Commit bb0c22f1 authored by's avatar

Strict mode - allow function only in SourceElements.

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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 180b6ec6
......@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@ function FormatMessage(message) {
strict_delete: ["Delete of an unqualified identifier in strict mode."],
strict_delete_property: ["Cannot delete property '", "%0", "' of ", "%1"],
strict_const: ["Use of const in strict mode."],
strict_function: ["In strict mode code, functions can only be declared at top level or immediately within another function." ],
var message_type = %MessageGetType(message);
......@@ -1106,7 +1106,20 @@ void* Parser::ParseSourceElements(ZoneList<Statement*>* processor,
Scanner::Location token_loc = scanner().peek_location();
Statement* stat = ParseStatement(NULL, CHECK_OK);
Statement* stat;
if (peek() == Token::FUNCTION) {
// FunctionDeclaration is only allowed in the context of SourceElements
// (Ecma 262 5th Edition, clause 14):
// SourceElement:
// Statement
// FunctionDeclaration
// Common language extension is to allow function declaration in place
// of any statement. This language extension is disabled in strict mode.
stat = ParseFunctionDeclaration(CHECK_OK);
} else {
stat = ParseStatement(NULL, CHECK_OK);
if (stat == NULL || stat->IsEmpty()) {
directive_prologue = false; // End of directive prologue.
......@@ -1263,8 +1276,17 @@ Statement* Parser::ParseStatement(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok) {
return result;
case Token::FUNCTION:
case Token::FUNCTION: {
// In strict mode, FunctionDeclaration is only allowed in the context
// of SourceElements.
if (temp_scope_->StrictMode()) {
ReportMessageAt(scanner().peek_location(), "strict_function",
Vector<const char*>::empty());
*ok = false;
return NULL;
return ParseFunctionDeclaration(ok);
case Token::NATIVE:
return ParseNativeDeclaration(ok);
......@@ -285,6 +285,14 @@ CheckStrictMode("const x = 0;", SyntaxError);
CheckStrictMode("for (const x = 0; false;) {}", SyntaxError);
CheckStrictMode("function strict() { const x = 0; }", SyntaxError);
// Strict mode only allows functions in SourceElements
CheckStrictMode("if (true) { function invalid() {} }", SyntaxError);
CheckStrictMode("for (;false;) { function invalid() {} }", SyntaxError);
CheckStrictMode("{ function invalid() {} }", SyntaxError);
CheckStrictMode("try { function invalid() {} } catch(e) {}", SyntaxError);
CheckStrictMode("try { } catch(e) { function invalid() {} }", SyntaxError);
CheckStrictMode("function outer() {{ function invalid() {} }}", SyntaxError);
// Delete of an unqualified identifier
CheckStrictMode("delete unqualified;", SyntaxError);
CheckStrictMode("function strict() { delete unqualified; }", SyntaxError);
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