Commit f7a0ecb0 authored by jkummerow's avatar jkummerow Committed by Commit bot

[test+presubmit] Remove duplicate test status file entries

And add a presubmit check to guard against future duplicates.

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Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#32380}
parent 68cc0be2
......@@ -302,7 +302,6 @@
'array-feedback': [SKIP],
'array-literal-feedback': [SKIP],
'd8-performance-now': [SKIP],
'debug-stepout-scope-part8': [PASS, ['arch == arm ', FAIL]],
'elements-kind': [SKIP],
'elements-transition-hoisting': [SKIP],
'fast-prototype': [SKIP],
......@@ -411,11 +410,6 @@
'regress/regress-91013': [SKIP],
'regress/regress-99167': [SKIP],
# Long running tests.
'regress/regress-2185': [PASS, ['mode == debug', PASS, TIMEOUT]],
'regress/regress-2185-2': [PASS, TIMEOUT],
'whitespaces': [PASS, TIMEOUT, SLOW],
# BUG(v8:3457).
'deserialize-reference': [PASS, FAIL],
......@@ -453,6 +447,7 @@
'unicodelctest-no-optimization': [PASS, SLOW],
'unicodelctest': [PASS, SLOW],
'unicode-test': [PASS, SLOW],
'whitespaces': [PASS, TIMEOUT, SLOW],
}], # 'arch == arm64'
['arch == arm64 and mode == debug and simulator_run == True', {
......@@ -501,7 +496,7 @@
'try': [PASS, ['mode == debug', SKIP]],
'debug-scripts-request': [PASS, ['mode == debug', SKIP]],
'array-constructor': [PASS, ['mode == debug', SKIP]],
'regress/regress-1122': [PASS, ['mode == debug and arch == android_arm', SKIP]],
'regress/regress-1122': [PASS, SLOW, ['mode == debug and arch == android_arm', SKIP]],
# Flaky test that can hit compilation-time stack overflow in debug mode.
'unicode-test': [PASS, ['mode == debug', PASS, FAIL]],
......@@ -510,10 +505,6 @@
'compiler/regress-stacktrace-methods': [PASS, ['mode == release', TIMEOUT]],
'array-splice': [PASS, TIMEOUT],
# Long running test.
'string-indexof-2': [PASS, TIMEOUT],
'mirror-object': [PASS, TIMEOUT],
# Long running tests. Skipping because having them timeout takes too long on
# the buildbot.
'big-object-literal': [SKIP],
......@@ -531,17 +522,16 @@
# Currently always deopt on minus zero
'math-floor-of-div-minus-zero': [SKIP],
# Slow tests.
'regress/regress-2185-2': [PASS, SLOW],
'mirror-object': [PASS, SLOW],
'compiler/osr-with-args': [PASS, SLOW],
'array-sort': [PASS, SLOW],
'compiler/osr-with-args': [PASS, SLOW],
'mirror-object': [PASS, SLOW],
'packed-elements': [PASS, SLOW],
'regress/regress-91008': [PASS, SLOW],
'regress/regress-2185-2': [PASS, SLOW],
'regress/regress-2790': [PASS, SLOW],
'regress/regress-91008': [PASS, SLOW],
'regress/regress-json-stringify-gc': [PASS, SLOW],
'regress/regress-1122': [PASS, SLOW],
'string-indexof-2': [PASS, TIMEOUT],
}], # 'arch == arm or arch == android_arm'
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
# This times out in sloppy mode because sloppy const assignment does not throw.
'language/statements/const/syntax/const-invalid-assignment-next-expression-for': [PASS, FAIL, TIMEOUT],
'language/statements/const/syntax/const-invalid-assignment-next-expression-for': [SKIP],
'built-ins/Proxy/*': [FAIL],
......@@ -399,10 +399,8 @@
'intl402/Collator/10.1.2_a': [PASS, FAIL],
'intl402/Collator/10.2.3_b': [PASS, FAIL],
'intl402/Collator/prototype/10.3_a': [FAIL],
'intl402/Date/prototype/13.3.0_7': [FAIL],
'intl402/DateTimeFormat/12.1.1': [FAIL],
'intl402/DateTimeFormat/12.1.1_a': [FAIL],
'intl402/DateTimeFormat/12.1.1_1': [FAIL],
'intl402/DateTimeFormat/12.1.2': [PASS, FAIL],
'intl402/DateTimeFormat/': [FAIL],
'intl402/DateTimeFormat/12.2.3_b': [FAIL],
......@@ -486,7 +484,6 @@
'language/literals/regexp/S7.8.5_A1.4_T2': [SKIP],
'language/literals/regexp/S7.8.5_A2.1_T2': [SKIP],
'language/literals/regexp/S7.8.5_A2.4_T2': [SKIP],
'language/statements/const/syntax/const-invalid-assignment-next-expression-for': [SKIP],
'built-ins/Array/prototype/slice/S15.4.4.10_A3_T1': [SKIP],
'built-ins/Array/prototype/slice/S15.4.4.10_A3_T2': [SKIP],
}], # ALWAYS
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ except ImportError, e:
md5er =
import json
import optparse
