Commit be22cdaf authored by yangguo's avatar yangguo Committed by Commit bot

Revert of Implement xorshift128+ for Math.random. (patchset #6 id:100001 of...

Revert of Implement xorshift128+ for Math.random. (patchset #6 id:100001 of )

Reason for revert:
Test failure:

Original issue's description:
> Implement xorshift128+ for Math.random.
> BUG=v8:4566
> Committed:
> Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#32200},

Review URL:

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#32202}
parent 8cd3cf29
......@@ -97,14 +97,15 @@ int RandomNumberGenerator::NextInt(int max) {
double RandomNumberGenerator::NextDouble() {
XorShift128(&state0_, &state1_);
return ToDouble(state0_, state1_);
return ((static_cast<int64_t>(Next(26)) << 27) + Next(27)) /
static_cast<double>(static_cast<int64_t>(1) << 53);
int64_t RandomNumberGenerator::NextInt64() {
XorShift128(&state0_, &state1_);
return bit_cast<int64_t>(state0_ + state1_);
uint64_t lo = bit_cast<unsigned>(Next(32));
uint64_t hi = bit_cast<unsigned>(Next(32));
return lo | (hi << 32);
......@@ -118,25 +119,21 @@ void RandomNumberGenerator::NextBytes(void* buffer, size_t buflen) {
int RandomNumberGenerator::Next(int bits) {
DCHECK_LT(0, bits);
DCHECK_GE(32, bits);
XorShift128(&state0_, &state1_);
return static_cast<int>((state0_ + state1_) >> (64 - bits));
// Do unsigned multiplication, which has the intended modulo semantics, while
// signed multiplication would expose undefined behavior.
uint64_t product = static_cast<uint64_t>(seed_) * kMultiplier;
// Assigning a uint64_t to an int64_t is implementation defined, but this
// should be OK. Use a static_cast to explicitly state that we know what we're
// doing. (Famous last words...)
int64_t seed = static_cast<int64_t>((product + kAddend) & kMask);
seed_ = seed;
return static_cast<int>(seed >> (48 - bits));
void RandomNumberGenerator::SetSeed(int64_t seed) {
initial_seed_ = seed;
state0_ = MurmurHash3(bit_cast<uint64_t>(seed));
state1_ = MurmurHash3(state0_);
uint64_t RandomNumberGenerator::MurmurHash3(uint64_t h) {
h ^= h >> 33;
h *= V8_UINT64_C(0xFF51AFD7ED558CCD);
h ^= h >> 33;
h *= V8_UINT64_C(0xC4CEB9FE1A85EC53);
h ^= h >> 33;
return h;
seed_ = (seed ^ kMultiplier) & kMask;
} // namespace base
......@@ -12,16 +12,10 @@ namespace base {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RandomNumberGenerator
// This class is used to generate a stream of pseudo-random numbers. The class
// uses a 64-bit seed, which is passed through MurmurHash3 to create two 64-bit
// state values. This pair of state values is then used in xorshift128+.
// The resulting stream of pseudo-random numbers has a period length of 2^128-1.
// See Marsaglia:
// And Vigna:
// NOTE: Any changes to the algorithm must be tested against TestU01.
// Please find instructions for this in the internal repository.
// This class is used to generate a stream of pseudorandom numbers. The class
// uses a 48-bit seed, which is modified using a linear congruential formula.
// (See Donald Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3, Section 3.2.1.)
// If two instances of RandomNumberGenerator are created with the same seed, and
// the same sequence of method calls is made for each, they will generate and
// return identical sequences of numbers.
......@@ -89,27 +83,6 @@ class RandomNumberGenerator final {
int64_t initial_seed() const { return initial_seed_; }
// Static and exposed for external use.
static inline double ToDouble(uint64_t state0, uint64_t state1) {
// Exponent for double values for [1.0 .. 2.0)
static const uint64_t kExponentBits = V8_UINT64_C(0x3FF0000000000000);
static const uint64_t kMantissaMask = V8_UINT64_C(0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFF);
uint64_t random = ((state0 + state1) & kMantissaMask) | kExponentBits;
return bit_cast<double>(random) - 1;
// Static and exposed for external use.
static inline void XorShift128(uint64_t* state0, uint64_t* state1) {
uint64_t s1 = *state0;
uint64_t s0 = *state1;
*state0 = s0;
s1 ^= s1 << 23;
s1 ^= s1 >> 17;
s1 ^= s0;
s1 ^= s0 >> 26;
*state1 = s1;
static const int64_t kMultiplier = V8_2PART_UINT64_C(0x5, deece66d);
static const int64_t kAddend = 0xb;
......@@ -117,11 +90,8 @@ class RandomNumberGenerator final {
int Next(int bits) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
static uint64_t MurmurHash3(uint64_t);
int64_t initial_seed_;
uint64_t state0_;
uint64_t state1_;
int64_t seed_;
} // namespace base
......@@ -1729,6 +1729,24 @@ static Handle<JSObject> ResolveBuiltinIdHolder(Handle<Context> native_context,
template <typename Data>
Handle<JSTypedArray> CreateTypedArray(Isolate* isolate, ExternalArrayType type,
size_t num_elements, Data** data) {
size_t byte_length = num_elements * sizeof(**data);
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> buffer =
isolate->factory()->NewJSArrayBuffer(SharedFlag::kNotShared, TENURED);
bool is_external = (*data != nullptr);
if (!is_external) {
*data = reinterpret_cast<Data*>(
JSArrayBuffer::Setup(buffer, isolate, is_external, *data, byte_length,
return isolate->factory()->NewJSTypedArray(type, buffer, 0, num_elements,
void Genesis::ConfigureUtilsObject(ContextType context_type) {
