Commit caead4da authored by Toon Verwaest's avatar Toon Verwaest Committed by Commit Bot

[code-stubs] Delete unused FloatingPointHelper

Bug: v8:6921
Change-Id: I1a2b67c60361a28d8604dbe096b2907674d971cb
Reviewed-on: 's avatarCamillo Bruni <>
Commit-Queue: Toon Verwaest <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#48533}
parent 3d7c2bba
......@@ -72,34 +72,6 @@ void StoreBufferOverflowStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
class FloatingPointHelper : public AllStatic {
enum ArgLocation {
// Code pattern for loading a floating point value. Input value must
// be either a smi or a heap number object (fp value). Requirements:
// operand in register number. Returns operand as floating point number
// on FPU stack.
static void LoadFloatOperand(MacroAssembler* masm, Register number);
// Test if operands are smi or number objects (fp). Requirements:
// operand_1 in eax, operand_2 in edx; falls through on float
// operands, jumps to the non_float label otherwise.
static void CheckFloatOperands(MacroAssembler* masm,
Label* non_float,
Register scratch);
// Test if operands are numbers (smi or HeapNumber objects), and load
// them into xmm0 and xmm1 if they are. Jump to label not_numbers if
// either operand is not a number. Operands are in edx and eax.
// Leaves operands unchanged.
static void LoadSSE2Operands(MacroAssembler* masm, Label* not_numbers);
void DoubleToIStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
Register input_reg = this->source();
Register final_result_reg = this->destination();
......@@ -224,78 +196,6 @@ void DoubleToIStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
void FloatingPointHelper::LoadFloatOperand(MacroAssembler* masm,
Register number) {
Label load_smi, done;
__ JumpIfSmi(number, &load_smi, Label::kNear);
__ fld_d(FieldOperand(number, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
__ jmp(&done, Label::kNear);
__ bind(&load_smi);
__ SmiUntag(number);
__ push(number);
__ fild_s(Operand(esp, 0));
__ pop(number);
__ bind(&done);
void FloatingPointHelper::LoadSSE2Operands(MacroAssembler* masm,
Label* not_numbers) {
Label load_smi_edx, load_eax, load_smi_eax, load_float_eax, done;
// Load operand in edx into xmm0, or branch to not_numbers.
__ JumpIfSmi(edx, &load_smi_edx, Label::kNear);
Factory* factory = masm->isolate()->factory();
__ cmp(FieldOperand(edx, HeapObject::kMapOffset), factory->heap_number_map());
__ j(not_equal, not_numbers); // Argument in edx is not a number.
__ movsd(xmm0, FieldOperand(edx, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
__ bind(&load_eax);
// Load operand in eax into xmm1, or branch to not_numbers.
__ JumpIfSmi(eax, &load_smi_eax, Label::kNear);
__ cmp(FieldOperand(eax, HeapObject::kMapOffset), factory->heap_number_map());
__ j(equal, &load_float_eax, Label::kNear);
__ jmp(not_numbers); // Argument in eax is not a number.
__ bind(&load_smi_edx);
__ SmiUntag(edx); // Untag smi before converting to float.
__ Cvtsi2sd(xmm0, edx);
__ SmiTag(edx); // Retag smi for heap number overwriting test.
__ jmp(&load_eax);
__ bind(&load_smi_eax);
__ SmiUntag(eax); // Untag smi before converting to float.
__ Cvtsi2sd(xmm1, eax);
__ SmiTag(eax); // Retag smi for heap number overwriting test.
__ jmp(&done, Label::kNear);
__ bind(&load_float_eax);
__ movsd(xmm1, FieldOperand(eax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
__ bind(&done);
void FloatingPointHelper::CheckFloatOperands(MacroAssembler* masm,
Label* non_float,
Register scratch) {
Label test_other, done;
// Test if both operands are floats or smi -> scratch=k_is_float;
// Otherwise scratch = k_not_float.
