Add missing type feedback collection to ia32 BinaryOpStubs for bitwise operations

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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent b09cc0be
......@@ -747,25 +747,14 @@ class FloatingPointHelper : public AllStatic {
Label* non_float,
Register scratch);
// Checks that the two floating point numbers on top of the FPU stack
// have int32 values.
static void CheckFloatOperandsAreInt32(MacroAssembler* masm,
Label* non_int32);
// Takes the operands in edx and eax and loads them as integers in eax
// and ecx.
static void LoadUnknownsAsIntegers(MacroAssembler* masm,
bool use_sse3,
BinaryOpIC::TypeInfo left_type,
BinaryOpIC::TypeInfo right_type,
Label* operand_conversion_failure);
// Must only be called after LoadUnknownsAsIntegers. Assumes that the
// operands are pushed on the stack, and that their conversions to int32
// are in eax and ecx. Checks that the original numbers were in the int32
// range.
static void CheckLoadedIntegersWereInt32(MacroAssembler* masm,
bool use_sse3,
Label* not_int32);
// Assumes that operands are smis or heap numbers and loads them
// into xmm0 and xmm1. Operands are in edx and eax.
// Leaves operands unchanged.
......@@ -787,9 +776,12 @@ class FloatingPointHelper : public AllStatic {
Label* non_int32,
Register scratch);
// Checks that |operand| has an int32 value. If |int32_result| is different
// from |scratch|, it will contain that int32 value.
static void CheckSSE2OperandIsInt32(MacroAssembler* masm,
Label* non_int32,
XMMRegister operand,
Register int32_result,
Register scratch,
XMMRegister xmm_scratch);
......@@ -923,6 +915,18 @@ static void IntegerConvert(MacroAssembler* masm,
// Uses SSE2 to convert the heap number in |source| to an integer. Jumps to
// |conversion_failure| if the heap number did not contain an int32 value.
// Result is in ecx. Trashes ebx, xmm0, and xmm1.
static void ConvertHeapNumberToInt32(MacroAssembler* masm,
Register source,
Label* conversion_failure) {
__ movdbl(xmm0, FieldOperand(source, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
masm, conversion_failure, xmm0, ecx, ebx, xmm1);
void UnaryOpStub::PrintName(StringStream* stream) {
const char* op_name = Token::Name(op_);
const char* overwrite_name = NULL; // Make g++ happy.
......@@ -1797,7 +1801,7 @@ void BinaryOpStub::GenerateInt32Stub(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// Check result type if it is currently Int32.
if (result_type_ <= BinaryOpIC::INT32) {
masm, &not_int32, xmm0, ecx, xmm2);
masm, &not_int32, xmm0, ecx, ecx, xmm2);
BinaryOpStub_GenerateHeapResultAllocation(masm, &call_runtime, mode_);
__ movdbl(FieldOperand(eax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset), xmm0);
......@@ -1809,7 +1813,6 @@ void BinaryOpStub::GenerateInt32Stub(MacroAssembler* masm) {
FloatingPointHelper::CheckFloatOperandsAreInt32(masm, &not_int32);
if (op_ == Token::MOD) {
// The operands are now on the FPU stack, but we don't need them.
__ fstp(0);
......@@ -1851,15 +1854,9 @@ void BinaryOpStub::GenerateInt32Stub(MacroAssembler* masm) {
Label not_floats;
Label not_int32;
Label non_smi_result;
// We do not check the input arguments here, as any value is
// unconditionally truncated to an int32 anyway. To get the
// right optimized code, int32 type feedback is just right.
bool use_sse3 = platform_specific_bit_;
FloatingPointHelper::CheckLoadedIntegersWereInt32(masm, use_sse3,
masm, use_sse3, left_type_, right_type_, &not_floats);
switch (op_) {
case Token::BIT_OR: __ or_(eax, ecx); break;
case Token::BIT_AND: __ and_(eax, ecx); break;
......@@ -2013,11 +2010,11 @@ void BinaryOpStub::GenerateHeapNumberStub(MacroAssembler* masm) {
FloatingPointHelper::LoadSSE2Operands(masm, &not_floats);
if (left_type_ == BinaryOpIC::INT32) {
masm, &not_floats, xmm0, ecx, xmm2);
masm, &not_floats, xmm0, ecx, ecx, xmm2);
if (right_type_ == BinaryOpIC::INT32) {
masm, &not_floats, xmm1, ecx, xmm2);
masm, &not_floats, xmm1, ecx, ecx, xmm2);
switch (op_) {
......@@ -2075,9 +2072,8 @@ void BinaryOpStub::GenerateHeapNumberStub(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// unconditionally truncated to an int32 anyway. To get the
// right optimized code, int32 type feedback is just right.
bool use_sse3 = platform_specific_bit_;
masm, use_sse3, left_type_, right_type_, &not_floats);
switch (op_) {
case Token::BIT_OR: __ or_(eax, ecx); break;
case Token::BIT_AND: __ and_(eax, ecx); break;
......@@ -2256,6 +2252,8 @@ void BinaryOpStub::GenerateGeneric(MacroAssembler* masm) {
bool use_sse3 = platform_specific_bit_;
switch (op_) {
case Token::BIT_OR: __ or_(eax, ecx); break;
......@@ -2736,16 +2734,24 @@ void TranscendentalCacheStub::GenerateOperation(
// Input: edx, eax are the left and right objects of a bit op.
