Commit ed157248 authored by Leszek Swirski's avatar Leszek Swirski Committed by Commit Bot

[parser] Don't create proxies for vars without initialisers

Vars without initialisers don't need to allocate a VariableProxy, as the
proxy expression is not really needed for anything. So, we can special
case declaration parsing to look ahead for a '=' (plus a few other
cases), and skip the variable proxy allocation if it isn't there.

As a side-effect, variables that are only declared but never used are
no longer marked is_used, and thus not allocated. This saves on
generating dead code.

Change-Id: Ie4f04c6b5c1138df4c2e17acf1f0150459b3b571
Commit-Queue: Leszek Swirski <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarToon Verwaest <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarRoss McIlroy <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#59129}
parent c484b014
......@@ -3165,6 +3165,8 @@ class AstNodeFactory final {
Expression* value,
int pos) {
if (op != Token::INIT && target->IsVariableProxy()) {
......@@ -49,14 +49,27 @@ class ExpressionScope {
VariableProxy* result = parser_->NewRawVariable(name, pos);
if (CanBeExpression()) {
} else if (type_ == kParameterDeclaration) {
} else {
return AsVariableDeclarationParsingScope()->Declare(result);
Variable* var = Declare(name, pos);
if (IsVarDeclaration() && !parser()->scope()->is_declaration_scope()) {
// Make sure we'll properly resolve the variable since we might be in a
// with or catch scope. In those cases the proxy isn't guaranteed to
// refer to the declared variable, so consider it unresolved.
} else if (var) {
return result;
Variable* Declare(const AstRawString* name, int pos = kNoSourcePosition) {
if (type_ == kParameterDeclaration) {
return AsParameterDeclarationParsingScope()->Declare(name, pos);
return AsVariableDeclarationParsingScope()->Declare(name, pos);
void MarkIdentifierAsAssigned() {
if (!CanBeExpression()) return;
......@@ -214,6 +227,7 @@ class ExpressionScope {
bool IsAsyncArrowHeadParsingScope() const {
return type_ == kMaybeAsyncArrowParameterDeclaration;
bool IsVarDeclaration() const { return type_ == kVarDeclaration; }
friend class AccumulationScope<Types>;
......@@ -272,21 +286,22 @@ class VariableDeclarationParsingScope : public ExpressionScope<Types> {
names_(names) {}
VariableProxy* Declare(VariableProxy* proxy) {
Variable* Declare(const AstRawString* name, int pos) {
VariableKind kind = NORMAL_VARIABLE;
bool was_added;
proxy, kind, mode_, Variable::DefaultInitializationFlag(mode_),
this->parser()->scope(), &was_added, proxy->position());
Variable* var = this->parser()->DeclareVariable(
name, kind, mode_, Variable::DefaultInitializationFlag(mode_),
this->parser()->scope(), &was_added, pos);
if (was_added &&
this->parser()->scope()->num_var() > kMaxNumFunctionLocals) {
if (names_) names_->Add(proxy->raw_name(), this->parser()->zone());
if (names_) names_->Add(name, this->parser()->zone());
if (this->IsLexicalDeclaration()) {
if (this->parser()->IsLet(proxy->raw_name())) {
if (this->parser()->IsLet(name)) {
Scanner::Location(pos, pos + name->length()),
} else {
if (this->parser()->loop_nesting_depth() > 0) {
......@@ -307,18 +322,12 @@ class VariableDeclarationParsingScope : public ExpressionScope<Types> {
// This also handles marking of loop variables in for-in and for-of
// loops, as determined by loop-nesting-depth.
