Commit cadf96da authored by yangguo's avatar yangguo Committed by Commit bot

Migrate error messages, part 5 (array.js and i18n.js).

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Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#28040}
parent 09ae1c3d
......@@ -620,10 +620,7 @@ function ArrayShift() {
if (ObjectIsSealed(array)) {
throw MakeTypeError("array_functions_change_sealed",
if (ObjectIsSealed(array)) throw MakeTypeError(kArrayFunctionsOnSealed);
if (%IsObserved(array))
return, len);
......@@ -821,11 +818,9 @@ function ArraySplice(start, delete_count) {
var num_elements_to_add = num_arguments > 2 ? num_arguments - 2 : 0;
if (del_count != num_elements_to_add && ObjectIsSealed(array)) {
throw MakeTypeError("array_functions_change_sealed",
throw MakeTypeError(kArrayFunctionsOnSealed);
} else if (del_count > 0 && ObjectIsFrozen(array)) {
throw MakeTypeError("array_functions_on_frozen",
throw MakeTypeError(kArrayFunctionsOnFrozen);
var changed_elements = del_count;
......@@ -1446,7 +1441,7 @@ function ArrayReduce(callback, current) {
break find_initial;
throw MakeTypeError('reduce_no_initial', []);
throw MakeTypeError(kReduceNoInitial);
var receiver = %GetDefaultReceiver(callback);
......@@ -1484,7 +1479,7 @@ function ArrayReduceRight(callback, current) {
break find_initial;
throw MakeTypeError('reduce_no_initial', []);
throw MakeTypeError(kReduceNoInitial);
var receiver = %GetDefaultReceiver(callback);
......@@ -20,11 +20,6 @@ var GlobalDate = global.Date;
// This file contains date support implemented in JavaScript.
// Helper function to throw error.
function ThrowDateTypeError() {
throw new $TypeError('this is not a Date object.');
var timezone_cache_time = NAN;
var timezone_cache_timezone;
......@@ -174,8 +174,7 @@ function ArrayFill(value /* [, start [, end ] ] */) { // length == 1
if ((end - i) > 0 && ObjectIsFrozen(array)) {
throw MakeTypeError("array_functions_on_frozen",
throw MakeTypeError(kArrayFunctionsOnFrozen);
for (; i < end; i++)
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ macro IS_SPEC_FUNCTION(arg) = (%_ClassOf(arg) === 'Function');
# Macro for ES6 CheckObjectCoercible
# Will throw a TypeError of the form "[functionName] called on null or undefined".
macro CHECK_OBJECT_COERCIBLE(arg, functionName) = if (IS_NULL_OR_UNDEFINED(arg) && !IS_UNDETECTABLE(arg)) throw MakeTypeError('called_on_null_or_undefined', [functionName]);
macro CHECK_OBJECT_COERCIBLE(arg, functionName) = if (IS_NULL_OR_UNDEFINED(arg) && !IS_UNDETECTABLE(arg)) throw MakeTypeError(kCalledOnNullOrUndefined, functionName);
# Indices in bound function info retrieved by %BoundFunctionGetBindings(...).
const kBoundFunctionIndex = 0;
......@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ const MAX_TIME_BEFORE_UTC = 8640002592000000;
