Commit dbf50cf9 authored by's avatar

Object.observe: change array truncation logic to efficiently handle large sparse arrays

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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 6ab7a23f
......@@ -9344,6 +9344,25 @@ void JSArray::Expand(int required_size) {
// Returns false if the passed-in index is marked non-configurable,
// which will cause the ES5 truncation operation to halt, and thus
// no further old values need be collected.
static bool GetOldValue(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<JSObject> object,
uint32_t index,
List<Handle<Object> >* old_values,
List<Handle<String> >* indices) {
PropertyAttributes attributes = object->GetLocalElementAttribute(index);
ASSERT(attributes != ABSENT);
if (attributes == DONT_DELETE) return false;
old_values->Add(object->GetLocalElementAccessorPair(index) == NULL
? Object::GetElement(object, index)
: Handle<Object>::cast(isolate->factory()->the_hole_value()));
return true;
MaybeObject* JSArray::SetElementsLength(Object* len) {
// We should never end in here with a pixel or external array.
......@@ -9363,19 +9382,28 @@ MaybeObject* JSArray::SetElementsLength(Object* len) {
if (!new_length_handle->ToArrayIndex(&new_length))
return Failure::InternalError();
// TODO(adamk): This loop can be very slow for arrays in dictionary mode.
// Find another way to iterate over arrays with dictionary elements.
for (uint32_t i = old_length - 1; i + 1 > new_length; --i) {
PropertyAttributes attributes = self->GetLocalElementAttribute(i);
if (attributes == ABSENT) continue;
// A non-configurable property will cause the truncation operation to
// stop at this index.
if (attributes == DONT_DELETE) break;
self->GetLocalElementAccessorPair(i) == NULL
? Object::GetElement(self, i)
: Handle<Object>::cast(isolate->factory()->the_hole_value()));
// Observed arrays should always be in dictionary mode;
// if they were in fast mode, the below is slower than necessary
// as it iterates over the array backing store multiple times.
static const PropertyAttributes kNoAttrFilter = NONE;
int num_elements = self->NumberOfLocalElements(kNoAttrFilter);
if (num_elements > 0) {
if (old_length == static_cast<uint32_t>(num_elements)) {
// Simple case for arrays without holes.
for (uint32_t i = old_length - 1; i + 1 > new_length; --i) {
if (!GetOldValue(isolate, self, i, &old_values, &indices)) break;
} else {
// For sparse arrays, only iterate over existing elements.
Handle<FixedArray> keys = isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray(num_elements);
self->GetLocalElementKeys(*keys, kNoAttrFilter);
while (num_elements-- > 0) {
uint32_t index = NumberToUint32(keys->get(num_elements));
if (index < new_length) break;
if (!GetOldValue(isolate, self, index, &old_values, &indices)) break;
MaybeObject* result =
......@@ -626,16 +626,15 @@ var arr2 = ['alpha', 'beta'];
var arr3 = ['hello'];
arr3[2] = 'goodbye';
arr3.length = 6;
// TODO(adamk): Enable this test case when it can run in a reasonable
// amount of time.
//var slow_arr = new Array(1000000000);
//slow_arr[500000000] = 'hello';
var slow_arr = new Array(1000000000);
slow_arr[500000000] = 'hello';
Object.defineProperty(arr, '0', {configurable: false});
Object.defineProperty(arr, '2', {get: function(){}});
Object.defineProperty(arr2, '0', {get: function(){}, configurable: false});
Object.observe(arr, observer.callback);
Object.observe(arr2, observer.callback);
Object.observe(arr3, observer.callback);
Object.observe(slow_arr, observer.callback);
arr.length = 2;
arr.length = 0;
arr.length = 10;
......@@ -649,6 +648,7 @@ arr3.length++;
arr3.length /= 2;
Object.defineProperty(arr3, 'length', {value: 5});
Object.defineProperty(arr3, 'length', {value: 10, writable: false});
slow_arr.length = 100;
{ object: arr, name: '3', type: 'deleted', oldValue: 'd' },
......@@ -669,6 +669,8 @@ observer.assertCallbackRecords([
{ object: arr3, name: 'length', type: 'updated', oldValue: 2 },
{ object: arr3, name: 'length', type: 'updated', oldValue: 1 },
{ object: arr3, name: 'length', type: 'reconfigured', oldValue: 5 },
{ object: slow_arr, name: '500000000', type: 'deleted', oldValue: 'hello' },
{ object: slow_arr, name: 'length', type: 'updated', oldValue: 1000000000 },
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