// Make sure we'll properly resolve the variable since we might be in a
// with or catch scope. In those cases the assignment isn't guaranteed to
// write to the variable declared above.
if (!this->parser()->scope()->is_declaration_scope()) {
proxy =
this->parser()->NewUnresolved(proxy->raw_name(), proxy->position());
if (V8_LIKELY(var)) {
return proxy;
return var;
......@@ -343,16 +352,17 @@ class ParameterDeclarationParsingScope : public ExpressionScope<Types> {
explicit ParameterDeclarationParsingScope(ParserT* parser)
: ExpressionScopeT(parser, ExpressionScopeT::kParameterDeclaration) {}
void Declare(VariableProxy* proxy) {
Variable* Declare(const AstRawString* name, int pos) {
VariableKind kind = PARAMETER_VARIABLE;
VariableMode mode = VariableMode::kVar;
bool was_added;
proxy, kind, mode, Variable::DefaultInitializationFlag(mode),
this->parser()->scope(), &was_added, proxy->position());
Variable* var = this->parser()->DeclareVariable(
name, kind, mode, Variable::DefaultInitializationFlag(mode),
this->parser()->scope(), &was_added, pos);
if (!has_duplicate() && !was_added) {
duplicate_loc_ = proxy->location();
duplicate_loc_ = Scanner::Location(pos, pos + name->length());
return var;
bool has_duplicate() const { return duplicate_loc_.IsValid(); }
......@@ -482,7 +482,9 @@ class ParserBase {
struct DeclarationParsingResult {
struct Declaration {
Declaration(ExpressionT pattern, ExpressionT initializer)
: pattern(pattern), initializer(initializer) {}
: pattern(pattern), initializer(initializer) {
DCHECK_IMPLIES(Impl::IsNull(pattern), Impl::IsNull(initializer));
ExpressionT pattern;
ExpressionT initializer;
......@@ -3515,13 +3517,42 @@ void ParserBase<Impl>::ParseVariableDeclarations(
FuncNameInferrerState fni_state(&fni_);
int decl_pos = peek_position();
ExpressionT pattern = ParseBindingPattern();
IdentifierT name;
ExpressionT pattern;
// Check for an identifier first, so that we can elide the pattern in cases
// where there is no initializer (and so no proxy needs to be created).
if (V8_LIKELY(Token::IsAnyIdentifier(peek()))) {
name = ParseAndClassifyIdentifier(Next());
if (V8_UNLIKELY(is_strict(language_mode()) &&
impl()->IsEvalOrArguments(name))) {
if (peek() == Token::ASSIGN ||
(var_context == kForStatement && PeekInOrOf()) ||
parsing_result->descriptor.mode == VariableMode::kLet) {
// Assignments need the variable expression for the assignment LHS, and
// for of/in will need it later, so create the expression now.
pattern = impl()->ExpressionFromIdentifier(name, decl_pos);
} else {
// Otherwise, elide the variable expression and just declare it.
impl()->DeclareIdentifier(name, decl_pos);
pattern = impl()->NullExpression();
} else {
name = impl()->NullIdentifier();
pattern = ParseBindingPattern();
Scanner::Location variable_loc = scanner()->location();
ExpressionT value = impl()->NullExpression();
int value_beg_pos = kNoSourcePosition;
if (Check(Token::ASSIGN)) {
value_beg_pos = peek_position();
AcceptINScope scope(this, var_context != kForStatement);
......@@ -3544,14 +3575,35 @@ void ParserBase<Impl>::ParseVariableDeclarations(
impl()->SetFunctionNameFromIdentifierRef(value, pattern);
} else {
#ifdef DEBUG
// We can fall through into here on error paths, so don't DCHECK those.
if (!has_error()) {
// We should never get identifier patterns for the non-initializer path,
// as those expressions should be elided.
DCHECK_IMPLIES(impl()->IsNull(pattern), !impl()->IsNull(name));
// The only times we have a non-null pattern are:
// 1. This is a destructuring declaration (with no initializer, which
// is immediately an error),
// 2. This is a declaration in a for in/of loop, or
// 3. This is a let (which has an implicit undefined initializer)
!impl()->IsIdentifier(pattern) ||
(var_context == kForStatement && PeekInOrOf()) ||
parsing_result->descriptor.mode == VariableMode::kLet);
if (var_context != kForStatement || !PeekInOrOf()) {
// ES6 'const' and binding patterns require initializers.
if (parsing_result->descriptor.mode == VariableMode::kConst ||
!impl()->IsIdentifier(pattern)) {
impl()->IsNull(name)) {
Scanner::Location(decl_pos, end_position()),
!impl()->IsIdentifier(pattern) ? "destructuring" : "const");
impl()->IsNull(name) ? "destructuring" : "const");
// 'let x' initializes 'x' to undefined.