# Gets the value of a Date object. If arg is not a Date object
# a type error is thrown.
macro CHECK_DATE(arg) = if (%_ClassOf(arg) !== 'Date') ThrowDateTypeError();
macro CHECK_DATE(arg) = if (%_ClassOf(arg) !== 'Date') throw MakeTypeError(kDateType);
macro LOCAL_DATE_VALUE(arg) = (%_DateField(arg, 0) + %_DateField(arg, 21));
macro UTC_DATE_VALUE(arg) = (%_DateField(arg, 0));
......@@ -91,13 +91,22 @@ class MessageHandler {
/* Error */ \
T(CyclicProto, "Cyclic __proto__ value") \
T(DefaultOptionsMissing, "Internal % error. Default options are missing.") \
T(Unsupported, "Not supported") \
T(WrongServiceType, "Internal error, wrong service type: %") \
T(WrongValueType, "Internal error. Wrong value type.") \
/* TypeError */ \
T(ApplyNonFunction, \
"Function.prototype.apply was called on %, which is a % and not a " \
"function") \
T(ArrayFunctionsOnFrozen, "Cannot modify frozen array elements") \
T(ArrayFunctionsOnSealed, "Cannot add/remove sealed array elements") \
T(CalledNonCallable, "% is not a function") \
T(CalledOnNonObject, "% called on non-object") \
T(CalledOnNullOrUndefined, "% called on null or undefined") \
T(CurrencyCode, "Currency code is required with currency style.") \
T(CannotConvertToPrimitive, "Cannot convert object to primitive value") \
T(DateType, "this is not a Date object.") \
T(DefineDisallowed, "Cannot define property:%, object is not extensible.") \
T(GeneratorRunning, "Generator is already running") \
T(FunctionBind, "Bind must be called on a function") \
......@@ -107,6 +116,12 @@ class MessageHandler {
T(InstanceofNonobjectProto, \
"Function has non-object prototype '%' in instanceof check") \
T(InvalidInOperatorUse, "Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '%' in %") \
T(LanguageID, "Language ID should be string or object.") \
T(MethodCalledOnWrongObject, \
"Method % called on a non-object or on a wrong type of object.") \
T(MethodInvokedOnNullOrUndefined, \
"Method invoked on undefined or null value.") \
T(MethodInvokedOnWrongType, "Method invoked on an object that is not %.") \
T(NotAnIterator, "% is not an iterator") \
T(NotConstructor, "% is not a constructor") \
T(NotGeneric, "% is not generic") \
......@@ -117,6 +132,8 @@ class MessageHandler {
T(ObjectSetterExpectingFunction, \
"Object.prototype.__defineSetter__: Expecting function") \
T(ObjectSetterCallable, "Setter must be a function: %") \
T(OrdinaryFunctionCalledAsConstructor, \
"Function object that's not a constructor was created with new") \
T(PropertyDescObject, "Property description must be an object: %") \
T(PropertyNotFunction, "Property '%' of object % is not a function") \
T(ProtoObjectOrNull, "Object prototype may only be an Object or null: %") \
......@@ -130,6 +147,11 @@ class MessageHandler {
"Proxy handler % returned non-configurable descriptor for property '%' " \
"from '%' trap") \
T(RedefineDisallowed, "Cannot redefine property: %") \
T(ReduceNoInitial, "Reduce of empty array with no initial value") \
T(ReinitializeIntl, "Trying to re-initialize % object.") \
T(ResolvedOptionsCalledOnNonObject, \
"resolvedOptions method called on a non-object or on a object that is " \
"not Intl.%.") \
T(SymbolToPrimitive, \
"Cannot convert a Symbol wrapper object to a primitive value") \
T(SymbolToNumber, "Cannot convert a Symbol value to a number") \
......@@ -142,13 +164,25 @@ class MessageHandler {
T(WrongArgs, "%: Arguments list has wrong type") \
/* RangeError */ \
T(ArrayLengthOutOfRange, "defineProperty() array length out of range") \
T(DateRange, "Provided date is not in valid range.") \
