Commit d70f7882 authored by's avatar

Fail the compilation if the cached data is invalid.

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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 9843789d
......@@ -1694,40 +1694,44 @@ Local<UnboundScript> ScriptCompiler::CompileUnbound(
CompileOptions options) {
i::ScriptData* script_data_impl = NULL;
i::CachedDataMode cached_data_mode = i::NO_CACHED_DATA;
i::Isolate* isolate = reinterpret_cast<i::Isolate*>(v8_isolate);
ON_BAILOUT(isolate, "v8::ScriptCompiler::CompileUnbound()",
return Local<UnboundScript>());
if (options & kProduceDataToCache) {
cached_data_mode = i::PRODUCE_CACHED_DATA;
ASSERT(source->cached_data == NULL);
if (source->cached_data) {
// Asked to produce cached data even though there is some already -> not
// good. In release mode, try to do the right thing: Just regenerate the
// data.
delete source->cached_data;
source->cached_data = NULL;
// good. Fail the compilation.
i::Handle<i::Object> result = isolate->factory()->NewSyntaxError(
"invalid_cached_data", isolate->factory()->NewJSArray(0));
has_pending_exception = true;
EXCEPTION_BAILOUT_CHECK(isolate, Local<UnboundScript>());
} else if (source->cached_data) {
cached_data_mode = i::CONSUME_CACHED_DATA;
// ScriptData takes care of aligning, in case the data is not aligned
// correctly.
script_data_impl = i::ScriptData::New(
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(source->cached_data->data),
// We assert that the pre-data is sane, even though we can actually
// handle it if it turns out not to be in release mode.
if (script_data_impl->SanityCheck()) {
cached_data_mode = i::CONSUME_CACHED_DATA;
} else {
// If the pre-data isn't sane we simply ignore it.
// If the cached data is not valid, fail the compilation.
if (script_data_impl == NULL || !script_data_impl->SanityCheck()) {
i::Handle<i::Object> result = isolate->factory()->NewSyntaxError(
"invalid_cached_data", isolate->factory()->NewJSArray(0));
delete script_data_impl;
script_data_impl = NULL;
delete source->cached_data;
source->cached_data = NULL;
has_pending_exception = true;
EXCEPTION_BAILOUT_CHECK(isolate, Local<UnboundScript>());
i::Handle<i::String> str = Utils::OpenHandle(*(source->source_string));
i::Isolate* isolate = reinterpret_cast<i::Isolate*>(v8_isolate);
ON_BAILOUT(isolate, "v8::ScriptCompiler::CompileUnbound()",
return Local<UnboundScript>());
LOG_API(isolate, "ScriptCompiler::CompileUnbound");
i::SharedFunctionInfo* raw_result = NULL;
......@@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ var kMessages = {
array_indexof_not_defined: ["Array.getIndexOf: Argument undefined"],
object_not_extensible: ["Can't add property ", "%0", ", object is not extensible"],
illegal_access: ["Illegal access"],
invalid_preparser_data: ["Invalid preparser data for function ", "%0"],
invalid_cached_data_function: ["Invalid cached data for function ", "%0"],
invalid_cached_data: ["Invalid cached data"],
strict_mode_with: ["Strict mode code may not include a with statement"],
strict_eval_arguments: ["Unexpected eval or arguments in strict mode"],
too_many_arguments: ["Too many arguments in function call (only 65535 allowed)"],
......@@ -227,15 +227,13 @@ Handle<String> Parser::LookupCachedSymbol(int symbol_id) {
ScriptData* ScriptData::New(const char* data, int length) {
// The length is obviously invalid.
if (length % sizeof(unsigned) != 0) {
return new ScriptData();
return NULL;
int deserialized_data_length = length / sizeof(unsigned);
unsigned* deserialized_data;
ScriptData* script_data = new ScriptData();
script_data->owns_store_ =
reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(data) % sizeof(unsigned) != 0;
if (script_data->owns_store_) {
bool owns_store = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(data) % sizeof(unsigned) != 0;
if (owns_store) {
// Copy the data to align it.
deserialized_data = i::NewArray<unsigned>(deserialized_data_length);
......@@ -244,9 +242,9 @@ ScriptData* ScriptData::New(const char* data, int length) {
// If aligned, don't create a copy of the data.