__ JumpIfSmi(edx, &test_other, Label::kNear);
__ mov(scratch, FieldOperand(edx, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
Factory* factory = masm->isolate()->factory();
__ cmp(scratch, factory->heap_number_map());
__ j(not_equal, non_float); // argument in edx is not a number -> NaN
__ bind(&test_other);
__ JumpIfSmi(eax, &done, Label::kNear);
__ mov(scratch, FieldOperand(eax, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ cmp(scratch, factory->heap_number_map());
__ j(not_equal, non_float); // argument in eax is not a number -> NaN
// Fall-through: Both operands are numbers.
__ bind(&done);
void MathPowStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
const Register exponent = MathPowTaggedDescriptor::exponent();
DCHECK(exponent == eax);
......@@ -251,120 +251,6 @@ class NameDictionaryLookupStub : public PlatformCodeStub {
DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(NameDictionaryLookup, PlatformCodeStub);
class FloatingPointHelper : public AllStatic {
enum Destination { kFPRegisters, kCoreRegisters };
// Loads smis from r0 and r1 (right and left in binary operations) into
// floating point registers. Depending on the destination the values ends up
// either d7 and d6 or in r2/r3 and r0/r1 respectively. If the destination is
// floating point registers VFP3 must be supported. If core registers are
// requested when VFP3 is supported d6 and d7 will be scratched.
static void LoadSmis(MacroAssembler* masm, Register scratch1,
Register scratch2);
// Loads objects from r0 and r1 (right and left in binary operations) into
// floating point registers. Depending on the destination the values ends up
// either d7 and d6 or in r2/r3 and r0/r1 respectively. If the destination is
// floating point registers VFP3 must be supported. If core registers are
// requested when VFP3 is supported d6 and d7 will still be scratched. If
// either r0 or r1 is not a number (not smi and not heap number object) the
// not_number label is jumped to with r0 and r1 intact.
static void LoadOperands(MacroAssembler* masm, Register heap_number_map,
Register scratch1, Register scratch2,
Label* not_number);
// Convert the smi or heap number in object to an int32 using the rules
// for ToInt32 as described in ECMAScript 9.5.: the value is truncated
// and brought into the range -2^31 .. +2^31 - 1.
static void ConvertNumberToInt32(MacroAssembler* masm, Register object,
Register dst, Register heap_number_map,
Register scratch1, Register scratch2,
Register scratch3,
DoubleRegister double_scratch,
Label* not_int32);
// Converts the integer (untagged smi) in |src| to a double, storing
// the result to |double_dst|
static void ConvertIntToDouble(MacroAssembler* masm, Register src,
DoubleRegister double_dst);
// Converts the unsigned integer (untagged smi) in |src| to
// a double, storing the result to |double_dst|
static void ConvertUnsignedIntToDouble(MacroAssembler* masm, Register src,
DoubleRegister double_dst);
// Converts the integer (untagged smi) in |src| to
// a float, storing the result in |dst|
static void ConvertIntToFloat(MacroAssembler* masm, const DoubleRegister dst,
const Register src);
// Load the number from object into double_dst in the double format.
// Control will jump to not_int32 if the value cannot be exactly represented
// by a 32-bit integer.
// Floating point value in the 32-bit integer range that are not exact integer
// won't be loaded.
static void LoadNumberAsInt32Double(MacroAssembler* masm, Register object,
DoubleRegister double_dst,
DoubleRegister double_scratch,
Register heap_number_map,
Register scratch1, Register scratch2,
Label* not_int32);
// Loads the number from object into dst as a 32-bit integer.
// Control will jump to not_int32 if the object cannot be exactly represented
// by a 32-bit integer.
// Floating point value in the 32-bit integer range that are not exact integer
// won't be converted.
