Commit ce14ab97 authored by's avatar

HashTableKey::AsObject() handlified.

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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent dc1fe284
......@@ -280,6 +280,75 @@ MaybeHandle<String> Factory::NewStringFromTwoByte(Vector<const uc16> string,
Handle<String> Factory::NewInternalizedStringFromUtf8(Vector<const char> str,
int chars,
uint32_t hash_field) {
str, chars, hash_field),
MUST_USE_RESULT Handle<String> Factory::NewOneByteInternalizedString(
Vector<const uint8_t> str,
uint32_t hash_field) {
isolate()->heap()->AllocateOneByteInternalizedString(str, hash_field),
MUST_USE_RESULT Handle<String> Factory::NewTwoByteInternalizedString(
Vector<const uc16> str,
uint32_t hash_field) {
isolate()->heap()->AllocateTwoByteInternalizedString(str, hash_field),
template<typename T>
Handle<String> Factory::NewInternalizedStringImpl(
T t, int chars, uint32_t hash_field) {
isolate()->heap()->AllocateInternalizedStringImpl(t, chars, hash_field),
Handle<String> Factory::NewInternalizedStringImpl(String*, int, uint32_t);
MaybeHandle<Map> Factory::InternalizedStringMapForString(
Handle<String> string) {
// If the string is in new space it cannot be used as internalized.
if (isolate()->heap()->InNewSpace(*string)) return MaybeHandle<Map>();
// Find the corresponding internalized string map for strings.
switch (string->map()->instance_type()) {
case STRING_TYPE: return internalized_string_map();
case ASCII_STRING_TYPE: return ascii_internalized_string_map();
case EXTERNAL_STRING_TYPE: return external_internalized_string_map();
return external_ascii_internalized_string_map();
return external_internalized_string_with_one_byte_data_map();
return short_external_internalized_string_map();
return short_external_ascii_internalized_string_map();
return short_external_internalized_string_with_one_byte_data_map();
default: return MaybeHandle<Map>(); // No match found.
MaybeHandle<SeqOneByteString> Factory::NewRawOneByteString(
int length, PretenureFlag pretenure) {
......@@ -145,6 +145,30 @@ class Factory V8_FINAL {
Vector<const uc16> str,
PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
// Allocates an internalized string in old space based on the character
// stream.
MUST_USE_RESULT Handle<String> NewInternalizedStringFromUtf8(
Vector<const char> str,
int chars,
uint32_t hash_field);
MUST_USE_RESULT Handle<String> NewOneByteInternalizedString(
Vector<const uint8_t> str,
uint32_t hash_field);
MUST_USE_RESULT Handle<String> NewTwoByteInternalizedString(
Vector<const uc16> str,
uint32_t hash_field);
template<typename T>
MUST_USE_RESULT Handle<String> NewInternalizedStringImpl(
T t, int chars, uint32_t hash_field);
// Compute the matching internalized string map for a string if possible.
// Empty handle is returned if string is in new space or not flattened.
MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeHandle<Map> InternalizedStringMapForString(
Handle<String> string);
// Allocates and partially initializes an ASCII or TwoByte String. The
// characters of the string are uninitialized. Currently used in regexp code
// only, where they are pretenured.
......@@ -3997,30 +3997,6 @@ MaybeObject* Heap::AllocateStringFromTwoByte(Vector<const uc16> string,
Map* Heap::InternalizedStringMapForString(String* string) {
// If the string is in new space it cannot be used as internalized.
if (InNewSpace(string)) return NULL;
// Find the corresponding internalized string map for strings.
switch (string->map()->instance_type()) {
case STRING_TYPE: return internalized_string_map();
case ASCII_STRING_TYPE: return ascii_internalized_string_map();
case EXTERNAL_STRING_TYPE: return external_internalized_string_map();
return external_ascii_internalized_string_map();
return external_internalized_string_with_one_byte_data_map();
return short_external_internalized_string_map();
return short_external_ascii_internalized_string_map();
return short_external_internalized_string_with_one_byte_data_map();
default: return NULL; // No match found.
static inline void WriteOneByteData(Vector<const char> vector,
uint8_t* chars,
int len) {
......@@ -1003,10 +1003,6 @@ class Heap {
bool InternalizeStringIfExists(String* str, String** result);
bool InternalizeTwoCharsStringIfExists(String* str, String** result);
// Compute the matching internalized string map for a string if possible.
// NULL is returned if string is in new space or not flattened.
