Commit f4dc0ee8 authored by's avatar

Revert "Reland "HashTable::Shrink() handlified and derived template parameter...

Revert "Reland "HashTable::Shrink() handlified and derived template parameter added to HashTable hierarchy.""

This reverts r20724.

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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 92d2c696
......@@ -2882,8 +2882,8 @@ DescriptorArray::WhitenessWitness::~WhitenessWitness() {
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
int HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>::ComputeCapacity(int at_least_space_for) {
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
int HashTable<Shape, Key>::ComputeCapacity(int at_least_space_for) {
const int kMinCapacity = 32;
int capacity = RoundUpToPowerOf2(at_least_space_for * 2);
if (capacity < kMinCapacity) {
......@@ -2893,17 +2893,17 @@ int HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>::ComputeCapacity(int at_least_space_for) {
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
int HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>::FindEntry(Key key) {
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
int HashTable<Shape, Key>::FindEntry(Key key) {
return FindEntry(GetIsolate(), key);
// Find entry for key otherwise return kNotFound.
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
int HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>::FindEntry(Isolate* isolate, Key key) {
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
int HashTable<Shape, Key>::FindEntry(Isolate* isolate, Key key) {
uint32_t capacity = Capacity();
uint32_t entry = FirstProbe(HashTable::Hash(key), capacity);
uint32_t entry = FirstProbe(HashTable<Shape, Key>::Hash(key), capacity);
uint32_t count = 1;
// EnsureCapacity will guarantee the hash table is never full.
while (true) {
......@@ -3028,9 +3028,8 @@ FixedTypedArray<Traits>* FixedTypedArray<Traits>::cast(Object* object) {
template <typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>*
HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>::cast(Object* obj) {
template <typename Shape, typename Key>
HashTable<Shape, Key>* HashTable<Shape, Key>::cast(Object* obj) {
return reinterpret_cast<HashTable*>(obj);
......@@ -6672,23 +6671,23 @@ bool AccessorPair::prohibits_overwriting() {
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
void Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::SetEntry(int entry,
Object* key,
Object* value) {
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
void Dictionary<Shape, Key>::SetEntry(int entry,
Object* key,
Object* value) {
SetEntry(entry, key, value, PropertyDetails(Smi::FromInt(0)));
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
void Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::SetEntry(int entry,
Object* key,
Object* value,
PropertyDetails details) {
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
void Dictionary<Shape, Key>::SetEntry(int entry,
Object* key,
Object* value,
PropertyDetails details) {
ASSERT(!key->IsName() ||
details.IsDeleted() ||
details.dictionary_index() > 0);
int index = DerivedHashTable::EntryToIndex(entry);
int index = HashTable<Shape, Key>::EntryToIndex(entry);
DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
WriteBarrierMode mode = FixedArray::GetWriteBarrierMode(no_gc);
FixedArray::set(index, key, mode);
......@@ -6774,12 +6773,6 @@ MaybeObject* ObjectHashTableShape::AsObject(Heap* heap, Object* key) {
Handle<ObjectHashTable> ObjectHashTable::Shrink(
Handle<ObjectHashTable> table, Handle<Object> key) {
return HashTable_::Shrink(table, *key);
template <int entrysize>
bool WeakHashTableShape<entrysize>::IsMatch(Object* key, Object* other) {
return key->SameValue(other);
......@@ -691,6 +691,13 @@ void JSObject::SetNormalizedProperty(Handle<JSObject> object,
// TODO(mstarzinger): Temporary wrapper until target is handlified.
Handle<NameDictionary> NameDictionaryShrink(Handle<NameDictionary> dict,
Handle<Name> name) {
CALL_HEAP_FUNCTION(dict->GetIsolate(), dict->Shrink(*name), NameDictionary);
Handle<Object> JSObject::DeleteNormalizedProperty(Handle<JSObject> object,
Handle<Name> name,
DeleteMode mode) {
......@@ -720,7 +727,7 @@ Handle<Object> JSObject::DeleteNormalizedProperty(Handle<JSObject> object,
Handle<Object> deleted(dictionary->DeleteProperty(entry, mode), isolate);
if (*deleted == isolate->heap()->true_value()) {
Handle<NameDictionary> new_properties =
NameDictionary::Shrink(dictionary, *name);
NameDictionaryShrink(dictionary, name);
return deleted;
......@@ -13164,12 +13171,12 @@ bool JSObject::ShouldConvertToFastDoubleElements(
// together, so even though this function belongs in,
// we keep it here instead to satisfy certain compilers.
