Commit c84af682 authored by's avatar

Port optimization of calls to GenericBinaryStub to x64.

See description of the change in the ia32 changelist at

Minor changes to the ia32 version using variables for the registers to pass parameters in (edx and eax) to make the parameter set up code easier to read.
Review URL:

git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent b92a0594
......@@ -6510,42 +6510,47 @@ void GenericBinaryOpStub::GenerateCall(
__ push(right);
} else {
// The calling convention with registers is left in edx and right in eax.
__ IncrementCounter(&Counters::generic_binary_stub_calls_regs, 1);
if (!( && {
if ( && {
Register left_arg = edx;
Register right_arg = eax;
if (!( && {
if ( && {
if (IsOperationCommutative()) {
} else {
__ xchg(left, right);
} else if ( {
__ mov(eax, right);
} else if ( {
} else if ( {
__ mov(right_arg, right);
} else if ( {
if (IsOperationCommutative()) {
__ mov(edx, right);
__ mov(left_arg, right);
} else {
__ mov(edx, left);
__ mov(eax, right);
// Order of moves important to avoid destroying left argument.
__ mov(left_arg, left);
__ mov(right_arg, right);
} else if ( {
} else if ( {
if (IsOperationCommutative()) {
__ mov(eax, left);
__ mov(right_arg, left);
} else {
__ mov(eax, right);
__ mov(edx, left);
// Order of moves important to avoid destroying right argument.
__ mov(right_arg, right);
__ mov(left_arg, left);
} else if ( {
__ mov(edx, left);
} else if ( {
__ mov(left_arg, left);
} else {
__ mov(edx, left);
__ mov(eax, right);
// Order of moves is not important.
__ mov(left_arg, left);
__ mov(right_arg, right);
// Update flags to indicate that arguments are in registers.
__ IncrementCounter(&Counters::generic_binary_stub_calls_regs, 1);
// Call the stub.
......@@ -6562,19 +6567,22 @@ void GenericBinaryOpStub::GenerateCall(
__ push(left);
__ push(Immediate(right));
} else {
// Adapt arguments to the calling convention left in edx and right in eax.
if ( {
__ mov(eax, Immediate(right));
} else if ( && IsOperationCommutative()) {
__ mov(edx, Immediate(right));
// The calling convention with registers is left in edx and right in eax.
Register left_arg = edx;
Register right_arg = eax;
if ( {
__ mov(right_arg, Immediate(right));
} else if ( && IsOperationCommutative()) {
__ mov(left_arg, Immediate(right));
} else {
__ mov(edx, left);
__ mov(eax, Immediate(right));
__ mov(left_arg, left);
__ mov(right_arg, Immediate(right));
// Update flags to indicate that arguments are in registers.
__ IncrementCounter(&Counters::generic_binary_stub_calls_regs, 1);
// Call the stub.
......@@ -6591,18 +6599,21 @@ void GenericBinaryOpStub::GenerateCall(
__ push(Immediate(left));
__ push(right);
} else {
// Adapt arguments to the calling convention left in edx and right in eax.
bool is_commutative = (op_ == (Token::ADD) || (op_ == Token::MUL));
if ( {
__ mov(edx, Immediate(left));
} else if ( && is_commutative) {
__ mov(eax, Immediate(left));
// The calling convention with registers is left in edx and right in eax.
Register left_arg = edx;
Register right_arg = eax;
if ( {
__ mov(left_arg, Immediate(left));
} else if ( && IsOperationCommutative()) {
__ mov(right_arg, Immediate(left));
} else {
__ mov(edx, Immediate(left));
__ mov(eax, right);
__ mov(left_arg, Immediate(left));
__ mov(right_arg, right);
// Update flags to indicate that arguments are in registers.
__ IncrementCounter(&Counters::generic_binary_stub_calls_regs, 1);
// Call the stub.
......@@ -6926,7 +6937,7 @@ void GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// Tag smi result and return.
