Commit eecde44f authored by rossberg's avatar rossberg Committed by Commit bot

Properly thread language mode to compilation cache

Fixes the TSAN issue.

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Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#26623}
parent 1291400f
......@@ -1366,14 +1366,7 @@ bool Genesis::CompileExperimentalBuiltin(Isolate* isolate, int index) {
isolate, source_code,
// TODO(rossberg): The natives do not yet obey strong mode rules
// (for example, some macros use '==').
bool use_strong = FLAG_use_strong;
FLAG_use_strong = false;
bool result = CompileNative(isolate, name, source_code);
FLAG_use_strong = use_strong;
return result;
return CompileNative(isolate, name, source_code);
......@@ -147,7 +147,8 @@ bool CompilationCacheScript::HasOrigin(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info,
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> CompilationCacheScript::Lookup(
Handle<String> source, Handle<Object> name, int line_offset,
int column_offset, bool is_embedder_debug_script,
bool is_shared_cross_origin, Handle<Context> context) {
bool is_shared_cross_origin, Handle<Context> context,
LanguageMode language_mode) {
Object* result = NULL;
int generation;
......@@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> CompilationCacheScript::Lookup(
{ HandleScope scope(isolate());
for (generation = 0; generation < generations(); generation++) {
Handle<CompilationCacheTable> table = GetTable(generation);
Handle<Object> probe = table->Lookup(source, context);
Handle<Object> probe = table->Lookup(source, context, language_mode);
if (probe->IsSharedFunctionInfo()) {
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info =
......@@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> CompilationCacheScript::Lookup(
is_embedder_debug_script, is_shared_cross_origin));
// If the script was found in a later generation, we promote it to
// the first generation to let it survive longer in the cache.
if (generation != 0) Put(source, context, shared);
if (generation != 0) Put(source, context, language_mode, shared);
return shared;
} else {
......@@ -193,11 +194,12 @@ Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> CompilationCacheScript::Lookup(
void CompilationCacheScript::Put(Handle<String> source,
Handle<Context> context,
LanguageMode language_mode,
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info) {
HandleScope scope(isolate());
Handle<CompilationCacheTable> table = GetFirstTable();
CompilationCacheTable::Put(table, source, context, function_info));
SetFirstTable(CompilationCacheTable::Put(table, source, context,
language_mode, function_info));
......@@ -292,12 +294,13 @@ void CompilationCache::Remove(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info) {
MaybeHandle<SharedFunctionInfo> CompilationCache::LookupScript(
Handle<String> source, Handle<Object> name, int line_offset,
int column_offset, bool is_embedder_debug_script,
bool is_shared_cross_origin, Handle<Context> context) {
bool is_shared_cross_origin, Handle<Context> context,
LanguageMode language_mode) {
if (!IsEnabled()) return MaybeHandle<SharedFunctionInfo>();
return script_.Lookup(source, name, line_offset, column_offset,
is_embedder_debug_script, is_shared_cross_origin,
context, language_mode);
......@@ -329,10 +332,11 @@ MaybeHandle<FixedArray> CompilationCache::LookupRegExp(Handle<String> source,
void CompilationCache::PutScript(Handle<String> source,
Handle<Context> context,
LanguageMode language_mode,
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info) {
if (!IsEnabled()) return;
script_.Put(source, context, function_info);
script_.Put(source, context, language_mode, function_info);
......@@ -76,9 +76,11 @@ class CompilationCacheScript : public CompilationSubCache {
int line_offset, int column_offset,
bool is_embedder_debug_script,
bool is_shared_cross_origin,
Handle<Context> context);
Handle<Context> context,
LanguageMode language_mode);
void Put(Handle<String> source,
Handle<Context> context,
LanguageMode language_mode,
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info);
......@@ -148,7 +150,8 @@ class CompilationCache {
MaybeHandle<SharedFunctionInfo> LookupScript(
Handle<String> source, Handle<Object> name, int line_offset,
int column_offset, bool is_embedder_debug_script,
bool is_shared_cross_origin, Handle<Context> context);
bool is_shared_cross_origin, Handle<Context> context,
LanguageMode language_mode);
// Finds the shared function info for a source string for eval in a
// given context. Returns an empty handle if the cache doesn't
......@@ -166,6 +169,7 @@ class CompilationCache {
// info. This may overwrite an existing mapping.
