Commit e72ecf1e authored by Jakob Gruber's avatar Jakob Gruber Committed by V8 LUCI CQ

[regexp] Change the RegExpParser to operate on raw input arrays

.. instead of a FlatStringReader. This is in preparation for reusing
the regexp parser directly from the JS parser, which uses different
string types (AstRawString instead of heap Strings).

Drive-by: Hide parser internals in the .cc file.

Bug: v8:896
Change-Id: I06bd08f2ef5fd7a5e9812c123d88b89cacf5d864
Commit-Queue: Patrick Thier <>
Auto-Submit: Jakob Gruber <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarPatrick Thier <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#76365}
parent 53a527f6
......@@ -73,11 +73,10 @@ base::Optional<CompilationResult> CompileImpl(Isolate* isolate,
// Parse and compile the regexp source.
RegExpCompileData parse_result;
FlatStringReader reader(isolate, source);
bool parse_success =
RegExpParser::ParseRegExp(isolate, &zone, &reader, flags, &parse_result);
bool parse_success = RegExpParser::ParseRegExpFromHeapString(
isolate, &zone, source, flags, &parse_result);
if (!parse_success) {
// The pattern was already parsed successfully during initialization, so
// the only way parsing can fail now is because of stack overflow.
......@@ -4,12 +4,9 @@
#include "src/regexp/regexp-parser.h"
#include <vector>
#include "src/execution/isolate.h"
#include "src/heap/factory.h"
#include "src/objects/objects-inl.h"
#include "src/regexp/property-sequences.h"
#include "src/regexp/regexp-ast.h"
#include "src/regexp/regexp-macro-assembler.h"
#include "src/regexp/regexp.h"
#include "src/strings/char-predicates-inl.h"
......@@ -24,15 +21,391 @@
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
RegExpParser::RegExpParser(FlatStringReader* in, JSRegExp::Flags flags,
Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone,
const DisallowGarbageCollection& no_gc)
namespace {
// A BufferedZoneList is an automatically growing list, just like (and backed
// by) a ZoneList, that is optimized for the case of adding and removing
// a single element. The last element added is stored outside the backing list,
// and if no more than one element is ever added, the ZoneList isn't even
// allocated.
// Elements must not be nullptr pointers.
template <typename T, int initial_size>
class BufferedZoneList {
BufferedZoneList() : list_(nullptr), last_(nullptr) {}
// Adds element at end of list. This element is buffered and can
// be read using last() or removed using RemoveLast until a new Add or until
// RemoveLast or GetList has been called.
void Add(T* value, Zone* zone) {
if (last_ != nullptr) {
if (list_ == nullptr) {
list_ = zone->New<ZoneList<T*>>(initial_size, zone);
list_->Add(last_, zone);
last_ = value;
T* last() {
DCHECK(last_ != nullptr);
return last_;
T* RemoveLast() {
DCHECK(last_ != nullptr);
T* result = last_;
if ((list_ != nullptr) && (list_->length() > 0))
last_ = list_->RemoveLast();
last_ = nullptr;
return result;
T* Get(int i) {
DCHECK((0 <= i) && (i < length()));
if (list_ == nullptr) {
DCHECK_EQ(0, i);
return last_;
} else {
if (i == list_->length()) {
DCHECK(last_ != nullptr);
return last_;
} else {
return list_->at(i);
void Clear() {
list_ = nullptr;
last_ = nullptr;
int length() {
int length = (list_ == nullptr) ? 0 : list_->length();
return length + ((last_ == nullptr) ? 0 : 1);
ZoneList<T*>* GetList(Zone* zone) {
if (list_ == nullptr) {
list_ = zone->New<ZoneList<T*>>(initial_size, zone);
if (last_ != nullptr) {
list_->Add(last_, zone);
last_ = nullptr;
return list_;
ZoneList<T*>* list_;
T* last_;
// Accumulates RegExp atoms and assertions into lists of terms and alternatives.
class RegExpBuilder : public ZoneObject {
RegExpBuilder(Zone* zone, JSRegExp::Flags flags);
void AddCharacter(base::uc16 character);
void AddUnicodeCharacter(base::uc32 character);
void AddEscapedUnicodeCharacter(base::uc32 character);
// "Adds" an empty expression. Does nothing except consume a
// following quantifier
void AddEmpty();
void AddCharacterClass(RegExpCharacterClass* cc);
void AddCharacterClassForDesugaring(base::uc32 c);
void AddAtom(RegExpTree* tree);
void AddTerm(RegExpTree* tree);
void AddAssertion(RegExpTree* tree);
void NewAlternative(); // '|'
bool AddQuantifierToAtom(int min, int max,
RegExpQuantifier::QuantifierType type);
void FlushText();
RegExpTree* ToRegExp();
JSRegExp::Flags flags() const { return flags_; }
void set_flags(JSRegExp::Flags flags) { flags_ = flags; }
bool ignore_case() const { return (flags_ & JSRegExp::kIgnoreCase) != 0; }
bool multiline() const { return (flags_ & JSRegExp::kMultiline) != 0; }
bool dotall() const { return (flags_ & JSRegExp::kDotAll) != 0; }
static const base::uc16 kNoPendingSurrogate = 0;
void AddLeadSurrogate(base::uc16 lead_surrogate);
void AddTrailSurrogate(base::uc16 trail_surrogate);
void FlushPendingSurrogate();
void FlushCharacters();
void FlushTerms();
bool NeedsDesugaringForUnicode(RegExpCharacterClass* cc);
bool NeedsDesugaringForIgnoreCase(base::uc32 c);
Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
bool unicode() const { return (flags_ & JSRegExp::kUnicode) != 0; }
Zone* zone_;
bool pending_empty_;
JSRegExp::Flags flags_;
ZoneList<base::uc16>* characters_;
base::uc16 pending_surrogate_;
BufferedZoneList<RegExpTree, 2> terms_;
BufferedZoneList<RegExpTree, 2> text_;
BufferedZoneList<RegExpTree, 2> alternatives_;
#ifdef DEBUG
#define LAST(x) last_added_ = x;
#define LAST(x)
enum SubexpressionType {
CAPTURE, // All positive values represent captures.
class RegExpParserState : public ZoneObject {
// Push a state on the stack.
RegExpParserState(RegExpParserState* previous_state,
SubexpressionType group_type,
RegExpLookaround::Type lookaround_type,
int disjunction_capture_index,
const ZoneVector<base::uc16>* capture_name,
JSRegExp::Flags flags, Zone* zone)
: previous_state_(previous_state),
builder_(zone->New<RegExpBuilder>(zone, flags)),
capture_name_(capture_name) {}
// Parser state of containing expression, if any.
RegExpParserState* previous_state() const { return previous_state_; }
bool IsSubexpression() { return previous_state_ != nullptr; }
// RegExpBuilder building this regexp's AST.
RegExpBuilder* builder() const { return builder_; }
// Type of regexp being parsed (parenthesized group or entire regexp).
SubexpressionType group_type() const { return group_type_; }
// Lookahead or Lookbehind.
RegExpLookaround::Type lookaround_type() const { return lookaround_type_; }
// Index in captures array of first capture in this sub-expression, if any.