// Output: eax, ecx are left and right integers for a bit op.
void FloatingPointHelper::LoadUnknownsAsIntegers(MacroAssembler* masm,
bool use_sse3,
Label* conversion_failure) {
// Warning: can clobber inputs even when it jumps to |conversion_failure|!
void FloatingPointHelper::LoadUnknownsAsIntegers(
MacroAssembler* masm,
bool use_sse3,
BinaryOpIC::TypeInfo left_type,
BinaryOpIC::TypeInfo right_type,
Label* conversion_failure) {
// Check float operands.
Label arg1_is_object, check_undefined_arg1;
Label arg2_is_object, check_undefined_arg2;
Label load_arg2, done;
// Test if arg1 is a Smi.
__ JumpIfNotSmi(edx, &arg1_is_object, Label::kNear);
if (left_type == BinaryOpIC::SMI) {
__ JumpIfNotSmi(edx, conversion_failure);
} else {
__ JumpIfNotSmi(edx, &arg1_is_object, Label::kNear);
__ SmiUntag(edx);
__ jmp(&load_arg2);
......@@ -2761,17 +2767,27 @@ void FloatingPointHelper::LoadUnknownsAsIntegers(MacroAssembler* masm,
__ bind(&arg1_is_object);
__ mov(ebx, FieldOperand(edx, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ cmp(ebx, factory->heap_number_map());
__ j(not_equal, &check_undefined_arg1);
// Get the untagged integer version of the edx heap number in ecx.
IntegerConvert(masm, edx, use_sse3, conversion_failure);
if (left_type == BinaryOpIC::INT32 && CpuFeatures::IsSupported(SSE2)) {
CpuFeatures::Scope use_sse2(SSE2);
__ j(not_equal, conversion_failure);
// Get the untagged integer version of the edx heap number in ecx.
ConvertHeapNumberToInt32(masm, edx, conversion_failure);
} else {
__ j(not_equal, &check_undefined_arg1);
// Get the untagged integer version of the edx heap number in ecx.
IntegerConvert(masm, edx, use_sse3, conversion_failure);
__ mov(edx, ecx);
// Here edx has the untagged integer, eax has a Smi or a heap number.
__ bind(&load_arg2);
// Test if arg2 is a Smi.
__ JumpIfNotSmi(eax, &arg2_is_object, Label::kNear);
if (right_type == BinaryOpIC::SMI) {
__ JumpIfNotSmi(eax, conversion_failure);
} else {
__ JumpIfNotSmi(eax, &arg2_is_object, Label::kNear);
__ SmiUntag(eax);
__ mov(ecx, eax);
......@@ -2787,22 +2803,22 @@ void FloatingPointHelper::LoadUnknownsAsIntegers(MacroAssembler* masm,
__ bind(&arg2_is_object);
__ mov(ebx, FieldOperand(eax, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ cmp(ebx, factory->heap_number_map());
__ j(not_equal, &check_undefined_arg2);
if (right_type == BinaryOpIC::INT32 && CpuFeatures::IsSupported(SSE2)) {
CpuFeatures::Scope use_sse2(SSE2);
__ j(not_equal, conversion_failure);
// Get the untagged integer version of the eax heap number in ecx.
ConvertHeapNumberToInt32(masm, eax, conversion_failure);
} else {
__ j(not_equal, &check_undefined_arg2);
// Get the untagged integer version of the eax heap number in ecx.
IntegerConvert(masm, eax, use_sse3, conversion_failure);
// Get the untagged integer version of the eax heap number in ecx.
IntegerConvert(masm, eax, use_sse3, conversion_failure);
__ bind(&done);
__ mov(eax, edx);
void FloatingPointHelper::CheckLoadedIntegersWereInt32(MacroAssembler* masm,
bool use_sse3,
Label* not_int32) {
void FloatingPointHelper::LoadFloatOperand(MacroAssembler* masm,
Register number) {
Label load_smi, done;
......@@ -2897,18 +2913,19 @@ void FloatingPointHelper::LoadSSE2Smis(MacroAssembler* masm,
void FloatingPointHelper::CheckSSE2OperandsAreInt32(MacroAssembler* masm,
Label* non_int32,
Register scratch) {
CheckSSE2OperandIsInt32(masm, non_int32, xmm0, scratch, xmm2);
CheckSSE2OperandIsInt32(masm, non_int32, xmm1, scratch, xmm2);
CheckSSE2OperandIsInt32(masm, non_int32, xmm0, scratch, scratch, xmm2);
CheckSSE2OperandIsInt32(masm, non_int32, xmm1, scratch, scratch, xmm2);
void FloatingPointHelper::CheckSSE2OperandIsInt32(MacroAssembler* masm,
Label* non_int32,
XMMRegister operand,
Register int32_result,
Register scratch,
XMMRegister xmm_scratch) {
__ cvttsd2si(scratch, Operand(operand));
__ cvtsi2sd(xmm_scratch, scratch);
__ cvttsd2si(int32_result, Operand(operand));
__ cvtsi2sd(xmm_scratch, int32_result);
__ pcmpeqd(xmm_scratch, operand);
__ movmskps(scratch, xmm_scratch);
// Two least significant bits should be both set.
......@@ -2998,12 +3015,6 @@ void FloatingPointHelper::CheckFloatOperands(MacroAssembler* masm,
void FloatingPointHelper::CheckFloatOperandsAreInt32(MacroAssembler* masm,
Label* non_int32) {
void MathPowStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
CpuFeatures::Scope use_sse2(SSE2);
Factory* factory = masm->isolate()->factory();
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