Commit b91f929d authored by Gus Caplan's avatar Gus Caplan Committed by Commit Bot

implement Array/String/TypedArray item methods

Bug: v8:10961
Change-Id: I79f8410cac1c949100231d4c57dbea0379e88475
Commit-Queue: Gus Caplan <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarJakob Gruber <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarMarja Hölttä <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#71279}
parent 9e111d3f
......@@ -1134,6 +1134,7 @@ action("postmortem-metadata") {
torque_files = [
......@@ -1216,6 +1217,7 @@ torque_files = [
......@@ -1229,6 +1231,7 @@ torque_files = [
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace array {
transitioning javascript builtin ArrayPrototypeAt(
js-implicit context: NativeContext, receiver: JSAny)(index: JSAny): JSAny {
// 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
const o = ToObject_Inline(context, receiver);
// 2. Let len be ? LengthOfArrayLike(O).
const len = GetLengthProperty(o);
// 3. Let relativeIndex be ? ToInteger(index).
const relativeIndex = ToInteger_Inline(index);
// 4. If relativeIndex ≥ 0, then
// a. Let k be relativeIndex.
// 5. Else,
// a. Let k be len + relativeIndex.
const k = relativeIndex >= 0 ? relativeIndex : len + relativeIndex;
// 6. If k < 0 or k ≥ len, then return undefined.
if (k < 0 || k >= len) {
return Undefined;
// 7. Return ? Get(O, ! ToString(k)).
return GetProperty(o, k);
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace string {
transitioning javascript builtin StringPrototypeAt(
js-implicit context: NativeContext, receiver: JSAny)(index: JSAny): JSAny {
// 1. Let O be ? RequireObjectCoercible(this value).
// 2. Let S be ? ToString(O).
const s = ToThisString(receiver, '');
// 3. Let len be the length of S.
const len = s.length_smi;
// 4. Let relativeIndex be ? ToInteger(index).
const relativeIndex = ToInteger_Inline(index);
// 5. If relativeIndex ≥ 0, then
// a. Let k be relativeIndex.
// 6. Else,
// a. Let k be len + relativeIndex.
const k = relativeIndex >= 0 ? relativeIndex : len + relativeIndex;
// 7. If k < 0 or k ≥ len, then return undefined.
if (k < 0 || k >= len) {
return Undefined;
// 8. Return the String value consisting of only the code unit at position k
// in S.
return StringFromSingleCharCode(StringCharCodeAt(s, Convert<uintptr>(k)));
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace typed_array {
transitioning javascript builtin TypedArrayPrototypeAt(
js-implicit context: NativeContext, receiver: JSAny)(index: JSAny): JSAny {
// 1. Let O be the this value.
// 2. Perform ? ValidateTypedArray(O).
const o = ValidateTypedArray(context, receiver, '');
// 3. Let len be O.[[ArrayLength]].
const len = Convert<Number>(o.length);
// 4. Let relativeIndex be ? ToInteger(index).
const relativeIndex = ToInteger_Inline(index);
// 5. If relativeIndex ≥ 0, then
// a. Let k be relativeIndex.
// 6. Else,
// a. Let k be len + relativeIndex.
const k = relativeIndex >= 0 ? relativeIndex : len + relativeIndex;
// 7. If k < 0 or k ≥ len, then return undefined.
if (k < 0 || k >= len) {
return Undefined;
// 8. Return ? Get(O, ! ToString(k)).
return GetProperty(o, k);
......@@ -567,6 +567,7 @@ DebugInfo::SideEffectState BuiltinGetSideEffectState(Builtins::Name id) {
case Builtins::kArrayIndexOf:
case Builtins::kArrayPrototypeValues:
case Builtins::kArrayIncludes:
case Builtins::kArrayPrototypeAt:
case Builtins::kArrayPrototypeEntries:
case Builtins::kArrayPrototypeFill:
case Builtins::kArrayPrototypeFind:
......@@ -592,6 +593,7 @@ DebugInfo::SideEffectState BuiltinGetSideEffectState(Builtins::Name id) {
case Builtins::kTrace:
// TypedArray builtins.
