Retrieve bleeding edge push revision from trunk commit message.

This is part of moving towards an lkgr-push script and prepares the deprecation of the prepare push commit.


Review URL:

git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 1342cb8b
......@@ -104,14 +104,12 @@ class CheckLastPush(Step):
MESSAGE = "Checking last V8 push to trunk."
def RunStep(self):
log = self.Git("svn log -1 --oneline ChangeLog").strip()
match = re.match(r"^r(\d+) \| Prepare push to trunk", log)
if match:
latest = int(self["latest"])
last_push = int(
# TODO(machebach): This metric counts all revisions. It could be
last_push_hash = self.FindLastTrunkPush()
last_push = int(self.Git("svn find-rev %s" % last_push_hash).strip())
# TODO(machenbach): This metric counts all revisions. It could be
# improved by counting only the revisions on bleeding_edge.
if latest - last_push < 10:
if int(self["latest"]) - last_push < 10:
# This makes sure the script doesn't push twice in a row when the cron
# job retries several times.
self.Die("Last push too recently: %d" % last_push)
......@@ -460,6 +460,11 @@ class Step(object):
if self.Git(args) is None:
def FindLastTrunkPush(self):
push_pattern = "^Version [[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]* (based"
args = "log -1 --format=%%H --grep=\"%s\" svn/trunk" % push_pattern
return self.Git(args).strip()
class UploadStep(Step):
MESSAGE = "Upload for code review."
......@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ CONFIG = {
PUSH_MESSAGE_SUFFIX = " (based on bleeding_edge revision r%d)"
PUSH_MESSAGE_RE = re.compile(r".* \(based on bleeding_edge revision r(\d+)\)$")
class PushToTrunkOptions(CommonOptions):
......@@ -61,6 +64,7 @@ class PushToTrunkOptions(CommonOptions):
options = Options()
options.s = 0
options.l = None
options.b = None
options.f = True
options.m = False
options.c = chrome_path
......@@ -75,6 +79,7 @@ class PushToTrunkOptions(CommonOptions):
self.l = options.l
self.reviewer = options.reviewer
self.c = options.c
self.b = getattr(options, 'b', None) = getattr(options, 'a', None)
class Preparation(Step):
......@@ -100,16 +105,42 @@ class DetectLastPush(Step):
MESSAGE = "Detect commit ID of last push to trunk."
def RunStep(self):
last_push = (self._options.l or
self.Git("log -1 --format=%H ChangeLog").strip())
last_push_trunk = self._options.l or self.FindLastTrunkPush()
while True:
# Print assumed commit, circumventing git's pager.
print self.Git("log -1 %s" % last_push)
print self.Git("log -1 %s" % last_push_trunk)
if self.Confirm("Is the commit printed above the last push to trunk?"):
args = "log -1 --format=%H %s^ ChangeLog" % last_push
last_push = self.Git(args).strip()
self["last_push"] = last_push
args = ("log -1 --format=%%H %s^ --grep=\"%s\""
% (last_push_trunk, push_pattern))
last_push_trunk = self.Git(args).strip()
if self._options.b:
# Read the bleeding edge revision of the last push from a command-line
# option.
last_push_bleeding_edge = self._options.b
# Retrieve the bleeding edge revision of the last push from the text in
# the push commit message.
args = "log -1 --format=%%s %s" % last_push_trunk
last_push_trunk_title = self.Git(args).strip()
last_push_be_svn = PUSH_MESSAGE_RE.match(last_push_trunk_title).group(1)
if not last_push_be_svn:
self.Die("Could not retrieve bleeding edge revision for trunk push %s"
% last_push_trunk)
args = "svn find-rev r%s" % last_push_be_svn
last_push_bleeding_edge = self.Git(args).strip()
if not last_push_bleeding_edge:
self.Die("Could not retrieve bleeding edge git hash for trunk push %s"
% last_push_trunk)
# TODO(machenbach): last_push_trunk points to the svn revision on trunk.
# It is not used yet but we'll need it for retrieving the current version.
self["last_push_trunk"] = last_push_trunk
# TODO(machenbach): This currently points to the prepare push revision that
# will be deprecated soon. After the deprecation it will point to the last
# bleeding_edge revision that went into the last push.
self["last_push_bleeding_edge"] = last_push_bleeding_edge
class PrepareChangeLog(Step):
......@@ -144,7 +175,7 @@ class PrepareChangeLog(Step):
TextToFile(output, self.Config(CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE))
args = "log %s..HEAD --format=%%H" % self["last_push"]
args = "log %s..HEAD --format=%%H" % self["last_push_bleeding_edge"]
commits = self.Git(args).strip()
# Cache raw commit messages.
......@@ -291,10 +322,8 @@ class SquashCommits(Step):
# commit message.
args = "svn find-rev %s" % self["prepare_commit_hash"]
self["svn_revision"] = self.Git(args).strip()
text = MSub(r"^(Version \d+\.\d+\.\d+)$",
("\\1 (based on bleeding_edge revision r%s)"
% self["svn_revision"]),
suffix = PUSH_MESSAGE_SUFFIX % int(self["svn_revision"])
text = MSub(r"^(Version \d+\.\d+\.\d+)$", "\\1%s" % suffix, text)
# Remove indentation and merge paragraphs into single long lines, keeping
# empty lines between them.
......@@ -548,6 +577,11 @@ def BuildOptions():
result = optparse.OptionParser()
result.add_option("-a", "--author", dest="a",
help=("Specify the author email used for rietveld."))
result.add_option("-b", "--last-bleeding-edge", dest="b",
help=("Manually specify the git commit ID of the last "
"bleeding edge revision that was pushed to trunk. "
"This is used for the auto-generated ChangeLog "
result.add_option("-c", "--chromium", dest="c",
help=("Specify the path to your Chromium src/ "
"directory to automate the V8 roll."))
......@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ class ScriptTest(unittest.TestCase):
self._state["last_push"] = "1234"
self._state["last_push_bleeding_edge"] = "1234"
......@@ -668,9 +668,14 @@ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.""", commit)
["branch", " branch1\n* branch2\n"],
["branch", " branch1\n* branch2\n"],
["checkout -b %s svn/bleeding_edge" % TEST_CONFIG[BRANCHNAME], ""],
["log -1 --format=%H ChangeLog", "1234\n"],
["log -1 1234", "Last push ouput\n"],
["log 1234..HEAD --format=%H", "rev1\n"],
[("log -1 --format=%H --grep="
"\"^Version [[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]* (based\" "
"svn/trunk"), "hash2\n"],
["log -1 hash2", "Log message\n"],
["log -1 --format=%s hash2",
"Version 3.4.5 (based on bleeding_edge revision r1234)\n"],
["svn find-rev r1234", "hash3\n"],
["log hash3..HEAD --format=%H", "rev1\n"],
["log -1 rev1 --format=\"%s\"", "Log text 1.\n"],
["log -1 rev1 --format=\"%B\"", "Text\nLOG=YES\nBUG=v8:321\nText\n"],
["log -1 rev1 --format=\"%an\"", "\n"],
......@@ -796,7 +801,10 @@ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.""", commit)
["status -s -b -uno", "## some_branch\n"],
["svn fetch", ""],
["svn log -1 --oneline", "r100 | Text"],
["svn log -1 --oneline ChangeLog", "r65 | Prepare push to trunk..."],
[("log -1 --format=%H --grep=\""
"^Version [[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]* (based\""
" svn/trunk"), "push_hash\n"],
["svn find-rev push_hash", "65"],
auto_roll.RunAutoRoll(TEST_CONFIG, AutoRollOptions(
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