// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "src/snapshot/serializer.h" #include "src/assembler-inl.h" #include "src/heap/heap-inl.h" // For Space::identity(). #include "src/interpreter/interpreter.h" #include "src/objects/code.h" #include "src/objects/js-array-buffer-inl.h" #include "src/objects/js-array-inl.h" #include "src/objects/map.h" #include "src/objects/slots-inl.h" #include "src/objects/smi.h" #include "src/snapshot/natives.h" #include "src/snapshot/snapshot.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { Serializer::Serializer(Isolate* isolate) : isolate_(isolate), external_reference_encoder_(isolate), root_index_map_(isolate), allocator_(this) { #ifdef OBJECT_PRINT if (FLAG_serialization_statistics) { for (int space = 0; space < LAST_SPACE; ++space) { instance_type_count_[space] = NewArray<int>(kInstanceTypes); instance_type_size_[space] = NewArray<size_t>(kInstanceTypes); for (int i = 0; i < kInstanceTypes; i++) { instance_type_count_[space][i] = 0; instance_type_size_[space][i] = 0; } } } else { for (int space = 0; space < LAST_SPACE; ++space) { instance_type_count_[space] = nullptr; instance_type_size_[space] = nullptr; } } #endif // OBJECT_PRINT } Serializer::~Serializer() { if (code_address_map_ != nullptr) delete code_address_map_; #ifdef OBJECT_PRINT for (int space = 0; space < LAST_SPACE; ++space) { if (instance_type_count_[space] != nullptr) { DeleteArray(instance_type_count_[space]); DeleteArray(instance_type_size_[space]); } } #endif // OBJECT_PRINT } #ifdef OBJECT_PRINT void Serializer::CountInstanceType(Map map, int size, AllocationSpace space) { int instance_type = map->instance_type(); instance_type_count_[space][instance_type]++; instance_type_size_[space][instance_type] += size; } #endif // OBJECT_PRINT void Serializer::OutputStatistics(const char* name) { if (!FLAG_serialization_statistics) return; PrintF("%s:\n", name); allocator()->OutputStatistics(); #ifdef OBJECT_PRINT PrintF(" Instance types (count and bytes):\n"); #define PRINT_INSTANCE_TYPE(Name) \ for (int space = 0; space < LAST_SPACE; ++space) { \ if (instance_type_count_[space][Name]) { \ PrintF("%10d %10" PRIuS " %-10s %s\n", \ instance_type_count_[space][Name], \ instance_type_size_[space][Name], \ AllocationSpaceName(static_cast<AllocationSpace>(space)), #Name); \ } \ } INSTANCE_TYPE_LIST(PRINT_INSTANCE_TYPE) #undef PRINT_INSTANCE_TYPE PrintF("\n"); #endif // OBJECT_PRINT } void Serializer::SerializeDeferredObjects() { while (!deferred_objects_.empty()) { HeapObject obj = deferred_objects_.back(); deferred_objects_.pop_back(); ObjectSerializer obj_serializer(this, obj, &sink_); obj_serializer.SerializeDeferred(); } sink_.Put(kSynchronize, "Finished with deferred objects"); } bool Serializer::MustBeDeferred(HeapObject object) { return false; } void Serializer::VisitRootPointers(Root root, const char* description, FullObjectSlot start, FullObjectSlot end) { for (FullObjectSlot current = start; current < end; ++current) { SerializeRootObject(*current); } } void Serializer::SerializeRootObject(Object object) { if (object->IsSmi()) { PutSmi(Smi::cast(object)); } else { SerializeObject(HeapObject::cast(object)); } } #ifdef DEBUG void Serializer::PrintStack() { for (const auto o : stack_) { o->Print(); PrintF("\n"); } } #endif // DEBUG bool Serializer::SerializeRoot(HeapObject obj) { RootIndex root_index; // Derived serializers are responsible for determining if the root has // actually been serialized before calling this. if (root_index_map()->Lookup(obj, &root_index)) { PutRoot(root_index, obj); return true; } return false; } bool Serializer::SerializeHotObject(HeapObject obj) { // Encode a reference to a hot object by its index in the working set. int index = hot_objects_.Find(obj); if (index == HotObjectsList::kNotFound) return false; DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < kNumberOfHotObjects); if (FLAG_trace_serializer) { PrintF(" Encoding hot object %d:", index); obj->ShortPrint(); PrintF("\n"); } // TODO(ishell): remove kHotObjectWithSkip sink_.Put(kHotObject + index, "HotObject"); return true; } bool Serializer::SerializeBackReference(HeapObject obj) { SerializerReference reference = reference_map_.LookupReference(reinterpret_cast<void*>(obj.ptr())); if (!reference.is_valid()) return false; // Encode the location of an already deserialized object in order to write // its location into a later object. We can encode the location as an // offset fromthe start of the deserialized objects or as an offset // backwards from thecurrent allocation pointer. if (reference.is_attached_reference()) { if (FLAG_trace_serializer) { PrintF(" Encoding attached reference %d\n", reference.attached_reference_index()); } PutAttachedReference(reference); } else { DCHECK(reference.is_back_reference()); if (FLAG_trace_serializer) { PrintF(" Encoding back reference to: "); obj->ShortPrint(); PrintF("\n"); } PutAlignmentPrefix(obj); AllocationSpace space = reference.space(); sink_.Put(kBackref + space, "BackRef"); PutBackReference(obj, reference); } return true; } bool Serializer::ObjectIsBytecodeHandler(HeapObject obj) const { if (!obj->IsCode()) return false; return (Code::cast(obj)->kind() == Code::BYTECODE_HANDLER); } void Serializer::PutRoot(RootIndex root, HeapObject object) { int root_index = static_cast<int>(root); if (FLAG_trace_serializer) { PrintF(" Encoding root %d:", root_index); object->ShortPrint(); PrintF("\n"); } // Assert that the first 32 root array items are a conscious choice. They are // chosen so that the most common ones can be encoded more efficiently. STATIC_ASSERT(static_cast<int>(RootIndex::kArgumentsMarker) == kNumberOfRootArrayConstants - 1); // TODO(ulan): Check that it works with young large objects. if (root_index < kNumberOfRootArrayConstants && !Heap::InYoungGeneration(object)) { sink_.Put(kRootArrayConstants + root_index, "RootConstant"); } else { sink_.Put(kRootArray, "RootSerialization"); sink_.PutInt(root_index, "root_index"); hot_objects_.Add(object); } } void Serializer::PutSmi(Smi smi) { sink_.Put(kOnePointerRawData, "Smi"); Tagged_t raw_value = static_cast<Tagged_t>(smi.ptr()); byte bytes[kTaggedSize]; memcpy(bytes, &raw_value, kTaggedSize); for (int i = 0; i < kTaggedSize; i++) sink_.Put(bytes[i], "Byte"); } void Serializer::PutBackReference(HeapObject object, SerializerReference reference) { DCHECK(allocator()->BackReferenceIsAlreadyAllocated(reference)); switch (reference.space()) { case MAP_SPACE: sink_.PutInt(reference.map_index(), "BackRefMapIndex"); break; case LO_SPACE: sink_.PutInt(reference.large_object_index(), "BackRefLargeObjectIndex"); break; default: sink_.PutInt(reference.chunk_index(), "BackRefChunkIndex"); sink_.PutInt(reference.chunk_offset(), "BackRefChunkOffset"); break; } hot_objects_.Add(object); } void Serializer::PutAttachedReference(SerializerReference reference) { DCHECK(reference.is_attached_reference()); sink_.Put(kAttachedReference, "AttachedRef"); sink_.PutInt(reference.attached_reference_index(), "AttachedRefIndex"); } int Serializer::PutAlignmentPrefix(HeapObject object) { AllocationAlignment alignment = HeapObject::RequiredAlignment(object->map()); if (alignment != kWordAligned) { DCHECK(1 <= alignment && alignment <= 3); byte prefix = (kAlignmentPrefix - 1) + alignment; sink_.Put(prefix, "Alignment"); return Heap::GetMaximumFillToAlign(alignment); } return 0; } void Serializer::PutNextChunk(int space) { sink_.Put(kNextChunk, "NextChunk"); sink_.Put(space, "NextChunkSpace"); } void Serializer::PutRepeat(int repeat_count) { if (repeat_count <= kLastEncodableFixedRepeatCount) { sink_.Put(EncodeFixedRepeat(repeat_count), "FixedRepeat"); } else { sink_.Put(kVariableRepeat, "VariableRepeat"); sink_.PutInt(EncodeVariableRepeatCount(repeat_count), "repeat count"); } } void Serializer::Pad(int padding_offset) { // The non-branching GetInt will read up to 3 bytes too far, so we need // to pad the snapshot to make sure we don't read over the end. for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(int32_t) - 1; i++) { sink_.Put(kNop, "Padding"); } // Pad up to pointer size for checksum. while (!IsAligned(sink_.Position() + padding_offset, kPointerAlignment)) { sink_.Put(kNop, "Padding"); } } void Serializer::InitializeCodeAddressMap() { isolate_->InitializeLoggingAndCounters(); code_address_map_ = new CodeAddressMap(isolate_); } Code Serializer::CopyCode(Code code) { code_buffer_.clear(); // Clear buffer without deleting backing store. int size = code->CodeSize(); code_buffer_.insert(code_buffer_.end(), reinterpret_cast<byte*>(code->address()), reinterpret_cast<byte*>(code->address() + size)); // When pointer compression is enabled the checked cast will try to // decompress map field of off-heap Code object. return Code::unchecked_cast(HeapObject::FromAddress( reinterpret_cast<Address>(&code_buffer_.front()))); } void Serializer::ObjectSerializer::SerializePrologue(AllocationSpace space, int size, Map map) { if (serializer_->code_address_map_) { const char* code_name = serializer_->code_address_map_->Lookup(object_->address()); LOG(serializer_->isolate_, CodeNameEvent(object_->address(), sink_->Position(), code_name)); } SerializerReference back_reference; if (space == LO_SPACE) { sink_->Put(kNewObject + space, "NewLargeObject"); sink_->PutInt(size >> kObjectAlignmentBits, "ObjectSizeInWords"); CHECK(!object_->IsCode()); back_reference = serializer_->allocator()->AllocateLargeObject(size); } else if (space == MAP_SPACE) { DCHECK_EQ(Map::kSize, size); back_reference = serializer_->allocator()->AllocateMap(); sink_->Put(kNewObject + space, "NewMap"); // This is redundant, but we include it anyways. sink_->PutInt(size >> kObjectAlignmentBits, "ObjectSizeInWords"); } else { int fill = serializer_->PutAlignmentPrefix(object_); back_reference = serializer_->allocator()->Allocate(space, size + fill); sink_->Put(kNewObject + space, "NewObject"); sink_->PutInt(size >> kObjectAlignmentBits, "ObjectSizeInWords"); } #ifdef OBJECT_PRINT if (FLAG_serialization_statistics) { serializer_->CountInstanceType(map, size, space); } #endif // OBJECT_PRINT // Mark this object as already serialized. serializer_->reference_map()->Add(reinterpret_cast<void*>(object_.ptr()), back_reference); // Serialize the map (first word of the object). serializer_->SerializeObject(map); } int32_t Serializer::ObjectSerializer::SerializeBackingStore( void* backing_store, int32_t byte_length) { SerializerReference reference = serializer_->reference_map()->LookupReference(backing_store); // Serialize the off-heap backing store. if (!reference.is_valid()) { sink_->Put(kOffHeapBackingStore, "Off-heap backing store"); sink_->PutInt(byte_length, "length"); sink_->PutRaw(static_cast<byte*>(backing_store), byte_length, "BackingStore"); reference = serializer_->allocator()->AllocateOffHeapBackingStore(); // Mark this backing store as already serialized. serializer_->reference_map()->Add(backing_store, reference); } return static_cast<int32_t>(reference.off_heap_backing_store_index()); } void Serializer::ObjectSerializer::SerializeJSTypedArray() { JSTypedArray typed_array = JSTypedArray::cast(object_); FixedTypedArrayBase elements = FixedTypedArrayBase::cast(typed_array->elements()); if (!typed_array->WasDetached()) { if (!typed_array->is_on_heap()) { // Explicitly serialize the backing store now. JSArrayBuffer buffer = JSArrayBuffer::cast(typed_array->buffer()); CHECK_LE(buffer->byte_length(), Smi::kMaxValue); CHECK_LE(typed_array->byte_offset(), Smi::kMaxValue); int32_t byte_length = static_cast<int32_t>(buffer->byte_length()); int32_t byte_offset = static_cast<int32_t>(typed_array->byte_offset()); // We need to calculate the backing store from the external pointer // because the ArrayBuffer may already have been serialized. void* backing_store = reinterpret_cast<void*>( reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(elements->external_pointer()) - byte_offset); int32_t ref = SerializeBackingStore(backing_store, byte_length); // The external_pointer is the backing_store + typed_array->byte_offset. // To properly share the buffer, we set the backing store ref here. On // deserialization we re-add the byte_offset to external_pointer. elements->set_external_pointer( reinterpret_cast<void*>(Smi::FromInt(ref).ptr())); } } else { // When a JSArrayBuffer is detached, the FixedTypedArray that points to the // same backing store does not know anything about it. This fixup step finds // detached TypedArrays and clears the values in the FixedTypedArray so that // we don't try to serialize the now invalid backing store. elements->set_external_pointer(reinterpret_cast<void*>(Smi::kZero.ptr())); elements->set_length(0); } SerializeObject(); } void Serializer::ObjectSerializer::SerializeJSArrayBuffer() { JSArrayBuffer buffer = JSArrayBuffer::cast(object_); void* backing_store = buffer->backing_store(); // We cannot store byte_length larger than Smi range in the snapshot. CHECK_LE(buffer->byte_length(), Smi::kMaxValue); int32_t byte_length = static_cast<int32_t>(buffer->byte_length()); // The embedder-allocated backing store only exists for the off-heap case. if (backing_store != nullptr) { int32_t ref = SerializeBackingStore(backing_store, byte_length); buffer->set_backing_store(reinterpret_cast<void*>(Smi::FromInt(ref).ptr())); } SerializeObject(); buffer->set_backing_store(backing_store); } void Serializer::ObjectSerializer::SerializeExternalString() { Heap* heap = serializer_->isolate()->heap(); // For external strings with known resources, we replace the resource field // with the encoded external reference, which we restore upon deserialize. // for native native source code strings, we replace the resource field // with the native source id. // For the rest we serialize them to look like ordinary sequential strings. if (object_->map() != ReadOnlyRoots(heap).native_source_string_map()) { ExternalString string = ExternalString::cast(object_); Address resource = string->resource_as_address(); ExternalReferenceEncoder::Value reference; if (serializer_->external_reference_encoder_.TryEncode(resource).To( &reference)) { DCHECK(reference.is_from_api()); string->set_uint32_as_resource(reference.index()); SerializeObject(); string->set_address_as_resource(resource); } else { SerializeExternalStringAsSequentialString(); } } else { ExternalOneByteString string = ExternalOneByteString::cast(object_); DCHECK(string->is_uncached()); const NativesExternalStringResource* resource = reinterpret_cast<const NativesExternalStringResource*>( string->resource()); // Replace the resource field with the type and index of the native source. string->set_resource(resource->EncodeForSerialization()); SerializeObject(); // Restore the resource field. string->set_resource(resource); } } void Serializer::ObjectSerializer::SerializeExternalStringAsSequentialString() { // Instead of serializing this as an external string, we serialize // an imaginary sequential string with the same content. ReadOnlyRoots roots(serializer_->isolate()); DCHECK(object_->IsExternalString()); DCHECK(object_->map() != roots.native_source_string_map()); ExternalString string = ExternalString::cast(object_); int length = string->length(); Map map; int content_size; int allocation_size; const byte* resource; // Find the map and size for the imaginary sequential string. bool internalized = object_->IsInternalizedString(); if (object_->IsExternalOneByteString()) { map = internalized ? roots.one_byte_internalized_string_map() : roots.one_byte_string_map(); allocation_size = SeqOneByteString::SizeFor(length); content_size = length * kCharSize; resource = reinterpret_cast<const byte*>( ExternalOneByteString::cast(string)->resource()->data()); } else { map = internalized ? roots.internalized_string_map() : roots.string_map(); allocation_size = SeqTwoByteString::SizeFor(length); content_size = length * kShortSize; resource = reinterpret_cast<const byte*>( ExternalTwoByteString::cast(string)->resource()->data()); } AllocationSpace space = (allocation_size > kMaxRegularHeapObjectSize) ? LO_SPACE : OLD_SPACE; SerializePrologue(space, allocation_size, map); // Output the rest of the imaginary string. int bytes_to_output = allocation_size - HeapObject::kHeaderSize; DCHECK(IsAligned(bytes_to_output, kTaggedSize)); // Output raw data header. Do not bother with common raw length cases here. sink_->Put(kVariableRawData, "RawDataForString"); sink_->PutInt(bytes_to_output, "length"); // Serialize string header (except for map). uint8_t* string_start = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(string->address()); for (int i = HeapObject::kHeaderSize; i < SeqString::kHeaderSize; i++) { sink_->PutSection(string_start[i], "StringHeader"); } // Serialize string content. sink_->PutRaw(resource, content_size, "StringContent"); // Since the allocation size is rounded up to object alignment, there // maybe left-over bytes that need to be padded. int padding_size = allocation_size - SeqString::kHeaderSize - content_size; DCHECK(0 <= padding_size && padding_size < kObjectAlignment); for (int i = 0; i < padding_size; i++) sink_->PutSection(0, "StringPadding"); } // Clear and later restore the next link in the weak cell or allocation site. // TODO(all): replace this with proper iteration of weak slots in serializer. class UnlinkWeakNextScope { public: explicit UnlinkWeakNextScope(Heap* heap, HeapObject object) { if (object->IsAllocationSite() && AllocationSite::cast(object)->HasWeakNext()) { object_ = object; next_ = AllocationSite::cast(object)->weak_next(); AllocationSite::cast(object)->set_weak_next( ReadOnlyRoots(heap).undefined_value()); } } ~UnlinkWeakNextScope() { if (!object_.is_null()) { AllocationSite::cast(object_)->set_weak_next(next_, UPDATE_WEAK_WRITE_BARRIER); } } private: HeapObject object_; Object next_; DISALLOW_HEAP_ALLOCATION(no_gc_) }; void Serializer::ObjectSerializer::Serialize() { if (FLAG_trace_serializer) { PrintF(" Encoding heap object: "); object_->ShortPrint(); PrintF("\n"); } if (object_->IsExternalString()) { SerializeExternalString(); return; } else if (!serializer_->isolate()->heap()->InReadOnlySpace(object_)) { // Only clear padding for strings outside RO_SPACE. RO_SPACE should have // been cleared elsewhere. if (object_->IsSeqOneByteString()) { // Clear padding bytes at the end. Done here to avoid having to do this // at allocation sites in generated code. SeqOneByteString::cast(object_)->clear_padding(); } else if (object_->IsSeqTwoByteString()) { SeqTwoByteString::cast(object_)->clear_padding(); } } if (object_->IsJSTypedArray()) { SerializeJSTypedArray(); return; } if (object_->IsJSArrayBuffer()) { SerializeJSArrayBuffer(); return; } // We don't expect fillers. DCHECK(!object_->IsFiller()); if (object_->IsScript()) { // Clear cached line ends. Object undefined = ReadOnlyRoots(serializer_->isolate()).undefined_value(); Script::cast(object_)->set_line_ends(undefined); } SerializeObject(); } void