// scratch3 is not used when VFP3 is supported.
static void LoadNumberAsInt32(MacroAssembler* masm, Register object,
Register dst, Register heap_number_map,
Register scratch1, Register scratch2,
Register scratch3,
DoubleRegister double_scratch0,
DoubleRegister double_scratch1,
Label* not_int32);
// Generate non VFP3 code to check if a double can be exactly represented by a
// 32-bit integer. This does not check for 0 or -0, which need
// to be checked for separately.
// Control jumps to not_int32 if the value is not a 32-bit integer, and falls
// through otherwise.
// src1 and src2 will be cloberred.
// Expected input:
// - src1: higher (exponent) part of the double value.
// - src2: lower (mantissa) part of the double value.
// Output status:
// - dst: 32 higher bits of the mantissa. (mantissa[51:20])
// - src2: contains 1.
// - other registers are clobbered.
static void DoubleIs32BitInteger(MacroAssembler* masm, Register src1,
Register src2, Register dst,
Register scratch, Label* not_int32);
// Generates code to call a C function to do a double operation using core
// registers. (Used when VFP3 is not supported.)
// This code never falls through, but returns with a heap number containing
// the result in r0.
// Register heapnumber_result must be a heap number in which the
// result of the operation will be stored.
// Requires the following layout on entry:
// r0: Left value (least significant part of mantissa).
// r1: Left value (sign, exponent, top of mantissa).
// r2: Right value (least significant part of mantissa).
// r3: Right value (sign, exponent, top of mantissa).
static void CallCCodeForDoubleOperation(MacroAssembler* masm,
Register heap_number_result,
Register scratch);
static void LoadNumber(MacroAssembler* masm, Register object,
DoubleRegister dst, Register heap_number_map,
Register scratch1, Register scratch2,
Label* not_number);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
......@@ -57,21 +57,6 @@ void StoreBufferOverflowStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
class FloatingPointHelper : public AllStatic {
enum ConvertUndefined {
// Load the operands from rdx and rax into xmm0 and xmm1, as doubles.
// If the operands are not both numbers, jump to not_numbers.
// Leaves rdx and rax unchanged. SmiOperands assumes both are smis.
// NumberOperands assumes both are smis or heap numbers.
static void LoadSSE2UnknownOperands(MacroAssembler* masm,
Label* not_numbers);
void DoubleToIStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
Register input_reg = this->source();
Register final_result_reg = this->destination();
......@@ -155,37 +140,6 @@ void DoubleToIStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ ret(0);
void FloatingPointHelper::LoadSSE2UnknownOperands(MacroAssembler* masm,
Label* not_numbers) {
Label load_smi_rdx, load_nonsmi_rax, load_smi_rax, load_float_rax, done;
// Load operand in rdx into xmm0, or branch to not_numbers.
__ LoadRoot(rcx, Heap::kHeapNumberMapRootIndex);
__ JumpIfSmi(rdx, &load_smi_rdx);
__ cmpp(FieldOperand(rdx, HeapObject::kMapOffset), rcx);
__ j(not_equal, not_numbers); // Argument in rdx is not a number.
__ Movsd(xmm0, FieldOperand(rdx, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
// Load operand in rax into xmm1, or branch to not_numbers.
__ JumpIfSmi(rax, &load_smi_rax);
__ bind(&load_nonsmi_rax);
__ cmpp(FieldOperand(rax, HeapObject::kMapOffset), rcx);
__ j(not_equal, not_numbers);
__ Movsd(xmm1, FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
__ jmp(&done);
__ bind(&load_smi_rdx);
__ SmiToInteger32(kScratchRegister, rdx);
__ Cvtlsi2sd(xmm0, kScratchRegister);
__ JumpIfNotSmi(rax, &load_nonsmi_rax);
__ bind(&load_smi_rax);
__ SmiToInteger32(kScratchRegister, rax);
__ Cvtlsi2sd(xmm1, kScratchRegister);
__ bind(&done);
void MathPowStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
const Register exponent = MathPowTaggedDescriptor::exponent();
DCHECK(exponent == rdx);
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