Commit f5eb2cbe authored by's avatar

Remove unused runtime function.

The CompileScript runtime function is not used by any builtins any more.
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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 670a535b
......@@ -4893,26 +4893,6 @@ static Object* Runtime_ResolvePossiblyDirectEval(Arguments args) {
static Object* Runtime_CompileScript(Arguments args) {
HandleScope scope;
ASSERT(args.length() == 4);
CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED(String, source, 0);
CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED(String, script, 1);
CONVERT_CHECKED(Smi, line_attrs, args[2]);
int line = line_attrs->value();
CONVERT_CHECKED(Smi, col_attrs, args[3]);
int col = col_attrs->value();
Handle<JSFunction> boilerplate =
Compiler::Compile(source, script, line, col, NULL, NULL);
if (boilerplate.is_null()) return Failure::Exception();
Handle<JSFunction> fun =
return *fun;
static Object* Runtime_SetNewFunctionAttributes(Arguments args) {
// This utility adjusts the property attributes for newly created Function
// object ("new Function(...)") by changing the map.
......@@ -195,7 +195,6 @@ namespace v8 { namespace internal {
/* Globals */ \
F(CompileString, 2) \
F(CompileScript, 4) \
F(GlobalPrint, 1) \
/* Eval */ \
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