// Also the capture index of this sub-expression itself, if group_type
// is CAPTURE.
int capture_index() const { return disjunction_capture_index_; }
// The name of the current sub-expression, if group_type is CAPTURE. Only
// used for named captures.
const ZoneVector<base::uc16>* capture_name() const { return capture_name_; }
bool IsNamedCapture() const { return capture_name_ != nullptr; }
// Check whether the parser is inside a capture group with the given index.
bool IsInsideCaptureGroup(int index) const {
for (const RegExpParserState* s = this; s != nullptr;
s = s->previous_state()) {
if (s->group_type() != CAPTURE) continue;
// Return true if we found the matching capture index.
if (index == s->capture_index()) return true;
// Abort if index is larger than what has been parsed up till this state.
if (index > s->capture_index()) return false;
return false;
// Check whether the parser is inside a capture group with the given name.
bool IsInsideCaptureGroup(const ZoneVector<base::uc16>* name) const {
for (const RegExpParserState* s = this; s != nullptr;
s = s->previous_state()) {
if (s->capture_name() == nullptr) continue;
if (*s->capture_name() == *name) return true;
return false;
// Linked list implementation of stack of states.
RegExpParserState* const previous_state_;
// Builder for the stored disjunction.
RegExpBuilder* const builder_;
// Stored disjunction type (capture, look-ahead or grouping), if any.
const SubexpressionType group_type_;
// Stored read direction.
const RegExpLookaround::Type lookaround_type_;
// Stored disjunction's capture index (if any).
const int disjunction_capture_index_;
// Stored capture name (if any).
const ZoneVector<base::uc16>* const capture_name_;
template <class CharT>
class RegExpParserImpl final {
RegExpParserImpl(const CharT* input, int input_length, JSRegExp::Flags flags,
Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone,
const DisallowGarbageCollection& no_gc);
bool Parse(RegExpCompileData* result);
RegExpTree* ParsePattern();
RegExpTree* ParseDisjunction();
RegExpTree* ParseGroup();
// Parses a {...,...} quantifier and stores the range in the given
// out parameters.
bool ParseIntervalQuantifier(int* min_out, int* max_out);
// Parses and returns a single escaped character. The character
// must not be 'b' or 'B' since they are usually handle specially.
base::uc32 ParseClassCharacterEscape();
// Checks whether the following is a length-digit hexadecimal number,
// and sets the value if it is.
bool ParseHexEscape(int length, base::uc32* value);
bool ParseUnicodeEscape(base::uc32* value);
bool ParseUnlimitedLengthHexNumber(int max_value, base::uc32* value);
bool ParsePropertyClassName(ZoneVector<char>* name_1,
ZoneVector<char>* name_2);
bool AddPropertyClassRange(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* add_to, bool negate,
const ZoneVector<char>& name_1,
const ZoneVector<char>& name_2);
RegExpTree* GetPropertySequence(const ZoneVector<char>& name_1);
RegExpTree* ParseCharacterClass(const RegExpBuilder* state);
base::uc32 ParseOctalLiteral();
// Tries to parse the input as a back reference. If successful it
// stores the result in the output parameter and returns true. If
// it fails it will push back the characters read so the same characters
// can be reparsed.
bool ParseBackReferenceIndex(int* index_out);
// Parse inside a class. Either add escaped class to the range, or return
// false and pass parsed single character through |char_out|.
void ParseClassEscape(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges, Zone* zone,
bool add_unicode_case_equivalents, base::uc32* char_out,
bool* is_class_escape);
char ParseClassEscape();
RegExpTree* ReportError(RegExpError error);
void Advance();
void Advance(int dist);
void Reset(int pos);
// Reports whether the pattern might be used as a literal search string.
// Only use if the result of the parse is a single atom node.
bool simple();
bool contains_anchor() { return contains_anchor_; }
void set_contains_anchor() { contains_anchor_ = true; }
int captures_started() { return captures_started_; }
int position() { return next_pos_ - 1; }
bool failed() { return failed_; }
// The Unicode flag can't be changed using in-regexp syntax, so it's OK to
// just read the initial flag value here.
bool unicode() const { return (top_level_flags_ & JSRegExp::kUnicode) != 0; }
static bool IsSyntaxCharacterOrSlash(base::uc32 c);
static const base::uc32 kEndMarker = (1 << 21);
// Return the 1-indexed RegExpCapture object, allocate if necessary.
RegExpCapture* GetCapture(int index);
// Creates a new named capture at the specified index. Must be called exactly
// once for each named capture. Fails if a capture with the same name is
// encountered.
bool CreateNamedCaptureAtIndex(const ZoneVector<base::uc16>* name, int index);
// Parses the name of a capture group (?<name>pattern). The name must adhere
// to IdentifierName in the ECMAScript standard.
const ZoneVector<base::uc16>* ParseCaptureGroupName();
bool ParseNamedBackReference(RegExpBuilder* builder,
RegExpParserState* state);
RegExpParserState* ParseOpenParenthesis(RegExpParserState* state);
// After the initial parsing pass, patch corresponding RegExpCapture objects
// into all RegExpBackReferences. This is done after initial parsing in order
// to avoid complicating cases in which references comes before the capture.
void PatchNamedBackReferences();
ZoneVector<RegExpCapture*>* GetNamedCaptures() const;
// Returns true iff the pattern contains named captures. May call
// ScanForCaptures to look ahead at the remaining pattern.
bool HasNamedCaptures();
Isolate* isolate() { return isolate_; }
Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
base::uc32 current() { return current_; }
bool has_more() { return has_more_; }
bool has_next() { return next_pos_ < input_length(); }
base::uc32 Next();
template <bool update_position>
base::uc32 ReadNext();
CharT InputAt(int index) const {
DCHECK(0 <= index && index < input_length());
return input_[index];
int input_length() const { return input_length_; }
void ScanForCaptures();
struct RegExpCaptureNameLess {
bool operator()(const RegExpCapture* lhs, const RegExpCapture* rhs) const {
return *lhs->name() < *rhs->name();
const DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc_;
Isolate* const isolate_;
Zone* const zone_;
RegExpError error_ = RegExpError::kNone;
int error_pos_ = 0;
ZoneList<RegExpCapture*>* captures_;
ZoneSet<RegExpCapture*, RegExpCaptureNameLess>* named_captures_;
ZoneList<RegExpBackReference*>* named_back_references_;
const CharT* const input_;
const int input_length_;
base::uc32 current_;
// These are the flags specified outside the regexp syntax ie after the
// terminating '/' or in the second argument to the constructor. The current
// flags are stored on the RegExpBuilder.
const JSRegExp::Flags top_level_flags_;
int next_pos_;
int captures_started_;
int capture_count_; // Only valid after we have scanned for captures.
bool has_more_;
bool simple_;
bool contains_anchor_;
bool is_scanned_for_captures_;
bool has_named_captures_; // Only valid after we have scanned for captures.
bool failed_;
friend bool RegExpParser::ParseRegExpFromHeapString(Isolate*, Zone*,
template <class CharT>
const CharT* input, int input_length, JSRegExp::Flags flags,
Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone, const DisallowGarbageCollection& no_gc)
: isolate_(isolate),
......@@ -47,26 +420,39 @@ RegExpParser::RegExpParser(FlatStringReader* in, JSRegExp::Flags flags,
template <>
template <bool update_position>
inline base::uc32 RegExpParserImpl<uint8_t>::ReadNext() {
int position = next_pos_;
base::uc16 c0 = InputAt(position);
if (update_position) next_pos_ = position;
return c0;
template <>
template <bool update_position>
inline base::uc32 RegExpParser::ReadNext() {
inline base::uc32 RegExpParserImpl<base::uc16>::ReadNext() {
int position = next_pos_;
base::uc32 c0 = in()->Get(position);
base::uc16 c0 = InputAt(position);
base::uc32 result = c0;
// Read the whole surrogate pair in case of unicode flag, if possible.