Map* InternalizedStringMapForString(String* str);
// Converts the given boolean condition to JavaScript boolean value.
inline Object* ToBoolean(bool condition);
......@@ -470,11 +470,6 @@ uc32 FlatStringReader::Get(int index) {
Handle<Object> HashTableKey::AsHandle(Isolate* isolate) {
CALL_HEAP_FUNCTION(isolate, AsObject(isolate->heap()), Object);
Handle<Object> StringTableShape::AsHandle(Isolate* isolate, HashTableKey* key) {
return key->AsHandle(isolate);
......@@ -532,7 +527,7 @@ class OneByteStringKey : public SequentialStringKey<uint8_t> {
return String::cast(string)->IsOneByteEqualTo(string_);
virtual MaybeObject* AsObject(Heap* heap) V8_OVERRIDE;
virtual Handle<Object> AsHandle(Isolate* isolate) V8_OVERRIDE;
......@@ -563,7 +558,7 @@ class SubStringKey : public HashTableKey {
virtual bool IsMatch(Object* string) V8_OVERRIDE;
virtual MaybeObject* AsObject(Heap* heap) V8_OVERRIDE;
virtual Handle<Object> AsHandle(Isolate* isolate) V8_OVERRIDE;
const Char* GetChars();
......@@ -592,7 +587,7 @@ class TwoByteStringKey : public SequentialStringKey<uc16> {
return String::cast(string)->IsTwoByteEqualTo(string_);
virtual MaybeObject* AsObject(Heap* heap) V8_OVERRIDE;
virtual Handle<Object> AsHandle(Isolate* isolate) V8_OVERRIDE;
......@@ -618,11 +613,10 @@ class Utf8StringKey : public HashTableKey {
return String::cast(other)->Hash();
virtual MaybeObject* AsObject(Heap* heap) V8_OVERRIDE {
virtual Handle<Object> AsHandle(Isolate* isolate) V8_OVERRIDE {
if (hash_field_ == 0) Hash();
return heap->AllocateInternalizedStringFromUtf8(string_,
return isolate->factory()->NewInternalizedStringFromUtf8(
string_, chars_, hash_field_);
Vector<const char> string_;
......@@ -7957,8 +7957,7 @@ class CodeCacheHashTableKey : public HashTableKey {
CodeCacheHashTableKey(Handle<Name> name, Handle<Code> code)
: name_(name), flags_(code->flags()), code_(code) { }
bool IsMatch(Object* other) {
bool IsMatch(Object* other) V8_OVERRIDE {
if (!other->IsFixedArray()) return false;
FixedArray* pair = FixedArray::cast(other);
Name* name = Name::cast(pair->get(0));
......@@ -7973,34 +7972,23 @@ class CodeCacheHashTableKey : public HashTableKey {
return name->Hash() ^ flags;
uint32_t Hash() { return NameFlagsHashHelper(*name_, flags_); }
uint32_t Hash() V8_OVERRIDE { return NameFlagsHashHelper(*name_, flags_); }
uint32_t HashForObject(Object* obj) {
uint32_t HashForObject(Object* obj) V8_OVERRIDE {
FixedArray* pair = FixedArray::cast(obj);
Name* name = Name::cast(pair->get(0));
Code* code = Code::cast(pair->get(1));
return NameFlagsHashHelper(name, code->flags());
MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeObject* AsObject(Heap* heap) {
MUST_USE_RESULT Handle<Object> AsHandle(Isolate* isolate) V8_OVERRIDE {
Handle<Code> code = code_.ToHandleChecked();
Object* obj;
{ MaybeObject* maybe_obj = heap->AllocateFixedArray(2);
if (!maybe_obj->ToObject(&obj)) return maybe_obj;
FixedArray* pair = FixedArray::cast(obj);
Handle<FixedArray> pair = isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray(2);
pair->set(0, *name_);
pair->set(1, *code);
return pair;
Handle<FixedArray> AsHandle() {
Isolate* isolate = name_->GetIsolate();
Handle<Name> name_;
Code::Flags flags_;
......@@ -8025,7 +8013,7 @@ Handle<CodeCacheHashTable> CodeCacheHashTable::Put(
Handle<CodeCacheHashTable> new_cache = EnsureCapacity(cache, 1, &key);
int entry = new_cache->FindInsertionEntry(key.Hash());
Handle<Object> k = key.AsHandle();
Handle<Object> k = key.AsHandle(cache->GetIsolate());
new_cache->set(EntryToIndex(entry), *k);
new_cache->set(EntryToIndex(entry) + 1, *code);
......@@ -8093,13 +8081,11 @@ Handle<Object> PolymorphicCodeCache::Lookup(MapHandleList* maps,
class PolymorphicCodeCacheHashTableKey : public HashTableKey {
// Callers must ensure that |maps| outlives the newly constructed object.