ASSERT(kSmiTagSize == times_2); // adjust code if not the case
__ lea(eax, Operand(eax, eax, times_1, kSmiTag));
__ ret(2 * kPointerSize);
// All ops except SHR return a signed int32 that we load in a HeapNumber.
if (op_ != Token::SHR) {
......@@ -6953,7 +6964,7 @@ void GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ mov(Operand(esp, 1 * kPointerSize), ebx);
__ fild_s(Operand(esp, 1 * kPointerSize));
__ fstp_d(FieldOperand(eax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
__ ret(2 * kPointerSize);
// Clear the FPU exception flag and reset the stack before calling
......@@ -6985,7 +6996,7 @@ void GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// If all else fails, use the runtime system to get the correct
// result. If arguments was passed in registers now place them on the
// stack in the correct order.
// stack in the correct order below the return address.
__ bind(&call_runtime);
if (HasArgumentsInRegisters()) {
__ pop(ecx);
......@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ class ToBooleanStub: public CodeStub {
// Flag that indicates whether how to generate code for the stub.
// Flag that indicates how to generate code for the stub GenericBinaryOpStub.
enum GenericBinaryFlags {
NO_SMI_CODE_IN_STUB = 1 << 0 // Omit smi code in stub.
......@@ -647,10 +647,10 @@ enum GenericBinaryFlags {
class GenericBinaryOpStub: public CodeStub {
GenericBinaryOpStub(Token::Value operation,
GenericBinaryOpStub(Token::Value op,
OverwriteMode mode,
GenericBinaryFlags flags)
: op_(operation),
: op_(op),
......@@ -5057,10 +5057,8 @@ class DeferredInlineBinaryOperation: public DeferredCode {
void DeferredInlineBinaryOperation::Generate() {
__ push(left_);
__ push(right_);
GenericBinaryOpStub stub(op_, mode_, SMI_CODE_INLINED);
__ CallStub(&stub);
GenericBinaryOpStub stub(op_, mode_, NO_SMI_CODE_IN_STUB);
stub.GenerateCall(masm_, left_, right_);
if (! __ movq(dst_, rax);
......@@ -5089,16 +5087,16 @@ void CodeGenerator::GenericBinaryOperation(Token::Value op,
// Bit operations always assume they likely operate on Smis. Still only
// generate the inline Smi check code if this operation is part of a loop.
flags = (loop_nesting() > 0)
// By default only inline the Smi check code for likely smis if this
// operation is part of a loop.
flags = ((loop_nesting() > 0) && type->IsLikelySmi())
......@@ -5157,7 +5155,7 @@ void CodeGenerator::GenericBinaryOperation(Token::Value op,
if (flags == SMI_CODE_INLINED && !generate_no_smi_code) {
if ((flags & NO_SMI_CODE_IN_STUB) != 0 && !generate_no_smi_code) {
LikelySmiBinaryOperation(op, &left, &right, overwrite_mode);
} else {
......@@ -5166,7 +5164,7 @@ void CodeGenerator::GenericBinaryOperation(Token::Value op,
// that does not check for the fast smi case.
// The same stub is used for NO_SMI_CODE and SMI_CODE_INLINED.