T(ExpectedLocation, "Expected Area/Location for time zone, got %") \
T(InvalidCurrencyCode, "Invalid currency code: %") \
T(InvalidLanguageTag, "Invalid language tag: %") \
T(LocaleMatcher, "Illegal value for localeMatcher:%") \
T(NormalizationForm, "The normalization form should be one of %.") \
T(NumberFormatRange, "% argument must be between 0 and 20") \
T(PropertyValueOutOfRange, "% value is out of range.") \
T(StackOverflow, "Maximum call stack size exceeded") \
T(ToPrecisionFormatRange, "toPrecision() argument must be between 1 and 21") \
T(ToRadixFormatRange, "toString() radix argument must be between 2 and 36") \
T(UnsupportedTimeZone, "Unsupported time zone specified %") \
T(ValueOutOfRange, "Value % out of range for % options property %") \
/* SyntaxError */ \
T(ParenthesisInArgString, "Function arg string contains parenthesis") \
/* EvalError */ \
T(CodeGenFromStrings, "%")
T(CodeGenFromStrings, "%") \
/* URIError */ \
T(URIMalformed, "URI malformed")
class MessageTemplate {
......@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ var kMessages = {
illegal_invocation: ["Illegal invocation"],
no_setter_in_callback: ["Cannot set property ", "%0", " of ", "%1", " which has only a getter"],
flags_getter_non_object: ["RegExp.prototype.flags getter called on non-object ", "%0"],
reduce_no_initial: ["Reduce of empty array with no initial value"],
value_and_accessor: ["Invalid property. A property cannot both have accessors and be writable or have a value, ", "%0"],
proto_object_or_null: ["Object prototype may only be an Object or null: ", "%0"],
non_extensible_proto: ["%0", " is not extensible"],
......@@ -69,8 +68,6 @@ var kMessages = {
not_a_promise: ["%0", " is not a promise"],
resolver_not_a_function: ["Promise resolver ", "%0", " is not a function"],
promise_cyclic: ["Chaining cycle detected for promise ", "%0"],
array_functions_on_frozen: ["Cannot modify frozen array elements"],
array_functions_change_sealed: ["Cannot add/remove sealed array elements"],
first_argument_not_regexp: ["First argument to ", "%0", " must not be a regular expression"],
iterator_result_not_an_object: ["Iterator result ", "%0", " is not an object"],
iterator_value_not_an_object: ["Iterator value ", "%0", " is not an entry object"],
......@@ -108,7 +105,6 @@ var kMessages = {
illegal_return: ["Illegal return statement"],
error_loading_debugger: ["Error loading debugger"],
circular_structure: ["Converting circular structure to JSON"],
called_on_null_or_undefined: ["%0", " called on null or undefined"],
array_indexof_not_defined: ["Array.getIndexOf: Argument undefined"],
object_not_extensible: ["Can't add property ", "%0", ", object is not extensible"],
illegal_access: ["Illegal access"],
......@@ -298,7 +294,7 @@ function MakeGenericError(constructor, type, arg0, arg1, arg2) {
%SetCode(Script, function(x) {
// Script objects can only be created by the VM.
throw new $Error("Not supported");
throw MakeError(kUnsupported);
......@@ -371,6 +367,11 @@ function MakeEvalError(type, arg0, arg1, arg2) {
return MakeGenericError($EvalError, type, arg0, arg1, arg2);
function MakeURIError() {
return MakeGenericError($URIError, kURIMalformed);
// The embedded versions are called from unoptimized code, with embedded
// arguments. Those arguments cannot be arrays, which are context-dependent.
function MakeTypeErrorEmbedded(type, arg) {
......@@ -179,8 +179,7 @@ function StringNormalizeJS(form) {
var form = form ? TO_STRING_INLINE(form) : 'NFC';
var normalizationForm = NORMALIZATION_FORMS.indexOf(form);
if (normalizationForm === -1) {
throw new $RangeError('The normalization form should be one of '