if (unicode() && position < in()->length() &&
unibrow::Utf16::IsLeadSurrogate(static_cast<base::uc16>(c0))) {
base::uc16 c1 = in()->Get(position);
if (unicode() && position < input_length() &&
unibrow::Utf16::IsLeadSurrogate(c0)) {
base::uc16 c1 = InputAt(position);
if (unibrow::Utf16::IsTrailSurrogate(c1)) {
c0 =
unibrow::Utf16::CombineSurrogatePair(static_cast<base::uc16>(c0), c1);
result = unibrow::Utf16::CombineSurrogatePair(c0, c1);
if (update_position) next_pos_ = position;
return c0;
return result;
base::uc32 RegExpParser::Next() {
template <class CharT>
base::uc32 RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::Next() {
if (has_next()) {
return ReadNext<false>();
} else {
......@@ -74,7 +460,8 @@ base::uc32 RegExpParser::Next() {
void RegExpParser::Advance() {
template <class CharT>
void RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::Advance() {
if (has_next()) {
StackLimitCheck check(isolate());
if (check.HasOverflowed()) {
......@@ -94,27 +481,31 @@ void RegExpParser::Advance() {
current_ = kEndMarker;
// Advance so that position() points to 1-after-the-last-character. This is
// important so that Reset() to this position works correctly.
next_pos_ = in()->length() + 1;
next_pos_ = input_length() + 1;
has_more_ = false;
void RegExpParser::Reset(int pos) {
template <class CharT>
void RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::Reset(int pos) {
next_pos_ = pos;
has_more_ = (pos < in()->length());
has_more_ = (pos < input_length());
void RegExpParser::Advance(int dist) {
template <class CharT>
void RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::Advance(int dist) {
next_pos_ += dist - 1;
template <class CharT>
bool RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::simple() {
return simple_;
bool RegExpParser::simple() { return simple_; }
bool RegExpParser::IsSyntaxCharacterOrSlash(base::uc32 c) {
template <class CharT>
bool RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::IsSyntaxCharacterOrSlash(base::uc32 c) {
switch (c) {
case '^':
case '$':
......@@ -138,14 +529,15 @@ bool RegExpParser::IsSyntaxCharacterOrSlash(base::uc32 c) {
return false;
RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ReportError(RegExpError error) {
template <class CharT>
RegExpTree* RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::ReportError(RegExpError error) {
if (failed_) return nullptr; // Do not overwrite any existing error.
failed_ = true;
error_ = error;
error_pos_ = position();
// Zip to the end to make sure no more input is read.
current_ = kEndMarker;
next_pos_ = in()->length();
next_pos_ = input_length();
return nullptr;
......@@ -155,19 +547,19 @@ RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ReportError(RegExpError error) {
// Pattern ::
// Disjunction
RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ParsePattern() {
template <class CharT>
RegExpTree* RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::ParsePattern() {
RegExpTree* result = ParseDisjunction(CHECK_FAILED);
// If the result of parsing is a literal string atom, and it has the
// same length as the input, then the atom is identical to the input.
if (result->IsAtom() && result->AsAtom()->length() == in()->length()) {
if (result->IsAtom() && result->AsAtom()->length() == input_length()) {
simple_ = true;
return result;
// Disjunction ::
// Alternative
// Alternative | Disjunction
......@@ -178,7 +570,8 @@ RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ParsePattern() {
// Assertion
// Atom
// Atom Quantifier
RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ParseDisjunction() {
template <class CharT>
RegExpTree* RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::ParseDisjunction() {
// Used to store current state while parsing subexpressions.
RegExpParserState initial_state(nullptr, INITIAL, RegExpLookaround::LOOKAHEAD,
0, nullptr, top_level_flags_, zone());
......@@ -221,12 +614,12 @@ RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ParseDisjunction() {
body = capture;
} else if (group_type == GROUPING) {
body = zone()->New<RegExpGroup>(body);
body = zone()->template New<RegExpGroup>(body);
} else {
bool is_positive = (group_type == POSITIVE_LOOKAROUND);
body = zone()->New<RegExpLookaround>(
body = zone()->template New<RegExpLookaround>(
body, is_positive, end_capture_index - capture_index,
capture_index, state->lookaround_type());
......@@ -251,7 +644,7 @@ RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ParseDisjunction() {
return ReportError(RegExpError::kNothingToRepeat);
case '^': {
builder->AddAssertion(zone()->template New<RegExpAssertion>(
builder->multiline() ? RegExpAssertion::START_OF_LINE
: RegExpAssertion::START_OF_INPUT));
......@@ -262,13 +655,14 @@ RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ParseDisjunction() {
RegExpAssertion::AssertionType assertion_type =
builder->multiline() ? RegExpAssertion::END_OF_LINE
: RegExpAssertion::END_OF_INPUT;
zone()->template New<RegExpAssertion>(assertion_type));
case '.': {
ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges =
zone()->New<ZoneList<CharacterRange>>(2, zone());
zone()->template New<ZoneList<CharacterRange>>(2, zone());
if (builder->dotall()) {
// Everything.
......@@ -279,7 +673,7 @@ RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ParseDisjunction() {
RegExpCharacterClass* cc =
zone()->New<RegExpCharacterClass>(zone(), ranges);
zone()->template New<RegExpCharacterClass>(zone(), ranges);
......@@ -301,13 +695,13 @@ RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ParseDisjunction() {
return ReportError(RegExpError::kEscapeAtEndOfPattern);
case 'b':
builder->AddAssertion(zone()->template New<RegExpAssertion>(
case 'B':
builder->AddAssertion(zone()->template New<RegExpAssertion>(
// AtomEscape ::
// CharacterClassEscape
......@@ -323,11 +717,11 @@ RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ParseDisjunction() {
base::uc32 c = Next();
ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges =
zone()->New<ZoneList<CharacterRange>>(2, zone());
zone()->template New<ZoneList<CharacterRange>>(2, zone());
c, ranges, unicode() && builder->ignore_case(), zone());
RegExpCharacterClass* cc =
zone()->New<RegExpCharacterClass>(zone(), ranges);
zone()->template New<RegExpCharacterClass>(zone(), ranges);
......@@ -337,13 +731,14 @@ RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ParseDisjunction() {
if (unicode()) {
ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges =
zone()->New<ZoneList<CharacterRange>>(2, zone());
zone()->template New<ZoneList<CharacterRange>>(2, zone());
ZoneVector<char> name_1(zone());
ZoneVector<char> name_2(zone());
if (ParsePropertyClassName(&name_1, &name_2)) {
if (AddPropertyClassRange(ranges, p == 'P', name_1, name_2)) {
RegExpCharacterClass* cc =
zone()->New<RegExpCharacterClass>(zone(), ranges);
zone()->template New<RegExpCharacterClass>(zone(),
......@@ -382,8 +777,8 @@ RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ParseDisjunction() {
} else {
RegExpCapture* capture = GetCapture(index);
RegExpTree* atom =
zone()->New<RegExpBackReference>(capture, builder->flags());
RegExpTree* atom = zone()->template New<RegExpBackReference>(
capture, builder->flags());
......@@ -576,7 +971,8 @@ RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ParseDisjunction() {
RegExpParser::RegExpParserState* RegExpParser::ParseOpenParenthesis(
template <class CharT>
RegExpParserState* RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::ParseOpenParenthesis(
RegExpParserState* state) {
RegExpLookaround::Type lookaround_type = state->lookaround_type();
bool is_named_capture = false;
......@@ -636,9 +1032,9 @@ RegExpParser::RegExpParserState* RegExpParser::ParseOpenParenthesis(
JSRegExp::Flags flags = (state->builder()->flags() | switch_on) & ~switch_off;
// Store current state and begin new disjunction parsing.