Isolate* isolate, MapHandleList* maps, int code_flags)
: isolate_(isolate),
PolymorphicCodeCacheHashTableKey(MapHandleList* maps, int code_flags)
: maps_(maps),
code_flags_(code_flags) {}
bool IsMatch(Object* other) {
bool IsMatch(Object* other) V8_OVERRIDE {
MapHandleList other_maps(kDefaultListAllocationSize);
int other_flags;
FromObject(other, &other_flags, &other_maps);
......@@ -8134,27 +8120,23 @@ class PolymorphicCodeCacheHashTableKey : public HashTableKey {
return hash;
uint32_t Hash() {
uint32_t Hash() V8_OVERRIDE {
return MapsHashHelper(maps_, code_flags_);
uint32_t HashForObject(Object* obj) {
uint32_t HashForObject(Object* obj) V8_OVERRIDE {
MapHandleList other_maps(kDefaultListAllocationSize);
int other_flags;
FromObject(obj, &other_flags, &other_maps);
return MapsHashHelper(&other_maps, other_flags);
MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeObject* AsObject(Heap* heap) {
Object* obj;
MUST_USE_RESULT Handle<Object> AsHandle(Isolate* isolate) V8_OVERRIDE {
// The maps in |maps_| must be copied to a newly allocated FixedArray,
// both because the referenced MapList is short-lived, and because C++
// objects can't be stored in the heap anyway.
{ MaybeObject* maybe_obj =
heap->AllocateUninitializedFixedArray(maps_->length() + 1);
if (!maybe_obj->ToObject(&obj)) return maybe_obj;
FixedArray* list = FixedArray::cast(obj);
Handle<FixedArray> list =
isolate->factory()->NewUninitializedFixedArray(maps_->length() + 1);
list->set(0, Smi::FromInt(code_flags_));
for (int i = 0; i < maps_->length(); ++i) {
list->set(i + 1, *maps_->at(i));
......@@ -8162,12 +8144,6 @@ class PolymorphicCodeCacheHashTableKey : public HashTableKey {
return list;
Handle<FixedArray> AsHandle() {
static MapHandleList* FromObject(Object* obj,
int* code_flags,
......@@ -8181,7 +8157,6 @@ class PolymorphicCodeCacheHashTableKey : public HashTableKey {
return maps;
Isolate* isolate_;
MapHandleList* maps_; // weak.
int code_flags_;
static const int kDefaultListAllocationSize = kMaxKeyedPolymorphism + 1;
......@@ -8191,7 +8166,7 @@ class PolymorphicCodeCacheHashTableKey : public HashTableKey {
Object* PolymorphicCodeCacheHashTable::Lookup(MapHandleList* maps,
int code_kind) {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_alloc;
PolymorphicCodeCacheHashTableKey key(GetIsolate(), maps, code_kind);
PolymorphicCodeCacheHashTableKey key(maps, code_kind);
int entry = FindEntry(&key);
if (entry == kNotFound) return GetHeap()->undefined_value();
return get(EntryToIndex(entry) + 1);
......@@ -8203,13 +8178,12 @@ Handle<PolymorphicCodeCacheHashTable> PolymorphicCodeCacheHashTable::Put(
MapHandleList* maps,
int code_kind,
Handle<Code> code) {
PolymorphicCodeCacheHashTableKey key(
hash_table->GetIsolate(), maps, code_kind);
PolymorphicCodeCacheHashTableKey key(maps, code_kind);
Handle<PolymorphicCodeCacheHashTable> cache =
EnsureCapacity(hash_table, 1, &key);
int entry = cache->FindInsertionEntry(key.Hash());
Handle<FixedArray> obj = key.AsHandle();
Handle<Object> obj = key.AsHandle(hash_table->GetIsolate());
cache->set(EntryToIndex(entry), *obj);
cache->set(EntryToIndex(entry) + 1, *code);
......@@ -14351,7 +14325,7 @@ class StringSharedKey : public HashTableKey {
scope_position_(scope_position) { }
bool IsMatch(Object* other) {
bool IsMatch(Object* other) V8_OVERRIDE {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
if (!other->IsFixedArray()) return false;
FixedArray* other_array = FixedArray::cast(other);
......@@ -14386,12 +14360,12 @@ class StringSharedKey : public HashTableKey {
return hash;
uint32_t Hash() {
uint32_t Hash() V8_OVERRIDE {
return StringSharedHashHelper(*source_, *shared_, strict_mode_,
uint32_t HashForObject(Object* obj) {
uint32_t HashForObject(Object* obj) V8_OVERRIDE {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
FixedArray* other_array = FixedArray::cast(obj);
SharedFunctionInfo* shared = SharedFunctionInfo::cast(other_array->get(0));
......@@ -14405,14 +14379,8 @@ class StringSharedKey : public HashTableKey {
Object* AsObject(Heap* heap) {
return NULL;
Handle<Object> AsObject(Factory* factory) {
Handle<FixedArray> array = factory->NewFixedArray(4);
Handle<Object> AsHandle(Isolate* isolate) V8_OVERRIDE {
Handle<FixedArray> array = isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray(4);
array->set(0, *shared_);
array->set(1, *source_);
array->set(2, Smi::FromInt(strict_mode_));
......@@ -14439,22 +14407,22 @@ class RegExpKey : public HashTableKey {
// stored value is stored where the key should be. IsMatch then
// compares the search key to the found object, rather than comparing
// a key to a key.
