Commit cbf01502 authored by Georg Schmid's avatar Georg Schmid Committed by Commit Bot

[torque] Add HeapSlice location references to Torque

This CL adds a LocationReference specifically for slices to Torque. This allows us to safely reference arrays in objects and pass around such references. For an array of T-typed elements, referencing yields a Slice<T>. In addition, the traditional element access syntax ('o.array[i]') now internally produces a slice, indexes it at 'i' and dereferences the resulting HeapReference.

Bug: v8:7793
Change-Id: I4af58e4d2feac547c55a1f6f9350a6c510383df2
Commit-Queue: Georg Schmid <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarTobias Tebbi <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#63479}
parent f4a3028b
......@@ -1140,6 +1140,7 @@ extern class WasmExceptionTag extends Struct {
const kTaggedSize: constexpr int31 generates 'kTaggedSize';
const kDoubleSize: constexpr int31 generates 'kDoubleSize';
const kSmiTagSize: constexpr int31 generates 'kSmiTagSize';
const V8_INFINITY: constexpr float64 generates 'V8_INFINITY';
......@@ -2539,6 +2540,7 @@ extern macro IntPtrConstant(constexpr ContextSlot): ContextSlot;
extern macro IntPtrConstant(constexpr intptr): intptr;
extern macro PointerConstant(constexpr RawPtr): RawPtr;
extern macro SingleCharacterStringConstant(constexpr string): String;
extern macro Float64SilenceNaN(float64): float64;
extern macro BitcastWordToTaggedSigned(intptr): Smi;
extern macro BitcastWordToTaggedSigned(uintptr): Smi;
......@@ -6,13 +6,16 @@ namespace torque_internal {
// TODO(gsps): Synthesize SizeOf<T> in the compiler
macro SizeOf<T: type>(): constexpr int31;
SizeOf<Smi>(): constexpr int31 {
SizeOf<Object>(): constexpr int31 {
return kTaggedSize;
SizeOf<float64>(): constexpr int31 {
return kDoubleSize;
// Unsafe is a marker that we require to be passed when calling internal APIs
// // that might lead to unsoundness when used incorrectly. Unsafe markers
// should therefore not be instantiated anywhere outside of this namespace.
// that might lead to unsoundness when used incorrectly. Unsafe markers should
// therefore not be instantiated anywhere outside of this namespace.
struct Unsafe {}
struct Reference<T: type> {
......@@ -30,7 +33,7 @@ namespace torque_internal {
struct Slice<T: type> {
Access(index: intptr):&T labels OutOfBounds {
TryAtIndex(index: intptr):&T labels OutOfBounds {
if (Convert<uintptr>(index) < Convert<uintptr>(this.length)) {
return UnsafeNewReference<T>(
this.object, this.offset + index * SizeOf<T>());
......@@ -39,6 +42,20 @@ namespace torque_internal {
AtIndex(index: intptr):&T {
return this.TryAtIndex(index) otherwise unreachable;
AtIndex(index: constexpr int31):&T {
const i: intptr = Convert<intptr>(index);
return this.TryAtIndex(i) otherwise unreachable;
AtIndex(index: Smi):&T {
const i: intptr = Convert<intptr>(index);
return this.TryAtIndex(i) otherwise unreachable;
Iterator(): SliceIterator<T> {
const end = this.offset + this.length * SizeOf<T>();
return SliceIterator<T>{
......@@ -247,6 +247,9 @@ class FixedDoubleArray : public FixedArrayBase {
// Start offset of elements.
static constexpr int kFloatsOffset = kHeaderSize;
// Maximally allowed length of a FixedDoubleArray.