return zone()->New<RegExpParserState>(state, subexpr_type, lookaround_type,
captures_started_, capture_name, flags,
return zone()->template New<RegExpParserState>(
state, subexpr_type, lookaround_type, captures_started_, capture_name,
flags, zone());
#ifdef DEBUG
......@@ -658,14 +1054,14 @@ static bool IsSpecialClassEscape(base::uc32 c) {
// In order to know whether an escape is a backreference or not we have to scan
// the entire regexp and find the number of capturing parentheses. However we
// don't want to scan the regexp twice unless it is necessary. This mini-parser
// is called when needed. It can see the difference between capturing and
// noncapturing parentheses and can skip character classes and backslash-escaped
// characters.
void RegExpParser::ScanForCaptures() {
template <class CharT>
void RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::ScanForCaptures() {
const int saved_position = position();
// Start with captures started previous to current position
......@@ -719,8 +1115,8 @@ void RegExpParser::ScanForCaptures() {
bool RegExpParser::ParseBackReferenceIndex(int* index_out) {
template <class CharT>
bool RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::ParseBackReferenceIndex(int* index_out) {
DCHECK_EQ('\\', current());
DCHECK('1' <= Next() && Next() <= '9');
// Try to parse a decimal literal that is no greater than the total number
......@@ -752,7 +1148,9 @@ bool RegExpParser::ParseBackReferenceIndex(int* index_out) {
return true;
static void push_code_unit(ZoneVector<base::uc16>* v, uint32_t code_unit) {
namespace {
void push_code_unit(ZoneVector<base::uc16>* v, uint32_t code_unit) {
if (code_unit <= unibrow::Utf16::kMaxNonSurrogateCharCode) {
} else {
......@@ -761,8 +1159,12 @@ static void push_code_unit(ZoneVector<base::uc16>* v, uint32_t code_unit) {
const ZoneVector<base::uc16>* RegExpParser::ParseCaptureGroupName() {
ZoneVector<base::uc16>* name = zone()->New<ZoneVector<base::uc16>>(zone());
} // namespace
template <class CharT>
const ZoneVector<base::uc16>* RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::ParseCaptureGroupName() {
ZoneVector<base::uc16>* name =
zone()->template New<ZoneVector<base::uc16>>(zone());
bool at_start = true;
while (true) {
......@@ -806,8 +1208,9 @@ const ZoneVector<base::uc16>* RegExpParser::ParseCaptureGroupName() {
return name;
bool RegExpParser::CreateNamedCaptureAtIndex(const ZoneVector<base::uc16>* name,
int index) {
template <class CharT>
bool RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::CreateNamedCaptureAtIndex(
const ZoneVector<base::uc16>* name, int index) {
DCHECK(0 < index && index <= captures_started_);
......@@ -818,7 +1221,8 @@ bool RegExpParser::CreateNamedCaptureAtIndex(const ZoneVector<base::uc16>* name,
if (named_captures_ == nullptr) {
named_captures_ =
zone_->New<ZoneSet<RegExpCapture*, RegExpCaptureNameLess>>(zone());
zone_->template New<ZoneSet<RegExpCapture*, RegExpCaptureNameLess>>(
} else {
// Check for duplicates and bail if we find any.
......@@ -834,8 +1238,9 @@ bool RegExpParser::CreateNamedCaptureAtIndex(const ZoneVector<base::uc16>* name,
return true;
bool RegExpParser::ParseNamedBackReference(RegExpBuilder* builder,
RegExpParserState* state) {
template <class CharT>
bool RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::ParseNamedBackReference(
RegExpBuilder* builder, RegExpParserState* state) {
// The parser is assumed to be on the '<' in \k<name>.
if (current() != '<') {
......@@ -852,14 +1257,14 @@ bool RegExpParser::ParseNamedBackReference(RegExpBuilder* builder,
} else {
RegExpBackReference* atom =
zone()->template New<RegExpBackReference>(builder->flags());
if (named_back_references_ == nullptr) {
named_back_references_ =
zone()->New<ZoneList<RegExpBackReference*>>(1, zone());
zone()->template New<ZoneList<RegExpBackReference*>>(1, zone());
named_back_references_->Add(atom, zone());
......@@ -867,7 +1272,8 @@ bool RegExpParser::ParseNamedBackReference(RegExpBuilder* builder,
return true;
void RegExpParser::PatchNamedBackReferences() {
template <class CharT>
void RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::PatchNamedBackReferences() {
if (named_back_references_ == nullptr) return;
if (named_captures_ == nullptr) {
......@@ -883,7 +1289,8 @@ void RegExpParser::PatchNamedBackReferences() {
// Capture used to search the named_captures_ by name, index of the
// capture is never used.
static const int kInvalidIndex = 0;
RegExpCapture* search_capture = zone()->New<RegExpCapture>(kInvalidIndex);
RegExpCapture* search_capture =
zone()->template New<RegExpCapture>(kInvalidIndex);
......@@ -900,22 +1307,26 @@ void RegExpParser::PatchNamedBackReferences() {
RegExpCapture* RegExpParser::GetCapture(int index) {
template <class CharT>
RegExpCapture* RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::GetCapture(int index) {
// The index for the capture groups are one-based. Its index in the list is
// zero-based.
int know_captures =
is_scanned_for_captures_ ? capture_count_ : captures_started_;
DCHECK(index <= know_captures);
if (captures_ == nullptr) {
captures_ = zone()->New<ZoneList<RegExpCapture*>>(know_captures, zone());
captures_ =
zone()->template New<ZoneList<RegExpCapture*>>(know_captures, zone());
while (captures_->length() < know_captures) {
captures_->Add(zone()->New<RegExpCapture>(captures_->length() + 1), zone());
captures_->Add(zone()->template New<RegExpCapture>(captures_->length() + 1),
return captures_->at(index - 1);
ZoneVector<RegExpCapture*>* RegExpParser::GetNamedCaptures() const {
template <class CharT>
ZoneVector<RegExpCapture*>* RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::GetNamedCaptures() const {
if (named_captures_ == nullptr || named_captures_->empty()) {
return nullptr;
......@@ -924,7 +1335,8 @@ ZoneVector<RegExpCapture*>* RegExpParser::GetNamedCaptures() const {
named_captures_->begin(), named_captures_->end(), zone());
bool RegExpParser::HasNamedCaptures() {
template <class CharT>
bool RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::HasNamedCaptures() {
if (has_named_captures_ || is_scanned_for_captures_) {
return has_named_captures_;
......@@ -934,27 +1346,6 @@ bool RegExpParser::HasNamedCaptures() {
return has_named_captures_;
bool RegExpParser::RegExpParserState::IsInsideCaptureGroup(int index) {
for (RegExpParserState* s = this; s != nullptr; s = s->previous_state()) {
if (s->group_type() != CAPTURE) continue;
// Return true if we found the matching capture index.
