ARM: Optimize TypeofIsAndBranch

Optimize register constraints and code generated for TypeofIsAndBranch Lithium


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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent e6e8acd4
......@@ -2570,7 +2570,7 @@ LInstruction* LChunkBuilder::DoTypeofIsAndBranch(HTypeofIsAndBranch* instr) {
LInstruction* goto_instr = CheckElideControlInstruction(instr);
if (goto_instr != NULL) return goto_instr;
return new(zone()) LTypeofIsAndBranch(UseTempRegister(instr->value()));
return new(zone()) LTypeofIsAndBranch(UseRegister(instr->value()));
......@@ -5557,22 +5557,21 @@ Condition LCodeGen::EmitTypeofIs(Label* true_label,
Register scratch = scratch0();
if (type_name->Equals(heap()->number_string())) {
__ JumpIfSmi(input, true_label);
__ ldr(input, FieldMemOperand(input, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ LoadRoot(ip, Heap::kHeapNumberMapRootIndex);
__ cmp(input, Operand(ip));
__ ldr(scratch, FieldMemOperand(input, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ CompareRoot(scratch, Heap::kHeapNumberMapRootIndex);
final_branch_condition = eq;
} else if (type_name->Equals(heap()->string_string())) {
__ JumpIfSmi(input, false_label);
__ CompareObjectType(input, input, scratch, FIRST_NONSTRING_TYPE);
__ CompareObjectType(input, scratch, no_reg, FIRST_NONSTRING_TYPE);
__ b(ge, false_label);
__ ldrb(ip, FieldMemOperand(input, Map::kBitFieldOffset));
__ tst(ip, Operand(1 << Map::kIsUndetectable));
__ ldrb(scratch, FieldMemOperand(scratch, Map::kBitFieldOffset));
__ tst(scratch, Operand(1 << Map::kIsUndetectable));
final_branch_condition = eq;
} else if (type_name->Equals(heap()->symbol_string())) {
__ JumpIfSmi(input, false_label);
__ CompareObjectType(input, input, scratch, SYMBOL_TYPE);
__ CompareObjectType(input, scratch, no_reg, SYMBOL_TYPE);
final_branch_condition = eq;
} else if (type_name->Equals(heap()->boolean_string())) {
......@@ -5590,33 +5589,35 @@ Condition LCodeGen::EmitTypeofIs(Label* true_label,
__ b(eq, true_label);
__ JumpIfSmi(input, false_label);
// Check for undetectable objects => true.
__ ldr(input, FieldMemOperand(input, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ ldrb(ip, FieldMemOperand(input, Map::kBitFieldOffset));
__ tst(ip, Operand(1 << Map::kIsUndetectable));
__ ldr(scratch, FieldMemOperand(input, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ ldrb(scratch, FieldMemOperand(scratch, Map::kBitFieldOffset));
__ tst(scratch, Operand(1 << Map::kIsUndetectable));
final_branch_condition = ne;
} else if (type_name->Equals(heap()->function_string())) {
Register type_reg = scratch;
__ JumpIfSmi(input, false_label);
__ CompareObjectType(input, scratch, input, JS_FUNCTION_TYPE);
__ CompareObjectType(input, scratch, type_reg, JS_FUNCTION_TYPE);
__ b(eq, true_label);
__ cmp(input, Operand(JS_FUNCTION_PROXY_TYPE));
__ cmp(type_reg, Operand(JS_FUNCTION_PROXY_TYPE));
final_branch_condition = eq;
} else if (type_name->Equals(heap()->object_string())) {
Register map = scratch;
__ JumpIfSmi(input, false_label);
if (!FLAG_harmony_typeof) {
__ CompareRoot(input, Heap::kNullValueRootIndex);
__ b(eq, true_label);
__ CompareObjectType(input, input, scratch,
__ b(lt, false_label);
__ CompareInstanceType(input, scratch, LAST_NONCALLABLE_SPEC_OBJECT_TYPE);
__ b(gt, false_label);
__ CheckObjectTypeRange(input,
// Check for undetectable objects => false.
__ ldrb(ip, FieldMemOperand(input, Map::kBitFieldOffset));
__ tst(ip, Operand(1 << Map::kIsUndetectable));
__ ldrb(scratch, FieldMemOperand(map, Map::kBitFieldOffset));
__ tst(scratch, Operand(1 << Map::kIsUndetectable));
final_branch_condition = eq;
} else {
......@@ -2022,14 +2022,36 @@ void MacroAssembler::CompareObjectType(Register object,
Register map,
Register type_reg,
InstanceType type) {
const Register temp = ? ip : type_reg;
ldr(map, FieldMemOperand(object, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
CompareInstanceType(map, temp, type);
void MacroAssembler::CheckObjectTypeRange(Register object,
Register map,
InstanceType min_type,
InstanceType max_type,
Label* false_label) {
STATIC_ASSERT(Map::kInstanceTypeOffset < 4096);
ldr(map, FieldMemOperand(object, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
CompareInstanceType(map, type_reg, type);
ldrb(ip, FieldMemOperand(map, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
sub(ip, ip, Operand(min_type));
cmp(ip, Operand(max_type - min_type));
b(hi, false_label);
void MacroAssembler::CompareInstanceType(Register map,
Register type_reg,
InstanceType type) {
// Registers map and type_reg can be ip. These two lines assert
// that ip can be used with the two instructions (the constants
// will never need ip).
STATIC_ASSERT(Map::kInstanceTypeOffset < 4096);
ldrb(type_reg, FieldMemOperand(map, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
cmp(type_reg, Operand(type));
......@@ -845,11 +845,21 @@ class MacroAssembler: public Assembler {
// are the same register). It leaves the heap object in the heap_object
// register unless the heap_object register is the same register as one of the
// other registers.
// Type_reg can be no_reg. In that case ip is used.
void CompareObjectType(Register heap_object,
Register map,
Register type_reg,
InstanceType type);
// Compare object type for heap object. Branch to false_label if type
// is lower than min_type or greater than max_type.
// Load map into the register map.
void CheckObjectTypeRange(Register heap_object,
Register map,
InstanceType min_type,
InstanceType max_type,
Label* false_label);
// Compare instance type in a map. map contains a valid map object whose
// object type should be compared with the given type. This both
// sets the flags and leaves the object type in the type_reg register.
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