bool IsMatch(Object* obj) {
bool IsMatch(Object* obj) V8_OVERRIDE {
FixedArray* val = FixedArray::cast(obj);
return string_->Equals(String::cast(val->get(JSRegExp::kSourceIndex)))
&& (flags_ == val->get(JSRegExp::kFlagsIndex));
uint32_t Hash() { return RegExpHash(*string_, flags_); }
uint32_t Hash() V8_OVERRIDE { return RegExpHash(*string_, flags_); }
Object* AsObject(Heap* heap) {
Handle<Object> AsHandle(Isolate* isolate) V8_OVERRIDE {
// Plain hash maps, which is where regexp keys are used, don't
// use this function.
return NULL;
return MaybeHandle<Object>().ToHandleChecked();
uint32_t HashForObject(Object* obj) {
uint32_t HashForObject(Object* obj) V8_OVERRIDE {
FixedArray* val = FixedArray::cast(obj);
return RegExpHash(String::cast(val->get(JSRegExp::kSourceIndex)),
......@@ -14469,15 +14437,15 @@ class RegExpKey : public HashTableKey {
MaybeObject* OneByteStringKey::AsObject(Heap* heap) {
Handle<Object> OneByteStringKey::AsHandle(Isolate* isolate) {
if (hash_field_ == 0) Hash();
return heap->AllocateOneByteInternalizedString(string_, hash_field_);
return isolate->factory()->NewOneByteInternalizedString(string_, hash_field_);
MaybeObject* TwoByteStringKey::AsObject(Heap* heap) {
Handle<Object> TwoByteStringKey::AsHandle(Isolate* isolate) {
if (hash_field_ == 0) Hash();
return heap->AllocateTwoByteInternalizedString(string_, hash_field_);
return isolate->factory()->NewTwoByteInternalizedString(string_, hash_field_);
......@@ -14498,19 +14466,18 @@ const uint16_t* SubStringKey<uint16_t>::GetChars() {
MaybeObject* SubStringKey<uint8_t>::AsObject(Heap* heap) {
Handle<Object> SubStringKey<uint8_t>::AsHandle(Isolate* isolate) {
if (hash_field_ == 0) Hash();
Vector<const uint8_t> chars(GetChars() + from_, length_);
return heap->AllocateOneByteInternalizedString(chars, hash_field_);
return isolate->factory()->NewOneByteInternalizedString(chars, hash_field_);
MaybeObject* SubStringKey<uint16_t>::AsObject(
Heap* heap) {
Handle<Object> SubStringKey<uint16_t>::AsHandle(Isolate* isolate) {
if (hash_field_ == 0) Hash();
Vector<const uint16_t> chars(GetChars() + from_, length_);
return heap->AllocateTwoByteInternalizedString(chars, hash_field_);
return isolate->factory()->NewTwoByteInternalizedString(chars, hash_field_);
......@@ -14548,16 +14515,18 @@ class InternalizedStringKey : public HashTableKey {
return String::cast(other)->Hash();
virtual MaybeObject* AsObject(Heap* heap) V8_OVERRIDE {
virtual Handle<Object> AsHandle(Isolate* isolate) V8_OVERRIDE {
// Internalize the string if possible.