if (index == s->capture_index()) return true;
// Abort if index is larger than what has been parsed up till this state.
if (index > s->capture_index()) return false;
return false;
bool RegExpParser::RegExpParserState::IsInsideCaptureGroup(
const ZoneVector<base::uc16>* name) {
for (RegExpParserState* s = this; s != nullptr; s = s->previous_state()) {
if (s->capture_name() == nullptr) continue;
if (*s->capture_name() == *name) return true;
return false;
// QuantifierPrefix ::
// { DecimalDigits }
// { DecimalDigits , }
......@@ -962,7 +1353,9 @@ bool RegExpParser::RegExpParserState::IsInsideCaptureGroup(
// Returns true if parsing succeeds, and set the min_out and max_out
// values. Values are truncated to RegExpTree::kInfinity if they overflow.
bool RegExpParser::ParseIntervalQuantifier(int* min_out, int* max_out) {
template <class CharT>
bool RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::ParseIntervalQuantifier(int* min_out,
int* max_out) {
DCHECK_EQ(current(), '{');
int start = position();
......@@ -1021,7 +1414,8 @@ bool RegExpParser::ParseIntervalQuantifier(int* min_out, int* max_out) {
return true;
base::uc32 RegExpParser::ParseOctalLiteral() {
template <class CharT>
base::uc32 RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::ParseOctalLiteral() {
DCHECK(('0' <= current() && current() <= '7') || current() == kEndMarker);
// For compatibility with some other browsers (not all), we parse
// up to three octal digits with a value below 256.
......@@ -1039,7 +1433,8 @@ base::uc32 RegExpParser::ParseOctalLiteral() {
return value;
bool RegExpParser::ParseHexEscape(int length, base::uc32* value) {
template <class CharT>
bool RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::ParseHexEscape(int length, base::uc32* value) {
int start = position();
base::uc32 val = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
......@@ -1057,7 +1452,8 @@ bool RegExpParser::ParseHexEscape(int length, base::uc32* value) {
// This parses RegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence as described in ECMA262.
bool RegExpParser::ParseUnicodeEscape(base::uc32* value) {
template <class CharT>
bool RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::ParseUnicodeEscape(base::uc32* value) {
// Accept both \uxxxx and \u{xxxxxx} (if harmony unicode escapes are
// allowed). In the latter case, the number of hex digits between { } is
// arbitrary. \ and u have already been read.
......@@ -1270,10 +1666,11 @@ bool IsUnicodePropertyValueCharacter(char c) {
return (c == '_');
} // anonymous namespace
} // namespace
bool RegExpParser::ParsePropertyClassName(ZoneVector<char>* name_1,
ZoneVector<char>* name_2) {
template <class CharT>
bool RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::ParsePropertyClassName(ZoneVector<char>* name_1,
ZoneVector<char>* name_2) {
// Parse the property class as follows:
......@@ -1310,10 +1707,10 @@ bool RegExpParser::ParsePropertyClassName(ZoneVector<char>* name_1,
return true;
bool RegExpParser::AddPropertyClassRange(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* add_to,
bool negate,
const ZoneVector<char>& name_1,
const ZoneVector<char>& name_2) {
template <class CharT>
bool RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::AddPropertyClassRange(
ZoneList<CharacterRange>* add_to, bool negate,
const ZoneVector<char>& name_1, const ZoneVector<char>& name_2) {
if (name_2.empty()) {
// First attempt to interpret as general category property value name.
const char* name =;
......@@ -1350,7 +1747,9 @@ bool RegExpParser::AddPropertyClassRange(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* add_to,
RegExpTree* RegExpParser::GetPropertySequence(const ZoneVector<char>& name_1) {
template <class CharT>
RegExpTree* RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::GetPropertySequence(
const ZoneVector<char>& name_1) {
if (!FLAG_harmony_regexp_sequence) return nullptr;
const char* name =;
const base::uc32* sequence_list = nullptr;
......@@ -1383,12 +1782,12 @@ RegExpTree* RegExpParser::GetPropertySequence(const ZoneVector<char>& name_1) {
// emoji_keycap_sequence := [0-9#*] \x{FE0F 20E3}
RegExpBuilder builder(zone(), flags);
ZoneList<CharacterRange>* prefix_ranges =
zone()->New<ZoneList<CharacterRange>>(2, zone());
zone()->template New<ZoneList<CharacterRange>>(2, zone());
prefix_ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Range('0', '9'), zone());
prefix_ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Singleton('#'), zone());
prefix_ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Singleton('*'), zone());
zone()->New<RegExpCharacterClass>(zone(), prefix_ranges));
zone()->template New<RegExpCharacterClass>(zone(), prefix_ranges));
return builder.ToRegExp();
......@@ -1397,17 +1796,17 @@ RegExpTree* RegExpParser::GetPropertySequence(const ZoneVector<char>& name_1) {
// emoji_modifier_sequence := emoji_modifier_base emoji_modifier
RegExpBuilder builder(zone(), flags);
ZoneList<CharacterRange>* modifier_base_ranges =
zone()->New<ZoneList<CharacterRange>>(2, zone());
zone()->template New<ZoneList<CharacterRange>>(2, zone());
LookupPropertyValueName(UCHAR_EMOJI_MODIFIER_BASE, "Y", false,
modifier_base_ranges, zone());
zone()->New<RegExpCharacterClass>(zone(), modifier_base_ranges));
builder.AddCharacterClass(zone()->template New<RegExpCharacterClass>(
zone(), modifier_base_ranges));
ZoneList<CharacterRange>* modifier_ranges =
zone()->New<ZoneList<CharacterRange>>(2, zone());
zone()->template New<ZoneList<CharacterRange>>(2, zone());
LookupPropertyValueName(UCHAR_EMOJI_MODIFIER, "Y", false, modifier_ranges,
zone()->New<RegExpCharacterClass>(zone(), modifier_ranges));
zone()->template New<RegExpCharacterClass>(zone(), modifier_ranges));
return builder.ToRegExp();
......@@ -1416,26 +1815,30 @@ RegExpTree* RegExpParser::GetPropertySequence(const ZoneVector<char>& name_1) {
#else // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
bool RegExpParser::ParsePropertyClassName(ZoneVector<char>* name_1,
ZoneVector<char>* name_2) {
template <class CharT>
bool RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::ParsePropertyClassName(ZoneVector<char>* name_1,
ZoneVector<char>* name_2) {
return false;
bool RegExpParser::AddPropertyClassRange(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* add_to,
bool negate,
const ZoneVector<char>& name_1,
const ZoneVector<char>& name_2) {
template <class CharT>
bool RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::AddPropertyClassRange(
ZoneList<CharacterRange>* add_to, bool negate,
const ZoneVector<char>& name_1, const ZoneVector<char>& name_2) {
return false;
RegExpTree* RegExpParser::GetPropertySequence(const ZoneVector<char>& name) {
template <class CharT>
RegExpTree* RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::GetPropertySequence(
const ZoneVector<char>& name) {
return nullptr;
#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
