Commit ca680a68 authored by ishell's avatar ishell Committed by Commit bot

[crankshaft] Exclude context parameter from HCallWithDescriptor arguments.

Thus the parameter indices defined in respective CallInterfaceDescriptor can
be used for querying parameters.


Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#40222}
parent 4c3a1725
......@@ -1031,7 +1031,7 @@ HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilderBase::BuildToString(HValue* input, bool convert) {
// Convert the primitive to a string value.
HValue* values[] = {context(), Pop()};
HValue* values[] = {Pop()};
Callable toString = CodeFactory::ToString(isolate());
Push(AddUncasted<HCallWithDescriptor>(Add<HConstant>(toString.code()), 0,
......@@ -2158,9 +2158,9 @@ class HCallWithDescriptor final : public HInstruction {
const Vector<HValue*>& operands,
TailCallMode syntactic_tail_call_mode = TailCallMode::kDisallow,
TailCallMode tail_call_mode = TailCallMode::kDisallow) {
HCallWithDescriptor* res = new (zone)
HCallWithDescriptor(target, argument_count, descriptor, operands,
syntactic_tail_call_mode, tail_call_mode, zone);
HCallWithDescriptor* res = new (zone) HCallWithDescriptor(
context, target, argument_count, descriptor, operands,
syntactic_tail_call_mode, tail_call_mode, zone);
return res;
......@@ -2200,21 +2200,24 @@ class HCallWithDescriptor final : public HInstruction {
CallInterfaceDescriptor descriptor() const { return descriptor_; }
HValue* target() {
return OperandAt(0);
HValue* target() { return OperandAt(0); }
HValue* context() { return OperandAt(1); }
HValue* parameter(int index) {
DCHECK_LT(index, GetParameterCount());
return OperandAt(index + 2);
std::ostream& PrintDataTo(std::ostream& os) const override; // NOLINT
// The argument count includes the receiver.
HCallWithDescriptor(HValue* target, int argument_count,
HCallWithDescriptor(HValue* context, HValue* target, int argument_count,
CallInterfaceDescriptor descriptor,
const Vector<HValue*>& operands,
TailCallMode syntactic_tail_call_mode,
TailCallMode tail_call_mode, Zone* zone)
: descriptor_(descriptor),
values_(GetParameterCount() + 1, zone), // +1 here is for target.
values_(GetParameterCount() + 2, zone), // +2 for context and target.
TailCallModeField::encode(tail_call_mode) |
......@@ -2223,6 +2226,7 @@ class HCallWithDescriptor final : public HInstruction {
// We can only tail call without any stack arguments.
DCHECK(tail_call_mode != TailCallMode::kAllow || argument_count == 0);
AddOperand(target, zone);
AddOperand(context, zone);
for (int i = 0; i < operands.length(); i++) {
AddOperand(operands[i], zone);
......@@ -2235,9 +2239,7 @@ class HCallWithDescriptor final : public HInstruction {
SetOperandAt(values_.length() - 1, v);
int GetParameterCount() const {
return descriptor_.GetParameterCount() + 1; // +1 here is for context.
int GetParameterCount() const { return descriptor_.GetParameterCount(); }
void InternalSetOperandAt(int index, HValue* value) final {
values_[index] = value;
......@@ -2237,7 +2237,7 @@ HValue* HGraphBuilder::BuildToNumber(HValue* input) {
Callable callable = CodeFactory::ToNumber(isolate());
HValue* stub = Add<HConstant>(callable.code());
HValue* values[] = {context(), input};
HValue* values[] = {input};
HCallWithDescriptor* instr = Add<HCallWithDescriptor>(
stub, 0, callable.descriptor(), ArrayVector(values));
......@@ -5262,7 +5262,7 @@ void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::BuildForInBody(ForInStatement* stmt,
Callable callable = CodeFactory::ForInFilter(isolate());
HValue* values[] = {context(), key, enumerable};
HValue* values[] = {key, enumerable};
HConstant* stub_value = Add<HConstant>(callable.code());
Push(Add<HCallWithDescriptor>(stub_value, 0, callable.descriptor(),
......@@ -5370,7 +5370,7 @@ void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::VisitFunctionLiteral(FunctionLiteral* expr) {
if (!expr->pretenure()) {
FastNewClosureStub stub(isolate());
FastNewClosureDescriptor descriptor(isolate());
HValue* values[] = {context(), shared_info_value};
HValue* values[] = {shared_info_value};
HConstant* stub_value = Add<HConstant>(stub.GetCode());
instr = New<HCallWithDescriptor>(stub_value, 0, descriptor,
......@@ -5596,7 +5596,7 @@ void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::VisitVariableProxy(VariableProxy* expr) {
Callable callable = CodeFactory::LoadGlobalICInOptimizedCode(
isolate(), ast_context()->typeof_mode());
HValue* stub = Add<HConstant>(callable.code());
HValue* values[] = {context(), slot_value, vector_value};
