Commit fd578116 authored by's avatar

Fix up internalized strings after deserializing user code.

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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent fb812df5
......@@ -14053,33 +14053,6 @@ int JSObject::GetEnumElementKeys(FixedArray* storage) {
// StringKey simply carries a string object as key.
class StringKey : public HashTableKey {
explicit StringKey(String* string) :
hash_(HashForObject(string)) { }
bool IsMatch(Object* string) {
// We know that all entries in a hash table had their hash keys created.
// Use that knowledge to have fast failure.
if (hash_ != HashForObject(string)) {
return false;
return string_->Equals(String::cast(string));
uint32_t Hash() { return hash_; }
uint32_t HashForObject(Object* other) { return String::cast(other)->Hash(); }
Object* AsObject(Heap* heap) { return string_; }
String* string_;
uint32_t hash_;
// StringSharedKeys are used as keys in the eval cache.
class StringSharedKey : public HashTableKey {
......@@ -9328,6 +9328,7 @@ class String: public Name {
friend class Name;
friend class StringTableInsertionKey;
static Handle<String> SlowFlatten(Handle<ConsString> cons,
PretenureFlag tenure);
......@@ -718,6 +718,7 @@ class CodeAddressMap: public CodeEventLogger {
Deserializer::Deserializer(SnapshotByteSource* source)
: isolate_(NULL),
external_reference_decoder_(NULL) {
for (int i = 0; i < LAST_SPACE + 1; i++) {
......@@ -832,6 +833,54 @@ void Deserializer::RelinkAllocationSite(AllocationSite* site) {
// Used to insert a deserialized internalized string into the string table.
class StringTableInsertionKey : public HashTableKey {
explicit StringTableInsertionKey(String* string)
: string_(string), hash_(HashForObject(string)) {
virtual bool IsMatch(Object* string) {
// We know that all entries in a hash table had their hash keys created.
// Use that knowledge to have fast failure.
if (hash_ != HashForObject(string)) return false;
// We want to compare the content of two internalized strings here.
return string_->SlowEquals(String::cast(string));
virtual uint32_t Hash() V8_OVERRIDE { return hash_; }
virtual uint32_t HashForObject(Object* key) V8_OVERRIDE {
return String::cast(key)->Hash();
MUST_USE_RESULT virtual Handle<Object> AsHandle(Isolate* isolate)
return handle(string_, isolate);
String* string_;
uint32_t hash_;
HeapObject* Deserializer::ProcessObjectFromSerializedCode(HeapObject* obj) {
if (obj->IsString()) {
String* string = String::cast(obj);
// Uninitialize hash field as the hash seed may have changed.
if (string->IsInternalizedString()) {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
HandleScope scope(isolate_);
StringTableInsertionKey key(string);
return *StringTable::LookupKey(isolate_, &key);
return obj;
// This routine writes the new object into the pointer provided and then
// returns true if the new object was in young space and false otherwise.
// The reason for this strange interface is that otherwise the object is
......@@ -843,7 +892,6 @@ void Deserializer::ReadObject(int space_number,
Address address = Allocate(space_number, size);
HeapObject* obj = HeapObject::FromAddress(address);
isolate_->heap()->OnAllocationEvent(obj, size);
*write_back = obj;
Object** current = reinterpret_cast<Object**>(address);
Object** limit = current + (size >> kPointerSizeLog2);
if (FLAG_log_snapshot_positions) {
......@@ -854,10 +902,12 @@ void Deserializer::ReadObject(int space_number,
// TODO(mvstanton): consider treating the heap()->allocation_sites_list()
// as a (weak) root. If this root is relocated correctly,
// RelinkAllocationSite() isn't necessary.
if (obj->IsAllocationSite()) {
if (obj->IsAllocationSite()) RelinkAllocationSite(AllocationSite::cast(obj));
// Fix up strings from serialized user code.
if (deserialize_code_) obj = ProcessObjectFromSerializedCode(obj);
*write_back = obj;
#ifdef DEBUG
bool is_codespace = (space_number == CODE_SPACE);
ASSERT(obj->IsCode() == is_codespace);
......@@ -921,13 +971,13 @@ void Deserializer::ReadChunk(Object** current,
emit_write_barrier = (space_number == NEW_SPACE); \
new_object = GetAddressFromEnd(data & kSpaceMask); \
} else if (where == kBuiltin) { \
ASSERT(deserialize_code_); \
int builtin_id = source_->GetInt(); \
ASSERT_LE(0, builtin_id); \
ASSERT_LT(builtin_id, Builtins::builtin_count); \
Builtins::Name name = static_cast<Builtins::Name>(builtin_id); \
new_object = isolate->builtins()->builtin(name); \
emit_write_barrier = false; \
PrintF("BUILTIN how within %d, %d\n", how, within); \
} else { \
ASSERT(where == kBackrefWithSkip); \
int skip = source_->GetInt(); \
......@@ -1859,8 +1909,6 @@ void CodeSerializer::SerializeObject(Object* o, HowToCode how_to_code,
// TODO(yangguo) wire up stubs from stub cache.