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
void Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::Print(FILE* out) {
int capacity = DerivedHashTable::Capacity();
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
void Dictionary<Shape, Key>::Print(FILE* out) {
int capacity = HashTable<Shape, Key>::Capacity();
for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
Object* k = DerivedHashTable::KeyAt(i);
if (DerivedHashTable::IsKey(k)) {
Object* k = HashTable<Shape, Key>::KeyAt(i);
if (HashTable<Shape, Key>::IsKey(k)) {
PrintF(out, " ");
if (k->IsString()) {
......@@ -13185,15 +13192,15 @@ void Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::Print(FILE* out) {
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
void Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::CopyValuesTo(FixedArray* elements) {
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
void Dictionary<Shape, Key>::CopyValuesTo(FixedArray* elements) {
int pos = 0;
int capacity = DerivedHashTable::Capacity();
int capacity = HashTable<Shape, Key>::Capacity();
DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
WriteBarrierMode mode = elements->GetWriteBarrierMode(no_gc);
for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
Object* k = Dictionary::KeyAt(i);
if (Dictionary::IsKey(k)) {
Object* k = Dictionary<Shape, Key>::KeyAt(i);
if (Dictionary<Shape, Key>::IsKey(k)) {
elements->set(pos++, ValueAt(i), mode);
......@@ -13897,26 +13904,25 @@ class InternalizedStringKey : public HashTableKey {
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
void HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>::IteratePrefix(ObjectVisitor* v) {
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
void HashTable<Shape, Key>::IteratePrefix(ObjectVisitor* v) {
IteratePointers(v, 0, kElementsStartOffset);
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
void HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>::IterateElements(ObjectVisitor* v) {
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
void HashTable<Shape, Key>::IterateElements(ObjectVisitor* v) {
kHeaderSize + length() * kPointerSize);
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
MaybeObject* HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>::Allocate(
Heap* heap,
int at_least_space_for,
MinimumCapacity capacity_option,
PretenureFlag pretenure) {
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
MaybeObject* HashTable<Shape, Key>::Allocate(Heap* heap,
int at_least_space_for,
MinimumCapacity capacity_option,
PretenureFlag pretenure) {
ASSERT(!capacity_option || IsPowerOf2(at_least_space_for));
int capacity = (capacity_option == USE_CUSTOM_MINIMUM_CAPACITY)
? at_least_space_for
......@@ -13937,23 +13943,10 @@ MaybeObject* HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>::Allocate(
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
Handle<Derived> HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>::New(
Isolate* isolate,
int at_least_space_for,
MinimumCapacity capacity_option,
PretenureFlag pretenure) {
Allocate(isolate->heap(), at_least_space_for, capacity_option, pretenure),
// Find entry for key otherwise return kNotFound.
int NameDictionary::FindEntry(Name* key) {
if (!key->IsUniqueName()) {
return DerivedHashTable::FindEntry(key);
return HashTable<NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::FindEntry(key);
// Optimized for unique names. Knowledge of the key type allows:
......@@ -13990,8 +13983,8 @@ int NameDictionary::FindEntry(Name* key) {
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
void HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>::Rehash(Derived* new_table, Key key) {
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
MaybeObject* HashTable<Shape, Key>::Rehash(HashTable* new_table, Key key) {
ASSERT(NumberOfElements() < new_table->Capacity());
DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
......@@ -14010,7 +14003,7 @@ void HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>::Rehash(Derived* new_table, Key key) {
uint32_t from_index = EntryToIndex(i);
Object* k = get(from_index);
if (IsKey(k)) {
uint32_t hash = HashTable::HashForObject(key, k);
uint32_t hash = HashTable<Shape, Key>::HashForObject(key, k);
uint32_t insertion_index =
for (int j = 0; j < Shape::kEntrySize; j++) {
......@@ -14020,16 +14013,16 @@ void HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>::Rehash(Derived* new_table, Key key) {
return new_table;
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
uint32_t HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>::EntryForProbe(
Key key,
Object* k,
int probe,
uint32_t expected) {
uint32_t hash = HashTable::HashForObject(key, k);
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
uint32_t HashTable<Shape, Key>::EntryForProbe(Key key,
Object* k,
int probe,
uint32_t expected) {
uint32_t hash = HashTable<Shape, Key>::HashForObject(key, k);
uint32_t capacity = Capacity();
uint32_t entry = FirstProbe(hash, capacity);
for (int i = 1; i < probe; i++) {
......@@ -14040,10 +14033,10 @@ uint32_t HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>::EntryForProbe(
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
void HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>::Swap(uint32_t entry1,
uint32_t entry2,
WriteBarrierMode mode) {
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
void HashTable<Shape, Key>::Swap(uint32_t entry1,
uint32_t entry2,
WriteBarrierMode mode) {
int index1 = EntryToIndex(entry1);
int index2 = EntryToIndex(entry2);
Object* temp[Shape::kEntrySize];
......@@ -14059,8 +14052,8 @@ void HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>::Swap(uint32_t entry1,
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
void HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>::Rehash(Key key) {
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
void HashTable<Shape, Key>::Rehash(Key key) {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
WriteBarrierMode mode = GetWriteBarrierMode(no_gc);
uint32_t capacity = Capacity();
......@@ -14092,11 +14085,10 @@ void HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>::Rehash(Key key) {
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
MaybeObject* HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>::EnsureCapacity(
int n,
Key key,
PretenureFlag pretenure) {
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
MaybeObject* HashTable<Shape, Key>::EnsureCapacity(int n,
Key key,
PretenureFlag pretenure) {
int capacity = Capacity();
int nof = NumberOfElements() + n;
int nod = NumberOfDeletedElements();
......@@ -14120,45 +14112,44 @@ MaybeObject* HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>::EnsureCapacity(
if (!maybe_obj->ToObject(&obj)) return maybe_obj;
Rehash(Derived::cast(obj), key);
return Derived::cast(obj);
return Rehash(HashTable::cast(obj), key);
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
Handle<Derived> HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>::Shrink(Handle<Derived> table,
Key key) {
int capacity = table->Capacity();
int nof = table->NumberOfElements();
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
MaybeObject* HashTable<Shape, Key>::Shrink(Key key) {
int capacity = Capacity();
int nof = NumberOfElements();
// Shrink to fit the number of elements if only a quarter of the
// capacity is filled with elements.