+ NORMALIZATION_FORMS.join(', ') + '.');
throw MakeRangeError(kNormalizationForm, NORMALIZATION_FORMS.join(', '));
return %_ValueOf(this);
......@@ -97,9 +97,7 @@ function URIEncodePair(cc1 , cc2, result, index) {
function URIHexCharsToCharCode(highChar, lowChar) {
var highCode = HexValueOf(highChar);
var lowCode = HexValueOf(lowChar);
if (highCode == -1 || lowCode == -1) {
throw new $URIError("URI malformed");
if (highCode == -1 || lowCode == -1) throw MakeURIError();
return (highCode << 4) | lowCode;
......@@ -111,64 +109,46 @@ function URIDecodeOctets(octets, result, index) {
if (o0 < 0x80) {
value = o0;
} else if (o0 < 0xc2) {
throw new $URIError("URI malformed");
throw MakeURIError();
} else {
var o1 = octets[1];
if (o0 < 0xe0) {
var a = o0 & 0x1f;
if ((o1 < 0x80) || (o1 > 0xbf)) {
throw new $URIError("URI malformed");
if ((o1 < 0x80) || (o1 > 0xbf)) throw MakeURIError();
var b = o1 & 0x3f;
value = (a << 6) + b;
if (value < 0x80 || value > 0x7ff) {
throw new $URIError("URI malformed");
if (value < 0x80 || value > 0x7ff) throw MakeURIError();
} else {
var o2 = octets[2];
if (o0 < 0xf0) {
var a = o0 & 0x0f;
if ((o1 < 0x80) || (o1 > 0xbf)) {
throw new $URIError("URI malformed");
if ((o1 < 0x80) || (o1 > 0xbf)) throw MakeURIError();
var b = o1 & 0x3f;
if ((o2 < 0x80) || (o2 > 0xbf)) {
throw new $URIError("URI malformed");
if ((o2 < 0x80) || (o2 > 0xbf)) throw MakeURIError();
var c = o2 & 0x3f;
value = (a << 12) + (b << 6) + c;
if ((value < 0x800) || (value > 0xffff)) {
throw new $URIError("URI malformed");
if ((value < 0x800) || (value > 0xffff)) throw MakeURIError();
} else {
var o3 = octets[3];
if (o0 < 0xf8) {
var a = (o0 & 0x07);
if ((o1 < 0x80) || (o1 > 0xbf)) {
throw new $URIError("URI malformed");
if ((o1 < 0x80) || (o1 > 0xbf)) throw MakeURIError();
var b = (o1 & 0x3f);
if ((o2 < 0x80) || (o2 > 0xbf)) {
throw new $URIError("URI malformed");
throw MakeURIError();
var c = (o2 & 0x3f);
if ((o3 < 0x80) || (o3 > 0xbf)) {
throw new $URIError("URI malformed");
if ((o3 < 0x80) || (o3 > 0xbf)) throw MakeURIError();
var d = (o3 & 0x3f);
value = (a << 18) + (b << 12) + (c << 6) + d;
if ((value < 0x10000) || (value > 0x10ffff)) {
throw new $URIError("URI malformed");
if ((value < 0x10000) || (value > 0x10ffff)) throw MakeURIError();
} else {
throw new $URIError("URI malformed");
throw MakeURIError();
if (0xD800 <= value && value <= 0xDFFF) {
throw new $URIError("URI malformed");
if (0xD800 <= value && value <= 0xDFFF) throw MakeURIError();
if (value < 0x10000) {
%_TwoByteSeqStringSetChar(index++, value, result);
} else {
......@@ -188,14 +168,14 @@ function Encode(uri, unescape) {
if (unescape(cc1)) {
array[index++] = cc1;
} else {
if (cc1 >= 0xDC00 && cc1 <= 0xDFFF) throw new $URIError("URI malformed");
if (cc1 >= 0xDC00 && cc1 <= 0xDFFF) throw MakeURIError();
if (cc1 < 0xD800 || cc1 > 0xDBFF) {
index = URIEncodeSingle(cc1, array, index);
} else {
if (k == uriLength) throw new $URIError("URI malformed");
if (k == uriLength) throw MakeURIError();
var cc2 = uri.charCodeAt(k);
if (cc2 < 0xDC00 || cc2 > 0xDFFF) throw new $URIError("URI malformed");
if (cc2 < 0xDC00 || cc2 > 0xDFFF) throw MakeURIError();
index = URIEncodePair(cc1, cc2, array, index);
......@@ -219,7 +199,7 @@ function Decode(uri, reserved) {
for ( ; k < uriLength; k++) {
var code = uri.charCodeAt(k);
if (code == 37) { // '%'
if (k + 2 >= uriLength) throw new $URIError("URI malformed");
if (k + 2 >= uriLength) throw MakeURIError();
var cc = URIHexCharsToCharCode(uri.charCodeAt(k+1), uri.charCodeAt(k+2));
if (cc >> 7) break; // Assumption wrong, two-byte string.