switch (context_type) {
// We still need the utils object to find debug functions.
......@@ -10,19 +10,18 @@
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Imports
define kRandomBatchSize = 64;
// The first two slots are reserved to persist PRNG state.
define kRandomNumberStart = 2;
var GlobalFloat64Array = global.Float64Array;
var GlobalMath = global.Math;
var GlobalObject = global.Object;
var InternalArray = utils.InternalArray;
var NaN = %GetRootNaN();
var nextRandomIndex = kRandomBatchSize;
var randomNumbers = UNDEFINED;
var rngstate = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 };
var toStringTagSymbol = utils.ImportNow("to_string_tag_symbol");
utils.InitializeRNG = function() {
var state = %InitializeRNG();
rngstate = { a: state[0], b: state[1], c: state[2], d: state[3] };
// ECMA 262 -
......@@ -136,19 +135,26 @@ function MathPowJS(x, y) {
// ECMA 262 -
function MathRandom() {
if (nextRandomIndex >= kRandomBatchSize) {
randomNumbers = %GenerateRandomNumbers(randomNumbers);
nextRandomIndex = kRandomNumberStart;
return randomNumbers[nextRandomIndex++];
var r0 = (MathImul(18030, rngstate.a) + rngstate.b) | 0;
var r1 = (MathImul(36969, rngstate.c) + rngstate.d) | 0;
rngstate.a = r0 & 0xFFFF;
rngstate.b = r0 >>> 16;
rngstate.c = r1 & 0xFFFF;
rngstate.d = r1 >>> 16;
var r = r0 ^ r1;
// Construct a double number 1.<32-bits of randomness> and subtract 1.
return %_ConstructDouble(0x3FF00000 | (r & 0x000FFFFF), r & 0xFFF00000) - 1;
function MathRandomRaw() {
if (nextRandomIndex >= kRandomBatchSize) {
randomNumbers = %GenerateRandomNumbers(randomNumbers);
nextRandomIndex = kRandomNumberStart;
return %_DoubleLo(randomNumbers[nextRandomIndex++]) & 0x3FFFFFFF;
var r0 = (MathImul(18030, rngstate.a) + rngstate.b) | 0;
var r1 = (MathImul(36969, rngstate.c) + rngstate.d) | 0;
rngstate.a = r0 & 0xFFFF;
rngstate.b = r0 >>> 16;
rngstate.c = r1 & 0xFFFF;
rngstate.d = r1 >>> 16;
var r = r0 ^ r1;
return r & 0x3FFFFFFF;
// ECMA 262 -
......@@ -245,6 +245,8 @@ function PostExperimentals(utils) {
utils.InitializeRNG = UNDEFINED;
utils.CreateDoubleResultArray = UNDEFINED;
......@@ -260,6 +262,8 @@ function PostDebug(utils) {
utils.InitializeRNG = UNDEFINED;
utils.CreateDoubleResultArray = UNDEFINED;
......@@ -285,7 +289,7 @@ function InitializeBuiltinTypedArrays(utils, rng_state, rempio2result) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
%OptimizeObjectForAddingMultipleProperties(utils, 14);
%OptimizeObjectForAddingMultipleProperties(utils, 15);
utils.Import = Import;
utils.ImportNow = ImportNow;
......@@ -247,48 +247,18 @@ RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_IsMinusZero) {
RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_GenerateRandomNumbers) {
RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_InitializeRNG) {
HandleScope scope(isolate);
DCHECK(args.length() == 1);
static const int kState0Offset = 0;
static const int kState1Offset = 1;
static const int kRandomBatchSize = 64;
CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(Object, maybe_typed_array, 0);
Handle<JSTypedArray> typed_array;
// Allocate typed array if it does not yet exist.
if (maybe_typed_array->IsJSTypedArray()) {
typed_array = Handle<JSTypedArray>::cast(maybe_typed_array);
} else {
static const int kByteLength = kRandomBatchSize * kDoubleSize;
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> buffer =
isolate->factory()->NewJSArrayBuffer(SharedFlag::kNotShared, TENURED);
JSArrayBuffer::SetupAllocatingData(buffer, isolate, kByteLength, true,
typed_array = isolate->factory()->NewJSTypedArray(
kExternalFloat64Array, buffer, 0, kRandomBatchSize);
DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
double* array =
// Fetch existing state.
uint64_t state0 = double_to_uint64(array[kState0Offset]);
uint64_t state1 = double_to_uint64(array[kState1Offset]);
// Initialize state if not yet initialized.
while (state0 == 0 || state1 == 0) {
isolate->random_number_generator()->NextBytes(&state0, sizeof(state0));
isolate->random_number_generator()->NextBytes(&state1, sizeof(state1));
// Create random numbers.
for (int i = kState1Offset + 1; i < kRandomBatchSize; i++) {
// Generate random numbers using xorshift128+.
base::RandomNumberGenerator::XorShift128(&state0, &state1);
array[i] = base::RandomNumberGenerator::ToDouble(state0, state1);
// Persist current state.
array[kState0Offset] = uint64_to_double(state0);
array[kState1Offset] = uint64_to_double(state1);
return *typed_array;
DCHECK(args.length() == 0);
static const int kSize = 4;
Handle<FixedArray> array = isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray(kSize);
uint16_t seeds[kSize];
do {
kSize * sizeof(*seeds));
} while (!(seeds[0] && seeds[1] && seeds[2] && seeds[3]));
for (int i = 0; i < kSize; i++) array->set(i, Smi::FromInt(seeds[i]));
return *isolate->factory()->NewJSArrayWithElements(array);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
......@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ namespace internal {
F(MathSqrt, 1, 1) \
F(MathFround, 1, 1) \
F(IsMinusZero, 1, 1) \
F(GenerateRandomNumbers, 1, 1)
F(InitializeRNG, 0, 1)
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