bool RegExpParser::ParseUnlimitedLengthHexNumber(int max_value,
base::uc32* value) {
template <class CharT>
bool RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::ParseUnlimitedLengthHexNumber(int max_value,
base::uc32* value) {
base::uc32 x = 0;
int d = base::HexValue(current());
if (d < 0) {
......@@ -1453,7 +1856,8 @@ bool RegExpParser::ParseUnlimitedLengthHexNumber(int max_value,
return true;
base::uc32 RegExpParser::ParseClassCharacterEscape() {
template <class CharT>
base::uc32 RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::ParseClassCharacterEscape() {
DCHECK_EQ('\\', current());
DCHECK(has_next() && !IsSpecialClassEscape(Next()));
......@@ -1570,11 +1974,11 @@ base::uc32 RegExpParser::ParseClassCharacterEscape() {
void RegExpParser::ParseClassEscape(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges,
Zone* zone,
bool add_unicode_case_equivalents,
base::uc32* char_out,
bool* is_class_escape) {
template <class CharT>
void RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::ParseClassEscape(
ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges, Zone* zone,
bool add_unicode_case_equivalents, base::uc32* char_out,
bool* is_class_escape) {
base::uc32 current_char = current();
if (current_char == '\\') {
switch (Next()) {
......@@ -1620,7 +2024,9 @@ void RegExpParser::ParseClassEscape(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges,
RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ParseCharacterClass(const RegExpBuilder* builder) {
template <class CharT>
RegExpTree* RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::ParseCharacterClass(
const RegExpBuilder* builder) {
DCHECK_EQ(current(), '[');
bool is_negated = false;
......@@ -1629,7 +2035,7 @@ RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ParseCharacterClass(const RegExpBuilder* builder) {
ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges =
zone()->New<ZoneList<CharacterRange>>(2, zone());
zone()->template New<ZoneList<CharacterRange>>(2, zone());
bool add_unicode_case_equivalents = unicode() && builder->ignore_case();
while (has_more() && current() != ']') {
base::uc32 char_1, char_2;
......@@ -1675,14 +2081,14 @@ RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ParseCharacterClass(const RegExpBuilder* builder) {
RegExpCharacterClass::CharacterClassFlags character_class_flags;
if (is_negated) character_class_flags = RegExpCharacterClass::NEGATED;
return zone()->New<RegExpCharacterClass>(zone(), ranges,
return zone()->template New<RegExpCharacterClass>(zone(), ranges,
bool RegExpParser::Parse(RegExpCompileData* result) {
template <class CharT>
bool RegExpParserImpl<CharT>::Parse(RegExpCompileData* result) {
DCHECK(result != nullptr);
RegExpTree* tree = ParsePattern();
if (failed()) {
......@@ -1708,21 +2114,6 @@ bool RegExpParser::Parse(RegExpCompileData* result) {
return !failed();
bool RegExpParser::ParseRegExp(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone,
FlatStringReader* input, JSRegExp::Flags flags,
RegExpCompileData* result) {
DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
return RegExpParser{input, flags, isolate, zone, no_gc}.Parse(result);
bool RegExpParser::VerifyRegExpSyntax(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone,
FlatStringReader* input,
JSRegExp::Flags flags,
RegExpCompileData* result,
const DisallowGarbageCollection& no_gc) {
return RegExpParser{input, flags, isolate, zone, no_gc}.Parse(result);
RegExpBuilder::RegExpBuilder(Zone* zone, JSRegExp::Flags flags)
: zone_(zone),
......@@ -2007,5 +2398,39 @@ bool RegExpBuilder::AddQuantifierToAtom(
return true;
template class RegExpParserImpl<uint8_t>;
template class RegExpParserImpl<base::uc16>;
} // namespace
// static
bool RegExpParser::ParseRegExpFromHeapString(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone,
Handle<String> input,
JSRegExp::Flags flags,
RegExpCompileData* result) {
DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
String::FlatContent content = input->GetFlatContent(no_gc);
if (content.IsOneByte()) {
base::Vector<const uint8_t> v = content.ToOneByteVector();
return RegExpParserImpl<uint8_t>{v.begin(), v.length(), flags,
isolate, zone, no_gc}
} else {
base::Vector<const base::uc16> v = content.ToUC16Vector();
return RegExpParserImpl<base::uc16>{v.begin(), v.length(), flags,
isolate, zone, no_gc}
// static
bool RegExpParser::VerifyRegExpSyntax(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone,
Handle<String> input,
JSRegExp::Flags flags,
RegExpCompileData* result,
const DisallowGarbageCollection&) {
return ParseRegExpFromHeapString(isolate, zone, input, flags, result);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
......@@ -5,368 +5,30 @@
#include "src/base/strings.h"
#include "src/objects/js-regexp.h"
#include "src/objects/objects.h"
#include "src/regexp/regexp-ast.h"
#include "src/regexp/regexp-error.h"
#include "src/zone/zone.h"
#include "src/common/assert-scope.h"
#include "src/handles/handles.h"
#include "src/objects/js-regexp.h" // Move the Flags definition elsewhere.
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
struct RegExpCompileData;
// A BufferedZoneList is an automatically growing list, just like (and backed
// by) a ZoneList, that is optimized for the case of adding and removing
// a single element. The last element added is stored outside the backing list,
// and if no more than one element is ever added, the ZoneList isn't even
// allocated.
// Elements must not be nullptr pointers.
template <typename T, int initial_size>
class BufferedZoneList {
BufferedZoneList() : list_(nullptr), last_(nullptr) {}
// Adds element at end of list. This element is buffered and can
// be read using last() or removed using RemoveLast until a new Add or until
// RemoveLast or GetList has been called.
void Add(T* value, Zone* zone) {
if (last_ != nullptr) {
if (list_ == nullptr) {
list_ = zone->New<ZoneList<T*>>(initial_size, zone);
list_->Add(last_, zone);
last_ = value;
T* last() {
DCHECK(last_ != nullptr);
return last_;
T* RemoveLast() {
DCHECK(last_ != nullptr);
T* result = last_;
if ((list_ != nullptr) && (list_->length() > 0))
last_ = list_->RemoveLast();
last_ = nullptr;
return result;
T* Get(int i) {
DCHECK((0 <= i) && (i < length()));
if (list_ == nullptr) {
DCHECK_EQ(0, i);
return last_;
} else {
if (i == list_->length()) {
DCHECK(last_ != nullptr);
return last_;
} else {
return list_->at(i);
void Clear() {
list_ = nullptr;
last_ = nullptr;
int length() {
int length = (list_ == nullptr) ? 0 : list_->length();
return length + ((last_ == nullptr) ? 0 : 1);
ZoneList<T*>* GetList(Zone* zone) {
if (list_ == nullptr) {
list_ = zone->New<ZoneList<T*>>(initial_size, zone);
if (last_ != nullptr) {
list_->Add(last_, zone);
last_ = nullptr;
return list_;
ZoneList<T*>* list_;
T* last_;
class String;
class Zone;
// Accumulates RegExp atoms and assertions into lists of terms and alternatives.