Map* map = heap->InternalizedStringMapForString(*string_);
if (map != NULL) {
MaybeHandle<Map> maybe_map =
Handle<Map> map;
if (maybe_map.ToHandle(&map)) {
return *string_;
return string_;
// Otherwise allocate a new internalized string.
return heap->AllocateInternalizedStringImpl(
return isolate->factory()->NewInternalizedStringImpl(
*string_, string_->length(), string_->hash_field());
......@@ -15483,7 +15452,7 @@ class TwoCharHashTableKey : public HashTableKey {
bool IsMatch(Object* o) {
bool IsMatch(Object* o) V8_OVERRIDE {
if (!o->IsString()) return false;
String* other = String::cast(o);
if (other->length() != 2) return false;
......@@ -15491,17 +15460,17 @@ class TwoCharHashTableKey : public HashTableKey {
return other->Get(1) == c2_;
uint32_t Hash() { return hash_; }
uint32_t HashForObject(Object* key) {
uint32_t Hash() V8_OVERRIDE { return hash_; }
uint32_t HashForObject(Object* key) V8_OVERRIDE {
if (!key->IsString()) return 0;
return String::cast(key)->Hash();
Object* AsObject(Heap* heap) {
Handle<Object> AsHandle(Isolate* isolate) V8_OVERRIDE {
// The TwoCharHashTableKey is only used for looking in the string
// table, not for adding to it.
return NULL;
return MaybeHandle<Object>().ToHandleChecked();
......@@ -15623,7 +15592,7 @@ Handle<CompilationCacheTable> CompilationCacheTable::Put(
StringSharedKey key(src, shared, FLAG_use_strict ? STRICT : SLOPPY,
cache = EnsureCapacity(cache, 1, &key);
Handle<Object> k = key.AsObject(isolate->factory());
Handle<Object> k = key.AsHandle(isolate);
int entry = cache->FindInsertionEntry(key.Hash());
cache->set(EntryToIndex(entry), *k);
cache->set(EntryToIndex(entry) + 1, *value);
......@@ -15640,7 +15609,7 @@ Handle<CompilationCacheTable> CompilationCacheTable::PutEval(
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared(context->closure()->shared());
StringSharedKey key(src, shared, value->strict_mode(), scope_position);
cache = EnsureCapacity(cache, 1, &key);
Handle<Object> k = key.AsObject(isolate->factory());
Handle<Object> k = key.AsHandle(isolate);
int entry = cache->FindInsertionEntry(key.Hash());
cache->set(EntryToIndex(entry), *k);
cache->set(EntryToIndex(entry) + 1, *value);
......@@ -15685,7 +15654,7 @@ class StringsKey : public HashTableKey {
explicit StringsKey(Handle<FixedArray> strings) : strings_(strings) { }
bool IsMatch(Object* strings) {
bool IsMatch(Object* strings) V8_OVERRIDE {
FixedArray* o = FixedArray::cast(strings);
int len = strings_->length();
if (o->length() != len) return false;
......@@ -15695,9 +15664,9 @@ class StringsKey : public HashTableKey {
return true;
uint32_t Hash() { return HashForObject(*strings_); }
uint32_t Hash() V8_OVERRIDE { return HashForObject(*strings_); }
uint32_t HashForObject(Object* obj) {
uint32_t HashForObject(Object* obj) V8_OVERRIDE {
FixedArray* strings = FixedArray::cast(obj);
int len = strings->length();
uint32_t hash = 0;
......@@ -15707,7 +15676,7 @@ class StringsKey : public HashTableKey {
return hash;
Object* AsObject(Heap* heap) { return *strings_; }
Handle<Object> AsHandle(Isolate* isolate) V8_OVERRIDE { return strings_; }
Handle<FixedArray> strings_;
......@@ -3634,7 +3634,7 @@ inline int Search(T* array, Name* name, int valid_entries = 0);
// // Returns the hash value for object.
// static uint32_t HashForObject(Key key, Object* object);
// // Convert key to an object.
// static inline Object* AsObject(Heap* heap, Key key);
// static inline Handle<Object> AsHandle(Isolate* isolate, Key key);
// // The prefix size indicates number of elements in the beginning
// // of the backing storage.
// static const int kPrefixSize = ..;
......@@ -3852,10 +3852,7 @@ class HashTableKey {
// Returns the hash value for object.
virtual uint32_t HashForObject(Object* key) = 0;
// Returns the key object for storing into the hash table.
// If allocations fails a failure object is returned.
MUST_USE_RESULT virtual MaybeObject* AsObject(Heap* heap) = 0;
// TODO(ishell): This should eventually replace AsObject().
inline Handle<Object> AsHandle(Isolate* isolate);
MUST_USE_RESULT virtual Handle<Object> AsHandle(Isolate* isolate) = 0;
// Required.
virtual ~HashTableKey() {}
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