Commit fe02d5e2 authored by's avatar

Add EmitNamedStore and CallStoreIC(name, is_contextual) to x64 platform.

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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 6612b98d
......@@ -5006,16 +5006,150 @@ void CodeGenerator::EmitSlotAssignment(Assignment* node) {
void CodeGenerator::EmitNamedPropertyAssignment(Assignment* node) {
#ifdef DEBUG
int original_height = frame()->height();
Comment cmnt(masm(), "[ Named Property Assignment");
Variable* var = node->target()->AsVariableProxy()->AsVariable();
Property* prop = node->target()->AsProperty();
ASSERT(var == NULL || (prop == NULL && var->is_global()));
// Initialize name and evaluate the receiver sub-expression if necessary. If
// the receiver is trivial it is not placed on the stack at this point, but
// loaded whenever actually needed.
Handle<String> name;
bool is_trivial_receiver = false;
if (var != NULL) {
name = var->name();
} else {
Literal* lit = prop->key()->AsLiteral();
name = Handle<String>::cast(lit->handle());
// Do not materialize the receiver on the frame if it is trivial.
is_trivial_receiver = prop->obj()->IsTrivial();
if (!is_trivial_receiver) Load(prop->obj());
// Change to slow case in the beginning of an initialization block to
// avoid the quadratic behavior of repeatedly adding fast properties.
if (node->starts_initialization_block()) {
// Initialization block consists of assignments of the form expr.x = ..., so
// this will never be an assignment to a variable, so there must be a
// receiver object.
if (is_trivial_receiver) {
} else {
Result ignored = frame()->CallRuntime(Runtime::kToSlowProperties, 1);
// Change to fast case at the end of an initialization block. To prepare for
// that add an extra copy of the receiver to the frame, so that it can be
// converted back to fast case after the assignment.
if (node->ends_initialization_block() && !is_trivial_receiver) {
// Stack layout:
// [tos] : receiver (only materialized if non-trivial)
// [tos+1] : receiver if at the end of an initialization block
// Evaluate the right-hand side.
if (node->is_compound()) {
// For a compound assignment the right-hand side is a binary operation
// between the current property value and the actual right-hand side.
if (is_trivial_receiver) {
} else if (var != NULL) {
// The LoadIC stub expects the object in rax.
// Freeing rax causes the code generator to load the global into it.
} else {
Result value = EmitNamedLoad(name, var != NULL);
bool overwrite_value =
(node->value()->AsBinaryOperation() != NULL &&
// Construct the implicit binary operation.
BinaryOperation expr(node, node->binary_op(), node->target(),
overwrite_value ? OVERWRITE_RIGHT : NO_OVERWRITE);
} else {
// For non-compound assignment just load the right-hand side.
// Stack layout:
// [tos] : value
// [tos+1] : receiver (only materialized if non-trivial)
// [tos+2] : receiver if at the end of an initialization block
// Perform the assignment. It is safe to ignore constants here.
ASSERT(var == NULL || var->mode() != Variable::CONST);
ASSERT_NE(Token::INIT_CONST, node->op());
if (is_trivial_receiver) {
Result value = frame()->Pop();
bool is_contextual = (var != NULL);
Result answer = EmitNamedStore(name, is_contextual);
// Stack layout:
// [tos] : result
// [tos+1] : receiver if at the end of an initialization block
if (node->ends_initialization_block()) {
// The argument to the runtime call is the receiver.
if (is_trivial_receiver) {
} else {
// A copy of the receiver is below the value of the assignment. Swap
// the receiver and the value of the assignment expression.
Result result = frame()->Pop();
Result receiver = frame()->Pop();
Result ignored = frame_->CallRuntime(Runtime::kToFastProperties, 1);
// Stack layout:
// [tos] : result
ASSERT_EQ(frame()->height(), original_height + 1);
void CodeGenerator::VisitAssignment(Assignment* node) {
#ifdef DEBUG
int original_height = frame()->height();
Variable* var = node->target()->AsVariableProxy()->AsVariable();
// Property* prop = node->target()->AsProperty();
Property* prop = node->target()->AsProperty();
if (var != NULL && !var->is_global()) {
} else if ((prop != NULL && prop->key()->IsPropertyName()) ||
(var != NULL && var->is_global())) {
// Properties whose keys are property names and global variables are
// treated as named property references. We do not need to consider
// global 'this' because it is not a valid left-hand side.
} else {
Comment cmnt(masm_, "[ Assignment");
......@@ -7847,6 +7981,22 @@ Result CodeGenerator::EmitNamedLoad(Handle<String> name, bool is_contextual) {
Result CodeGenerator::EmitNamedStore(Handle<String> name, bool is_contextual) {
#ifdef DEBUG
int expected_height = frame()->height() - (is_contextual ? 1 : 2);
Result result = frame()->CallStoreIC(name, is_contextual);
// A test rax instruction following the call signals that the inobject
// property case was inlined. Ensure that there is not a test rax
// instruction here.
__ nop();
ASSERT_EQ(expected_height, frame()->height());
return result;
Result CodeGenerator::EmitKeyedLoad() {
#ifdef DEBUG
int original_height = frame()->height();
......@@ -456,10 +456,15 @@ class CodeGenerator: public AstVisitor {
// Support for compiling assignment expressions.
void EmitSlotAssignment(Assignment* node);
void EmitNamedPropertyAssignment(Assignment* node);
// Receiver is passed on the frame and not consumed.
Result EmitNamedLoad(Handle<String> name, bool is_contextual);
// If the store is contextual, value is passed on the frame and consumed.
// Otherwise, receiver and value are passed on the frame and consumed.
Result EmitNamedStore(Handle<String> name, bool is_contextual);
// Load a property of an object, returning it in a Result.
// The object and the property name are passed on the stack, and
// not changed.
......@@ -1168,6 +1168,26 @@ Result VirtualFrame::CallCommonStoreIC(Handle<Code> ic,
Result VirtualFrame::CallStoreIC(Handle<String> name, bool is_contextual) {
// Value and (if not contextual) receiver are on top of the frame.
// The IC expects name in rcx, value in rax, and receiver in rdx.
Handle<Code> ic(Builtins::builtin(Builtins::StoreIC_Initialize));
Result value = Pop();
if (is_contextual) {
PrepareForCall(0, 0);
__ movq(rdx, Operand(rsi, Context::SlotOffset(Context::GLOBAL_INDEX)));
} else {
Result receiver = Pop();
PrepareForCall(0, 0);
MoveResultsToRegisters(&value, &receiver, rax, rdx);
__ Move(rcx, name);
return RawCallCodeObject(ic, RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET);
Result VirtualFrame::CallCallIC(RelocInfo::Mode mode,
int arg_count,
int loop_nesting) {
......@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ class VirtualFrame : public ZoneObject {
// and by the order of the three arguments on the frame.
Result CallCommonStoreIC(Handle<Code> ic,
Result* value,
Result *key,
Result* key,
Result* receiver);
// Call store IC. Name, value, and receiver are found on top
......@@ -354,6 +354,10 @@ class VirtualFrame : public ZoneObject {
return CallCommonStoreIC(ic, &value, &name, &receiver);
// Call store IC. If the load is contextual, value is found on top of the
// frame. If not, value and receiver are on the frame. Both are dropped.
Result CallStoreIC(Handle<String> name, bool is_contextual);
// Call keyed store IC. Value, key, and receiver are found on top
// of the frame. All are dropped.
Result CallKeyedStoreIC() {
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