Commit f62e8cde authored by Clemens Hammacher's avatar Clemens Hammacher Committed by Commit Bot

[wasm] Merge FallThruTo into PopControl

Since FallThruTo is often followed by PopControl, we can save a few
cache state copy operations in Liftoff by merging the two.
On epic workloads, this saves ~18% of Steal operations and ~22% of
Split operations.

Bug: v8:8423
Change-Id: I99900eaa49ae14ead6a0c08b69da2175730e077e
Reviewed-on: 's avatarStephan Herhut <>
Commit-Queue: Clemens Hammacher <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#58420}
parent 4edfaa1f
......@@ -502,38 +502,61 @@ class LiftoffCompiler {
void FallThruTo(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* c) {
if (c->end_merge.reached) {
__ MergeFullStackWith(c->label_state, *__ cache_state());
} else if (c->is_onearmed_if()) {
// Init the merge point from the else state, then merge the if state into
// that.
DCHECK_EQ(0, c->end_merge.arity);
c->label_state.InitMerge(c->else_state->state, __ num_locals(), 0,
__ MergeFullStackWith(c->label_state, *__ cache_state());
} else {
c->label_state.Split(*__ cache_state());
void PopControl(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* c) {
// A loop just falls through.
if (c->is_loop()) return;
if (c->is_onearmed_if()) {
void FinishOneArmedIf(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* c) {
if (c->end_merge.reached) {
// Generate the code to merge the else state into the end state.
// Someone already merged to the end of the if. Merge both arms into that.
if (c->reachable()) {
// Merge the if state into the end state.
__ MergeFullStackWith(c->label_state, *__ cache_state());
__ emit_jump(c->label.get());
// Merge the else state into the end state.
__ bind(c->else_state->label.get());
__ MergeFullStackWith(c->label_state, c->else_state->state);
__ cache_state()->Steal(c->label_state);
} else if (c->reachable()) {
// No merge yet at the end of the if, but we need to create a merge for
// the both arms of this if. Thus init the merge point from the else
// state, then merge the if state into that.
DCHECK_EQ(0, c->end_merge.arity);
c->label_state.InitMerge(c->else_state->state, __ num_locals(), 0,
__ MergeFullStackWith(c->label_state, *__ cache_state());
__ emit_jump(c->label.get());
// Merge the else state into the end state.
__ bind(c->else_state->label.get());
__ MergeFullStackWith(c->label_state, c->else_state->state);
__ cache_state()->Steal(c->label_state);
} else {
// There is no merge at the end of the if, so just continue with the
// else state.
// No merge needed, just continue with the else state.
__ bind(c->else_state->label.get());
__ cache_state()->Steal(c->else_state->state);
void PopControl(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* c) {
if (c->is_loop()) return; // A loop just falls through.
if (c->is_onearmed_if()) {
// Special handling for one-armed ifs.
FinishOneArmedIf(decoder, c);
} else if (c->end_merge.reached) {
// There is a merge already. Merge our state into that, then continue with
// that state.
if (c->reachable()) {
__ MergeFullStackWith(c->label_state, *__ cache_state());
__ cache_state()->Steal(c->label_state);
} else {
// No merge, just continue with our current state.
if (!c->label.get()->is_bound()) __ bind(c->label.get());
......@@ -1741,11 +1741,9 @@ class WasmFullDecoder : public WasmDecoder<validate> {
if (control_.size() > 1) {
// A loop just leaves the values on the stack.
if (!c->is_loop()) PushMergeValues(c, &c->end_merge);
} else {
if (!TypeCheckFallThru(c)) break;
if (control_.size() == 1) {
// If at the last (implicit) control, check we are at end.
if (!VALIDATE(this->pc_ + 1 == this->end_)) {
this->error(this->pc_ + 1, "trailing code after function end");
......@@ -1754,8 +1752,9 @@ class WasmFullDecoder : public WasmDecoder<validate> {
// The result of the block is the return value.
TRACE_PART("\n" TRACE_INST_FORMAT, startrel(this->pc_),
"(implicit) return");
if (!TypeCheckFallThru(c)) break;
......@@ -2242,11 +2241,16 @@ class WasmFullDecoder : public WasmDecoder<validate> {
void PopControl(Control* c) {
DCHECK_EQ(c, &control_.back());
bool reached = c->end_merge.reached || c->is_onearmed_if();
// A loop just leaves the values on the stack.
if (!c->is_loop()) PushMergeValues(c, &c->end_merge);
bool parent_reached =
c->reachable() || c->end_merge.reached || c->is_onearmed_if();
// If the parent block was reachable before, but the popped control does not
// return to here, this block becomes indirectly unreachable.
if (!control_.empty() && !reached && control_.back().reachable()) {
// return to here, this block becomes "spec only reachable".
if (!parent_reached && control_.back().reachable()) {
control_.back().reachability = kSpecOnlyReachable;
......@@ -217,12 +217,17 @@ class WasmGraphBuildingInterface {
void PopControl(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* block) {
// A loop just continues with the end environment. There is no merge.
if (block->is_loop()) return;
// Any other block falls through to the parent block.
if (block->reachable()) FallThruTo(decoder, block);
if (block->is_onearmed_if()) {
// Merge the else branch into the end merge.
MergeValuesInto(decoder, block, &block->end_merge);
if (!block->is_loop()) SetEnv(block->end_env);
// Now continue with the merged environment.
void EndControl(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* block) { ssa_env_->Kill(); }
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