if (generate_no_smi_code) {
GenericBinaryOpStub stub(op, overwrite_mode, flags);
Result answer = frame_->CallStub(&stub, 2);
......@@ -5221,41 +5219,32 @@ void DeferredReferenceGetNamedValue::Generate() {
void DeferredInlineSmiAdd::Generate() {
__ push(dst_);
__ Push(value_);
GenericBinaryOpStub igostub(Token::ADD, overwrite_mode_, SMI_CODE_INLINED);
__ CallStub(&igostub);
GenericBinaryOpStub igostub(Token::ADD, overwrite_mode_, NO_SMI_CODE_IN_STUB);
igostub.GenerateCall(masm_, dst_, value_);
if (! __ movq(dst_, rax);
void DeferredInlineSmiAddReversed::Generate() {
__ Push(value_);
__ push(dst_);
GenericBinaryOpStub igostub(Token::ADD, overwrite_mode_, SMI_CODE_INLINED);
__ CallStub(&igostub);
GenericBinaryOpStub igostub(Token::ADD, overwrite_mode_, NO_SMI_CODE_IN_STUB);
igostub.GenerateCall(masm_, value_, dst_);
if (! __ movq(dst_, rax);
void DeferredInlineSmiSub::Generate() {
__ push(dst_);
__ Push(value_);
GenericBinaryOpStub igostub(Token::SUB, overwrite_mode_, SMI_CODE_INLINED);
__ CallStub(&igostub);
if (! __ movq(dst_, rax);
GenericBinaryOpStub igostub(Token::SUB, overwrite_mode_, NO_SMI_CODE_IN_STUB);
igostub.GenerateCall(masm_, dst_, value_);
void DeferredInlineSmiOperation::Generate() {
__ push(src_);
__ Push(value_);
// For mod we don't generate all the Smi code inline.
GenericBinaryOpStub stub(
__ CallStub(&stub);
stub.GenerateCall(masm_, src_, value_);
if (! __ movq(dst_, rax);
......@@ -7339,6 +7328,127 @@ const char* GenericBinaryOpStub::GetName() {
void GenericBinaryOpStub::GenerateCall(
MacroAssembler* masm,
Register left,
Register right) {
if (!ArgsInRegistersSupported()) {
// Pass arguments on the stack.
__ push(left);
__ push(right);
} else {
// The calling convention with registers is left in rdx and right in rax.
Register left_arg = rdx;
Register right_arg = rax;
if (!( && {
if ( && {
if (IsOperationCommutative()) {
} else {
__ xchg(left, right);
} else if ( {
__ movq(right_arg, right);
} else if ( {
if (IsOperationCommutative()) {
__ movq(left_arg, right);
} else {
// Order of moves important to avoid destroying left argument.
__ movq(left_arg, left);
__ movq(right_arg, right);
} else if ( {
if (IsOperationCommutative()) {
__ movq(right_arg, left);
} else {
// Order of moves important to avoid destroying right argument.
__ movq(right_arg, right);
__ movq(left_arg, left);
} else if ( {
__ movq(left_arg, left);
} else {
// Order of moves is not important.
__ movq(left_arg, left);
__ movq(right_arg, right);
// Update flags to indicate that arguments are in registers.
__ IncrementCounter(&Counters::generic_binary_stub_calls_regs, 1);
// Call the stub.
__ CallStub(this);
void GenericBinaryOpStub::GenerateCall(
MacroAssembler* masm,
Register left,
Smi* right) {
if (!ArgsInRegistersSupported()) {
// Pass arguments on the stack.
__ push(left);
__ Push(right);
} else {
// The calling convention with registers is left in rdx and right in rax.
Register left_arg = rdx;
Register right_arg = rax;
if ( {
__ Move(right_arg, right);
} else if ( && IsOperationCommutative()) {
__ Move(left_arg, right);
} else {
__ movq(left_arg, left);
__ Move(right_arg, right);
// Update flags to indicate that arguments are in registers.
__ IncrementCounter(&Counters::generic_binary_stub_calls_regs, 1);
// Call the stub.
__ CallStub(this);
void GenericBinaryOpStub::GenerateCall(
MacroAssembler* masm,
Smi* left,
Register right) {
if (!ArgsInRegistersSupported()) {
// Pass arguments on the stack.
__ Push(left);
__ push(right);
} else {
// The calling convention with registers is left in rdx and right in rax.
Register left_arg = rdx;
Register right_arg = rax;
if ( {
__ Move(left_arg, left);
} else if ( && IsOperationCommutative()) {
__ Move(right_arg, left);
} else {
__ Move(left_arg, left);
__ movq(right_arg, right);
// Update flags to indicate that arguments are in registers.