static const int kMaxLength = (kMaxSize - kHeaderSize) / kDoubleSize;
......@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ static const char* const CONST_INT32_TYPE_STRING = "constexpr int32";
static const char* const CONST_FLOAT64_TYPE_STRING = "constexpr float64";
static const char* const TORQUE_INTERNAL_NAMESPACE_STRING = "torque_internal";
static const char* const REFERENCE_TYPE_STRING = "Reference";
static const char* const SLICE_TYPE_STRING = "Slice";
static const char* const STRUCT_NAMESPACE_STRING = "_struct";
inline bool IsConstexprName(const std::string& name) {
......@@ -708,8 +708,13 @@ void CSAGenerator::EmitInstruction(const UnsafeCastInstruction& instruction,
void CSAGenerator::EmitInstruction(
const CreateFieldReferenceInstruction& instruction,
Stack<std::string>* stack) {
const Field& field =
base::Optional<const ClassType*> class_type =
if (!class_type.has_value()) {
ReportError("Cannot create field reference of type ", instruction.type,
" which does not inherit from a class type");
const Field& field = class_type.value()->LookupField(instruction.field_name);
std::string offset_name = FreshNodeName();
......@@ -1727,14 +1727,13 @@ Callable* ImplementationVisitor::LookupCallable(
Method* ImplementationVisitor::LookupMethod(
const std::string& name, LocationReference this_reference,
const std::string& name, const AggregateType* receiver_type,
const Arguments& arguments, const TypeVector& specialization_types) {
TypeVector types(arguments.parameters.ComputeTypeVector());
types.insert(types.begin(), this_reference.ReferencedType());
return Method::cast(LookupCallable(
{{}, name},
types, arguments.labels, specialization_types));
types.insert(types.begin(), receiver_type);
return Method::cast(LookupCallable({{}, name}, receiver_type->Methods(name),
types, arguments.labels,
const Type* ImplementationVisitor::GetCommonType(const Type* left,
......@@ -1855,7 +1854,33 @@ LocationReference ImplementationVisitor::GetLocationReference(
LanguageServerData::AddDefinition(expr->field->pos, field.pos);
if (field.index) {
return LocationReference::IndexedFieldAccess(object_result, fieldname);
CreateFieldReferenceInstruction{object_result.type(), fieldname});
// Fetch the length from the object
StackScope length_scope(this);
// Get a reference to the length
const Field* index_field = field.index.value();
object_result.type(), index_field->});
VisitResult length_reference(
// Load the length from the reference and convert it to intptr
VisitResult length = GenerateFetchFromLocation(
VisitResult converted_length =
GenerateCall("Convert", {{length}, {}},
{TypeOracle::GetIntPtrType(), length.type()}, false);
DCHECK_EQ(converted_length.stack_range().Size(), 1);
const Type* slice_type =
return LocationReference::HeapSlice(
VisitResult(slice_type, assembler().TopRange(3)));
} else {
CreateFieldReferenceInstruction{*class_type, fieldname});
......@@ -1873,8 +1898,13 @@ LocationReference ImplementationVisitor::GetLocationReference(
ElementAccessExpression* expr) {
LocationReference reference = GetLocationReference(expr->array);
VisitResult index = Visit(expr->index);
if (reference.IsIndexedFieldAccess()) {
return LocationReference::IndexedFieldIndexedAccess(reference, index);
if (reference.IsHeapSlice()) {
Arguments arguments{{index}, {}};
const AggregateType* slice_type =
Method* method = LookupMethod("AtIndex", slice_type, arguments, {});
return LocationReference::HeapReference(
GenerateCall(method, reference, arguments, {}, false));
} else {
return LocationReference::ArrayAccess(GenerateFetchFromLocation(reference),
......@@ -1974,7 +2004,7 @@ VisitResult ImplementationVisitor::GenerateFetchFromLocation(
DCHECK_EQ(1, LoweredSlotCount(reference.ReferencedType()));
return VisitResult(reference.ReferencedType(), assembler().TopRange(1));
} else {
if (reference.IsIndexedFieldAccess()) {
if (reference.IsHeapSlice()) {
"fetching a value directly from an indexed field isn't allowed");
......@@ -2002,12 +2032,19 @@ void ImplementationVisitor::GenerateAssignToLocation(
if (reference.binding()) {
} else if (reference.IsIndexedFieldAccess()) {
} else if (reference.IsHeapSlice()) {
ReportError("assigning a value directly to an indexed field isn't allowed");
} else if (reference.IsHeapReference()) {
const Type* referenced_type = reference.ReferencedType();
GenerateImplicitConvert(referenced_type, assignment_value);
VisitResult converted_assignment_value =
GenerateImplicitConvert(referenced_type, assignment_value);
if (referenced_type == TypeOracle::GetFloat64Type()) {
VisitResult silenced_float_value =
GenerateCall("Float64SilenceNaN", {{assignment_value}, {}});
silenced_float_value.stack_range(), referenced_type);
} else {
......@@ -2126,8 +2163,8 @@ VisitResult ImplementationVisitor::GenerateCall(
if (this_reference) {
Method* method = Method::cast(callable);
// By now, the this reference should either be a variable or
// a temporary, in both cases the fetch of the VisitResult should succeed.
