Commit d1191e1b authored by kozyatinskiy's avatar kozyatinskiy Committed by Commit bot

[inspector] added inspector test runner [part 4]

- added inspector test suite definition in
- added JS infrastructure for tests in protocol-test.js


Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#39895}
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#39930}
parent f0649c8f
# Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
InspectorTest = {};
InspectorTest._dispatchTable = new Map();
InspectorTest._requestId = 0;
InspectorTest._dumpInspectorProtocolMessages = false;
InspectorTest.eventHandler = {};
InspectorTest.startDumpingProtocolMessages = function()
InspectorTest._dumpInspectorProtocolMessages = true;
InspectorTest.sendCommand = function(method, params, handler)
var requestId = ++InspectorTest._requestId;
var messageObject = { "id": requestId, "method": method, "params": params };
InspectorTest.sendRawCommand(requestId, JSON.stringify(messageObject), handler);
InspectorTest.sendRawCommand = function(requestId, command, handler)
if (InspectorTest._dumpInspectorProtocolMessages)
print("frontend: " + command);
InspectorTest._dispatchTable.set(requestId, handler);
InspectorTest.sendCommandOrDie = function(command, properties, callback)
InspectorTest.sendCommand(command, properties, commandCallback);
function commandCallback(msg)
if (msg.error) {
InspectorTest.log("ERROR: " + msg.error.message);
if (callback)
InspectorTest.sendCommandPromise = function(method, params)
return new Promise(fulfill => InspectorTest.sendCommand(method, params, fulfill));
InspectorTest.waitForEventPromise = function(eventName)
return new Promise(fulfill => InspectorTest.eventHandler[eventName] = fullfillAndClearListener.bind(null, fulfill));
function fullfillAndClearListener(fulfill, result)
delete InspectorTest.eventHandler[eventName];
InspectorTest.dispatchMessage = function(messageObject)
if (InspectorTest._dumpInspectorProtocolMessages)
print("backend: " + JSON.stringify(messageObject));
try {
var messageId = messageObject["id"];
if (typeof messageId === "number") {
var handler = InspectorTest._dispatchTable.get(messageId);
if (handler) {
} else {
var eventName = messageObject["method"];
var eventHandler = InspectorTest.eventHandler[eventName];
if (eventHandler)
} catch (e) {
InspectorTest.log("Exception when dispatching message: " + e + "\n" + e.stack + "\n message = " + JSON.stringify(messageObject, null, 2));
InspectorTest.log = print.bind(null);
InspectorTest.logObject = function(object, title)
var lines = [];
function dumpValue(value, prefix, prefixWithName)
if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) {
if (value instanceof Array)
dumpItems(value, prefix, prefixWithName);
dumpProperties(value, prefix, prefixWithName);
} else {
lines.push(prefixWithName + String(value).replace(/\n/g, " "));
function dumpProperties(object, prefix, firstLinePrefix)
prefix = prefix || "";
firstLinePrefix = firstLinePrefix || prefix;
lines.push(firstLinePrefix + "{");
var propertyNames = Object.keys(object);
for (var i = 0; i < propertyNames.length; ++i) {
var name = propertyNames[i];
if (!object.hasOwnProperty(name))
var prefixWithName = " " + prefix + name + " : ";
dumpValue(object[name], " " + prefix, prefixWithName);
lines.push(prefix + "}");
function dumpItems(object, prefix, firstLinePrefix)
prefix = prefix || "";
firstLinePrefix = firstLinePrefix || prefix;
lines.push(firstLinePrefix + "[");
for (var i = 0; i < object.length; ++i)
dumpValue(object[i], " " + prefix, " " + prefix + "[" + i + "] : ");
lines.push(prefix + "]");
dumpValue(object, "", title);
InspectorTest.completeTest = quit.bind(null);
InspectorTest.evaluateInPage = function(string, callback)
InspectorTest.sendCommand("Runtime.evaluate", { "expression": string }, function(message) {
if (message.error) {
InspectorTest.log("Error while executing '" + string + "': " + message.error.message);
