Kill some unused code.

It doesn't mean I'm participating in some fixit, just spotted some
code which doesn't have usages and decided to remove it.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 70c7e513
......@@ -351,15 +351,6 @@ void LogMessageBuilder::WriteToLogFile() {
void LogMessageBuilder::WriteCStringToLogFile(const char* str) {
const int len = StrLength(str);
const int written = Log::Write(str, len);
if (written != len && write_failure_handler != NULL) {
// Formatting string for back references to the whole line. E.g. "#2" means
// "the second line above".
const char* LogRecordCompressor::kLineBackwardReferenceFormat = "#%d";
......@@ -268,9 +268,6 @@ class LogMessageBuilder BASE_EMBEDDED {
// Write the log message to the log file currently opened.
void WriteToLogFile();
// Write a null-terminated string to to the log file currently opened.
void WriteCStringToLogFile(const char* str);
// A handler that is called when Log::Write fails.
typedef void (*WriteFailureHandler)();
......@@ -370,15 +370,6 @@ void Logger::LogAliases() {
void Logger::Preamble(const char* content) {
if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log_code) return;
LogMessageBuilder msg;
void Logger::StringEvent(const char* name, const char* value) {
if (FLAG_log) UncheckedStringEvent(name, value);
......@@ -161,12 +161,6 @@ class Logger {
// Enable the computation of a sliding window of states.
static void EnableSlidingStateWindow();
// Write a raw string to the log to be used as a preamble.
// No check is made that the 'preamble' is actually at the beginning
// of the log. The preample is used to write code events saved in the
// snapshot.
static void Preamble(const char* content);
// Emits an event with a string value -> (name, value).
static void StringEvent(const char* name, const char* value);
......@@ -51,43 +51,6 @@ uint32_t RoundUpToPowerOf2(uint32_t x) {
byte* EncodeInt(byte* p, int x) {
while (x < -64 || x >= 64) {
*p++ = static_cast<byte>(x & 127);
x = ArithmeticShiftRight(x, 7);
// -64 <= x && x < 64
*p++ = static_cast<byte>(x + 192);
return p;
byte* DecodeInt(byte* p, int* x) {
int r = 0;
unsigned int s = 0;
byte b = *p++;
while (b < 128) {
r |= static_cast<int>(b) << s;
s += 7;
b = *p++;
// b >= 128
*x = r | ((static_cast<int>(b) - 192) << s);
return p;
byte* EncodeUnsignedIntBackward(byte* p, unsigned int x) {
while (x >= 128) {
*--p = static_cast<byte>(x & 127);
x = x >> 7;
// x < 128
*--p = static_cast<byte>(x + 128);
return p;
// Thomas Wang, Integer Hash Functions.
uint32_t ComputeIntegerHash(uint32_t key) {
......@@ -173,48 +173,6 @@ class BitField {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Support for compressed, machine-independent encoding
// and decoding of integer values of arbitrary size.
// Encoding and decoding from/to a buffer at position p;
// the result is the position after the encoded integer.
// Small signed integers in the range -64 <= x && x < 64
// are encoded in 1 byte; larger values are encoded in 2
// or more bytes. At most sizeof(int) + 1 bytes are used
// in the worst case.
byte* EncodeInt(byte* p, int x);
byte* DecodeInt(byte* p, int* x);
// Encoding and decoding from/to a buffer at position p - 1
// moving backward; the result is the position of the last
// byte written. These routines are useful to read/write
// into a buffer starting at the end of the buffer.
byte* EncodeUnsignedIntBackward(byte* p, unsigned int x);
// The decoding function is inlined since its performance is
// important to mark-sweep garbage collection.
inline byte* DecodeUnsignedIntBackward(byte* p, unsigned int* x) {
byte b = *--p;
if (b >= 128) {
*x = static_cast<unsigned int>(b) - 128;
return p;
unsigned int r = static_cast<unsigned int>(b);
unsigned int s = 7;
b = *--p;
while (b < 128) {
r |= static_cast<unsigned int>(b) << s;
s += 7;
b = *--p;
// b >= 128
*x = r | ((static_cast<unsigned int>(b) - 128) << s);
return p;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Hash function.
......@@ -35,111 +35,6 @@
using namespace v8::internal;
enum Mode {
static v8::internal::byte* Write(v8::internal::byte* p, Mode m, int x) {
v8::internal::byte* q = NULL;
switch (m) {
case forward:
q = EncodeInt(p, x);
CHECK(q <= p + sizeof(x) + 1);
case backward_unsigned:
q = EncodeUnsignedIntBackward(p, x);
CHECK(q >= p - sizeof(x) - 1);
return q;
static v8::internal::byte* Read(v8::internal::byte* p, Mode m, int x) {
v8::internal::byte* q = NULL;
int y;
switch (m) {
case forward:
q = DecodeInt(p, &y);
CHECK(q <= p + sizeof(y) + 1);
case backward_unsigned: {
unsigned int uy;
q = DecodeUnsignedIntBackward(p, &uy);
y = uy;
CHECK(q >= p - sizeof(uy) - 1);
CHECK(y == x);
return q;
static v8::internal::byte* WriteMany(v8::internal::byte* p, Mode m, int x) {
p = Write(p, m, x - 7);
p = Write(p, m, x - 1);
p = Write(p, m, x);
p = Write(p, m, x + 1);
p = Write(p, m, x + 2);
p = Write(p, m, -x - 5);
p = Write(p, m, -x - 1);
p = Write(p, m, -x);
p = Write(p, m, -x + 1);
p = Write(p, m, -x + 3);
return p;
static v8::internal::byte* ReadMany(v8::internal::byte* p, Mode m, int x) {
p = Read(p, m, x - 7);
p = Read(p, m, x - 1);
p = Read(p, m, x);
p = Read(p, m, x + 1);
p = Read(p, m, x + 2);
p = Read(p, m, -x - 5);
p = Read(p, m, -x - 1);
p = Read(p, m, -x);
p = Read(p, m, -x + 1);
p = Read(p, m, -x + 3);
return p;
void ProcessValues(int* values, int n, Mode m) {
v8::internal::byte buf[4 * KB]; // make this big enough
v8::internal::byte* p0 = (m == forward ? buf : buf + ARRAY_SIZE(buf));
v8::internal::byte* p = p0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
p = WriteMany(p, m, values[i]);
v8::internal::byte* q = p0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
q = ReadMany(q, m, values[i]);
CHECK(p == q);
TEST(Utils0) {
int values[] = {
0, 1, 10, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1234, 5731,
10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000
const int n = ARRAY_SIZE(values);
ProcessValues(values, n, forward);
ProcessValues(values, n, backward_unsigned);
TEST(Utils1) {
CHECK_EQ(-1000000, FastD2I(-1000000.0));
CHECK_EQ(-1, FastD2I(-1.0));
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