__ IncrementCounter(&Counters::generic_binary_stub_calls_regs, 1);
// Call the stub.
__ CallStub(this);
void GenericBinaryOpStub::GenerateSmiCode(MacroAssembler* masm, Label* slow) {
// Perform fast-case smi code for the operation (rax <op> rbx) and
// leave result in register rax.
......@@ -7411,22 +7521,21 @@ void GenericBinaryOpStub::GenerateSmiCode(MacroAssembler* masm, Label* slow) {
void GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
Label call_runtime;
if (flags_ == SMI_CODE_IN_STUB) {
if (HasSmiCodeInStub()) {
// The fast case smi code wasn't inlined in the stub caller
// code. Generate it here to speed up common operations.
Label slow;
__ movq(rbx, Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize)); // get y
__ movq(rax, Operand(rsp, 2 * kPointerSize)); // get x
GenerateSmiCode(masm, &slow);
__ ret(2 * kPointerSize); // remove both operands
// Too bad. The fast case smi code didn't succeed.
__ bind(&slow);
// Setup registers.
__ movq(rax, Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize)); // get y
__ movq(rdx, Operand(rsp, 2 * kPointerSize)); // get x
// Make sure the arguments are in rdx and rax.
// Floating point case.
switch (op_) {
......@@ -7450,7 +7559,10 @@ void GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ JumpIfNotSmi(rax, &skip_allocation);
// Fall through!
__ AllocateHeapNumber(rax, rcx, &call_runtime);
// Allocate a heap number for the result. Keep rax and rdx intact
// for the possible runtime call.
__ AllocateHeapNumber(rbx, rcx, &call_runtime);
__ movq(rax, rbx);
__ bind(&skip_allocation);
default: UNREACHABLE();
......@@ -7466,7 +7578,7 @@ void GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
default: UNREACHABLE();
__ movsd(FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset), xmm4);
__ ret(2 * kPointerSize);
case Token::MOD: {
// For MOD we go directly to runtime in the non-smi case.
......@@ -7534,7 +7646,7 @@ void GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ JumpIfNotValidSmiValue(rax, &non_smi_result);
// Tag smi result, if possible, and return.
__ Integer32ToSmi(rax, rax);
__ ret(2 * kPointerSize);
// All ops except SHR return a signed int32 that we load in a HeapNumber.
if (op_ != Token::SHR && non_smi_result.is_linked()) {
......@@ -7560,7 +7672,7 @@ void GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ movq(Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize), rbx);
__ fild_s(Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize));
__ fstp_d(FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
__ ret(2 * kPointerSize);
// Clear the FPU exception flag and reset the stack before calling
......@@ -7591,8 +7703,20 @@ void GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// If all else fails, use the runtime system to get the correct
// result.
// result. If arguments was passed in registers now place them on the
// stack in the correct order below the return address.
__ bind(&call_runtime);
if (HasArgumentsInRegisters()) {
__ pop(rcx);
if (HasArgumentsReversed()) {
__ push(rax);
__ push(rdx);
} else {
__ push(rdx);
__ push(rax);
__ push(rcx);
switch (op_) {
case Token::ADD:
__ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::ADD, JUMP_FUNCTION);
......@@ -7633,6 +7757,26 @@ void GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
void GenericBinaryOpStub::GenerateLoadArguments(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// If arguments are not passed in registers read them from the stack.
if (!HasArgumentsInRegisters()) {
__ movq(rax, Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize));
__ movq(rdx, Operand(rsp, 2 * kPointerSize));
void GenericBinaryOpStub::GenerateReturn(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// If arguments are not passed in registers remove them from the stack before
// returning.
if (!HasArgumentsInRegisters()) {
__ ret(2 * kPointerSize); // Remove both operands
} else {
__ ret(0);
int CompareStub::MinorKey() {
// Encode the two parameters in a unique 16 bit value.