......@@ -3567,8 +3619,14 @@ void ParserBase<Impl>::ParseVariableDeclarations(
// Patterns should be elided iff. they don't have an initializer.
impl()->IsNull(value) ||
(var_context == kForStatement && PeekInOrOf()));
typename DeclarationParsingResult::Declaration decl(pattern, value);
decl.value_beg_pos = value_beg_pos;
} while (Check(Token::COMMA));
......@@ -1817,7 +1817,7 @@ Block* Parser::RewriteForVarInLegacy(const ForInfo& for_info) {
const DeclarationParsingResult::Declaration& decl =
if (!IsLexicalVariableMode(for_info.parsing_result.descriptor.mode) &&
decl.pattern->IsVariableProxy() && decl.initializer != nullptr) {
decl.initializer != nullptr && decl.pattern->IsVariableProxy()) {
const AstRawString* name = decl.pattern->AsVariableProxy()->raw_name();
VariableProxy* single_var = NewUnresolved(name);
......@@ -1855,6 +1855,7 @@ void Parser::DesugarBindingInForEachStatement(ForInfo* for_info,
Variable* temp = NewTemporary(ast_value_factory()->dot_for_string());
ScopedPtrList<Statement> each_initialization_statements(pointer_buffer());
decl.initializer = factory()->NewVariableProxy(temp, for_info->position);
InitializeVariables(&each_initialization_statements, NORMAL_VARIABLE, &decl);
......@@ -818,6 +818,11 @@ class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE Parser : public NON_EXPORTED_BASE(ParserBase<Parser>) {
return expression_scope()->NewVariable(name, start_position);
V8_INLINE void DeclareIdentifier(const AstRawString* name,
int start_position) {
expression_scope()->Declare(name, start_position);
V8_INLINE Variable* DeclareCatchVariableName(Scope* scope,
const AstRawString* name) {
return scope->DeclareCatchVariableName(name);
......@@ -1089,10 +1089,10 @@ class PreParser : public ParserBase<PreParser> {
return PreParserStatement::Default();
void DeclareVariable(const AstRawString* name, VariableKind kind,
VariableMode mode, InitializationFlag init, Scope* scope,
bool* was_added, int position) {
DeclareVariableName(name, mode, scope, was_added, position, kind);
Variable* DeclareVariable(const AstRawString* name, VariableKind kind,
VariableMode mode, InitializationFlag init,
Scope* scope, bool* was_added, int position) {
return DeclareVariableName(name, mode, scope, was_added, position, kind);
void DeclareAndBindVariable(const VariableProxy* proxy, VariableKind kind,
......@@ -1590,6 +1590,13 @@ class PreParser : public ParserBase<PreParser> {
return PreParserExpression::FromIdentifier(name);
V8_INLINE void DeclareIdentifier(const PreParserIdentifier& name,
int start_position) {
if (name.string_ != nullptr) {
expression_scope()->Declare(name.string_, start_position);
V8_INLINE Variable* DeclareCatchVariableName(
Scope* scope, const PreParserIdentifier& identifier) {
return scope->DeclareCatchVariableName(identifier.string_);
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -2420,7 +2420,7 @@ TEST(WideRegisters) {
// Prepare prologue that creates frame for lots of registers.
std::ostringstream os;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 157; ++i) {
os << "var x" << i << ";\n";
os << "var x" << i << " = 0;\n";
std::string prologue(os.str());
......@@ -3473,7 +3473,6 @@ TEST(InnerAssignment) {
i::Variable* var = scope->LookupForTesting(var_name);
bool expected = outers[i].assigned || inners[j].assigned;
CHECK(var->is_used() || !expected);
bool is_maybe_assigned = var->maybe_assigned() == i::kMaybeAssigned;
CHECK(is_maybe_assigned == expected ||
(is_maybe_assigned && inners[j].allow_error_in_inner_function));
......@@ -73,7 +73,13 @@ Debug.setListener(listener);
// Call a function with local variables passing a different number parameters
// that the number of arguments.
(function(x,y){var a,b,c; debugger; return 3})()
var a,b,c;
// Make sure a, b, and c are used.
return 3
// Make sure that the debug event listener vas invoked (again).
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