Commit d885243c authored by Hao Xu's avatar Hao Xu Committed by V8 LUCI CQ

[wasm][revec] Introduce LinearScheduler

Add a simple, linear-time scheduler to check whether two nodes can be
scheduled to a same basic block without actually building basic blocks.

Bug: v8:12716
Change-Id: I20506f28a9126f881b7e4748f54b12551967ba76
Reviewed-on: 's avatarAlmothana Athamneh <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarTobias Tebbi <>
Commit-Queue: Hao A Xu <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#81015}
parent 3757c6cc
......@@ -3626,6 +3626,10 @@ v8_header_set("v8_internal_headers") {
if (v8_enable_wasm_simd256_revec) {
sources += [ "src/compiler/linear-scheduler.h" ]
if (!v8_enable_third_party_heap) {
sources += filter_include(v8_third_party_heap_files, [ "*.h" ])
} else {
......@@ -4071,6 +4075,10 @@ if (v8_enable_webassembly) {
if (v8_enable_wasm_simd256_revec) {
v8_compiler_sources += [ "src/compiler/" ]
# The src/compiler files with optimizations.
v8_source_set("v8_compiler_opt") {
visibility = [ ":*" ] # Only targets in this file can depend on this.
......@@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ declare_args() {
# executed as standard JavaScript instead.
v8_enable_webassembly = ""
# Enable 256-bit long vector re-vectorization pass in WASM compilation pipeline.
v8_enable_wasm_simd256_revec = false
# Enable runtime call stats.
v8_enable_runtime_call_stats = !is_on_release_branch
// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/compiler/linear-scheduler.h"
#include "src/compiler/graph.h"
#include "src/compiler/node-properties.h"
#include "src/compiler/node.h"
#include "src/zone/zone-containers.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
LinearScheduler::LinearScheduler(Zone* zone, Graph* graph)
: graph_(graph), control_level_(zone), early_schedule_position_(zone) {
void LinearScheduler::ComputeControlLevel() {
Node* start = graph_->start();
SetControlLevel(start, 0);
// Do BFS from the start node and compute the level of
// each control node.
std::queue<Node*> queue({start});
while (!queue.empty()) {
Node* node = queue.front();
int level = GetControlLevel(node);
for (Edge const edge : node->use_edges()) {
if (!NodeProperties::IsControlEdge(edge)) continue;
Node* use = edge.from();
if (control_level_.find(use) == control_level_.end() &&
use->opcode() != IrOpcode::kEnd) {
SetControlLevel(use, level + 1);
Node* LinearScheduler::GetEarlySchedulePosition(Node* node) {
auto it = early_schedule_position_.find(node);
if (it != early_schedule_position_.end()) return it->second;
std::stack<NodeState> stack;
stack.push({node, nullptr, 0});
Node* early_schedule_position = nullptr;
while (!stack.empty()) {
NodeState& top =;
if (NodeProperties::IsPhi(top.node)) {
// For phi node, the early schedule position is its control node.
early_schedule_position = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(top.node);
} else if (top.node->InputCount() == 0) {
// For node without inputs, the early schedule position is start node.
early_schedule_position = graph_->start();
} else {
// For others, the early schedule position is one of its inputs' early
// schedule position with maximal level.
if (top.input_index == top.node->InputCount()) {
// All inputs are visited, set early schedule position.
early_schedule_position = top.early_schedule_position;
} else {
// Visit top's input and find its early schedule position.
Node* input = top.node->InputAt(top.input_index);
Node* input_early_schedule_position = nullptr;
if (NodeProperties::IsControl(input)) {
input_early_schedule_position = input;
} else {
auto it = early_schedule_position_.find(input);
if (it != early_schedule_position_.end())
input_early_schedule_position = it->second;
if (input_early_schedule_position != nullptr) {
if (top.early_schedule_position == nullptr ||
GetControlLevel(top.early_schedule_position) <
GetControlLevel(input_early_schedule_position)) {
top.early_schedule_position = input_early_schedule_position;
top.input_index += 1;
} else {
top.input_index += 1;
stack.push({input, nullptr, 0});
// Found top's early schedule position, set it to the cache and pop it out
// of the stack.