ASSERT(static_cast<unsigned>(cc_) < (1 << 15));
......@@ -647,11 +647,10 @@ class ToBooleanStub: public CodeStub {
// Flag that indicates whether or not the code that handles smi arguments
// should be placed in the stub, inlined, or omitted entirely.
// Flag that indicates how to generate code for the stub GenericBinaryOpStub.
enum GenericBinaryFlags {
NO_SMI_CODE_IN_STUB = 1 << 0 // Omit smi code in stub.
......@@ -660,45 +659,82 @@ class GenericBinaryOpStub: public CodeStub {
GenericBinaryOpStub(Token::Value op,
OverwriteMode mode,
GenericBinaryFlags flags)
: op_(op), mode_(mode), flags_(flags) {
: op_(op),
args_reversed_(false) {
use_sse3_ = CpuFeatures::IsSupported(CpuFeatures::SSE3);
void GenerateSmiCode(MacroAssembler* masm, Label* slow);
// Generate code to call the stub with the supplied arguments. This will add
// code at the call site to prepare arguments either in registers or on the
// stack together with the actual call.
void GenerateCall(MacroAssembler* masm, Register left, Register right);
void GenerateCall(MacroAssembler* masm, Register left, Smi* right);
void GenerateCall(MacroAssembler* masm, Smi* left, Register right);
Token::Value op_;
OverwriteMode mode_;
GenericBinaryFlags flags_;
bool args_in_registers_; // Arguments passed in registers not on the stack.
bool args_reversed_; // Left and right argument are swapped.
bool use_sse3_;
const char* GetName();
#ifdef DEBUG
void Print() {
PrintF("GenericBinaryOpStub (op %s), (mode %d, flags %d)\n",
PrintF("GenericBinaryOpStub (op %s), "
"(mode %d, flags %d, registers %d, reversed %d)\n",
// Minor key encoding in 16 bits FSOOOOOOOOOOOOMM.
// Minor key encoding in 16 bits FRASOOOOOOOOOOMM.
class ModeBits: public BitField<OverwriteMode, 0, 2> {};
class OpBits: public BitField<Token::Value, 2, 12> {};
class SSE3Bits: public BitField<bool, 14, 1> {};
class OpBits: public BitField<Token::Value, 2, 10> {};
class SSE3Bits: public BitField<bool, 12, 1> {};
class ArgsInRegistersBits: public BitField<bool, 13, 1> {};
class ArgsReversedBits: public BitField<bool, 14, 1> {};
class FlagBits: public BitField<GenericBinaryFlags, 15, 1> {};
Major MajorKey() { return GenericBinaryOp; }
int MinorKey() {
// Encode the parameters in a unique 16 bit value.
return OpBits::encode(op_)
| ModeBits::encode(mode_)
| FlagBits::encode(flags_)
| SSE3Bits::encode(use_sse3_);
| ModeBits::encode(mode_)
| FlagBits::encode(flags_)
| SSE3Bits::encode(use_sse3_)
| ArgsInRegistersBits::encode(args_in_registers_)
| ArgsReversedBits::encode(args_reversed_);
void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
void GenerateSmiCode(MacroAssembler* masm, Label* slow);
void GenerateLoadArguments(MacroAssembler* masm);
void GenerateReturn(MacroAssembler* masm);
bool ArgsInRegistersSupported() {
return ((op_ == Token::ADD) || (op_ == Token::SUB)
|| (op_ == Token::MUL) || (op_ == Token::DIV))
&& flags_ != NO_SMI_CODE_IN_STUB;
bool IsOperationCommutative() {
return (op_ == Token::ADD) || (op_ == Token::MUL);
void SetArgsInRegisters() { args_in_registers_ = true; }
void SetArgsReversed() { args_reversed_ = true; }
bool HasSmiCodeInStub() { return (flags_ & NO_SMI_CODE_IN_STUB) == 0; }
bool HasArgumentsInRegisters() { return args_in_registers_; }
bool HasArgumentsReversed() { return args_reversed_; }
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