Commit dce12b63 authored by Michael Achenbach's avatar Michael Achenbach Committed by Commit Bot

[foozzie] Refactor argument abstraction

This adds an abstraction for command-line arguments for each of the
two comparison runs done in correctness fuzzing. No functional
changes intended.

No-Try: true
Bug: chromium:1023091
Change-Id: I9421715c4904416b9aaf53848954a5248c79ffd9
Commit-Queue: Michael Achenbach <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarTamer Tas <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#64979}
parent d85f4972
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ TIMEOUT = 3
def _startup_files(options):
"""Default files and optional architecture-specific mock file."""
files = DEFAULT_FILES[:]
if options.first_arch != options.second_arch:
if options.first.arch != options.second.arch:
return files
......@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ import re
import sys
import traceback
from collections import namedtuple
import v8_commands
import v8_suppressions
......@@ -151,34 +153,71 @@ def infer_arch(d8):
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(d8), 'v8_build_config.json')) as f:
arch = json.load(f)['v8_current_cpu']
return 'ia32' if arch == 'x86' else arch
arch = 'ia32' if arch == 'x86' else arch
assert arch in SUPPORTED_ARCHS
return arch
class ExecutionArgumentsConfig(object):
def __init__(self, label):
self.label = label
def add_arguments(self, parser, default_config):
def add_argument(flag_template, help_template, **kwargs):
flag_template % self.label,
help=help_template % self.label,
'%s configuration',
'additional flags passed to the %s run',
'optional path to %s d8 executable, '
'default: bundled in the directory of this script',
def make_options(self, options):
def get(name):
return getattr(options, '%s_%s' % (self.label, name))
config = get('config')
assert config in CONFIGS
d8 = get('d8')
if not os.path.isabs(d8):
d8 = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, d8)
assert os.path.exists(d8)
flags = CONFIGS[config] + get('config_extra_flags')
RunOptions = namedtuple('RunOptions', ['arch', 'config', 'd8', 'flags'])
return RunOptions(infer_arch(d8), config, d8, flags)
def parse_args():
first_config_arguments = ExecutionArgumentsConfig('first')
second_config_arguments = ExecutionArgumentsConfig('second')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
'--random-seed', type=int, required=True,
help='random seed passed to both runs')
'--first-config', help='first configuration', default='ignition')
'--second-config', help='second configuration', default='ignition_turbo')
'--first-config-extra-flags', action='append', default=[],
help='Additional flags to pass to the run of the first configuration')
'--second-config-extra-flags', action='append', default=[],
help='Additional flags to pass to the run of the second configuration')
'--first-d8', default='d8',
help='optional path to first d8 executable, '
'default: bundled in the same directory as this script')
help='optional path to second d8 executable, default: same as first')
'--skip-sanity-checks', default=False, action='store_true',
help='skip sanity checks for testing purposes')
# Add arguments for each run configuration.
first_config_arguments.add_arguments(parser, 'ignition')
second_config_arguments.add_arguments(parser, 'ignition_turbo')
parser.add_argument('testcase', help='path to test case')
options = parser.parse_args()
......@@ -187,33 +226,14 @@ def parse_args():
os.path.isfile(options.testcase)), (
'Test case %s doesn\'t exist' % options.testcase)
# Use first d8 as default for second d8.
options.second_d8 = options.second_d8 or options.first_d8
# Ensure absolute paths.
if not os.path.isabs(options.first_d8):
options.first_d8 = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, options.first_d8)
if not os.path.isabs(options.second_d8):
options.second_d8 = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, options.second_d8)
# Ensure executables exist.
assert os.path.exists(options.first_d8)
assert os.path.exists(options.second_d8)
options.first = first_config_arguments.make_options(options)
options.second = second_config_arguments.make_options(options)
# Ensure we make a sane comparison.
if (options.first_d8 == options.second_d8 and
options.first_config == options.second_config):
if (options.first.d8 == options.second.d8 and
options.first.config == options.second.config):
parser.error('Need either executable or config difference.')
# Infer architecture from build artifacts.
options.first_arch = infer_arch(options.first_d8)
options.second_arch = infer_arch(options.second_d8)
assert options.first_arch in SUPPORTED_ARCHS
assert options.second_arch in SUPPORTED_ARCHS
assert options.first_config in CONFIGS
assert options.second_config in CONFIGS
return options
......@@ -265,8 +285,8 @@ def print_difference(
first_config_output, second_config_output, difference, source=None):
# The first three entries will be parsed by clusterfuzz. Format changes
# will require changes on the clusterfuzz side.
first_config_label = '%s,%s' % (options.first_arch, options.first_config)
second_config_label = '%s,%s' % (options.second_arch, options.second_config)
first_config_label = '%s,%s' % (options.first.arch, options.first.config)
second_config_label = '%s,%s' % (options.second.arch, options.second.config)
source_file_text = SOURCE_FILE_TEMPLATE % source if source else ''
print((FAILURE_TEMPLATE % dict(
configs='%s:%s' % (first_config_label, second_config_label),
......@@ -291,8 +311,8 @@ def main():
# Suppressions are architecture and configuration specific.
suppress = v8_suppressions.get_suppression(
options.first_arch, options.first_config,
options.second_arch, options.second_config,
options.first.arch, options.first.config,
options.second.arch, options.second.config,
# Static bailout based on test case content or metadata.
......@@ -303,16 +323,10 @@ def main():
if content_bailout(content, suppress.ignore_by_content):
# Set up runtime arguments.
first_config_flags = (CONFIGS[options.first_config] +
second_config_flags = (CONFIGS[options.second_config] +
first_cmd = v8_commands.Command(
options,'first', options.first_d8, first_config_flags)
options,'first', options.first.d8, options.first.flags)
second_cmd = v8_commands.Command(
options, 'second', options.second_d8, second_config_flags)
options, 'second', options.second.d8, options.second.flags)
# Sanity checks. Run both configurations with the sanity-checks file only and
# bail out early if different.
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