Commit e1ec054c authored by Georg Neis's avatar Georg Neis Committed by Commit Bot

[turbofan] Try updating maps early on.

Then the various methods that take receiver maps don't need to
worry about deprecated maps.

Change-Id: I09c53939275b1af19d54430bfecb23809a4257c2
Reviewed-on: 's avatarBenedikt Meurer <>
Commit-Queue: Georg Neis <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#59496}
parent c6dc8be7
......@@ -290,21 +290,18 @@ bool AccessInfoFactory::ComputeElementAccessInfos(
MapHandles possible_transition_targets;
for (Handle<Map> map : maps) {
if (Map::TryUpdate(isolate(), map).ToHandle(&map)) {
if (CanInlineElementAccess(map) &&
IsFastElementsKind(map->elements_kind()) &&
GetInitialFastElementsKind() != map->elements_kind()) {
// Separate the actual receiver maps and the possible transition sources.
MapHandles receiver_maps;
std::vector<std::pair<Handle<Map>, Handle<Map>>> transitions(maps.size());
for (Handle<Map> map : maps) {
if (Map::TryUpdate(isolate(), map).ToHandle(&map)) {
// Don't generate elements kind transitions from stable maps.
Map transition_target = map->is_stable()
? Map()
......@@ -317,7 +314,6 @@ bool AccessInfoFactory::ComputeElementAccessInfos(
std::make_pair(map, handle(transition_target, isolate())));
for (Handle<Map> receiver_map : receiver_maps) {
// Compute the element access information.
......@@ -572,14 +568,12 @@ bool AccessInfoFactory::ComputePropertyAccessInfos(
ZoneVector<PropertyAccessInfo> infos(zone());
for (Handle<Map> map : maps) {
if (Map::TryUpdate(isolate(), map).ToHandle(&map)) {
PropertyAccessInfo access_info;
if (!ComputePropertyAccessInfo(map, name, access_mode, &access_info)) {
return false;
// Merge as many as possible and push into {access_infos}.
for (auto it = infos.begin(), end = infos.end(); it != end; ++it) {
......@@ -3128,6 +3128,19 @@ bool JSNativeContextSpecialization::CanTreatHoleAsUndefined(
return true;
namespace {
void TryUpdateThenDropDeprecated(Isolate* isolate, MapHandles* maps) {
for (auto it = maps->begin(); it != maps->end();) {
if (Map::TryUpdate(isolate, *it).ToHandle(&*it)) {
} else {
it = maps->erase(it);
} // namespace
bool JSNativeContextSpecialization::ExtractReceiverMaps(
Node* receiver, Node* effect, FeedbackNexus const& nexus,
MapHandles* receiver_maps) {
......@@ -3142,7 +3155,7 @@ bool JSNativeContextSpecialization::ExtractReceiverMaps(
bool use_inference =
!IsKeyedStoreICKind(kind) && !IsStoreInArrayLiteralICKind(kind);
if (use_inference && InferReceiverMaps(receiver, effect, receiver_maps)) {
// We can assume that {receiver} still has the inferred {receiver_maps}.
TryUpdateThenDropDeprecated(isolate(), receiver_maps);
return true;
......@@ -3162,6 +3175,7 @@ bool JSNativeContextSpecialization::ExtractReceiverMaps(
TryUpdateThenDropDeprecated(isolate(), receiver_maps);
return true;
......@@ -208,9 +208,6 @@ class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE JSNativeContextSpecialization final
MapHandles* receiver_maps);
// Try to infer maps for the given {receiver} at the current {effect}.
// If maps are returned then you can be sure that the {receiver} definitely
// has one of the returned maps at this point in the program (identified
// by {effect}).
bool InferReceiverMaps(Node* receiver, Node* effect,
MapHandles* receiver_maps);
// Try to infer a root map for the {receiver} independent of the current
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