if (nof > (capacity >> 2)) return table;
if (nof > (capacity >> 2)) return this;
// Allocate a new dictionary with room for at least the current
// number of elements. The allocation method will make sure that
// there is extra room in the dictionary for additions. Don't go
// lower than room for 16 elements.
int at_least_room_for = nof;
if (at_least_room_for < 16) return table;
if (at_least_room_for < 16) return this;
Isolate* isolate = table->GetIsolate();
const int kMinCapacityForPretenure = 256;
bool pretenure =
(at_least_room_for > kMinCapacityForPretenure) &&
Handle<Derived> new_table = New(
pretenure ? TENURED : NOT_TENURED);
Object* obj;
{ MaybeObject* maybe_obj =
pretenure ? TENURED : NOT_TENURED);
if (!maybe_obj->ToObject(&obj)) return maybe_obj;
table->Rehash(*new_table, key);
return new_table;
return Rehash(HashTable::cast(obj), key);
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
uint32_t HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>::FindInsertionEntry(uint32_t hash) {
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
uint32_t HashTable<Shape, Key>::FindInsertionEntry(uint32_t hash) {
uint32_t capacity = Capacity();
uint32_t entry = FirstProbe(hash, capacity);
uint32_t count = 1;
......@@ -14175,165 +14166,129 @@ uint32_t HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key>::FindInsertionEntry(uint32_t hash) {
// Force instantiation of template instances class.
// Please note this list is compiler dependent.
template class HashTable<StringTable, StringTableShape, HashTableKey*>;
template class HashTable<StringTableShape, HashTableKey*>;
template class HashTable<CompilationCacheTable,
template class HashTable<CompilationCacheShape, HashTableKey*>;
template class HashTable<MapCache, MapCacheShape, HashTableKey*>;
template class HashTable<MapCacheShape, HashTableKey*>;
template class HashTable<ObjectHashTable, ObjectHashTableShape, Object*>;
template class HashTable<ObjectHashTableShape, Object*>;
template class HashTable<WeakHashTable, WeakHashTableShape<2>, Object*>;
template class HashTable<WeakHashTableShape<2>, Object*>;
template class Dictionary<NameDictionary, NameDictionaryShape, Name*>;
template class Dictionary<NameDictionaryShape, Name*>;
template class Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionary,
template class Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>;
template class Dictionary<UnseededNumberDictionary,
template class Dictionary<UnseededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>;
template MaybeObject*
Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionary, SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
template MaybeObject* Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
Allocate(Heap* heap, int at_least_space_for, PretenureFlag pretenure);
template MaybeObject*
Dictionary<UnseededNumberDictionary, UnseededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
template MaybeObject* Dictionary<UnseededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
Allocate(Heap* heap, int at_least_space_for, PretenureFlag pretenure);
template MaybeObject* Dictionary<NameDictionary, NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::
template MaybeObject* Dictionary<NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::
Allocate(Heap* heap, int n, PretenureFlag pretenure);
template MaybeObject*
Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionary, SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
AtPut(uint32_t, Object*);
template MaybeObject* Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::AtPut(
uint32_t, Object*);
template MaybeObject*
Dictionary<UnseededNumberDictionary, UnseededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
template MaybeObject* Dictionary<UnseededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
AtPut(uint32_t, Object*);
template Object*
Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionary, SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
template Object* Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
SlowReverseLookup(Object* value);
template Object*
Dictionary<UnseededNumberDictionary, UnseededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
template Object* Dictionary<UnseededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
SlowReverseLookup(Object* value);
template Object*
Dictionary<NameDictionary, NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::SlowReverseLookup(
template Object* Dictionary<NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::SlowReverseLookup(
template void
Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionary, SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
template Object*
Dictionary<NameDictionary, NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::DeleteProperty(
template void Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::CopyKeysTo(
Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::SortMode);
template Object* Dictionary<NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::DeleteProperty(
int, JSObject::DeleteMode);
template Handle<Object>
Dictionary<NameDictionary, NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::DeleteProperty(
Handle<Dictionary<NameDictionary, NameDictionaryShape, Name*> >,
template Handle<Object> Dictionary<NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::DeleteProperty(
Handle<Dictionary<NameDictionaryShape, Name*> >,
template Object*
Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionary, SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
template Object* Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
DeleteProperty(int, JSObject::DeleteMode);
template Handle<Object>
Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionary, SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
uint32_t> >,
template Handle<NameDictionary>
HashTable<NameDictionary, NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::