SetEarlySchedulePosition(top.node, early_schedule_position);
// Update early schedule position of top's use.
if (!stack.empty()) {
NodeState& use =;
if (use.early_schedule_position == nullptr ||
GetControlLevel(use.early_schedule_position) <
GetControlLevel(top.early_schedule_position)) {
use.early_schedule_position = top.early_schedule_position;
DCHECK(early_schedule_position != nullptr);
return early_schedule_position;
bool LinearScheduler::SameBasicBlock(Node* node0, Node* node1) {
Node* early_schedule_position0 = NodeProperties::IsControl(node0)
? node0
: GetEarlySchedulePosition(node0);
Node* early_schedule_position1 = NodeProperties::IsControl(node1)
? node1
: GetEarlySchedulePosition(node1);
return early_schedule_position0 == early_schedule_position1;
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/base/flags.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/compiler/node.h"
#include "src/compiler/opcodes.h"
#include "src/compiler/zone-stats.h"
#include "src/zone/zone-containers.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
// A simple, linear-time scheduler to check whether two nodes are in a same
// basic block without actually building basic block.
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE LinearScheduler {
explicit LinearScheduler(Zone* zone, Graph* graph);
bool SameBasicBlock(Node* node0, Node* node1);
// Get a node's early schedule position. It is the earliest block (represented
// by a control node) where a node could be scheduled.
Node* GetEarlySchedulePosition(Node* node);
// Compute the level of each control node. The level is defined by the
// shortest control path from the start node.
void ComputeControlLevel();
struct NodeState {
Node* node;
Node* early_schedule_position;
int input_index;
int GetControlLevel(Node* control) const {
auto it = control_level_.find(control);
DCHECK(it != control_level_.end());
return it->second;
void SetControlLevel(Node* control, int level) {
DCHECK(control_level_.find(control) == control_level_.end());
control_level_[control] = level;
void SetEarlySchedulePosition(Node* node, Node* early_schedule_position) {
early_schedule_position_[node] = early_schedule_position;
Graph* graph_;
// A map from a control node to the control level of the corresponding basic
// block.
ZoneMap<Node*, int> control_level_;
// A map from a non-control node to its early schedule position.
ZoneMap<Node*, Node*> early_schedule_position_;
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
......@@ -494,6 +494,10 @@ v8_source_set("unittests_sources") {
if (v8_enable_wasm_simd256_revec) {
sources += [ "compiler/" ]
if (v8_enable_wasm_gdb_remote_debugging) {
sources += [ "wasm/" ]
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/compiler/linear-scheduler.h"
#include "src/compiler/access-builder.h"
#include "src/compiler/common-operator.h"
#include "src/compiler/graph.h"
#include "src/compiler/node.h"
#include "src/compiler/opcodes.h"
#include "src/compiler/operator.h"
#include "src/compiler/simplified-operator.h"
#include "test/unittests/compiler/compiler-test-utils.h"
#include "test/unittests/test-utils.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
using testing::AnyOf;
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
class LinearSchedulerTest : public TestWithIsolateAndZone {
: TestWithIsolateAndZone(kCompressGraphZone),
simplified_(zone()) {}
Graph* graph() { return &graph_; }
CommonOperatorBuilder* common() { return &common_; }
SimplifiedOperatorBuilder* simplified() { return &simplified_; }
Graph graph_;
CommonOperatorBuilder common_;
SimplifiedOperatorBuilder simplified_;
namespace {
const Operator kIntAdd(IrOpcode::kInt32Add, Operator::kPure, "Int32Add", 2, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0);
} // namespace
TEST_F(LinearSchedulerTest, BuildSimpleScheduleEmpty) {
Node* start = graph()->NewNode(common()->Start(0));
Node* end = graph()->NewNode(common()->End(1), graph()->start());
LinearScheduler simple_scheduler(zone(), graph());
EXPECT_FALSE(simple_scheduler.SameBasicBlock(start, end));
TEST_F(LinearSchedulerTest, BuildSimpleScheduleOneParameter) {
Node* p1 = graph()->NewNode(common()->Parameter(0), graph()->start());
Node* zero = graph()->NewNode(common()->Int32Constant(0));
Node* ret = graph()->NewNode(common()->Return(), zero, p1, graph()->start(),
graph()->SetEnd(graph()->NewNode(common()->End(1), ret));
LinearScheduler simple_scheduler(zone(), graph());
EXPECT_TRUE(simple_scheduler.SameBasicBlock(p1, zero));
EXPECT_FALSE(simple_scheduler.SameBasicBlock(zero, ret));