HValue* values[] = {slot_value, vector_value};
HCallWithDescriptor* instr = New<HCallWithDescriptor>(
stub, 0, callable.descriptor(), ArrayVector(values));
return ast_context()->ReturnInstruction(instr, expr->id());
......@@ -5654,9 +5654,9 @@ void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::VisitRegExpLiteral(RegExpLiteral* expr) {
DCHECK(current_block() != NULL);
Callable callable = CodeFactory::FastCloneRegExp(isolate());
HValue* values[] = {
context(), AddThisFunction(), Add<HConstant>(expr->literal_index()),
Add<HConstant>(expr->pattern()), Add<HConstant>(expr->flags())};
HValue* values[] = {AddThisFunction(), Add<HConstant>(expr->literal_index()),
HConstant* stub_value = Add<HConstant>(callable.code());
HInstruction* instr = New<HCallWithDescriptor>(
stub_value, 0, callable.descriptor(), ArrayVector(values));
......@@ -6794,8 +6794,7 @@ void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::HandleGlobalVariableAssignment(
Callable callable = CodeFactory::StoreICInOptimizedCode(
isolate(), function_language_mode());
HValue* stub = Add<HConstant>(callable.code());
HValue* values[] = {context(), global_object, name,
value, slot_value, vector_value};
HValue* values[] = {global_object, name, value, slot_value, vector_value};
HCallWithDescriptor* instr = Add<HCallWithDescriptor>(
stub, 0, callable.descriptor(), ArrayVector(values));
......@@ -7103,7 +7102,7 @@ HInstruction* HOptimizedGraphBuilder::BuildNamedGeneric(
HValue* slot_value = Add<HConstant>(vector->GetIndex(slot));
if (access_type == LOAD) {
HValue* values[] = {context(), object, key, slot_value, vector_value};
HValue* values[] = {object, key, slot_value, vector_value};
if (!expr->AsProperty()->key()->IsPropertyName()) {
// It's possible that a keyed load of a constant string was converted
// to a named load. Here, at the last minute, we need to make sure to
......@@ -7121,9 +7120,7 @@ HInstruction* HOptimizedGraphBuilder::BuildNamedGeneric(
return result;
} else {
HValue* values[] = {context(), object, key,
value, slot_value, vector_value};
HValue* values[] = {object, key, value, slot_value, vector_value};
if (vector->GetKind(slot) == FeedbackVectorSlotKind::KEYED_STORE_IC) {
// It's possible that a keyed store of a constant string was converted
// to a named store. Here, at the last minute, we need to make sure to
......@@ -7158,8 +7155,7 @@ HInstruction* HOptimizedGraphBuilder::BuildKeyedGeneric(
} else {
HValue* vector_value = Add<HConstant>(vector);
HValue* slot_value = Add<HConstant>(vector->GetIndex(slot));
HValue* values[] = {context(), object, key,
value, slot_value, vector_value};
HValue* values[] = {object, key, value, slot_value, vector_value};
Callable callable = CodeFactory::KeyedStoreICInOptimizedCode(
isolate(), function_language_mode());
......@@ -7858,7 +7854,7 @@ HInstruction* HOptimizedGraphBuilder::NewCallFunction(
HValue* arity = Add<HConstant>(argument_count - 1);
HValue* op_vals[] = {context(), function, arity};
HValue* op_vals[] = {function, arity};
Callable callable =
CodeFactory::Call(isolate(), convert_mode, tail_call_mode);
......@@ -7884,8 +7880,7 @@ HInstruction* HOptimizedGraphBuilder::NewCallFunctionViaIC(
HValue* index_val = Add<HConstant>(vector->GetIndex(slot));
HValue* vector_val = Add<HConstant>(vector);
HValue* op_vals[] = {context(), function, arity_val, index_val, vector_val};
HValue* op_vals[] = {function, arity_val, index_val, vector_val};
Callable callable = CodeFactory::CallICInOptimizedCode(
isolate(), convert_mode, tail_call_mode);
HConstant* stub = Add<HConstant>(callable.code());
......@@ -9234,7 +9229,7 @@ bool HOptimizedGraphBuilder::TryInlineApiCall(
HValue* api_function_address = Add<HConstant>(ExternalReference(ref));
HValue* op_vals[] = {context(), Add<HConstant>(function), call_data, holder,
HValue* op_vals[] = {Add<HConstant>(function), call_data, holder,
HInstruction* call = nullptr;
......@@ -9973,7 +9968,7 @@ void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::VisitCallNew(CallNew* expr) {
HValue* arity = Add<HConstant>(argument_count - 1);
HValue* op_vals[] = {context(), function, function, arity};
HValue* op_vals[] = {function, function, arity};
Callable callable = CodeFactory::Construct(isolate());
HConstant* stub = Add<HConstant>(callable.code());
......@@ -11039,7 +11034,7 @@ HValue* HGraphBuilder::BuildBinaryOperation(
// inline several instructions (including the two pushes) for every tagged
// operation in optimized code, which is more expensive, than a stub call.