Shrink(Handle<NameDictionary>, Name* n);
template Handle<SeededNumberDictionary>
HashTable<SeededNumberDictionary, SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
Shrink(Handle<SeededNumberDictionary>, uint32_t);
template void Dictionary<NameDictionary, NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::
Dictionary<NameDictionary, NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::SortMode);
Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::DeleteProperty(
Handle<Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t> >,
template MaybeObject* Dictionary<NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::Shrink(Name* n);
template MaybeObject* Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::Shrink(
template Handle<FixedArray>
Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::Shrink(
Handle<Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t> >,
template void Dictionary<NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::CopyKeysTo(
Dictionary<NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::SortMode);
template int
Dictionary<NameDictionary, NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::
Dictionary<NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::NumberOfElementsFilterAttributes(
template MaybeObject*
Dictionary<NameDictionary, NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::Add(
template MaybeObject* Dictionary<NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::Add(
Name*, Object*, PropertyDetails);
template MaybeObject*
Dictionary<NameDictionary, NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::
Dictionary<NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::GenerateNewEnumerationIndices();
template int
Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionary, SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
template MaybeObject*
Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionary, SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::Add(
template MaybeObject* Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::Add(
uint32_t, Object*, PropertyDetails);
template MaybeObject*
Dictionary<UnseededNumberDictionary, UnseededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
Add(uint32_t, Object*, PropertyDetails);
template MaybeObject* Dictionary<UnseededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::Add(
uint32_t, Object*, PropertyDetails);
template MaybeObject*
Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionary, SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
template MaybeObject* Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
EnsureCapacity(int, uint32_t);
template MaybeObject*
Dictionary<UnseededNumberDictionary, UnseededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
template MaybeObject* Dictionary<UnseededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
EnsureCapacity(int, uint32_t);
template MaybeObject*
Dictionary<NameDictionary, NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::
template MaybeObject* Dictionary<NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::
EnsureCapacity(int, Name*);
template MaybeObject*
Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionary, SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
template MaybeObject* Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
AddEntry(uint32_t, Object*, PropertyDetails, uint32_t);
template MaybeObject*
Dictionary<UnseededNumberDictionary, UnseededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
template MaybeObject* Dictionary<UnseededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
AddEntry(uint32_t, Object*, PropertyDetails, uint32_t);
template MaybeObject*
Dictionary<NameDictionary, NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::AddEntry(
template MaybeObject* Dictionary<NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::AddEntry(
Name*, Object*, PropertyDetails, uint32_t);
int Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionary, SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
int Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::NumberOfEnumElements();
int Dictionary<NameDictionary, NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::
int Dictionary<NameDictionaryShape, Name*>::NumberOfEnumElements();
int HashTable<SeededNumberDictionary, SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::
int HashTable<SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t>::FindEntry(uint32_t);
Handle<Object> JSObject::PrepareSlowElementsForSort(
......@@ -15179,14 +15134,13 @@ MaybeObject* MapCache::Put(FixedArray* array, Map* value) {
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
MaybeObject* Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::Allocate(
Heap* heap,
int at_least_space_for,
PretenureFlag pretenure) {
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
MaybeObject* Dictionary<Shape, Key>::Allocate(Heap* heap,
int at_least_space_for,
PretenureFlag pretenure) {
Object* obj;
{ MaybeObject* maybe_obj =
HashTable<Shape, Key>::Allocate(
......@@ -15194,7 +15148,7 @@ MaybeObject* Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::Allocate(
if (!maybe_obj->ToObject(&obj)) return maybe_obj;
// Initialize the next enumeration index.
Dictionary<Shape, Key>::cast(obj)->
return obj;
......@@ -15206,10 +15160,10 @@ void NameDictionary::DoGenerateNewEnumerationIndices(
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
MaybeObject* Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::GenerateNewEnumerationIndices() {
Heap* heap = Dictionary::GetHeap();
int length = DerivedHashTable::NumberOfElements();
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
MaybeObject* Dictionary<Shape, Key>::GenerateNewEnumerationIndices() {
Heap* heap = Dictionary<Shape, Key>::GetHeap();
int length = HashTable<Shape, Key>::NumberOfElements();
// Allocate and initialize iteration order array.