class RegExpBuilder : public ZoneObject {
RegExpBuilder(Zone* zone, JSRegExp::Flags flags);
void AddCharacter(base::uc16 character);
void AddUnicodeCharacter(base::uc32 character);
void AddEscapedUnicodeCharacter(base::uc32 character);
// "Adds" an empty expression. Does nothing except consume a
// following quantifier
void AddEmpty();
void AddCharacterClass(RegExpCharacterClass* cc);
void AddCharacterClassForDesugaring(base::uc32 c);
void AddAtom(RegExpTree* tree);
void AddTerm(RegExpTree* tree);
void AddAssertion(RegExpTree* tree);
void NewAlternative(); // '|'
bool AddQuantifierToAtom(int min, int max,
RegExpQuantifier::QuantifierType type);
void FlushText();
RegExpTree* ToRegExp();
JSRegExp::Flags flags() const { return flags_; }
void set_flags(JSRegExp::Flags flags) { flags_ = flags; }
bool ignore_case() const { return (flags_ & JSRegExp::kIgnoreCase) != 0; }
bool multiline() const { return (flags_ & JSRegExp::kMultiline) != 0; }
bool dotall() const { return (flags_ & JSRegExp::kDotAll) != 0; }
static const base::uc16 kNoPendingSurrogate = 0;
void AddLeadSurrogate(base::uc16 lead_surrogate);
void AddTrailSurrogate(base::uc16 trail_surrogate);
void FlushPendingSurrogate();
void FlushCharacters();
void FlushTerms();
bool NeedsDesugaringForUnicode(RegExpCharacterClass* cc);
bool NeedsDesugaringForIgnoreCase(base::uc32 c);
Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
bool unicode() const { return (flags_ & JSRegExp::kUnicode) != 0; }
Zone* zone_;
bool pending_empty_;
JSRegExp::Flags flags_;
ZoneList<base::uc16>* characters_;
base::uc16 pending_surrogate_;
BufferedZoneList<RegExpTree, 2> terms_;
BufferedZoneList<RegExpTree, 2> text_;
BufferedZoneList<RegExpTree, 2> alternatives_;
#ifdef DEBUG
#define LAST(x) last_added_ = x;
#define LAST(x)
struct RegExpCompileData;
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE RegExpParser {
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE RegExpParser : public AllStatic {
static bool ParseRegExp(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone, FlatStringReader* input,
JSRegExp::Flags flags, RegExpCompileData* result);
static bool ParseRegExpFromHeapString(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone,
Handle<String> input,
JSRegExp::Flags flags,
RegExpCompileData* result);
// Used by the SpiderMonkey embedding of irregexp.
static bool VerifyRegExpSyntax(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone,
FlatStringReader* input, JSRegExp::Flags flags,
Handle<String> input, JSRegExp::Flags flags,
RegExpCompileData* result,
const DisallowGarbageCollection& no_gc);
RegExpParser(FlatStringReader* in, JSRegExp::Flags flags, Isolate* isolate,
Zone* zone, const DisallowGarbageCollection& no_gc);
bool Parse(RegExpCompileData* result);
RegExpTree* ParsePattern();
RegExpTree* ParseDisjunction();
RegExpTree* ParseGroup();
// Parses a {...,...} quantifier and stores the range in the given
// out parameters.
bool ParseIntervalQuantifier(int* min_out, int* max_out);
// Parses and returns a single escaped character. The character
// must not be 'b' or 'B' since they are usually handle specially.
base::uc32 ParseClassCharacterEscape();
// Checks whether the following is a length-digit hexadecimal number,
// and sets the value if it is.
bool ParseHexEscape(int length, base::uc32* value);
bool ParseUnicodeEscape(base::uc32* value);
bool ParseUnlimitedLengthHexNumber(int max_value, base::uc32* value);
bool ParsePropertyClassName(ZoneVector<char>* name_1,
ZoneVector<char>* name_2);
bool AddPropertyClassRange(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* add_to, bool negate,
const ZoneVector<char>& name_1,
const ZoneVector<char>& name_2);
RegExpTree* GetPropertySequence(const ZoneVector<char>& name_1);
RegExpTree* ParseCharacterClass(const RegExpBuilder* state);
base::uc32 ParseOctalLiteral();
// Tries to parse the input as a back reference. If successful it
// stores the result in the output parameter and returns true. If
// it fails it will push back the characters read so the same characters
// can be reparsed.
bool ParseBackReferenceIndex(int* index_out);
// Parse inside a class. Either add escaped class to the range, or return
// false and pass parsed single character through |char_out|.
void ParseClassEscape(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges, Zone* zone,
bool add_unicode_case_equivalents, base::uc32* char_out,
bool* is_class_escape);
char ParseClassEscape();
RegExpTree* ReportError(RegExpError error);
void Advance();
void Advance(int dist);
void Reset(int pos);
// Reports whether the pattern might be used as a literal search string.
// Only use if the result of the parse is a single atom node.
bool simple();
bool contains_anchor() { return contains_anchor_; }
void set_contains_anchor() { contains_anchor_ = true; }
int captures_started() { return captures_started_; }
int position() { return next_pos_ - 1; }
bool failed() { return failed_; }
// The Unicode flag can't be changed using in-regexp syntax, so it's OK to
// just read the initial flag value here.
bool unicode() const { return (top_level_flags_ & JSRegExp::kUnicode) != 0; }
static bool IsSyntaxCharacterOrSlash(base::uc32 c);
static const base::uc32 kEndMarker = (1 << 21);
enum SubexpressionType {
CAPTURE, // All positive values represent captures.
class RegExpParserState : public ZoneObject {
// Push a state on the stack.
RegExpParserState(RegExpParserState* previous_state,
SubexpressionType group_type,
RegExpLookaround::Type lookaround_type,
int disjunction_capture_index,
const ZoneVector<base::uc16>* capture_name,
JSRegExp::Flags flags, Zone* zone)
: previous_state_(previous_state),
builder_(zone->New<RegExpBuilder>(zone, flags)),
capture_name_(capture_name) {}
// Parser state of containing expression, if any.
RegExpParserState* previous_state() const { return previous_state_; }
bool IsSubexpression() { return previous_state_ != nullptr; }
// RegExpBuilder building this regexp's AST.
RegExpBuilder* builder() const { return builder_; }
// Type of regexp being parsed (parenthesized group or entire regexp).
SubexpressionType group_type() const { return group_type_; }
// Lookahead or Lookbehind.
RegExpLookaround::Type lookaround_type() const { return lookaround_type_; }
// Index in captures array of first capture in this sub-expression, if any.
// Also the capture index of this sub-expression itself, if group_type
// is CAPTURE.
int capture_index() const { return disjunction_capture_index_; }
// The name of the current sub-expression, if group_type is CAPTURE. Only
// used for named captures.
const ZoneVector<base::uc16>* capture_name() const { return capture_name_; }
bool IsNamedCapture() const { return capture_name_ != nullptr; }
// Check whether the parser is inside a capture group with the given index.
bool IsInsideCaptureGroup(int index);
// Check whether the parser is inside a capture group with the given name.
bool IsInsideCaptureGroup(const ZoneVector<base::uc16>* name);
// Linked list implementation of stack of states.
RegExpParserState* const previous_state_;
// Builder for the stored disjunction.
RegExpBuilder* const builder_;
// Stored disjunction type (capture, look-ahead or grouping), if any.
const SubexpressionType group_type_;
// Stored read direction.
const RegExpLookaround::Type lookaround_type_;
// Stored disjunction's capture index (if any).
const int disjunction_capture_index_;
// Stored capture name (if any).
const ZoneVector<base::uc16>* const capture_name_;
// Return the 1-indexed RegExpCapture object, allocate if necessary.