void PutScript(Handle<String> source,
Handle<Context> context,
LanguageMode language_mode,
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info);
// Associate the (source, context->closure()->shared(), kind) triple
......@@ -1263,6 +1263,12 @@ Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> Compiler::CompileScript(
// TODO(rossberg): The natives do not yet obey strong mode rules
// (for example, some macros use '==').
bool use_strong = FLAG_use_strong && !isolate->bootstrapper()->IsActive();
LanguageMode language_mode =
construct_language_mode(FLAG_use_strict, use_strong);
CompilationCache* compilation_cache = isolate->compilation_cache();
// Do a lookup in the compilation cache but not for extensions.
......@@ -1271,7 +1277,8 @@ Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> Compiler::CompileScript(
if (extension == NULL) {
maybe_result = compilation_cache->LookupScript(
source, script_name, line_offset, column_offset,
is_embedder_debug_script, is_shared_cross_origin, context);
is_embedder_debug_script, is_shared_cross_origin, context,
if (maybe_result.is_null() && FLAG_serialize_toplevel &&
compile_options == ScriptCompiler::kConsumeCodeCache &&
!isolate->debug()->is_loaded()) {
......@@ -1322,14 +1329,11 @@ Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> Compiler::CompileScript(
LanguageMode language_mode =
construct_language_mode(FLAG_use_strict, FLAG_use_strong);
static_cast<LanguageMode>(info.language_mode() | language_mode));
result = CompileToplevel(&info);
if (extension == NULL && !result.is_null() && !result->dont_cache()) {
compilation_cache->PutScript(source, context, result);
compilation_cache->PutScript(source, context, language_mode, result);
if (FLAG_serialize_toplevel &&
compile_options == ScriptCompiler::kProduceCodeCache) {
HistogramTimerScope histogram_timer(
......@@ -840,10 +840,6 @@ void Shell::AddHistogramSample(void* histogram, int sample) {
void Shell::InstallUtilityScript(Isolate* isolate) {
HandleScope scope(isolate);
// TODO(rossberg): Utility scripts do not yet obey strong mode rules.
bool use_strong = i::FLAG_use_strong;
i::FLAG_use_strong = false;
// If we use the utility context, we have to set the security tokens so that
// utility, evaluation and debug context can all access each other.
v8::Local<v8::Context> utility_context =
......@@ -893,8 +889,6 @@ void Shell::InstallUtilityScript(Isolate* isolate) {
// Start the in-process debugger if requested.
if (i::FLAG_debugger) v8::Debug::SetDebugEventListener(HandleDebugEvent);
i::FLAG_use_strong = use_strong;
#endif // !V8_SHARED
......@@ -15354,11 +15354,11 @@ Handle<String> StringTable::LookupKey(Isolate* isolate, HashTableKey* key) {
Handle<Object> CompilationCacheTable::Lookup(Handle<String> src,
Handle<Context> context) {
Handle<Context> context,
LanguageMode language_mode) {
Isolate* isolate = GetIsolate();
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared(context->closure()->shared());
LanguageMode mode = construct_language_mode(FLAG_use_strict, FLAG_use_strong);
StringSharedKey key(src, shared, mode, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
StringSharedKey key(src, shared, language_mode, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
int entry = FindEntry(&key);
if (entry == kNotFound) return isolate->factory()->undefined_value();
int index = EntryToIndex(entry);
......@@ -15395,11 +15395,10 @@ Handle<Object> CompilationCacheTable::LookupRegExp(Handle<String> src,
Handle<CompilationCacheTable> CompilationCacheTable::Put(
Handle<CompilationCacheTable> cache, Handle<String> src,
Handle<Context> context, Handle<Object> value) {
Handle<Context> context, LanguageMode language_mode, Handle<Object> value) {
Isolate* isolate = cache->GetIsolate();
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared(context->closure()->shared());
LanguageMode mode = construct_language_mode(FLAG_use_strict, FLAG_use_strong);
StringSharedKey key(src, shared, mode, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
StringSharedKey key(src, shared, language_mode, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
Handle<Object> k = key.AsHandle(isolate);
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation_scope;
......@@ -8077,14 +8077,16 @@ class CompilationCacheTable: public HashTable<CompilationCacheTable,
HashTableKey*> {
// Find cached value for a string key, otherwise return null.