Serializer::ObjectSerializer::SerializeObject() { int size = object_->Size(); Map map = object_->map(); AllocationSpace space = MemoryChunk::FromHeapObject(object_)->owner()->identity(); // Young generation large objects are tenured. if (space == NEW_LO_SPACE) { space = LO_SPACE; } SerializePrologue(space, size, map); // Serialize the rest of the object. CHECK_EQ(0, bytes_processed_so_far_); bytes_processed_so_far_ = kTaggedSize; RecursionScope recursion(serializer_); // Objects that are immediately post processed during deserialization // cannot be deferred, since post processing requires the object content. if ((recursion.ExceedsMaximum() && CanBeDeferred(object_)) || serializer_->MustBeDeferred(object_)) { serializer_->QueueDeferredObject(object_); sink_->Put(kDeferred, "Deferring object content"); return; } SerializeContent(map, size); } void Serializer::ObjectSerializer::SerializeDeferred() { if (FLAG_trace_serializer) { PrintF(" Encoding deferred heap object: "); object_->ShortPrint(); PrintF("\n"); } int size = object_->Size(); Map map = object_->map(); SerializerReference back_reference = serializer_->reference_map()->LookupReference( reinterpret_cast<void*>(object_.ptr())); DCHECK(back_reference.is_back_reference()); // Serialize the rest of the object. CHECK_EQ(0, bytes_processed_so_far_); bytes_processed_so_far_ = kTaggedSize; serializer_->PutAlignmentPrefix(object_); sink_->Put(kNewObject + back_reference.space(), "deferred object"); serializer_->PutBackReference(object_, back_reference); sink_->PutInt(size >> kTaggedSizeLog2, "deferred object size"); SerializeContent(map, size); } void Serializer::ObjectSerializer::SerializeContent(Map map, int size) { UnlinkWeakNextScope unlink_weak_next(serializer_->isolate()->heap(), object_); if (object_->IsCode()) { // For code objects, output raw bytes first. OutputCode(size); // Then iterate references via reloc info. object_->IterateBody(map, size, this); } else { // For other objects, iterate references first. object_->IterateBody(map, size, this); // Then output data payload, if any. OutputRawData(object_->address() + size); } } void Serializer::ObjectSerializer::VisitPointers(HeapObject host, ObjectSlot start, ObjectSlot end) { VisitPointers(host, MaybeObjectSlot(start), MaybeObjectSlot(end)); } void Serializer::ObjectSerializer::VisitPointers(HeapObject host, MaybeObjectSlot start, MaybeObjectSlot end) { MaybeObjectSlot current = start; while (current < end) { while (current < end && (*current)->IsSmi()) { ++current; } if (current < end) { OutputRawData(current.address()); } // TODO(ishell): Revisit this change once we stick to 32-bit compressed // tagged values. while (current < end && (*current)->IsCleared()) { sink_->Put(kClearedWeakReference, "ClearedWeakReference"); bytes_processed_so_far_ += kTaggedSize; ++current; } HeapObject current_contents; HeapObjectReferenceType reference_type; while (current < end && (*current)->GetHeapObject(¤t_contents, &reference_type)) { RootIndex root_index; // Compute repeat count and write repeat prefix if applicable. // Repeats are not subject to the write barrier so we can only use // immortal immovable root members. They are never in new space. MaybeObjectSlot repeat_end = current + 1; if (repeat_end < end && serializer_->root_index_map()->Lookup(current_contents, &root_index) && RootsTable::IsImmortalImmovable(root_index) && *current == *repeat_end) { DCHECK_EQ(reference_type, HeapObjectReferenceType::STRONG); DCHECK(!Heap::InYoungGeneration(current_contents)); while (repeat_end < end && *repeat_end == *current) { repeat_end++; } int repeat_count = static_cast<int>(repeat_end - current); current = repeat_end; bytes_processed_so_far_ += repeat_count * kTaggedSize; serializer_->PutRepeat(repeat_count); } else { bytes_processed_so_far_ += kTaggedSize; ++current; } // Now write the object itself. if (reference_type == HeapObjectReferenceType::WEAK) { sink_->Put(kWeakPrefix, "WeakReference"); } serializer_->SerializeObject(current_contents); } } } void Serializer::ObjectSerializer::VisitEmbeddedPointer(Code host, RelocInfo* rinfo) { Object object = rinfo->target_object(); serializer_->SerializeObject(HeapObject::cast(object)); bytes_processed_so_far_ += rinfo->target_address_size(); } void Serializer::ObjectSerializer::VisitExternalReference(Foreign host, Address* p) { Address target = *p; auto encoded_reference = serializer_->EncodeExternalReference(target); if (encoded_reference.is_from_api()) { sink_->Put(kApiReference, "ApiRef"); } else { sink_->Put(kExternalReference, "ExternalRef"); } sink_->PutInt(encoded_reference.index(), "reference index"); bytes_processed_so_far_ += kSystemPointerSize; } void Serializer::ObjectSerializer::VisitExternalReference(Code host, RelocInfo* rinfo) { Address target = rinfo->target_external_reference(); auto encoded_reference = serializer_->EncodeExternalReference(target); if (encoded_reference.is_from_api()) { DCHECK(!rinfo->IsCodedSpecially()); sink_->Put(kApiReference, "ApiRef"); } else { sink_->Put(kExternalReference, "ExternalRef"); } DCHECK_NE(target, kNullAddress); // Code does not reference null. sink_->PutInt(encoded_reference.index(), "reference index"); bytes_processed_so_far_ += rinfo->target_address_size(); } void Serializer::ObjectSerializer::VisitInternalReference(Code host, RelocInfo* rinfo) { Address entry = Code::cast(object_)->entry(); DCHECK_GE(rinfo->target_internal_reference(), entry); uintptr_t target_offset = rinfo->target_internal_reference() - entry; DCHECK_LE(target_offset, Code::cast(object_)->raw_instruction_size()); sink_->Put(kInternalReference, "InternalRef"); sink_->PutInt(target_offset, "internal ref value"); } void Serializer::ObjectSerializer::VisitRuntimeEntry(Code host, RelocInfo* rinfo) { // We no longer serialize code that contains runtime entries. UNREACHABLE(); } void Serializer::ObjectSerializer::VisitOffHeapTarget(Code host, RelocInfo* rinfo) { DCHECK(FLAG_embedded_builtins); STATIC_ASSERT(EmbeddedData::kTableSize == Builtins::builtin_count); Address addr = rinfo->target_off_heap_target(); CHECK_NE(kNullAddress, addr); Code target = InstructionStream::TryLookupCode(serializer_->isolate(), addr); CHECK(Builtins::IsIsolateIndependentBuiltin(target)); sink_->Put(kOffHeapTarget, "OffHeapTarget"); sink_->PutInt(target->builtin_index(), "builtin index"); bytes_processed_so_far_ += rinfo->target_address_size(); } void Serializer::ObjectSerializer::VisitCodeTarget(Code host, RelocInfo* rinfo) { #ifdef V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM DCHECK(!RelocInfo::IsRelativeCodeTarget(rinfo->rmode())); #endif Code object = Code::GetCodeFromTargetAddress(rinfo->target_address()); serializer_->SerializeObject(object); bytes_processed_so_far_ += rinfo->target_address_size(); } namespace { // Similar to OutputRawData, but substitutes the given field with the given // value instead of reading it from the object. void OutputRawWithCustomField(SnapshotByteSink* sink, Address object_start, int written_so_far, int bytes_to_write, int field_offset, int field_size, const byte* field_value) { int offset = field_offset - written_so_far; if (0 <= offset && offset < bytes_to_write) { DCHECK_GE(bytes_to_write, offset + field_size); sink->PutRaw(reinterpret_cast<byte*>(object_start + written_so_far), offset, "Bytes"); sink->PutRaw(field_value, field_size, "Bytes"); written_so_far += offset + field_size; bytes_to_write -= offset + field_size; sink->PutRaw(reinterpret_cast<byte*>(object_start + written_so_far), bytes_to_write, "Bytes"); } else { sink->PutRaw(reinterpret_cast<byte*>(object_start + written_so_far), bytes_to_write, "Bytes"); } } } // anonymous namespace void Serializer::ObjectSerializer::OutputRawData(Address up_to) { Address object_start = object_->address(); int base = bytes_processed_so_far_; int up_to_offset = static_cast<int>(up_to - object_start); int to_skip = up_to_offset - bytes_processed_so_far_; int bytes_to_output = to_skip; bytes_processed_so_far_ += to_skip; DCHECK_GE(to_skip, 0); if (bytes_to_output != 0) { DCHECK(to_skip == bytes_to_output); if (IsAligned(bytes_to_output, kObjectAlignment) && bytes_to_output <= kNumberOfFixedRawData * kTaggedSize) { int size_in_words = bytes_to_output >> kTaggedSizeLog2; sink_->PutSection(kFixedRawDataStart + size_in_words, "FixedRawData"); } else { sink_->Put(kVariableRawData, "VariableRawData"); sink_->PutInt(bytes_to_output, "length"); } #ifdef MEMORY_SANITIZER // Check that we do not serialize uninitialized memory. __msan_check_mem_is_initialized( reinterpret_cast<void*>(object_start + base), bytes_to_output); #endif // MEMORY_SANITIZER if (object_->IsBytecodeArray()) { // The bytecode age field can be changed by GC concurrently. byte field_value = BytecodeArray::kNoAgeBytecodeAge; OutputRawWithCustomField(sink_, object_start, base, bytes_to_output, BytecodeArray::kBytecodeAgeOffset, sizeof(field_value), &field_value); } else if (object_->IsDescriptorArray()) { // The number of marked descriptors field can be changed by GC // concurrently. byte field_value[2]; field_value[0] = 0; field_value[1] = 0; OutputRawWithCustomField( sink_, object_start, base, bytes_to_output, DescriptorArray::kRawNumberOfMarkedDescriptorsOffset, sizeof(field_value), field_value); } else { sink_->PutRaw(reinterpret_cast<byte*>(object_start + base), bytes_to_output, "Bytes"); } } } void Serializer::ObjectSerializer::OutputCode(int size) { DCHECK_EQ(kTaggedSize, bytes_processed_so_far_); Code on_heap_code = Code::cast(object_); // To make snapshots reproducible, we make a copy of the code object // and wipe all pointers in the copy, which we then serialize. Code off_heap_code = serializer_->CopyCode(on_heap_code); int mode_mask = RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET) | RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::EMBEDDED_OBJECT) | RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::EXTERNAL_REFERENCE) | RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::INTERNAL_REFERENCE) | RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::INTERNAL_REFERENCE_ENCODED) | RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::OFF_HEAP_TARGET) | RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::RUNTIME_ENTRY); // With enabled pointer compression normal accessors no longer work for // off-heap objects, so we have to get the relocation info data via the // on-heap code object. ByteArray relocation_info = on_heap_code->unchecked_relocation_info(); for (RelocIterator it(off_heap_code, relocation_info, mode_mask); !it.done(); it.next()) { RelocInfo* rinfo = it.rinfo(); rinfo->WipeOut(); } // We need to wipe out the header fields *after* wiping out the // relocations, because some of these fields are needed for the latter. off_heap_code->WipeOutHeader(); Address start = off_heap_code->address() + Code::kDataStart; int bytes_to_output = size - Code::kDataStart; DCHECK(IsAligned(bytes_to_output, kTaggedSize)); sink_->Put(kVariableRawCode, "VariableRawCode"); sink_->PutInt(bytes_to_output, "length"); #ifdef MEMORY_SANITIZER // Check that we do not serialize uninitialized memory. __msan_check_mem_is_initialized(reinterpret_cast<void*>(start), bytes_to_output); #endif // MEMORY_SANITIZER sink_->PutRaw(reinterpret_cast<byte*>(start), bytes_to_output, "Code"); } } // namespace internal } // namespace v8