import os
from os.path import abspath, join, dirname, basename, exists
......@@ -407,16 +408,60 @@ def CheckExternalReferenceRegistration(workspace):
[sys.executable, join(workspace, "tools", "")])
return code == 0
def _CheckStatusFileForDuplicateKeys(filepath):
comma_space_bracket = re.compile(", *]")
lines = []
with open(filepath) as f:
for line in f.readlines():
# Skip all-comment lines.
if line.lstrip().startswith("#"): continue
# Strip away comments at the end of the line.
comment_start = line.find("#")
if comment_start != -1:
line = line[:comment_start]
line = line.strip()
# Strip away trailing commas within the line.
line = comma_space_bracket.sub("]", line)
if len(line) > 0:
# Strip away trailing commas at line ends. Ugh.
for i in range(len(lines) - 1):
if (lines[i].endswith(",") and len(lines[i + 1]) > 0 and
lines[i + 1][0] in ("}", "]")):
lines[i] = lines[i][:-1]
contents = "\n".join(lines)
# JSON wants double-quotes.
contents = contents.replace("'", '"')
# Fill in keywords (like PASS, SKIP).
for key in statusfile.KEYWORDS:
contents = re.sub(r"\b%s\b" % key, "\"%s\"" % key, contents)
status = {"success": True}
def check_pairs(pairs):
keys = {}
for key, value in pairs:
if key in keys:
print("%s: Error: duplicate key %s" % (filepath, key))
status["success"] = False
keys[key] = True
json.loads(contents, object_pairs_hook=check_pairs)
return status["success"]
def CheckStatusFiles(workspace):
success = True
suite_paths = utils.GetSuitePaths(join(workspace, "test"))
for root in suite_paths:
suite_path = join(workspace, "test", root)
status_file_path = join(suite_path, root + ".status")
suite = testsuite.TestSuite.LoadTestSuite(suite_path)
if suite and exists(status_file_path):
if not statusfile.PresubmitCheck(status_file_path):
return False
return True
success &= statusfile.PresubmitCheck(status_file_path)
success &= _CheckStatusFileForDuplicateKeys(status_file_path)
return success
def CheckAuthorizedAuthor(input_api, output_api):
"""For non-googler/chromites committers, verify the author's email address is
......@@ -460,12 +505,12 @@ def Main():
success = True
print "Running C++ lint check..."
if not options.no_lint:
success = CppLintProcessor().Run(workspace) and success
success &= CppLintProcessor().Run(workspace)
print "Running copyright header, trailing whitespaces and " \
"two empty lines between declarations check..."
success = SourceProcessor().Run(workspace) and success
success = CheckExternalReferenceRegistration(workspace) and success
success = CheckStatusFiles(workspace) and success
success &= SourceProcessor().Run(workspace)
success &= CheckExternalReferenceRegistration(workspace)
success &= CheckStatusFiles(workspace)
if success:
return 0
......@@ -156,20 +156,25 @@ def ReadStatusFile(path, variables):
def PresubmitCheck(path):
contents = ReadContent(path)
root_prefix = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path)) + "/"
status = {"success": True}
def _assert(check, message): # Like "assert", but doesn't throw.
if not check:
print("%s: Error: %s" % (path, message))
status["success"] = False
for section in contents:
assert type(section) == list
assert len(section) == 2
_assert(type(section) == list, "Section must be a list")
_assert(len(section) == 2, "Section list must have exactly 2 entries")
section = section[1]
assert type(section) == dict
_assert(type(section) == dict,
"Second entry of section must be a dictionary")
for rule in section:
assert type(rule) == str
assert not rule.startswith(root_prefix), (
"Suite name prefix must not be used in status files")
assert not rule.endswith('.js'), (
".js extension must not be used in status files.")
return True
_assert(type(rule) == str, "Rule key must be a string")
_assert(not rule.startswith(root_prefix),
"Suite name prefix must not be used in rule keys")
_assert(not rule.endswith('.js'),
".js extension must not be used in rule keys.")
return status["success"]
except Exception as e:
print e
return False
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