Object* obj;
......@@ -15228,10 +15182,10 @@ MaybeObject* Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::GenerateNewEnumerationIndices() {
FixedArray* enumeration_order = FixedArray::cast(obj);
// Fill the enumeration order array with property details.
int capacity = DerivedHashTable::Capacity();
int capacity = HashTable<Shape, Key>::Capacity();
int pos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
if (Dictionary::IsKey(Dictionary::KeyAt(i))) {
if (Dictionary<Shape, Key>::IsKey(Dictionary<Shape, Key>::KeyAt(i))) {
int index = DetailsAt(i).dictionary_index();
enumeration_order->set(pos++, Smi::FromInt(index));
......@@ -15248,10 +15202,10 @@ MaybeObject* Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::GenerateNewEnumerationIndices() {
// Update the dictionary with new indices.
capacity = DerivedHashTable::Capacity();
capacity = HashTable<Shape, Key>::Capacity();
pos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
if (Dictionary::IsKey(Dictionary::KeyAt(i))) {
if (Dictionary<Shape, Key>::IsKey(Dictionary<Shape, Key>::KeyAt(i))) {
int enum_index = Smi::cast(enumeration_order->get(pos++))->value();
PropertyDetails details = DetailsAt(i);
PropertyDetails new_details = PropertyDetails(
......@@ -15265,8 +15219,8 @@ MaybeObject* Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::GenerateNewEnumerationIndices() {
return this;
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
MaybeObject* Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::EnsureCapacity(int n, Key key) {
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
MaybeObject* Dictionary<Shape, Key>::EnsureCapacity(int n, Key key) {
// Check whether there are enough enumeration indices to add n elements.
if (Shape::kIsEnumerable &&
!PropertyDetails::IsValidIndex(NextEnumerationIndex() + n)) {
......@@ -15276,14 +15230,14 @@ MaybeObject* Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::EnsureCapacity(int n, Key key) {
if (!maybe_result->ToObject(&result)) return maybe_result;
return DerivedHashTable::EnsureCapacity(n, key);
return HashTable<Shape, Key>::EnsureCapacity(n, key);
// TODO(ishell): Temporary wrapper until handlified.
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
Handle<Object> Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::DeleteProperty(
Handle<Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key> > dictionary,
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
Handle<Object> Dictionary<Shape, Key>::DeleteProperty(
Handle<Dictionary<Shape, Key> > dictionary,
int entry,
JSObject::DeleteMode mode) {
......@@ -15292,28 +15246,44 @@ Handle<Object> Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::DeleteProperty(
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
Object* Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::DeleteProperty(
int entry,
JSReceiver::DeleteMode mode) {
Heap* heap = Dictionary::GetHeap();
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
Object* Dictionary<Shape, Key>::DeleteProperty(int entry,
JSReceiver::DeleteMode mode) {
Heap* heap = Dictionary<Shape, Key>::GetHeap();
PropertyDetails details = DetailsAt(entry);
// Ignore attributes if forcing a deletion.
if (details.IsDontDelete() && mode != JSReceiver::FORCE_DELETION) {
return heap->false_value();
SetEntry(entry, heap->the_hole_value(), heap->the_hole_value());
HashTable<Shape, Key>::ElementRemoved();
return heap->true_value();
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
MaybeObject* Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::AtPut(Key key, Object* value) {
// TODO(ishell): Temporary wrapper until handlified.
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
Handle<FixedArray> Dictionary<Shape, Key>::Shrink(
Handle<Dictionary<Shape, Key> > dictionary,
Key key) {
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
MaybeObject* Dictionary<Shape, Key>::Shrink(Key key) {
return HashTable<Shape, Key>::Shrink(key);
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
MaybeObject* Dictionary<Shape, Key>::AtPut(Key key, Object* value) {
int entry = this->FindEntry(key);
// If the entry is present set the value;
if (entry != Dictionary::kNotFound) {
if (entry != Dictionary<Shape, Key>::kNotFound) {
ValueAtPut(entry, value);
return this;
......@@ -15330,43 +15300,41 @@ MaybeObject* Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::AtPut(Key key, Object* value) {
PropertyDetails details = PropertyDetails(NONE, NORMAL, 0);
return Dictionary::cast(obj)->AddEntry(
key, value, details, Dictionary::Hash(key));
return Dictionary<Shape, Key>::cast(obj)->AddEntry(key, value, details,
Dictionary<Shape, Key>::Hash(key));
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
MaybeObject* Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::Add(
Key key,
Object* value,
PropertyDetails details) {
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
MaybeObject* Dictionary<Shape, Key>::Add(Key key,
Object* value,
PropertyDetails details) {
// Valdate key is absent.
SLOW_ASSERT((this->FindEntry(key) == Dictionary::kNotFound));
SLOW_ASSERT((this->FindEntry(key) == Dictionary<Shape, Key>::kNotFound));
// Check whether the dictionary should be extended.
Object* obj;
{ MaybeObject* maybe_obj = EnsureCapacity(1, key);
if (!maybe_obj->ToObject(&obj)) return maybe_obj;
return Dictionary::cast(obj)->AddEntry(
key, value, details, Dictionary::Hash(key));
return Dictionary<Shape, Key>::cast(obj)->AddEntry(key, value, details,
Dictionary<Shape, Key>::Hash(key));
// Add a key, value pair to the dictionary.
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
MaybeObject* Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::AddEntry(
Key key,
Object* value,
PropertyDetails details,
uint32_t hash) {
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
MaybeObject* Dictionary<Shape, Key>::AddEntry(Key key,
Object* value,
PropertyDetails details,
uint32_t hash) {
// Compute the key object.