deserialized_data = reinterpret_cast<unsigned*>(const_cast<char*>(data));
script_data->store_ =
Vector<unsigned>(deserialized_data, deserialized_data_length);
return script_data;
return new ScriptData(
Vector<unsigned>(deserialized_data, deserialized_data_length),
......@@ -3138,10 +3136,10 @@ DebuggerStatement* Parser::ParseDebuggerStatement(bool* ok) {
void Parser::ReportInvalidPreparseData(Handle<String> name, bool* ok) {
void Parser::ReportInvalidCachedData(Handle<String> name, bool* ok) {
SmartArrayPointer<char> name_string = name->ToCString(DISALLOW_NULLS);
const char* element[1] = { name_string.get() };
Vector<const char*>(element, 1));
*ok = false;
......@@ -3402,7 +3400,7 @@ FunctionLiteral* Parser::ParseFunctionLiteral(
if (entry.end_pos() <= function_block_pos) {
// End position greater than end of stream is safe, and hard
// to check.
ReportInvalidPreparseData(function_name, CHECK_OK);
ReportInvalidCachedData(function_name, CHECK_OK);
scanner()->SeekForward(entry.end_pos() - 1);
......@@ -3415,13 +3413,8 @@ FunctionLiteral* Parser::ParseFunctionLiteral(
} else {
// This case happens when we have preparse data but it doesn't contain
// an entry for the function. As a safety net, fall back to eager
// parsing. It is unclear whether PreParser's laziness analysis can
// produce different results than the Parser's laziness analysis (see
// ). In this case, we must
// discard all the preparse data, since the symbol data will be wrong.
is_lazily_parsed = false;
cached_data_mode_ = NO_CACHED_DATA;
// an entry for the function. Fail the compilation.
ReportInvalidCachedData(function_name, CHECK_OK);
} else {
// With no cached data, we partially parse the function, without
......@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ class ScriptData {
: store_(store),
owns_store_(true) { }
// Create an empty ScriptData that is guaranteed to not satisfy
// a SanityCheck.
ScriptData() : owns_store_(false) { }
ScriptData(Vector<unsigned> store, bool owns_store)
: store_(store),
owns_store_(owns_store) { }
// The created ScriptData won't take ownership of the data. If the alignment
// is not correct, this will copy the data (and the created ScriptData will
......@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ class Parser : public ParserBase<ParserTraits> {
Handle<String> source);
// Report syntax error
void ReportInvalidPreparseData(Handle<String> name, bool* ok);
void ReportInvalidCachedData(Handle<String> name, bool* ok);
void SetCachedData(ScriptData** data,
CachedDataMode cached_data_mode) {
......@@ -14858,10 +14858,7 @@ TEST(PreCompileDeserializationError) {
const char* data = "DONT CARE";
int invalid_size = 3;
i::ScriptData* sd = i::ScriptData::New(data, invalid_size);
CHECK_EQ(0, sd->Length());
delete sd;
......@@ -14911,16 +14908,18 @@ TEST(CompileWithInvalidCachedData) {
v8::ScriptCompiler::CompileUnbound(isolate, &source2);
String::Utf8Value exception_value(try_catch.Message()->Get());
CHECK_EQ("Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid preparser data for function bar",
CHECK_EQ("Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid cached data for function bar",
delete sd;
// Overwrite function bar's start position with 200. The function entry
// will not be found when searching for it by position and we should fall
// back on eager compilation.
// Overwrite function bar's start position with 200. The function entry will
// not be found when searching for it by position, and the compilation fails.
// ScriptData does not take ownership of the buffers passed to it.
sd = i::ScriptData::New(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(cd->data), cd->length);
sd_data = reinterpret_cast<unsigned*>(const_cast<char*>(sd->Data()));
......@@ -14934,7 +14933,34 @@ TEST(CompileWithInvalidCachedData) {
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(sd->Data()), sd->Length()));
compiled_script =
v8::ScriptCompiler::CompileUnbound(isolate, &source3);
String::Utf8Value exception_value(try_catch.Message()->Get());
CHECK_EQ("Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid cached data for function bar",
delete sd;
// Try passing in cached data which is obviously invalid (wrong length).
sd = i::ScriptData::New(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(cd->data), cd->length);
const char* script4 =
"function foo(){ return 8;}\n"
"function bar(){ return 6 + 7;} foo();";
v8::ScriptCompiler::Source source4(
new v8::ScriptCompiler::CachedData(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(sd->Data()), sd->Length() - 1));
compiled_script =
v8::ScriptCompiler::CompileUnbound(isolate, &source4);
String::Utf8Value exception_value(try_catch.Message()->Get());
CHECK_EQ("Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid cached data",
delete sd;
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