// By now, the this reference should either be a variable, a temporary or
// a Slice. In either case the fetch of the VisitResult should succeed.
VisitResult this_value = this_reference->GetVisitResult();
if (method->ShouldBeInlined()) {
if (!this_value.type()->IsSubtypeOf(method->aggregate_type())) {
......@@ -2345,6 +2382,7 @@ VisitResult ImplementationVisitor::Visit(CallExpression* expr,
if (auto* loc_expr = LocationExpression::DynamicCast(expr->arguments[0])) {
LocationReference ref = GetLocationReference(loc_expr);
if (ref.IsHeapReference()) return scope.Yield(ref.heap_reference());
if (ref.IsHeapSlice()) return scope.Yield(ref.heap_slice());
ReportError("Unable to create a heap reference.");
......@@ -2398,7 +2436,7 @@ VisitResult ImplementationVisitor::Visit(CallMethodExpression* expr) {
DCHECK_EQ(expr->method->namespace_qualification.size(), 0);
QualifiedName qualified_name = QualifiedName(method_name);
Callable* callable = nullptr;
callable = LookupMethod(method_name, target, arguments, {});
callable = LookupMethod(method_name, target_type, arguments, {});
if (GlobalContext::collect_language_server_data()) {
......@@ -3665,6 +3703,16 @@ void ReportAllUnusedMacros() {
if (macro->IsTorqueMacro() && TorqueMacro::cast(macro)->IsExportedToCSA()) {
// TODO(gsps): Mark methods of generic structs used if they are used in any
// instantiation
if (Method* method = Method::DynamicCast(macro)) {
if (StructType* struct_type =
StructType::DynamicCast(method->aggregate_type())) {
if (struct_type->GetSpecializedFrom().has_value()) {
std::vector<std::string> ignored_prefixes = {"Convert<", "Cast<",
......@@ -58,6 +58,15 @@ class LocationReference {
result.heap_reference_ = std::move(heap_reference);
return result;
// A reference to an array on the heap. That is, a tagged value, an offset to
// encode an inner pointer, and the number of elements.