Object* k;
{ MaybeObject* maybe_k = Shape::AsObject(this->GetHeap(), key);
if (!maybe_k->ToObject(&k)) return maybe_k;
uint32_t entry = Dictionary::FindInsertionEntry(hash);
uint32_t entry = Dictionary<Shape, Key>::FindInsertionEntry(hash);
// Insert element at empty or deleted entry
if (!details.IsDeleted() &&
details.dictionary_index() == 0 &&
......@@ -15378,9 +15346,9 @@ MaybeObject* Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::AddEntry(
SetNextEnumerationIndex(index + 1);
SetEntry(entry, k, value, details);
ASSERT((Dictionary::KeyAt(entry)->IsNumber() ||
ASSERT((Dictionary<Shape, Key>::KeyAt(entry)->IsNumber() ||
Dictionary<Shape, Key>::KeyAt(entry)->IsName()));
HashTable<Shape, Key>::ElementAdded();
return this;
......@@ -15494,14 +15462,14 @@ MaybeObject* UnseededNumberDictionary::Set(uint32_t key,
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
int Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::NumberOfElementsFilterAttributes(
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
int Dictionary<Shape, Key>::NumberOfElementsFilterAttributes(
PropertyAttributes filter) {
int capacity = DerivedHashTable::Capacity();
int capacity = HashTable<Shape, Key>::Capacity();
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
Object* k = DerivedHashTable::KeyAt(i);
if (DerivedHashTable::IsKey(k) && !FilterKey(k, filter)) {
Object* k = HashTable<Shape, Key>::KeyAt(i);
if (HashTable<Shape, Key>::IsKey(k) && !FilterKey(k, filter)) {
PropertyDetails details = DetailsAt(i);
if (details.IsDeleted()) continue;
PropertyAttributes attr = details.attributes();
......@@ -15512,31 +15480,31 @@ int Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::NumberOfElementsFilterAttributes(
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
int Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::NumberOfEnumElements() {
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
int Dictionary<Shape, Key>::NumberOfEnumElements() {
return NumberOfElementsFilterAttributes(
static_cast<PropertyAttributes>(DONT_ENUM | SYMBOLIC));
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
void Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::CopyKeysTo(
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
void Dictionary<Shape, Key>::CopyKeysTo(
FixedArray* storage,
PropertyAttributes filter,
typename Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::SortMode sort_mode) {
typename Dictionary<Shape, Key>::SortMode sort_mode) {
ASSERT(storage->length() >= NumberOfElementsFilterAttributes(filter));
int capacity = DerivedHashTable::Capacity();
int capacity = HashTable<Shape, Key>::Capacity();
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
Object* k = DerivedHashTable::KeyAt(i);
if (DerivedHashTable::IsKey(k) && !FilterKey(k, filter)) {
Object* k = HashTable<Shape, Key>::KeyAt(i);
if (HashTable<Shape, Key>::IsKey(k) && !FilterKey(k, filter)) {
PropertyDetails details = DetailsAt(i);
if (details.IsDeleted()) continue;
PropertyAttributes attr = details.attributes();
if ((attr & filter) == 0) storage->set(index++, k);
if (sort_mode == Dictionary::SORTED) {
if (sort_mode == Dictionary<Shape, Key>::SORTED) {
storage->SortPairs(storage, index);
ASSERT(storage->length() >= index);
......@@ -15578,24 +15546,24 @@ void NameDictionary::CopyEnumKeysTo(FixedArray* storage) {
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
void Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::CopyKeysTo(
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
void Dictionary<Shape, Key>::CopyKeysTo(
FixedArray* storage,
int index,
PropertyAttributes filter,
typename Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::SortMode sort_mode) {
typename Dictionary<Shape, Key>::SortMode sort_mode) {
ASSERT(storage->length() >= NumberOfElementsFilterAttributes(filter));
int capacity = DerivedHashTable::Capacity();
int capacity = HashTable<Shape, Key>::Capacity();
for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
Object* k = DerivedHashTable::KeyAt(i);
if (DerivedHashTable::IsKey(k) && !FilterKey(k, filter)) {
Object* k = HashTable<Shape, Key>::KeyAt(i);
if (HashTable<Shape, Key>::IsKey(k) && !FilterKey(k, filter)) {
PropertyDetails details = DetailsAt(i);
if (details.IsDeleted()) continue;
PropertyAttributes attr = details.attributes();
if ((attr & filter) == 0) storage->set(index++, k);
if (sort_mode == Dictionary::SORTED) {
if (sort_mode == Dictionary<Shape, Key>::SORTED) {
storage->SortPairs(storage, index);
ASSERT(storage->length() >= index);
......@@ -15603,12 +15571,12 @@ void Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::CopyKeysTo(
// Backwards lookup (slow).