Handle<Object> Lookup(Handle<String> src, Handle<Context> context);
Handle<Object> LookupEval(Handle<String> src,
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared,
LanguageMode language_mode, int scope_position);
Handle<Object> Lookup(
Handle<String> src, Handle<Context> context, LanguageMode language_mode);
Handle<Object> LookupEval(
Handle<String> src, Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared,
LanguageMode language_mode, int scope_position);
Handle<Object> LookupRegExp(Handle<String> source, JSRegExp::Flags flags);
static Handle<CompilationCacheTable> Put(
Handle<CompilationCacheTable> cache, Handle<String> src,
Handle<Context> context, Handle<Object> value);
Handle<Context> context, LanguageMode language_mode,
Handle<Object> value);
static Handle<CompilationCacheTable> PutEval(
Handle<CompilationCacheTable> cache, Handle<String> src,
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> context, Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> value,
......@@ -1387,6 +1387,8 @@ TEST(CompilationCacheCachingBehavior) {
Factory* factory = isolate->factory();
Heap* heap = isolate->heap();
CompilationCache* compilation_cache = isolate->compilation_cache();
LanguageMode language_mode =
construct_language_mode(FLAG_use_strict, FLAG_use_strong);
v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate());
const char* raw_source =
......@@ -1407,7 +1409,8 @@ TEST(CompilationCacheCachingBehavior) {
// On first compilation, only a hash is inserted in the code cache. We can't
// find that value.
MaybeHandle<SharedFunctionInfo> info = compilation_cache->LookupScript(
source, Handle<Object>(), 0, 0, false, true, native_context);
source, Handle<Object>(), 0, 0, false, true, native_context,
......@@ -1418,7 +1421,7 @@ TEST(CompilationCacheCachingBehavior) {
// On second compilation, the hash is replaced by a real cache entry mapping
// the source to the shared function info containing the code.
info = compilation_cache->LookupScript(source, Handle<Object>(), 0, 0, false,
true, native_context);
true, native_context, language_mode);
......@@ -1426,7 +1429,7 @@ TEST(CompilationCacheCachingBehavior) {
// On second compilation, the hash is replaced by a real cache entry mapping
// the source to the shared function info containing the code.
info = compilation_cache->LookupScript(source, Handle<Object>(), 0, 0, false,
true, native_context);
true, native_context, language_mode);
while (!info.ToHandleChecked()->code()->IsOld()) {
......@@ -1436,7 +1439,7 @@ TEST(CompilationCacheCachingBehavior) {
// Ensure code aging cleared the entry from the cache.
info = compilation_cache->LookupScript(source, Handle<Object>(), 0, 0, false,
true, native_context);
true, native_context, language_mode);
......@@ -1447,7 +1450,7 @@ TEST(CompilationCacheCachingBehavior) {
// On first compilation, only a hash is inserted in the code cache. We can't
// find that value.
info = compilation_cache->LookupScript(source, Handle<Object>(), 0, 0, false,
true, native_context);
true, native_context, language_mode);
for (int i = 0; i < CompilationCacheTable::kHashGenerations; i++) {
......@@ -1462,7 +1465,7 @@ TEST(CompilationCacheCachingBehavior) {
// If we aged the cache before caching the script, ensure that we didn't cache
// on next compilation.
info = compilation_cache->LookupScript(source, Handle<Object>(), 0, 0, false,
true, native_context);
true, native_context, language_mode);
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