else if (callback)
InspectorTest.checkExpectation = function(fail, name, messageObject)
if (fail === !!messageObject.error) {
InspectorTest.log("PASS: " + name);
return true;
InspectorTest.log("FAIL: " + name + ": " + JSON.stringify(messageObject));
return false;
InspectorTest.expectedSuccess = InspectorTest.checkExpectation.bind(null, false);
InspectorTest.expectedError = InspectorTest.checkExpectation.bind(null, true);
InspectorTest.runTestSuite = function(testSuite)
function nextTest()
if (!testSuite.length) {
var fun = testSuite.shift();
InspectorTest.log("\nRunning test: " +;
# Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import itertools
import os
import re
from testrunner.local import testsuite
from testrunner.local import utils
from testrunner.objects import testcase
FLAGS_PATTERN = re.compile(r"//\s+Flags:(.*)")
PROTOCOL_TEST_JS = "protocol-test.js"
EXPECTED_SUFFIX = "-expected.txt"
class InspectorProtocolTestSuite(testsuite.TestSuite):
def __init__(self, name, root):
super(InspectorProtocolTestSuite, self).__init__(name, root)
def ListTests(self, context):
tests = []
for dirname, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(self.root), followlinks=True):
for dotted in [x for x in dirs if x.startswith('.')]:
for filename in files:
if filename.endswith(".js") and filename != PROTOCOL_TEST_JS:
fullpath = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
relpath = fullpath[len(self.root) + 1 : -3]
testname = relpath.replace(os.path.sep, "/")
test = testcase.TestCase(self, testname)
return tests
def GetFlagsForTestCase(self, testcase, context):
source = self.GetSourceForTest(testcase)
flags_match = re.findall(FLAGS_PATTERN, source)
flags = []
for match in flags_match:
flags += match.strip().split()
testname = testcase.path.split(os.path.sep)[-1]
testfilename = os.path.join(self.root, testcase.path + self.suffix())
protocoltestfilename = os.path.join(self.root, PROTOCOL_TEST_JS)
return [ protocoltestfilename, testfilename ] + flags
def GetSourceForTest(self, testcase):
filename = os.path.join(self.root, testcase.path + self.suffix())
with open(filename) as f:
def shell(self):
return "inspector-test"
def _IgnoreLine(self, string):
"""Ignore empty lines, valgrind output and Android output."""
if not string: return True
return (string.startswith("==") or string.startswith("**") or
string.startswith("ANDROID") or
# FIXME(machenbach): The test driver shouldn't try to use slow
# asserts if they weren't compiled. This fails in optdebug=2.
string == "Warning: unknown flag --enable-slow-asserts." or
string == "Try --help for options")
def IsFailureOutput(self, testcase):
file_name = os.path.join(self.root, testcase.path) + EXPECTED_SUFFIX
with file(file_name, "r") as expected:
expected_lines = expected.readlines()
def ExpIterator():
for line in expected_lines:
if line.startswith("#") or not line.strip(): continue
yield line.strip()
def ActIterator(lines):
for line in lines:
if self._IgnoreLine(line.strip()): continue
yield line.strip()
def ActBlockIterator():
"""Iterates over blocks of actual output lines."""
lines = testcase.output.stdout.splitlines()
start_index = 0
found_eqeq = False
for index, line in enumerate(lines):
# If a stress test separator is found:
if line.startswith("=="):
# Iterate over all lines before a separator except the first.
if not found_eqeq:
found_eqeq = True
yield ActIterator(lines[start_index:index])
# The next block of output lines starts after the separator.
start_index = index + 1
# Iterate over complete output if no separator was found.
if not found_eqeq:
yield ActIterator(lines)
for act_iterator in ActBlockIterator():
for (expected, actual) in itertools.izip_longest(
ExpIterator(), act_iterator, fillvalue=''):
if expected != actual:
return True
return False
def GetSuite(name, root):
return InspectorProtocolTestSuite(name, root)
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