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
Object* Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::SlowReverseLookup(Object* value) {
int capacity = DerivedHashTable::Capacity();
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
Object* Dictionary<Shape, Key>::SlowReverseLookup(Object* value) {
int capacity = HashTable<Shape, Key>::Capacity();
for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
Object* k = DerivedHashTable::KeyAt(i);
if (Dictionary::IsKey(k)) {
Object* k = HashTable<Shape, Key>::KeyAt(i);
if (Dictionary<Shape, Key>::IsKey(k)) {
Object* e = ValueAt(i);
if (e->IsPropertyCell()) {
e = PropertyCell::cast(e)->value();
......@@ -15616,7 +15584,7 @@ Object* Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::SlowReverseLookup(Object* value) {
if (e == value) return k;
Heap* heap = Dictionary::GetHeap();
Heap* heap = Dictionary<Shape, Key>::GetHeap();
return heap->undefined_value();
......@@ -15626,15 +15594,22 @@ Handle<ObjectHashTable> ObjectHashTable::EnsureCapacity(
int n,
Handle<Object> key,
PretenureFlag pretenure) {
Object*> > table_base = table;
Handle<HashTable<ObjectHashTableShape, Object*> > table_base = table;
table_base->EnsureCapacity(n, *key, pretenure),
Handle<ObjectHashTable> ObjectHashTable::Shrink(
Handle<ObjectHashTable> table, Handle<Object> key) {
Handle<HashTable<ObjectHashTableShape, Object*> > table_base = table;
Object* ObjectHashTable::Lookup(Object* key) {
......@@ -3656,7 +3656,7 @@ class BaseShape {
template<typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
template<typename Shape, typename Key>
class HashTable: public FixedArray {
// Wrapper methods
......@@ -3709,20 +3709,12 @@ class HashTable: public FixedArray {
// Returns a new HashTable object. Might return Failure.
// TODO(ishell): this will be eventually replaced by New().
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeObject* Allocate(
Heap* heap,
int at_least_space_for,
MinimumCapacity capacity_option = USE_DEFAULT_MINIMUM_CAPACITY,
PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
// Returns a new HashTable object.
static Handle<Derived> New(
Isolate* isolate,
int at_least_space_for,
MinimumCapacity capacity_option = USE_DEFAULT_MINIMUM_CAPACITY,
PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
// Computes the required capacity for a table holding the given
// number of elements. May be more than HashTable::kMaxCapacity.
static int ComputeCapacity(int at_least_space_for);
......@@ -3832,10 +3824,10 @@ class HashTable: public FixedArray {
void Swap(uint32_t entry1, uint32_t entry2, WriteBarrierMode mode);
// Rehashes this hash-table into the new table.
void Rehash(Derived* new_table, Key key);
MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeObject* Rehash(HashTable* new_table, Key key);
// Attempt to shrink hash table after removal of key.
static Handle<Derived> Shrink(Handle<Derived> table, Key key);
MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeObject* Shrink(Key key);
// Ensure enough space for n additional elements.
MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeObject* EnsureCapacity(
......@@ -3888,9 +3880,7 @@ class SeqOneByteString;
// No special elements in the prefix and the element size is 1
// because only the string itself (the key) needs to be stored.
class StringTable: public HashTable<StringTable,
HashTableKey*> {
class StringTable: public HashTable<StringTableShape, HashTableKey*> {
// Find string in the string table. If it is not there yet, it is
// added. The return value is the string table which might have
......@@ -3942,7 +3932,7 @@ class MapCacheShape : public BaseShape<HashTableKey*> {
// Maps keys that are a fixed array of unique names to a map.
// Used for canonicalize maps for object literals.
class MapCache: public HashTable<MapCache, MapCacheShape, HashTableKey*> {
class MapCache: public HashTable<MapCacheShape, HashTableKey*> {
// Find cached value for a name key, otherwise return null.
Object* Lookup(FixedArray* key);
......@@ -3954,36 +3944,33 @@ class MapCache: public HashTable<MapCache, MapCacheShape, HashTableKey*> {
template <typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
class Dictionary: public HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key> {
typedef HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key> DerivedHashTable;
template <typename Shape, typename Key>
class Dictionary: public HashTable<Shape, Key> {
static inline Dictionary* cast(Object* obj) {
return reinterpret_cast<Dictionary*>(obj);
static inline Dictionary<Shape, Key>* cast(Object* obj) {
return reinterpret_cast<Dictionary<Shape, Key>*>(obj);
// Returns the value at entry.
Object* ValueAt(int entry) {
return this->get(DerivedHashTable::EntryToIndex(entry) + 1);
return this->get(HashTable<Shape, Key>::EntryToIndex(entry) + 1);
// Set the value for entry.
void ValueAtPut(int entry, Object* value) {
this->set(DerivedHashTable::EntryToIndex(entry) + 1, value);
this->set(HashTable<Shape, Key>::EntryToIndex(entry) + 1, value);
// Returns the property details for the property at entry.
