPrototypeMap.call( value, (v,i,array)=>{ if (v === undefined && !(i in array)) return ""; return prettyPrint(v, visited); }); var joined = ArrayPrototypeJoin.call(mapped, ","); return "[" + joined + "]"; case "Uint8Array": case "Int8Array": case "Int16Array": case "Uint16Array": case "Uint32Array": case "Int32Array": case "Float32Array": case "Float64Array": var joined = ArrayPrototypeJoin.call(value, ","); return objectClass + "([" + joined + "])"; case "Object": break; default: return objectClass + "(" + String(value) + ")"; } // classOf() returned "Object". var name = value.constructor?.name ?? "Object"; var pretty_properties = []; for (let [k,v] of Object.entries(value)) { ArrayPrototypePush.call( pretty_properties, `${k}:${prettyPrint(v, visited)}`); } var joined = ArrayPrototypeJoin.call(pretty_properties, ","); return `${name}({${joined}})`; default: return "-- unknown value --"; } } catch (e) { // Guard against general exceptions (especially stack overflows). return "<error>" } } return prettyPrint(value); } failWithMessage = function failWithMessage(message) { throw new MjsUnitAssertionError(()=>message); } formatFailureText = function(expectedText, found, name_opt) { var message = "Fail" + "ure"; if (name_opt) { // Fix this when we ditch the old test runner. message += " (" + name_opt + ")"; } var foundText = prettyPrinted(found); if (expectedText.length <= 40 && foundText.length <= 40) { message += ": expected <" + expectedText + "> found <" + foundText + ">"; } else { message += ":\nexpected:\n" + expectedText + "\nfound:\n" + foundText; } return message; } function fail(expectedText, found, name_opt) { throw new MjsUnitAssertionError( ()=>formatFailureText(expectedText, found, name_opt)); } function deepObjectEquals(a, b) { var aProps = Object.keys(a); aProps.sort(); var bProps = Object.keys(b); bProps.sort(); if (!deepEquals(aProps, bProps)) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < aProps.length; i++) { if (!deepEquals(a[aProps[i]], b[aProps[i]])) { return false; } } return true; } deepEquals = function deepEquals(a, b) { if (a === b) { // Check for -0. if (a === 0) return (1 / a) === (1 / b); return true; } if (typeof a !== typeof b) return false; if (typeof a === "number") return isNaN(a) && isNaN(b); if (typeof a !== "object" && typeof a !== "function") return false; // Neither a nor b is primitive. var objectClass = classOf(a); if (objectClass !== classOf(b)) return false; if (objectClass === "RegExp") { // For RegExp, just compare pattern and flags using its toString. return RegExpPrototypeToString.call(a) === RegExpPrototypeToString.call(b); } // Functions are only identical to themselves. if (objectClass === "Function") return false; if (objectClass === "Array") { var elementCount = 0; if (a.length !== b.length) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (!deepEquals(a[i], b[i])) return false; } return true; } if (objectClass === "String" || objectClass === "Number" || objectClass === "BigInt" || objectClass === "Boolean" || objectClass === "Date") { if (ValueOf(a) !== ValueOf(b)) return false; } return deepObjectEquals(a, b); } assertSame = function assertSame(expected, found, name_opt) { if (Object.is(expected, found)) return; fail(prettyPrinted(expected), found, name_opt); }; assertNotSame = function assertNotSame(expected, found, name_opt) { if (!Object.is(expected, found)) return; fail("not same as " + prettyPrinted(expected), found, name_opt); } assertEquals = function assertEquals(expected, found, name_opt) { if (!deepEquals(found, expected)) { fail(prettyPrinted(expected), found, name_opt); } }; assertNotEquals = function assertNotEquals(expected, found, name_opt) { if (deepEquals(found, expected)) { fail("not equals to " + prettyPrinted(expected), found, name_opt); } }; assertEqualsDelta = function assertEqualsDelta(expected, found, delta, name_opt) { if (Math.abs(expected - found) > delta) { fail(prettyPrinted(expected) + " +- " + prettyPrinted(delta), found, name_opt); } }; assertArrayEquals = function assertArrayEquals(expected, found, name_opt) { var start = ""; if (name_opt) { start = name_opt + " - "; } assertEquals(expected.length, found.length, start + "array length"); if (expected.length === found.length) { for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; ++i) { assertEquals(expected[i], found[i], start + "array element at index " + i); } } }; assertPropertiesEqual = function assertPropertiesEqual(expected, found, name_opt) { // Check properties only. if (!deepObjectEquals(expected, found)) { fail(expected, found, name_opt); } }; assertToStringEquals = function assertToStringEquals(expected, found, name_opt) { if (expected !