Commit bf3a25b3 authored by's avatar

Transform HGlobalValueNumberer::AnalyzeBlock from recursive into an iteraive...

Transform HGlobalValueNumberer::AnalyzeBlock from recursive into an iteraive loop keeping the traversal state in the zone instead of on the stack.
Fixed issue 129536.


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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 98db16d9
......@@ -1359,10 +1359,15 @@ HSideEffectMap::HSideEffectMap() : count_(0) {
HSideEffectMap::HSideEffectMap(HSideEffectMap* other) : count_(other->count_) {
memcpy(data_, other->data_, kNumberOfTrackedSideEffects * kPointerSize);
*this = *other; // Calls operator=.
HSideEffectMap& HSideEffectMap::operator= (const HSideEffectMap& other) {
memcpy(data_, other.data_, kNumberOfTrackedSideEffects * kPointerSize);
return *this;
void HSideEffectMap::Kill(GVNFlagSet flags) {
for (int i = 0; i < kNumberOfTrackedSideEffects; i++) {
GVNFlag changes_flag = HValue::ChangesFlagFromInt(i);
......@@ -1491,9 +1496,7 @@ class HGlobalValueNumberer BASE_EMBEDDED {
GVNFlagSet CollectSideEffectsOnPathsToDominatedBlock(
HBasicBlock* dominator,
HBasicBlock* dominated);
void AnalyzeBlock(HBasicBlock* block,
HValueMap* map,
HSideEffectMap* dominators);
void AnalyzeGraph();
void ComputeBlockSideEffects();
void LoopInvariantCodeMotion();
void ProcessLoopBlock(HBasicBlock* block,
......@@ -1530,9 +1533,7 @@ bool HGlobalValueNumberer::Analyze() {
if (FLAG_loop_invariant_code_motion) {
HValueMap* map = new(zone()) HValueMap();
HSideEffectMap side_effect_dominators;
AnalyzeBlock(graph_->entry_block(), map, &side_effect_dominators);
return removed_side_effects_;
......@@ -1826,9 +1827,137 @@ GVNFlagSet HGlobalValueNumberer::CollectSideEffectsOnPathsToDominatedBlock(
void HGlobalValueNumberer::AnalyzeBlock(HBasicBlock* block,
// Each instance of this class is like a "stack frame" for the recursive
// traversal of the dominator tree done during GVN (the stack is handled
// as a double linked list).
// We reuse frames when possible so the list length is limited by the depth
// of the dominator tree but this forces us to initialize each frame calling
// an explicit "Initialize" method instead of a using constructor.
class GvnBasicBlockState: public ZoneObject {
static GvnBasicBlockState* CreateEntry(Zone* zone,
HBasicBlock* entry_block,
HValueMap* entry_map) {
return new(zone)
GvnBasicBlockState(NULL, entry_block, entry_map, NULL, zone);
HBasicBlock* block() { return block_; }
HValueMap* map() { return map_; }
HSideEffectMap* dominators() { return &dominators_; }
GvnBasicBlockState* next_in_dominator_tree_traversal(
Zone* zone,
HBasicBlock** dominator) {
// This assignment needs to happen before calling next_dominated() because
// that call can reuse "this" if we are at the last dominated block.
*dominator = block();
GvnBasicBlockState* result = next_dominated(zone);
if (result == NULL) {
GvnBasicBlockState* dominator_state = pop();
if (dominator_state != NULL) {
// This branch is guaranteed not to return NULL because pop() never
// returns a state where "is_done() == true".
*dominator = dominator_state->block();
result = dominator_state->next_dominated(zone);
} else {
// Unnecessary (we are returning NULL) but done for cleanness.
*dominator = NULL;
return result;
void Initialize(HBasicBlock* block,
HValueMap* map,
HSideEffectMap* dominators,
bool copy_map,
Zone* zone) {
block_ = block;
map_ = copy_map ? map->Copy(zone) : map;
dominated_index_ = -1;
length_ = block->dominated_blocks()->length();
if (dominators != NULL) {
dominators_ = *dominators;
