Commit ef006855 authored by's avatar

Rename IsDontDelete to IsConfigurable (and invert conditions)


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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent ad3a1a99
......@@ -1364,7 +1364,7 @@ class DictionaryElementsAccessor
uint32_t number = static_cast<uint32_t>(key->Number());
if (new_length <= number && number < old_length) {
PropertyDetails details = dict->DetailsAt(i);
if (details.IsDontDelete()) new_length = number + 1;
if (!details.IsConfigurable()) new_length = number + 1;
......@@ -3584,14 +3584,14 @@ OStream& HTransitionElementsKind::PrintDataTo(OStream& os) const { // NOLINT
OStream& HLoadGlobalCell::PrintDataTo(OStream& os) const { // NOLINT
os << "[" << *cell().handle() << "]";
if (!details_.IsDontDelete()) os << " (deleteable)";
if (details_.IsConfigurable()) os << " (configurable)";
if (details_.IsReadOnly()) os << " (read-only)";
return os;
bool HLoadGlobalCell::RequiresHoleCheck() const {
if (details_.IsDontDelete() && !details_.IsReadOnly()) return false;
if (!details_.IsConfigurable()) return false;
for (HUseIterator it(uses()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
HValue* use = it.value();
if (!use->IsChange()) return true;
......@@ -3613,7 +3613,7 @@ OStream& HInnerAllocatedObject::PrintDataTo(OStream& os) const { // NOLINT
OStream& HStoreGlobalCell::PrintDataTo(OStream& os) const { // NOLINT
os << "[" << *cell().handle() << "] = " << NameOf(value());
if (!details_.IsDontDelete()) os << " (deleteable)";
if (details_.IsConfigurable()) os << " (configurable)";
if (details_.IsReadOnly()) os << " (read-only)";
return os;
......@@ -5793,9 +5793,7 @@ class HStoreGlobalCell V8_FINAL : public HUnaryOperation {
Handle<PropertyCell>, PropertyDetails);
Unique<PropertyCell> cell() const { return cell_; }
bool RequiresHoleCheck() {
return !details_.IsDontDelete() || details_.IsReadOnly();
bool RequiresHoleCheck() { return details_.IsConfigurable(); }
bool NeedsWriteBarrier() {
return StoringValueNeedsWriteBarrier(value());
......@@ -2510,7 +2510,7 @@ class HOptimizedGraphBuilder : public HGraphBuilder, public AstVisitor {
bool IsAccessor() const { return lookup_.IsPropertyCallbacks(); }
bool IsTransition() const { return lookup_.IsTransition(); }
bool IsConfigurable() const { return !lookup_.IsDontDelete(); }
bool IsConfigurable() const { return lookup_.IsConfigurable(); }
bool IsReadOnly() const { return lookup_.IsReadOnly(); }
bool IsCacheable() const { return lookup_.IsCacheable(); }
......@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ class LookupIterator V8_FINAL BASE_EMBEDDED {
return property_details_;
bool IsConfigurable() const { return !property_details().IsDontDelete(); }
bool IsConfigurable() const { return property_details().IsConfigurable(); }
bool IsReadOnly() const { return property_details().IsReadOnly(); }
Representation representation() const {
return property_details().representation();
......@@ -709,11 +709,11 @@ Handle<Object> JSObject::DeleteNormalizedProperty(Handle<JSObject> object,
// If we have a global object set the cell to the hole.
if (object->IsGlobalObject()) {
PropertyDetails details = dictionary->DetailsAt(entry);
if (details.IsDontDelete()) {
if (!details.IsConfigurable()) {
if (mode != FORCE_DELETION) return isolate->factory()->false_value();
// When forced to delete global properties, we have to make a
// map change to invalidate any ICs that think they can load
// from the DontDelete cell without checking if it contains
// from the non-configurable cell without checking if it contains
// the hole value.
Handle<Map> new_map = Map::CopyDropDescriptors(handle(object->map()));
......@@ -6008,7 +6008,7 @@ static bool UpdateGetterSetterInDictionary(
Object* result = dictionary->ValueAt(entry);
PropertyDetails details = dictionary->DetailsAt(entry);
if (details.type() == CALLBACKS && result->IsAccessorPair()) {
if (details.attributes() != attributes) {
......@@ -15121,7 +15121,7 @@ Handle<Object> Dictionary<Derived, Shape, Key>::DeleteProperty(
Factory* factory = dictionary->GetIsolate()->factory();
PropertyDetails details = dictionary->DetailsAt(entry);
// Ignore attributes if forcing a deletion.
if (details.IsDontDelete() && mode != JSReceiver::FORCE_DELETION) {
if (!details.IsConfigurable() && mode != JSReceiver::FORCE_DELETION) {
return factory->false_value();
......@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ class PropertyDetails BASE_EMBEDDED {
bool IsReadOnly() const { return (attributes() & READ_ONLY) != 0; }
bool IsDontDelete() const { return (attributes() & DONT_DELETE) != 0; }
bool IsConfigurable() const { return (attributes() & DONT_DELETE) == 0; }
bool IsDontEnum() const { return (attributes() & DONT_ENUM) != 0; }
bool IsDeleted() const { return DeletedField::decode(value_) != 0;}
......@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ class LookupResult V8_FINAL BASE_EMBEDDED {
return IsDescriptorOrDictionary() && type() == CONSTANT;
bool IsDontDelete() const { return details_.IsDontDelete(); }
bool IsConfigurable() const { return details_.IsConfigurable(); }
bool IsDontEnum() const { return details_.IsDontEnum(); }
bool IsFound() const { return lookup_type_ != NOT_FOUND; }
bool IsDescriptorOrDictionary() const {
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