Commit d6e08a41 authored by's avatar

Probe number dictionaries in generated code on ia32.

With my previous change to limit memory for object literals, we get more slow-case elements and this makes up for the slowdown when loading from those slow-case elements.

The most complicated part here is the computation of the integer hash code.  We might want to simplify the integer hash function.
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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent de070ccf
......@@ -152,6 +152,108 @@ static void GenerateDictionaryLoad(MacroAssembler* masm,
static void GenerateNumberDictionaryLoad(MacroAssembler* masm,
Label* miss,
Register elements,
Register key,
Register r0,
Register r1,
Register r2) {
// Register use:
// elements - holds the slow-case elements of the receiver and is unchanged.
// key - holds the smi key on entry and is unchanged if a branch is
// performed to the miss label. If the load succeeds and we
// fall through, key holds the result on exit.
// Scratch registers:
// r0 - holds the untagged key on entry and holds the hash once computed.
// r1 - used to hold the capacity mask of the dictionary
// r2 - used for the index into the dictionary.
Label done;
// Compute the hash code from the untagged key. This must be kept in sync
// with ComputeIntegerHash in utils.h.
// hash = ~hash + (hash << 15);
__ mov(r1, r0);
__ not_(r0);
__ shl(r1, 15);
__ add(r0, Operand(r1));
// hash = hash ^ (hash >> 12);
__ mov(r1, r0);
__ shr(r1, 12);
__ xor_(r0, Operand(r1));
// hash = hash + (hash << 2);
__ lea(r0, Operand(r0, r0, times_4, 0));
// hash = hash ^ (hash >> 4);
__ mov(r1, r0);
__ shr(r1, 4);
__ xor_(r0, Operand(r1));
// hash = hash * 2057;
__ imul(r0, r0, 2057);
// hash = hash ^ (hash >> 16);
__ mov(r1, r0);
__ shr(r1, 16);
__ xor_(r0, Operand(r1));
// Compute capacity mask.
const int kCapacityOffset =
NumberDictionary::kHeaderSize +
NumberDictionary::kCapacityIndex * kPointerSize;
__ mov(r1, FieldOperand(elements, kCapacityOffset));
__ shr(r1, kSmiTagSize); // convert smi to int
__ dec(r1);
const int kElementsStartOffset =
NumberDictionary::kHeaderSize +
NumberDictionary::kElementsStartIndex * kPointerSize;
// Generate an unrolled loop that performs a few probes before giving up.
const int kProbes = 4;
for (int i = 0; i < kProbes; i++) {
// Use r2 for index calculations and keep the hash intact in r0.
__ mov(r2, r0);
// Compute the masked index: (hash + i + i * i) & mask.
if (i > 0) {
__ add(Operand(r2), Immediate(NumberDictionary::GetProbeOffset(i)));
__ and_(r2, Operand(r1));
// Scale the index by multiplying by the entry size.
ASSERT(NumberDictionary::kEntrySize == 3);
__ lea(r2, Operand(r2, r2, times_2, 0)); // r2 = r2 * 3
// Check if the key matches.
__ cmp(key, FieldOperand(elements,
if (i != (kProbes - 1)) {
__ j(equal, &done, taken);
} else {
__ j(not_equal, miss, not_taken);
__ bind(&done);
// Check that the value is a normal propety.
const int kDetailsOffset = kElementsStartOffset + 2 * kPointerSize;
__ test(FieldOperand(elements, r2, times_pointer_size, kDetailsOffset),
Immediate(PropertyDetails::TypeField::mask() << kSmiTagSize));
__ j(not_zero, miss);
// Get the value at the masked, scaled index.
const int kValueOffset = kElementsStartOffset + kPointerSize;
__ mov(key, FieldOperand(elements, r2, times_pointer_size, kValueOffset));
// Helper function used to check that a value is either not an object
// or is loaded if it is an object.
static void GenerateCheckNonObjectOrLoaded(MacroAssembler* masm, Label* miss,
......@@ -225,6 +327,7 @@ void KeyedLoadIC::GenerateGeneric(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// -----------------------------------
Label slow, check_string, index_int, index_string;
Label check_pixel_array, probe_dictionary;
Label check_number_dictionary;
// Check that the object isn't a smi.
__ test(edx, Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
......@@ -273,7 +376,7 @@ void KeyedLoadIC::GenerateGeneric(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// ebx: untagged index
// eax: key
// ecx: elements
__ CheckMap(ecx, Factory::pixel_array_map(), &slow, true);
__ CheckMap(ecx, Factory::pixel_array_map(), &check_number_dictionary, true);
__ cmp(ebx, FieldOperand(ecx, PixelArray::kLengthOffset));
__ j(above_equal, &slow);
__ mov(eax, FieldOperand(ecx, PixelArray::kExternalPointerOffset));
......@@ -281,6 +384,32 @@ void KeyedLoadIC::GenerateGeneric(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ SmiTag(eax);
__ ret(0);
__ bind(&check_number_dictionary);
// Check whether the elements is a number dictionary.
// edx: receiver
// ebx: untagged index
// eax: key
// ecx: elements
__ CheckMap(ecx, Factory::hash_table_map(), &slow, true);
Label slow_pop_receiver;
// Push receiver on the stack to free up a register for the dictionary
// probing.
__ push(edx);
// Pop receiver before returning.
__ pop(edx);
__ ret(0);
__ bind(&slow_pop_receiver);
// Pop the receiver from the stack and jump to runtime.
__ pop(edx);
__ bind(&slow);
// Slow case: jump to runtime.
// edx: receiver
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