static LocationReference HeapSlice(VisitResult heap_slice) {
LocationReference result;
result.heap_slice_ = std::move(heap_slice);
return result;
static LocationReference ArrayAccess(VisitResult base, VisitResult offset) {
LocationReference result;
result.eval_function_ = std::string{"[]"};
......@@ -71,26 +80,6 @@ class LocationReference {
result.eval_function_ = "." + fieldname;
result.assign_function_ = "." + fieldname + "=";
result.call_arguments_ = {object};
result.index_field_ = base::nullopt;
return result;
static LocationReference IndexedFieldIndexedAccess(
const LocationReference& indexed_field, VisitResult index) {
LocationReference result;
std::string fieldname = *indexed_field.index_field_;
result.eval_function_ = "." + fieldname + "[]";
result.assign_function_ = "." + fieldname + "[]=";
result.call_arguments_ = indexed_field.call_arguments_;
result.index_field_ = fieldname;
return result;
static LocationReference IndexedFieldAccess(VisitResult object,
std::string fieldname) {
LocationReference result;
result.call_arguments_ = {object};
result.index_field_ = fieldname;
return result;
......@@ -111,17 +100,26 @@ class LocationReference {
return *heap_reference_;
bool IsHeapSlice() const { return heap_slice_.has_value(); }
const VisitResult& heap_slice() const {
return *heap_slice_;
const Type* ReferencedType() const {
if (IsHeapReference()) {
return *StructType::MatchUnaryGeneric(heap_reference().type(),
} else if (IsHeapSlice()) {
return *StructType::MatchUnaryGeneric(heap_slice().type(),
return GetVisitResult().type();
const VisitResult& GetVisitResult() const {
if (IsVariableAccess()) return variable();
if (IsHeapSlice()) return heap_slice();
return temporary();
......@@ -132,13 +130,6 @@ class LocationReference {
return *temporary_description_;
bool IsArrayField() const { return index_field_.has_value(); }
bool IsIndexedFieldAccess() const {
return IsArrayField() && !IsCallAccess();
bool IsIndexedFieldIndexedAccess() const {
return IsArrayField() && IsCallAccess();
bool IsCallAccess() const {
bool is_call_access = eval_function_.has_value();
DCHECK_EQ(is_call_access, assign_function_.has_value());
......@@ -166,10 +157,10 @@ class LocationReference {
base::Optional<VisitResult> temporary_;
base::Optional<std::string> temporary_description_;
base::Optional<VisitResult> heap_reference_;
base::Optional<VisitResult> heap_slice_;
base::Optional<std::string> eval_function_;
base::Optional<std::string> assign_function_;
VisitResultVector call_arguments_;
base::Optional<std::string> index_field_;
base::Optional<Binding<LocalValue>*> binding_;
LocationReference() = default;
......@@ -573,7 +564,8 @@ class ImplementationVisitor {
const Arguments& arguments,
const TypeVector& specialization_types);
Method* LookupMethod(const std::string& name, LocationReference target,
Method* LookupMethod(const std::string& name,
const AggregateType* receiver_type,
const Arguments& arguments,
const TypeVector& specialization_types);
......@@ -292,26 +292,23 @@ void UnsafeCastInstruction::TypeInstruction(Stack<const Type*>* stack,
void CreateFieldReferenceInstruction::TypeInstruction(
Stack<const Type*>* stack, ControlFlowGraph* cfg) const {
ExpectSubtype(stack->Pop(), class_type);
ExpectSubtype(stack->Top(), type);
// TODO(gsps): Remove in favor of a method on Reference<T>
void LoadReferenceInstruction::TypeInstruction(Stack<const Type*>* stack,
ControlFlowGraph* cfg) const {
ExpectType(TypeOracle::GetIntPtrType(), stack->Pop());
ExpectType(TypeOracle::GetHeapObjectType(), stack->Pop());
ExpectSubtype(stack->Pop(), TypeOracle::GetHeapObjectType());
DCHECK_EQ(std::vector<const Type*>{type}, LowerType(type));
// TODO(gsps): Remove in favor of a method on Reference<T>
void StoreReferenceInstruction::TypeInstruction(Stack<const Type*>* stack,
ControlFlowGraph* cfg) const {
ExpectSubtype(stack->Pop(), type);
ExpectType(TypeOracle::GetIntPtrType(), stack->Pop());
ExpectType(TypeOracle::GetHeapObjectType(), stack->Pop());
ExpectSubtype(stack->Pop(), TypeOracle::GetHeapObjectType());
bool CallRuntimeInstruction::IsBlockTerminator() const {