if (reserved(cc)) {
......@@ -246,17 +226,17 @@ function Decode(uri, reserved) {
for ( ; k < uriLength; k++) {
var code = uri.charCodeAt(k);
if (code == 37) { // '%'
if (k + 2 >= uriLength) throw new $URIError("URI malformed");
if (k + 2 >= uriLength) throw MakeURIError();
var cc = URIHexCharsToCharCode(uri.charCodeAt(++k), uri.charCodeAt(++k));
if (cc >> 7) {
var n = 0;
while (((cc << ++n) & 0x80) != 0) { }
if (n == 1 || n > 4) throw new $URIError("URI malformed");
if (n == 1 || n > 4) throw MakeURIError();
var octets = new GlobalArray(n);
octets[0] = cc;
if (k + 3 * (n - 1) >= uriLength) throw new $URIError("URI malformed");
if (k + 3 * (n - 1) >= uriLength) throw MakeURIError();
for (var i = 1; i < n; i++) {
if (uri.charAt(++k) != '%') throw new $URIError("URI malformed");
if (uri.charAt(++k) != '%') throw MakeURIError();
octets[i] = URIHexCharsToCharCode(uri.charCodeAt(++k),
......@@ -1538,9 +1538,7 @@ function NumberToStringJS(radix) {
// Convert the radix to an integer and check the range.
radix = TO_INTEGER(radix);
if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) {
throw new $RangeError('toString() radix argument must be between 2 and 36');
if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) throw MakeRangeError(kToRadixFormatRange);
// Convert the number to a string in the given radix.
return %NumberToRadixString(number, radix);
......@@ -32,16 +32,45 @@ test(function() {
}, "Function.prototype.apply was called on 1, which is a number " +
"and not a function", TypeError);
// kArrayFunctionsOnFrozen
test(function() {
var a = [1, 2];
a.splice(1, 1, [1]);
}, "Cannot modify frozen array elements", TypeError);
// kArrayFunctionsOnSealed
test(function() {
var a = [1];
}, "Cannot add/remove sealed array elements", TypeError);
// kCalledNonCallable
test(function() {
}, "1 is not a function", TypeError);
// kCalledOnNonObject
test(function() {
Object.defineProperty(1, "x", {});
}, "Object.defineProperty called on non-object", TypeError);
// kCalledOnNullOrUndefined
test(function() {;
}, "Array.prototype.shift called on null or undefined", TypeError);
// kCannotConvertToPrimitive
test(function() {
}, "Cannot convert object to primitive value", TypeError);
// kDateType
test(function() {{}, 1);
}, "this is not a Date object.", TypeError);
// kDefineDisallowed
test(function() {
"use strict";
......@@ -121,7 +150,6 @@ test(function() {;
}, "Function.prototype.toString is not generic", TypeError);
// kObjectGetterExpectingFunction
test(function() {
({}).__defineGetter__("x", 0);
......@@ -166,6 +194,11 @@ test(function() {
Object.defineProperty(o, "x", { value: 2 });
}, "Cannot redefine property: x", TypeError);
// kReduceNoInitial
test(function() {
[].reduce(function() {});
}, "Reduce of empty array with no initial value", TypeError);
// kSymbolToPrimitive
test(function() {
1 + Object(Symbol());
......@@ -226,7 +259,12 @@ test(function() {
Object.defineProperty([], "length", { value: 1E100 });
}, "defineProperty() array length out of range", RangeError);
// kNormalizationForm
test(function() {
}, "The normalization form should be one of NFC, NFD, NFKC, NFKD.", RangeError);
// kNumberFormatRange
test(function() {
}, "toFixed() digits argument must be between 0 and 20", RangeError);
......@@ -245,3 +283,16 @@ test(function() {
test(function() {
}, "toPrecision() argument must be between 1 and 21", RangeError);
// kToPrecisionFormatRange
test(function() {
}, "toString() radix argument must be between 2 and 36", RangeError);
// === URIError ===
// kURIMalformed
test(function() {
}, "URI malformed", URIError);
......@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ def ReadFile(filename):
EVAL_PATTERN = re.compile(r'\beval\s*\(')
WITH_PATTERN = re.compile(r'\bwith\s*\(')
INVALID_ERROR_MESSAGE_PATTERN = re.compile(r'Make\w*Error\((k\w+),')
INVALID_ERROR_MESSAGE_PATTERN = re.compile(r'Make\w*Error\(([kA-Z]\w+)')
NEW_ERROR_PATTERN = re.compile(r'new \$\w*Error\((?!\))');
def Validate(lines):
# Because of simplified context setup, eval and with is not
......@@ -81,6 +82,8 @@ def Validate(lines):
invalid_error =
if invalid_error:
raise Error("Unknown error message template '%s'" %
raise Error("Error constructed without message template.")
# Pass lines through unchanged.
return lines
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