== String(found)) { fail(expected, found, name_opt); } }; assertTrue = function assertTrue(value, name_opt) { assertEquals(true, value, name_opt); }; assertFalse = function assertFalse(value, name_opt) { assertEquals(false, value, name_opt); }; assertNull = function assertNull(value, name_opt) { if (value !== null) { fail("null", value, name_opt); } }; assertNotNull = function assertNotNull(value, name_opt) { if (value === null) { fail("not null", value, name_opt); } }; function executeCode(code) { if (typeof code === 'function') return code(); if (typeof code === 'string') return eval(code); failWithMessage( 'Given code is neither function nor string, but ' + (typeof code) + ': <' + prettyPrinted(code) + '>'); } function checkException(e, type_opt, cause_opt) { if (type_opt !== undefined) { assertEquals('function', typeof type_opt); assertInstanceof(e, type_opt); } if (RegExp !== undefined && cause_opt instanceof RegExp) { assertMatches(cause_opt, e.message, 'Error message'); } else if (cause_opt !== undefined) { assertEquals(cause_opt, e.message, 'Error message'); } } assertThrows = function assertThrows(code, type_opt, cause_opt) { if (arguments.length > 1 && type_opt === undefined) { failWithMessage('invalid use of assertThrows, unknown type_opt given'); } if (type_opt !== undefined && typeof type_opt !== 'function') { failWithMessage( 'invalid use of assertThrows, maybe you want assertThrowsEquals'); } try { executeCode(code); } catch (e) { checkException(e, type_opt, cause_opt); return; } let msg = 'Did not throw exception'; if (type_opt !== undefined && type_opt.name !== undefined) msg += ', expected ' + type_opt.name; failWithMessage(msg); }; assertThrowsEquals = function assertThrowsEquals(fun, val) { try { fun(); } catch (e) { assertSame(val, e); return; } failWithMessage('Did not throw exception, expected ' + prettyPrinted(val)); }; assertThrowsAsync = function assertThrowsAsync(promise, type_opt, cause_opt) { if (arguments.length > 1 && type_opt === undefined) { failWithMessage('invalid use of assertThrows, unknown type_opt given'); } if (type_opt !== undefined && typeof type_opt !== 'function') { failWithMessage( 'invalid use of assertThrows, maybe you want assertThrowsEquals'); } let msg = 'Promise did not throw exception'; if (type_opt !== undefined && type_opt.name !== undefined) msg += ', expected ' + type_opt.name; return assertPromiseResult( promise, // Use setTimeout to throw the error again to get out of the promise // chain. res => setTimeout(_ => fail('<throw>', res, msg), 0), e => checkException(e, type_opt, cause_opt)); }; assertInstanceof = function assertInstanceof(obj, type) { if (!(obj instanceof type)) { var actualTypeName = null; var actualConstructor = obj && Object.getPrototypeOf(obj).constructor; if (typeof actualConstructor === 'function') { actualTypeName = actualConstructor.name || String(actualConstructor); } failWithMessage( 'Object <' + prettyPrinted(obj) + '> is not an instance of <' + (type.name || type) + '>' + (actualTypeName ? ' but of <' + actualTypeName + '>' : '')); } }; assertDoesNotThrow = function assertDoesNotThrow(code, name_opt) { try { executeCode(code); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MjsUnitAssertionError) throw e; failWithMessage("threw an exception: " + (e.message || e)); } }; assertUnreachable = function assertUnreachable(name_opt) { // Fix this when we ditch the old test runner. var message = "Fail" + "ure: unreachable"; if (name_opt) { message += " - " + name_opt; } failWithMessage(message); }; assertContains = function(sub, value, name_opt) { if (value == null ? (sub != null) : value.indexOf(sub) == -1) { fail("contains '" + String(sub) + "'", value, name_opt); } }; assertMatches = function(regexp, str, name_opt) { if (!