case Builtins::kTypedArrayConstructor:
case Builtins::kTypedArrayPrototypeAt:
case Builtins::kTypedArrayPrototypeBuffer:
case Builtins::kTypedArrayPrototypeByteLength:
case Builtins::kTypedArrayPrototypeByteOffset:
......@@ -759,6 +761,7 @@ DebugInfo::SideEffectState BuiltinGetSideEffectState(Builtins::Name id) {
case Builtins::kStringFromCodePoint:
case Builtins::kStringConstructor:
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeAnchor:
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeAt:
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeBig:
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeBlink:
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeBold:
......@@ -253,7 +253,8 @@ DEFINE_IMPLICATION(harmony_weak_refs_with_cleanup_some, harmony_weak_refs)
V(harmony_weak_refs_with_cleanup_some, \
"harmony weak references with FinalizationRegistry.prototype.cleanupSome") \
V(harmony_regexp_match_indices, "harmony regexp match indices") \
V(harmony_import_assertions, "harmony import assertions")
V(harmony_import_assertions, "harmony import assertions") \
V(harmony_relative_indexing_methods, "harmony relative indexing methods")
......@@ -4391,6 +4391,40 @@ void Genesis::InitializeGlobal_regexp_linear_flag() {
void Genesis::InitializeGlobal_harmony_relative_indexing_methods() {
if (!FLAG_harmony_relative_indexing_methods) return;
Handle<JSFunction> array_function(native_context()->array_function(),
Handle<JSObject> array_prototype(
JSObject::cast(array_function->instance_prototype()), isolate());
SimpleInstallFunction(isolate(), array_prototype, "at",
Builtins::kArrayPrototypeAt, 1, true);
Handle<JSFunction> string_function(native_context()->string_function(),
Handle<JSObject> string_prototype(
JSObject::cast(string_function->instance_prototype()), isolate());
SimpleInstallFunction(isolate(), string_prototype, "at",
Builtins::kStringPrototypeAt, 1, true);
Handle<JSFunction> typed_array_function(
native_context()->typed_array_function(), isolate());
Handle<JSObject> typed_array_prototype(
JSObject::cast(typed_array_function->instance_prototype()), isolate());
SimpleInstallFunction(isolate(), typed_array_prototype, "at",
Builtins::kTypedArrayPrototypeAt, 1, true);
void Genesis::InitializeGlobal_harmony_intl_segmenter() {
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Flags: --harmony-relative-indexing-methods --allow-natives-syntax
'use strict';
[1, 2, 3],
new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]),
].forEach((v) => {
assertEquals(, v[0]);
assertEquals(, v[2]);
assertEquals(, undefined);
assertEquals(, undefined);
assertEquals(, undefined);
assertEquals(, undefined);
assertEquals(, undefined);
assertEquals(, v[0]);
assertEquals(, v[0])
assertEquals(, v[0]);
const props = ['length', '2'];
const proxy = new Proxy([1, 2, 3], {
get(t, p, r) {
assertEquals(p, props.shift());
return Reflect.get(t, p, r);
assertEquals(, -1), 3);
assertThrows(() => {{});
}, TypeError);
const a = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]);
assertThrows(() => {;
}, TypeError);
......@@ -449,27 +449,27 @@ KNOWN_OBJECTS = {
("old_space", 0x02a71): "StringSplitCache",
("old_space", 0x02e79): "RegExpMultipleCache",
("old_space", 0x03281): "BuiltinsConstantsTable",
("old_space", 0x03661): "AsyncFunctionAwaitRejectSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03689): "AsyncFunctionAwaitResolveSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x036b1): "AsyncGeneratorAwaitRejectSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x036d9): "AsyncGeneratorAwaitResolveSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03701): "AsyncGeneratorYieldResolveSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03729): "AsyncGeneratorReturnResolveSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03751): "AsyncGeneratorReturnClosedRejectSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03779): "AsyncGeneratorReturnClosedResolveSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x037a1): "AsyncIteratorValueUnwrapSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x037c9): "PromiseAllResolveElementSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x037f1): "PromiseAllSettledResolveElementSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03819): "PromiseAllSettledRejectElementSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03841): "PromiseAnyRejectElementSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03869): "PromiseCapabilityDefaultRejectSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03891): "PromiseCapabilityDefaultResolveSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x038b9): "PromiseCatchFinallySharedFun",
("old_space", 0x038e1): "PromiseGetCapabilitiesExecutorSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03909): "PromiseThenFinallySharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03931): "PromiseThrowerFinallySharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03959): "PromiseValueThunkFinallySharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03981): "ProxyRevokeSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03669): "AsyncFunctionAwaitRejectSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03691): "AsyncFunctionAwaitResolveSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x036b9): "AsyncGeneratorAwaitRejectSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x036e1): "AsyncGeneratorAwaitResolveSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03709): "AsyncGeneratorYieldResolveSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03731): "AsyncGeneratorReturnResolveSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03759): "AsyncGeneratorReturnClosedRejectSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03781): "AsyncGeneratorReturnClosedResolveSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x037a9): "AsyncIteratorValueUnwrapSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x037d1): "PromiseAllResolveElementSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x037f9): "PromiseAllSettledResolveElementSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03821): "PromiseAllSettledRejectElementSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03849): "PromiseAnyRejectElementSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03871): "PromiseCapabilityDefaultRejectSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03899): "PromiseCapabilityDefaultResolveSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x038c1): "PromiseCatchFinallySharedFun",
("old_space", 0x038e9): "PromiseGetCapabilitiesExecutorSharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03911): "PromiseThenFinallySharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03939): "PromiseThrowerFinallySharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03961): "PromiseValueThunkFinallySharedFun",
("old_space", 0x03989): "ProxyRevokeSharedFun",
# Lower 32 bits of first page addresses for various heap spaces.
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