// TODO(yangguo) wire up script source.
// TODO(yangguo) wire up internalized strings
// TODO(yangguo) We cannot deal with different hash seeds yet.
......@@ -1916,6 +1964,7 @@ Object* CodeSerializer::Deserialize(Isolate* isolate, ScriptData* data) {
SerializedCodeData scd(data);
SnapshotByteSource payload(scd.Payload(), scd.PayloadLength());
Deserializer deserializer(&payload);
// TODO(yangguo) what happens if remaining new space is too small?
for (int i = NEW_SPACE; i <= PROPERTY_CELL_SPACE; i++) {
......@@ -252,6 +252,10 @@ class Deserializer: public SerializerDeserializer {
void FlushICacheForNewCodeObjects();
// Call this to indicate that the serialized data represents user code.
// There are some more wiring up required in this case.
void ExpectSerializedCode() { deserialize_code_ = true; }
virtual void VisitPointers(Object** start, Object** end);
......@@ -272,6 +276,8 @@ class Deserializer: public SerializerDeserializer {
Object** start, Object** end, int space, Address object_address);
void ReadObject(int space_number, Object** write_back);
HeapObject* ProcessObjectFromSerializedCode(HeapObject* obj);
// This routine both allocates a new object, and also keeps
// track of where objects have been allocated so that we can
// fix back references when deserializing.
......@@ -291,6 +297,7 @@ class Deserializer: public SerializerDeserializer {
// Cached current isolate.
Isolate* isolate_;
bool deserialize_code_;
SnapshotByteSource* source_;
// This is the address of the next object that will be allocated in each
......@@ -675,11 +675,10 @@ int CountBuiltins() {
TEST(SerializeToplevel) {
TEST(SerializeToplevelOnePlusOne) {
FLAG_serialize_toplevel = true;
LocalContext context;
v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate());
v8::Local<v8::Context> context = CcTest::NewContext(PRINT_EXTENSION);
v8::Context::Scope context_scope(context);
const char* source1 = "1 + 1";
const char* source2 = "1 + 2"; // Use alternate string to verify caching.
......@@ -702,21 +701,75 @@ TEST(SerializeToplevel) {
int builtins_count = CountBuiltins();
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> info =
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> copy =
Compiler::CompileScript(source2_string, Handle<String>(), 0, 0, false,
Handle<Context>(isolate->native_context()), NULL,
CHECK_NE(*orig, *info);
Handle<JSFunction> fun =
CHECK_NE(*orig, *copy);
Handle<JSFunction> copy_fun =
info, isolate->native_context());
copy, isolate->native_context());
Handle<JSObject> global(isolate->context()->global_object());
Handle<Object> result =
Execution::Call(isolate, fun, global, 0, NULL).ToHandleChecked();
CHECK_EQ(2, Handle<Smi>::cast(result)->value());
Handle<Object> copy_result =
Execution::Call(isolate, copy_fun, global, 0, NULL).ToHandleChecked();
CHECK_EQ(2, Handle<Smi>::cast(copy_result)->value());
CHECK_EQ(builtins_count, CountBuiltins());
delete cache;
TEST(SerializeToplevelInternalizedString) {
FLAG_serialize_toplevel = true;
LocalContext context;
v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate());
const char* source1 = "'string1'";
const char* source2 = "'string2'"; // Use alternate string to verify caching.
Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate();
Handle<String> source1_string = isolate->factory()
Handle<String> source2_string = isolate->factory()
Handle<JSObject> global(isolate->context()->global_object());
ScriptData* cache = NULL;
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> orig =
Compiler::CompileScript(source1_string, Handle<String>(), 0, 0, false,
Handle<Context>(isolate->native_context()), NULL,
Handle<JSFunction> orig_fun =
orig, isolate->native_context());
Handle<Object> orig_result =
Execution::Call(isolate, orig_fun, global, 0, NULL).ToHandleChecked();
int builtins_count = CountBuiltins();
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> copy =
Compiler::CompileScript(source2_string, Handle<String>(), 0, 0, false,
Handle<Context>(isolate->native_context()), NULL,
CHECK_NE(*orig, *copy);
Handle<JSFunction> copy_fun =
copy, isolate->native_context());
CHECK_NE(*orig_fun, *copy_fun);
Handle<Object> copy_result =
Execution::Call(isolate, copy_fun, global, 0, NULL).ToHandleChecked();
Handle<String> expected =
CHECK_EQ(builtins_count, CountBuiltins());
delete cache;
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