(regexp instanceof RegExp)) { regexp = new RegExp(regexp); } if (!str.match(regexp)) { fail("should match '" + regexp + "'", str, name_opt); } }; function concatenateErrors(stack, exception) { // If the exception does not contain a stack trace, wrap it in a new Error. if (!exception.stack) exception = new Error(exception); // If the exception already provides a special stack trace, we do not modify // it. if (typeof exception.stack !== 'string') { return exception; } exception.stack = stack + '\n\n' + exception.stack; return exception; } assertPromiseResult = function(promise, success, fail) { if (success !== undefined) assertEquals('function', typeof success); if (fail !== undefined) assertEquals('function', typeof fail); assertInstanceof(promise, Promise); const stack = (new Error()).stack; var test_promise = promise.then( result => { try { if (--promiseTestCount == 0) testRunner.notifyDone(); if (success !== undefined) success(result); } catch (e) { // Use setTimeout to throw the error again to get out of the promise // chain. setTimeout(_ => { throw concatenateErrors(stack, e); }, 0); } }, result => { try { if (--promiseTestCount == 0) testRunner.notifyDone(); if (fail === undefined) throw result; fail(result); } catch (e) { // Use setTimeout to throw the error again to get out of the promise // chain. setTimeout(_ => { throw concatenateErrors(stack, e); }, 0); } }); if (!promiseTestChain) promiseTestChain = Promise.resolve(); // waitUntilDone is idempotent. testRunner.waitUntilDone(); ++promiseTestCount; return promiseTestChain.then(test_promise); }; var OptimizationStatusImpl = undefined; var OptimizationStatus = function(fun) { if (OptimizationStatusImpl === undefined) { try { OptimizationStatusImpl = new Function( "fun", "return %GetOptimizationStatus(fun);"); } catch (e) { throw new Error("natives syntax not allowed"); } } return OptimizationStatusImpl(fun); } assertUnoptimized = function assertUnoptimized( fun, name_opt, skip_if_maybe_deopted = true) { var opt_status = OptimizationStatus(fun); // Tests that use assertUnoptimized() do not make sense if --always-opt // option is provided. Such tests must add --no-always-opt to flags comment. assertFalse((opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kAlwaysOptimize) !== 0, "test does not make sense with --always-opt"); assertTrue((opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kIsFunction) !== 0, name_opt); if (skip_if_maybe_deopted && (opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kMaybeDeopted) !== 0) { // When --deopt-every-n-times flag is specified it's no longer guaranteed // that particular function is still deoptimized, so keep running the test // to stress test the deoptimizer. return; } var is_optimized = (opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kOptimized) !== 0; assertFalse(is_optimized, name_opt); } assertOptimized = function assertOptimized( fun, name_opt, skip_if_maybe_deopted = true) { var opt_status = OptimizationStatus(fun); // Tests that use assertOptimized() do not make sense for Lite mode where // optimization is always disabled, explicitly exit the test with a warning. if (opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kLiteMode) { print("Warning: Test uses assertOptimized in Lite mode, skipping test."); testRunner.quit(0); } // Tests that use assertOptimized() do not make sense if --no-opt // option is provided. Such tests must add --opt to flags comment. assertFalse((opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kNeverOptimize) !== 0, "test does not make sense with --no-opt"); assertTrue( (opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kIsFunction) !== 0, 'should be a function: ' + name_opt); if (skip_if_maybe_deopted && (opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kMaybeDeopted) !== 0) { // When --deopt-every-n-times flag is specified it's no longer guaranteed // that particular function is still optimized, so keep running the test // to stress test the deoptimizer. return; } assertTrue( (opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kOptimized) !