......@@ -206,10 +206,9 @@ struct NamespaceConstantInstruction : InstructionBase {
struct CreateFieldReferenceInstruction : InstructionBase {
CreateFieldReferenceInstruction(const ClassType* class_type,
std::string field_name)
: class_type(class_type), field_name(std::move(field_name)) {}
const ClassType* class_type;
CreateFieldReferenceInstruction(const Type* type, std::string field_name)
: type(type), field_name(std::move(field_name)) {}
const Type* type;
std::string field_name;
......@@ -72,11 +72,20 @@ class TypeOracle : public ContextualClass<TypeOracle> {
static GenericStructType* GetSliceGeneric() {
return Declarations::LookupUniqueGenericStructType(
static const StructType* GetReferenceType(const Type* referenced_type) {
return GetGenericStructTypeInstance(GetReferenceGeneric(),
static const StructType* GetSliceType(const Type* referenced_type) {
return GetGenericStructTypeInstance(GetSliceGeneric(), {referenced_type});
static const std::vector<const BuiltinPointerType*>&
AllBuiltinPointerTypes() {
return Get().all_builtin_pointer_types_;
......@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ const Field& AggregateType::LookupFieldInternal(const std::string& name) const {
return parent_class->LookupField(name);
ReportError("no field ", name, " found");
ReportError("no field ", name, " found in ", this->ToString());
const Field& AggregateType::LookupField(const std::string& name) const {
......@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ T* CheckNotNull(T* x) {
template <class T>
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Stack<T>& t) {
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Stack<T>& t) {
os << "Stack{";
PrintCommaSeparatedList(os, t);
os << "}";
......@@ -498,6 +498,22 @@ TEST(TestSlices) {
TEST(TestSliceEnumeration) {
Isolate* isolate(CcTest::i_isolate());
i::HandleScope scope(isolate);
Handle<Context> context =
CodeAssemblerTester asm_tester(isolate);
TestTorqueAssembler m(asm_tester.state());
FunctionTester ft(asm_tester.GenerateCode(), 0);
TEST(TestStaticAssert) {
Isolate* isolate(CcTest::i_isolate());
......@@ -843,27 +843,60 @@ namespace test {
macro TestSlices() {
const it = TestIterator{count: 3};
const a = new FixedArray{map: kFixedArrayMap, length: 3, objects:};
check(a.length == 3);
const oneTwoThree = Convert<Smi>(123);
a.objects[0] = oneTwoThree;
const firstRef:&Object = & a.objects[0];
check(TaggedEqual(* firstRef, oneTwoThree));
const slice: torque_internal::Slice<Object> = & a.objects;
const firstRefAgain:&Object = slice.TryAtIndex(0) otherwise unreachable;
check(TaggedEqual(* firstRefAgain, oneTwoThree));
const threeTwoOne = Convert<Smi>(321);
* firstRefAgain = threeTwoOne;
check(TaggedEqual(a.objects[0], threeTwoOne));
// *slice; // error, not allowed
// a.objects; // error, not allowed
// a.objects = slice; // error, not allowed
// TODO(gsps): Currently errors, but should be allowed:
// const _sameSlice: torque_internal::Slice<Object> = &(*slice);
// (*slice)[0] : Smi
macro TestSliceEnumeration(implicit context: Context)(): Undefined {
const fixedArray: FixedArray = AllocateZeroedFixedArray(3);
// TODO(gsps): Directly reference fixedArray.objects once supported
let slice = torque_internal::UnsafeNewSlice<Smi>(
(& fixedArray.length).offset + torque_internal::SizeOf<Smi>(), 3);
for (let i: intptr = 0; i < 3; i++) {
check(UnsafeCast<Smi>(fixedArray.objects[i]) == 0);
fixedArray.objects[i] = Convert<Smi>(i) + 3;
let slice = & fixedArray.objects;
for (let i: intptr = 0; i < slice.length; i++) {
let ref = slice.Access(i) otherwise unreachable;
check(* ref == 0);
* ref = Convert<Smi>(i) + 7;
let ref = slice.TryAtIndex(i) otherwise unreachable;
const value = UnsafeCast<Smi>(* ref);
check(value == Convert<Smi>(i) + 3);
* ref = value + 4;
let it = slice.Iterator();
let count: Smi = 0;
while (true) {
let ref = it.Next() otherwise break;
check(* ref == count + 7);
const value = UnsafeCast<Smi>(* ref);
check(value == count + 7);
check(count == 3);
return Undefined;
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