bool is_done() { return dominated_index_ >= length_; }
GvnBasicBlockState(GvnBasicBlockState* previous,
HBasicBlock* block,
HValueMap* map,
HSideEffectMap* dominators,
Zone* zone)
: previous_(previous), next_(NULL) {
Initialize(block, map, dominators, true, zone);
GvnBasicBlockState* next_dominated(Zone* zone) {
if (dominated_index_ == length_ - 1) {
// No need to copy the map for the last child in the dominator tree.
return this;
} else if (dominated_index_ < length_) {
return push(zone,
} else {
return NULL;
GvnBasicBlockState* push(Zone* zone,
HBasicBlock* block,
HSideEffectMap* dominators) {
if (next_ == NULL) {
next_ =
new(zone) GvnBasicBlockState(this, block, map(), dominators, zone);
} else {
next_->Initialize(block, map(), dominators, true, zone);
return next_;
GvnBasicBlockState* pop() {
GvnBasicBlockState* result = previous_;
while (result != NULL && result->is_done()) {
TRACE_GVN_2("Backtracking from block B%d to block b%d\n",
result = result->previous_;
return result;
GvnBasicBlockState* previous_;
GvnBasicBlockState* next_;
HBasicBlock* block_;
HValueMap* map_;
HSideEffectMap dominators_;
int dominated_index_;
int length_;
// This is a recursive traversal of the dominator tree but it has been turned
// into a loop to avoid stack overflows.
// The logical "stack frames" of the recursion are kept in a list of
// GvnBasicBlockState instances.
void HGlobalValueNumberer::AnalyzeGraph() {
HBasicBlock* entry_block = graph_->entry_block();
HValueMap* entry_map = new(zone()) HValueMap();
GvnBasicBlockState* current =
GvnBasicBlockState::CreateEntry(zone(), entry_block, entry_map);
while (current != NULL) {
HBasicBlock* block = current->block();
HValueMap* map = current->map();
HSideEffectMap* dominators = current->dominators();
TRACE_GVN_2("Analyzing block B%d%s\n",
block->IsLoopHeader() ? " (loop header)" : "");
......@@ -1887,28 +2016,31 @@ void HGlobalValueNumberer::AnalyzeBlock(HBasicBlock* block,
instr = next;
// Recursively continue analysis for all immediately dominated blocks.
int length = block->dominated_blocks()->length();
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
HBasicBlock* dominated = block->dominated_blocks()->at(i);
// No need to copy the map for the last child in the dominator tree.
HValueMap* successor_map = (i == length - 1) ? map : map->Copy(zone());
HSideEffectMap successor_dominators(dominators);
HBasicBlock* dominator_block;
GvnBasicBlockState* next =
current->next_in_dominator_tree_traversal(zone(), &dominator_block);
if (next != NULL) {
HBasicBlock* dominated = next->block();
HValueMap* successor_map = next->map();
HSideEffectMap* successor_dominators = next->dominators();
// Kill everything killed on any path between this block and the
// dominated block. We don't have to traverse these paths if the
// value map and the dominators list is already empty. If the range
// of block ids (block_id, dominated_id) is empty there are no such
// paths.
if ((!successor_map->IsEmpty() || !successor_dominators.IsEmpty()) &&
block->block_id() + 1 < dominated->block_id()) {
if ((!successor_map->IsEmpty() || !successor_dominators->IsEmpty()) &&
dominator_block->block_id() + 1 < dominated->block_id()) {
GVNFlagSet side_effects_on_all_paths =
CollectSideEffectsOnPathsToDominatedBlock(block, dominated);
AnalyzeBlock(dominated, successor_map, &successor_dominators);
current = next;
......@@ -1242,6 +1242,7 @@ class HSideEffectMap BASE_EMBEDDED {
explicit HSideEffectMap(HSideEffectMap* other);
HSideEffectMap& operator= (const HSideEffectMap& other);
void Kill(GVNFlagSet flags);
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