RegExpCapture* GetCapture(int index);
// Creates a new named capture at the specified index. Must be called exactly
// once for each named capture. Fails if a capture with the same name is
// encountered.
bool CreateNamedCaptureAtIndex(const ZoneVector<base::uc16>* name, int index);
// Parses the name of a capture group (?<name>pattern). The name must adhere
// to IdentifierName in the ECMAScript standard.
const ZoneVector<base::uc16>* ParseCaptureGroupName();
bool ParseNamedBackReference(RegExpBuilder* builder,
RegExpParserState* state);
RegExpParserState* ParseOpenParenthesis(RegExpParserState* state);
// After the initial parsing pass, patch corresponding RegExpCapture objects
// into all RegExpBackReferences. This is done after initial parsing in order
// to avoid complicating cases in which references comes before the capture.
void PatchNamedBackReferences();
ZoneVector<RegExpCapture*>* GetNamedCaptures() const;
// Returns true iff the pattern contains named captures. May call
// ScanForCaptures to look ahead at the remaining pattern.
bool HasNamedCaptures();
Isolate* isolate() { return isolate_; }
Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
base::uc32 current() { return current_; }
bool has_more() { return has_more_; }
bool has_next() { return next_pos_ < in()->length(); }
base::uc32 Next();
template <bool update_position>
base::uc32 ReadNext();
FlatStringReader* in() { return in_; }
void ScanForCaptures();
struct RegExpCaptureNameLess {
bool operator()(const RegExpCapture* lhs, const RegExpCapture* rhs) const {
return *lhs->name() < *rhs->name();
const DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc_;
Isolate* const isolate_;
Zone* const zone_;
RegExpError error_ = RegExpError::kNone;
int error_pos_ = 0;
ZoneList<RegExpCapture*>* captures_;
ZoneSet<RegExpCapture*, RegExpCaptureNameLess>* named_captures_;
ZoneList<RegExpBackReference*>* named_back_references_;
FlatStringReader* in_;
base::uc32 current_;
// These are the flags specified outside the regexp syntax ie after the
// terminating '/' or in the second argument to the constructor. The current
// flags are stored on the RegExpBuilder.
const JSRegExp::Flags top_level_flags_;
int next_pos_;
int captures_started_;
int capture_count_; // Only valid after we have scanned for captures.
bool has_more_;
bool simple_;
bool contains_anchor_;
bool is_scanned_for_captures_;
bool has_named_captures_; // Only valid after we have scanned for captures.
bool failed_;
} // namespace internal
......@@ -180,10 +180,9 @@ MaybeHandle<Object> RegExp::Compile(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSRegExp> re,
PostponeInterruptsScope postpone(isolate);
RegExpCompileData parse_result;
FlatStringReader reader(isolate, pattern);
if (!RegExpParser::ParseRegExp(isolate, &zone, &reader, flags,
&parse_result)) {
if (!RegExpParser::ParseRegExpFromHeapString(isolate, &zone, pattern, flags,
&parse_result)) {
// Throw an exception if we fail to parse the pattern.
return RegExp::ThrowRegExpException(isolate, re, pattern,
......@@ -507,9 +506,8 @@ bool RegExpImpl::CompileIrregexp(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSRegExp> re,
Handle<String> pattern(re->Pattern(), isolate);
pattern = String::Flatten(isolate, pattern);
RegExpCompileData compile_data;
FlatStringReader reader(isolate, pattern);
if (!RegExpParser::ParseRegExp(isolate, &zone, &reader, flags,
&compile_data)) {
if (!RegExpParser::ParseRegExpFromHeapString(isolate, &zone, pattern, flags,
&compile_data)) {
// Throw an exception if we fail to parse the pattern.
// THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN. We already pre-parsed it successfully once.
USE(RegExp::ThrowRegExpException(isolate, re, pattern, compile_data.error));
......@@ -63,9 +63,8 @@ static bool CheckParse(const char* input) {
v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate());
Zone zone(isolate->allocator(), ZONE_NAME);
Handle<String> str = isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked(input);
FlatStringReader reader(isolate, str);
RegExpCompileData result;
return v8::internal::RegExpParser::ParseRegExp(isolate, &zone, &reader,
return RegExpParser::ParseRegExpFromHeapString(isolate, &zone, str,
JSRegExp::kNone, &result);
......@@ -76,11 +75,10 @@ static void CheckParseEq(const char* input, const char* expected,
v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate());
Zone zone(isolate->allocator(), ZONE_NAME);
Handle<String> str = isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked(input);
FlatStringReader reader(isolate, str);
RegExpCompileData result;
JSRegExp::Flags flags = JSRegExp::kNone;
if (unicode) flags |= JSRegExp::kUnicode;
CHECK(v8::internal::RegExpParser::ParseRegExp(isolate, &zone, &reader, flags,
CHECK(RegExpParser::ParseRegExpFromHeapString(isolate, &zone, str, flags,
CHECK(result.error == RegExpError::kNone);
......@@ -98,9 +96,8 @@ static bool CheckSimple(const char* input) {
v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate());
Zone zone(isolate->allocator(), ZONE_NAME);
Handle<String> str = isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked(input);
FlatStringReader reader(isolate, str);
RegExpCompileData result;
CHECK(v8::internal::RegExpParser::ParseRegExp(isolate, &zone, &reader,
CHECK(RegExpParser::ParseRegExpFromHeapString(isolate, &zone, str,
JSRegExp::kNone, &result));
CHECK(result.error == RegExpError::kNone);
......@@ -118,9 +115,8 @@ static MinMaxPair CheckMinMaxMatch(const char* input) {
v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate());
Zone zone(isolate->allocator(), ZONE_NAME);
Handle<String> str = isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked(input);
FlatStringReader reader(isolate, str);
RegExpCompileData result;
CHECK(v8::internal::RegExpParser::ParseRegExp(isolate, &zone, &reader,
CHECK(RegExpParser::ParseRegExpFromHeapString(isolate, &zone, str,
JSRegExp::kNone, &result));
CHECK(result.error == RegExpError::kNone);
......@@ -433,11 +429,10 @@ static void ExpectError(const char* input, const char* expected,
v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate());
Zone zone(isolate->allocator(), ZONE_NAME);
Handle<String> str = isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked(input);
FlatStringReader reader(isolate, str);
RegExpCompileData result;
JSRegExp::Flags flags = JSRegExp::kNone;
if (unicode) flags |= JSRegExp::kUnicode;
CHECK(!v8::internal::RegExpParser::ParseRegExp(isolate, &zone, &reader, flags,
CHECK(!RegExpParser::ParseRegExpFromHeapString(isolate, &zone, str, flags,
CHECK(result.error != RegExpError::kNone);
......@@ -536,15 +531,15 @@ static RegExpNode* Compile(const char* input, bool multiline, bool unicode,
bool is_one_byte, Zone* zone) {
Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate();
Handle<String> str = isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked(input);
FlatStringReader reader(isolate, str);
RegExpCompileData compile_data;
compile_data.compilation_target = RegExpCompilationTarget::kNative;
JSRegExp::Flags flags = JSRegExp::kNone;
if (multiline) flags = JSRegExp::kMultiline;
if (unicode) flags = JSRegExp::kUnicode;
if (!v8::internal::RegExpParser::ParseRegExp(isolate, zone, &reader, flags,
if (!RegExpParser::ParseRegExpFromHeapString(isolate, zone, str, flags,
&compile_data)) {
return nullptr;
Handle<String> pattern = isolate->factory()
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