TARGET_TEST_F(LinearSchedulerTest, FloatingDiamond) {
Node* start = graph()->NewNode(common()->Start(1));
Node* cond = graph()->NewNode(common()->Parameter(0), start);
Node* tv = graph()->NewNode(common()->Int32Constant(6));
Node* fv = graph()->NewNode(common()->Int32Constant(7));
Node* br = graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(), cond, start);
Node* t = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), br);
Node* f = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), br);
Node* m = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), t, f);
Node* phi = graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2),
tv, fv, m);
Node* zero = graph()->NewNode(common()->Int32Constant(0));
Node* ret = graph()->NewNode(common()->Return(), zero, phi, start, start);
Node* end = graph()->NewNode(common()->End(1), ret);
LinearScheduler simple_scheduler(zone(), graph());
EXPECT_FALSE(simple_scheduler.SameBasicBlock(t, f));
EXPECT_FALSE(simple_scheduler.SameBasicBlock(phi, t));
EXPECT_FALSE(simple_scheduler.SameBasicBlock(phi, f));
TARGET_TEST_F(LinearSchedulerTest, NestedFloatingDiamonds) {
Node* start = graph()->NewNode(common()->Start(2));
Node* p0 = graph()->NewNode(common()->Parameter(0), start);
Node* tv = graph()->NewNode(common()->Int32Constant(7));
Node* br = graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(), p0, graph()->start());
Node* t = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), br);
Node* f = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), br);
Node* map = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->LoadElement(AccessBuilder::ForFixedArrayElement()), p0, p0,
start, f);
Node* br1 = graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(), map, graph()->start());
Node* t1 = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), br1);
Node* f1 = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), br1);
Node* m1 = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), t1, f1);
Node* ttrue = graph()->NewNode(common()->Int32Constant(1));
Node* ffalse = graph()->NewNode(common()->Int32Constant(0));
Node* phi1 = graph()->NewNode(
common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2), ttrue, ffalse, m1);
Node* m = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), t, f);
Node* phi = graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2),
tv, phi1, m);
Node* ephi1 = graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(2), start, map, m);
Node* zero = graph()->NewNode(common()->Int32Constant(0));
Node* ret = graph()->NewNode(common()->Return(), zero, phi, ephi1, start);
Node* end = graph()->NewNode(common()->End(1), ret);
LinearScheduler simple_scheduler(zone(), graph());
EXPECT_TRUE(simple_scheduler.SameBasicBlock(map, f));
EXPECT_FALSE(simple_scheduler.SameBasicBlock(map, br1));
EXPECT_TRUE(simple_scheduler.SameBasicBlock(ephi1, phi));
TARGET_TEST_F(LinearSchedulerTest, LoopedFloatingDiamond) {
Node* start = graph()->NewNode(common()->Start(2));
Node* p0 = graph()->NewNode(common()->Parameter(0), start);
Node* c = graph()->NewNode(common()->Int32Constant(7));
Node* loop = graph()->NewNode(common()->Loop(2), start, start);
Node* ind = graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2),
p0, p0, loop);
Node* add = graph()->NewNode(&kIntAdd, ind, c);
Node* br = graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(), add, loop);
Node* t = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), br);
Node* f = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), br);
Node* br1 = graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(), p0, graph()->start());
Node* t1 = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), br1);
Node* f1 = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), br1);
Node* m1 = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), t1, f1);
Node* phi1 = graph()->NewNode(
common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2), add, p0, m1);
loop->ReplaceInput(1, t); // close loop.
ind->ReplaceInput(1, phi1); // close induction variable.
Node* zero = graph()->NewNode(common()->Int32Constant(0));
Node* ret = graph()->NewNode(common()->Return(), zero, ind, start, f);
Node* end = graph()->NewNode(common()->End(2), ret, f);
LinearScheduler simple_scheduler(zone(), graph());
EXPECT_TRUE(simple_scheduler.SameBasicBlock(ind, loop));
EXPECT_TRUE(simple_scheduler.SameBasicBlock(phi1, m1));
EXPECT_FALSE(simple_scheduler.SameBasicBlock(loop, m1));
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
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