Commit f71d6a19 authored by Leszek Swirski's avatar Leszek Swirski Committed by Commit Bot

[tools] Various small enhancements

 * Only pass -t to adb if running with stdout as a tty (prevents weird
   tty output processing, .e.g replacing '\n' with '\r\n')
 * Allow passing a device directory for d8 (useful for testing multiple
   builds against each other)
 * Allow specifying additional allowed paths (useful for e.g. running
   files from /tmp)

Change-Id: I90b8bba6f3c248105927c800b8b5b601692adf6c
Commit-Queue: Leszek Swirski <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarRoss McIlroy <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#47576}
parent d8f4e1e1
......@@ -9,12 +9,13 @@
# forwarding a simple TCP file server from the computer to the android device.
# Usage:
# [-v|--verbose] <build_dir> [<d8_args>...]
# <build_dir> [<d8_args>...]
# Options:
# -v|--verbose Print verbose information.
# <build_dir> The directory containing the android build of d8.
# <d8_args>... The arguments passed through to d8.
# Run --help for complete usage information.
from __future__ import print_function
......@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ import threading
import subprocess
import SocketServer # TODO(leszeks): python 3 compatibility
def CreateFileHandlerClass(root_path, verbose):
def CreateFileHandlerClass(root_dirs, verbose):
class FileHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
def handle(self):
data = self.request.recv(1024);
......@@ -37,8 +38,8 @@ def CreateFileHandlerClass(root_path, verbose):
filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
if not filename.startswith(root_path):
raise Exception("{} not in root {}".format(filename, root_path))
if not any(filename.startswith(root) for root in root_dirs):
raise Exception("{} not in roots {}".format(filename, root_dirs))
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
raise Exception("{} is not a file".format(filename))
......@@ -114,11 +115,15 @@ def AdbRunD8(adb, device_d8_dir, device_port, d8_args, verbose):
# the host os.
d8_str = "{}/d8 {}".format(device_d8_dir, d8_arg_str)
if verbose:
print("Running adb shell -t \"{}\"".format(d8_str))
if sys.stdout.isatty():
# Run adb shell with -t to have a tty if we run d8 without a script.
return[adb, "shell", "-t", d8_str])
cmd = [adb, "shell", "-t", d8_str]
cmd = [adb, "shell", d8_str]
if verbose:
print("Running {}".format(" ".join(cmd)))
def PrintUsage(file=sys.stdout):
......@@ -128,14 +133,19 @@ def PrintUsage(file=sys.stdout):
def PrintHelp(file=sys.stdout):
print("""Usage: [-v|--verbose] [--] <build_dir> [<d8_args>...] [options] [--] <build_dir> [<d8_args>...] -h|--help
-h|--help Show this help message and exit
-v|--verbose Print verbose output
<build_dir> The directory containing the android build of d8
<d8_args>... The arguments passed through to d8""", file=file)
-h|--help Show this help message and exit.
-v|--verbose Print verbose output.
--device-dir=DIR Specify which directory on the device should be used
for the d8 binary. [default: /data/local/tmp/v8]
--extra-root-dir=DIR In addition to the current directory, allow d8 to
access files inside DIR. Multiple additional roots
can be specified.
<build_dir> The directory containing the android build of d8.
<d8_args>... The arguments passed through to d8.""", file=file)
def Main():
......@@ -155,7 +165,11 @@ def Main():
# manually, rather than using something like argparse, to be able to split
# the adb-d8 options from the passthrough d8 options.
verbose = False
for arg_index,arg in enumerate(sys.argv[1:], start=1):
device_d8_dir = '/data/local/tmp/v8'
root_dirs = []
arg_index = 1
while arg_index < len(sys.argv):
arg = sys.argv[arg_index]
if not arg.startswith("-"):
elif arg == "--":
......@@ -166,22 +180,37 @@ def Main():
return 0
elif arg == "-v" or arg == "--verbose":
verbose = True
elif arg == "--device-dir":
arg_index += 1
device_d8_dir = sys.argv[arg_index]
elif arg.startswith("--device-dir="):
device_d8_dir = arg[len("--device-dir="):]
elif arg == "--extra-root-dir":
arg_index += 1
elif arg.startswith("--extra-root-dir="):
print("ERROR: Unrecognised option: {}".format(arg))
return 1
arg_index += 1
# Transfer d8 (and dependencies) to the device.
build_dir = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[arg_index])
device_d8_dir = '/data/local/tmp/v8'
TransferD8ToDevice(adb, build_dir, device_d8_dir, verbose)
# Start a file server for the files d8 might need.
script_root_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
server = SocketServer.TCPServer(
("localhost", 0), # 0 means an arbitrary unused port.
CreateFileHandlerClass(script_root_dir, verbose)
CreateFileHandlerClass(root_dirs, verbose)
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