== 0, 'should be optimized: ' + name_opt); } isNeverOptimizeLiteMode = function isNeverOptimizeLiteMode() { var opt_status = OptimizationStatus(undefined, ""); return (opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kLiteMode) !== 0; } isNeverOptimize = function isNeverOptimize() { var opt_status = OptimizationStatus(undefined, ""); return (opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kNeverOptimize) !== 0; } isAlwaysOptimize = function isAlwaysOptimize() { var opt_status = OptimizationStatus(undefined, ""); return (opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kAlwaysOptimize) !== 0; } isInterpreted = function isInterpreted(fun) { var opt_status = OptimizationStatus(fun, ""); assertTrue((opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kIsFunction) !== 0, "not a function"); return (opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kOptimized) === 0 && (opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kInterpreted) !== 0; } isBaseline = function isBaseline(fun) { var opt_status = OptimizationStatus(fun, ""); assertTrue((opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kIsFunction) !== 0, "not a function"); return (opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kOptimized) === 0 && (opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kBaseline) !== 0; } isUnoptimized = function isUnoptimized(fun) { return isInterpreted(fun) || isBaseline(fun); } isOptimized = function isOptimized(fun) { var opt_status = OptimizationStatus(fun, ""); assertTrue((opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kIsFunction) !== 0, "not a function"); return (opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kOptimized) !== 0; } isMaglevved = function isMaglevved(fun) { var opt_status = OptimizationStatus(fun, ""); assertTrue((opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kIsFunction) !== 0, "not a function"); return (opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kOptimized) !== 0 && (opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kMaglevved) !== 0; } isTurboFanned = function isTurboFanned(fun) { var opt_status = OptimizationStatus(fun, ""); assertTrue((opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kIsFunction) !== 0, "not a function"); return (opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kOptimized) !== 0 && (opt_status & V8OptimizationStatus.kTurboFanned) !== 0; } // Custom V8-specific stack trace formatter that is temporarily installed on // the Error object. MjsUnitAssertionError.prepareStackTrace = function(error, stack) { // Trigger default formatting with recursion. try { // Filter-out all but the first mjsunit frame. let filteredStack = []; let inMjsunit = true; for (let i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) { let frame = stack[i]; if (inMjsunit) { let file = frame.getFileName(); if (!file || !file.endsWith("mjsunit.js")) { inMjsunit = false; // Push the last mjsunit frame, typically containing the assertion // function. if (i > 0) ArrayPrototypePush.call(filteredStack, stack[i-1]); ArrayPrototypePush.call(filteredStack, stack[i]); } continue; } ArrayPrototypePush.call(filteredStack, frame); } stack = filteredStack; // Infer function names and calculate {max_name_length} let max_name_length = 0; ArrayPrototypeForEach.call(stack, each => { let name = each.getFunctionName(); if (name == null) name = ""; if (each.isEval()) { name = name; } else if (each.isConstructor()) { name = "new " + name; } else if (each.isNative()) { name = "native " + name; } else if (!each.isToplevel()) { name = each.getTypeName() + "." + name; } each.name = name; max_name_length = Math.max(name.length, max_name_length) }); // Format stack frames. stack = ArrayPrototypeMap.call(stack, each => { let frame = " at " + each.name.padEnd(max_name_length); let fileName = each.getFileName(); if (each.isEval()) return frame + " " + each.getEvalOrigin(); frame += " " + (fileName ? fileName : ""); let line= each.getLineNumber(); frame += " " + (line ? line : ""); let column = each.getColumnNumber(); frame += (column ? ":" + column : ""); return frame; }); return "" + error.message + "\n" + ArrayPrototypeJoin.call(stack, "\n"); } catch (e) {}; return error.stack; } })();