PropertyDetails DetailsAt(int entry) {
ASSERT(entry >= 0); // Not found is -1, which is not caught by get().
return PropertyDetails(
Smi::cast(this->get(DerivedHashTable::EntryToIndex(entry) + 2)));
Smi::cast(this->get(HashTable<Shape, Key>::EntryToIndex(entry) + 2)));
// Set the details for entry.
void DetailsAtPut(int entry, PropertyDetails value) {
this->set(DerivedHashTable::EntryToIndex(entry) + 2, value.AsSmi());
this->set(HashTable<Shape, Key>::EntryToIndex(entry) + 2, value.AsSmi());
// Sorting support
......@@ -3993,14 +3980,16 @@ class Dictionary: public HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key> {
Object* DeleteProperty(int entry, JSObject::DeleteMode mode);
// TODO(ishell): Temporary wrapper until handlified.
static Handle<Object> DeleteProperty(
Handle<Dictionary> dictionary,
Handle<Dictionary<Shape, Key> > dictionary,
int entry,
JSObject::DeleteMode mode);
// Attempt to shrink the dictionary after deletion of key.
static inline Handle<Derived> Shrink(Handle<Derived> dictionary, Key key) {
return DerivedHashTable::Shrink(dictionary, key);
MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeObject* Shrink(Key key);
// TODO(ishell): Temporary wrapper until handlified.
MUST_USE_RESULT static Handle<FixedArray> Shrink(
Handle<Dictionary<Shape, Key> > dictionary,
Key key);
// Returns the number of elements in the dictionary filtering out properties
// with the specified attributes.
......@@ -4070,7 +4059,8 @@ class Dictionary: public HashTable<Derived, Shape, Key> {
// Generate new enumeration indices to avoid enumeration index overflow.
MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeObject* GenerateNewEnumerationIndices();
static const int kMaxNumberKeyIndex = DerivedHashTable::kPrefixStartIndex;
static const int kMaxNumberKeyIndex =
HashTable<Shape, Key>::kPrefixStartIndex;
static const int kNextEnumerationIndexIndex = kMaxNumberKeyIndex + 1;
......@@ -4088,9 +4078,7 @@ class NameDictionaryShape : public BaseShape<Name*> {
class NameDictionary: public Dictionary<NameDictionary,
Name*> {
class NameDictionary: public Dictionary<NameDictionaryShape, Name*> {
static inline NameDictionary* cast(Object* obj) {
......@@ -4140,9 +4128,7 @@ class UnseededNumberDictionaryShape : public NumberDictionaryShape {
class SeededNumberDictionary
: public Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionary,
uint32_t> {
: public Dictionary<SeededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t> {
static SeededNumberDictionary* cast(Object* obj) {
......@@ -4195,9 +4181,7 @@ class SeededNumberDictionary
class UnseededNumberDictionary
: public Dictionary<UnseededNumberDictionary,
uint32_t> {
: public Dictionary<UnseededNumberDictionaryShape, uint32_t> {
static UnseededNumberDictionary* cast(Object* obj) {
......@@ -4233,10 +4217,7 @@ class ObjectHashTableShape : public BaseShape<Object*> {
// ObjectHashTable maps keys that are arbitrary objects to object values by
// using the identity hash of the key for hashing purposes.
class ObjectHashTable: public HashTable<ObjectHashTable,
Object*> {
typedef HashTable<ObjectHashTable, ObjectHashTableShape, Object*> HashTable_;
class ObjectHashTable: public HashTable<ObjectHashTableShape, Object*> {
static inline ObjectHashTable* cast(Object* obj) {
......@@ -4250,8 +4231,8 @@ class ObjectHashTable: public HashTable<ObjectHashTable,
PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
// Attempt to shrink hash table after removal of key.
static inline Handle<ObjectHashTable> Shrink(Handle<ObjectHashTable> table,
Handle<Object> key);
static Handle<ObjectHashTable> Shrink(Handle<ObjectHashTable> table,
Handle<Object> key);
// Looks up the value associated with the given key. The hole value is
// returned in case the key is not present.
......@@ -4449,9 +4430,7 @@ class WeakHashTableShape : public BaseShape<Object*> {
// WeakHashTable maps keys that are arbitrary objects to object values.
// It is used for the global weak hash table that maps objects
// embedded in optimized code to dependent code lists.
class WeakHashTable: public HashTable<WeakHashTable,
Object*> {
class WeakHashTable: public HashTable<WeakHashTableShape<2>, Object*> {
static inline WeakHashTable* cast(Object* obj) {
......@@ -8221,8 +8200,7 @@ class CompilationCacheShape : public BaseShape<HashTableKey*> {
class CompilationCacheTable: public HashTable<CompilationCacheTable,
class CompilationCacheTable: public HashTable<CompilationCacheShape,
HashTableKey*> {
// Find cached value for a string key, otherwise return null.
......@@ -8323,8 +8301,7 @@ class CodeCacheHashTableShape : public BaseShape<HashTableKey*> {
class CodeCacheHashTable: public HashTable<CodeCacheHashTable,
class CodeCacheHashTable: public HashTable<CodeCacheHashTableShape,
HashTableKey*> {
Object* Lookup(Name* name, Code::Flags flags);
......@@ -8374,9 +8351,7 @@ class PolymorphicCodeCache: public Struct {
class PolymorphicCodeCacheHashTable
: public HashTable<PolymorphicCodeCacheHashTable,
HashTableKey*> {
: public HashTable<CodeCacheHashTableShape, HashTableKey*> {
Object* Lookup(MapHandleList* maps, int code_kind);
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