if (graph()->info()->IsStub() && is_non_primitive) {
HValue* values[] = {context(), left, right};
HValue* values[] = {left, right};
#define GET_STUB(Name) \
do { \
Callable callable = CodeFactory::Name(isolate()); \
......@@ -11439,7 +11434,7 @@ void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::VisitCompareOperation(CompareOperation* expr) {
Callable callable = CodeFactory::InstanceOf(isolate());
HValue* stub = Add<HConstant>(callable.code());
HValue* values[] = {context(), left, right};
HValue* values[] = {left, right};
HCallWithDescriptor* result = New<HCallWithDescriptor>(
stub, 0, callable.descriptor(), ArrayVector(values));
......@@ -11448,7 +11443,7 @@ void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::VisitCompareOperation(CompareOperation* expr) {
} else if (op == Token::IN) {
Callable callable = CodeFactory::HasProperty(isolate());
HValue* stub = Add<HConstant>(callable.code());
HValue* values[] = {context(), left, right};
HValue* values[] = {left, right};
HInstruction* result =
New<HCallWithDescriptor>(stub, 0, callable.descriptor(),
Vector<HValue*>(values, arraysize(values)));
......@@ -12189,7 +12184,7 @@ void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::GenerateToInteger(CallRuntime* call) {
} else {
Callable callable = CodeFactory::ToInteger(isolate());
HValue* stub = Add<HConstant>(callable.code());
HValue* values[] = {context(), input};
HValue* values[] = {input};
HInstruction* result = New<HCallWithDescriptor>(
stub, 0, callable.descriptor(), ArrayVector(values));
return ast_context()->ReturnInstruction(result, call->id());
......@@ -12215,7 +12210,7 @@ void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::GenerateToString(CallRuntime* call) {
} else {
Callable callable = CodeFactory::ToString(isolate());
HValue* stub = Add<HConstant>(callable.code());
HValue* values[] = {context(), input};
HValue* values[] = {input};
HInstruction* result = New<HCallWithDescriptor>(
stub, 0, callable.descriptor(), ArrayVector(values));
return ast_context()->ReturnInstruction(result, call->id());
......@@ -12229,7 +12224,7 @@ void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::GenerateToLength(CallRuntime* call) {
Callable callable = CodeFactory::ToLength(isolate());
HValue* input = Pop();
HValue* stub = Add<HConstant>(callable.code());
HValue* values[] = {context(), input};
HValue* values[] = {input};
HInstruction* result = New<HCallWithDescriptor>(
stub, 0, callable.descriptor(), ArrayVector(values));
return ast_context()->ReturnInstruction(result, call->id());
......@@ -12321,7 +12316,7 @@ void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::GenerateSubString(CallRuntime* call) {
HValue* to = Pop();
HValue* from = Pop();
HValue* string = Pop();
HValue* values[] = {context(), string, from, to};
HValue* values[] = {string, from, to};
HInstruction* result = New<HCallWithDescriptor>(
stub, 0, callable.descriptor(), ArrayVector(values));
......@@ -12334,7 +12329,7 @@ void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::GenerateNewObject(CallRuntime* call) {
FastNewObjectStub stub(isolate());
FastNewObjectDescriptor descriptor(isolate());
HValue* values[] = {context(), Pop(), Pop()};
HValue* values[] = {Pop(), Pop()};
HConstant* stub_value = Add<HConstant>(stub.GetCode());
HInstruction* result =
New<HCallWithDescriptor>(stub_value, 0, descriptor, ArrayVector(values));
......@@ -12351,8 +12346,7 @@ void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::GenerateRegExpExec(CallRuntime* call) {
HValue* subject = Pop();
HValue* regexp_object = Pop();
HValue* stub = Add<HConstant>(callable.code());
HValue* values[] = {context(), regexp_object, subject, index,
HValue* values[] = {regexp_object, subject, index, last_match_info};
HInstruction* result = New<HCallWithDescriptor>(
stub, 0, callable.descriptor(), ArrayVector(values));
return ast_context()->ReturnInstruction(result, call->id());
......@@ -12411,8 +12405,7 @@ void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::GenerateCall(CallRuntime* call) {
PushArgumentsFromEnvironment(call->arguments()->length() - 1);
HValue* trampoline = Add<HConstant>(isolate()->builtins()->Call());
HValue* target = Pop();
HValue* values[] = {context(), target,
Add<HConstant>(call->arguments()->length() - 2)};
HValue* values[] = {target, Add<HConstant>(call->arguments()->length() - 2)};
HInstruction* result =
New<HCallWithDescriptor>(trampoline, call->arguments()->length() - 1,
descriptor, ArrayVector(values));
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