Commit b4697727 authored by yangguo's avatar yangguo Committed by Commit bot

MIPS64: [regexp] do not assume short external strings have a minimum size.

Port 3518e492

Original commit message:
    Short external strings do not cache the resource data, and may be used
    for compressible strings. The assumptions about their lengths is
    invalid and may lead to oob reads.

Review URL:

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#35683}
parent 14c9cbd4
......@@ -1685,48 +1685,53 @@ void RegExpExecStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ mov(a3, subject); // Make a copy of the original subject string.
__ ld(a0, FieldMemOperand(subject, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ lbu(a0, FieldMemOperand(a0, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
// subject: subject string
// a3: subject string
// a0: subject string instance type
// a3: subject string
// regexp_data: RegExp data (FixedArray)
// Handle subject string according to its encoding and representation:
// (1) Sequential string? If yes, go to (5).
// (2) Anything but sequential or cons? If yes, go to (6).
// (3) Cons string. If the string is flat, replace subject with first string.
// Otherwise bailout.
// (4) Is subject external? If yes, go to (7).
// (5) Sequential string. Load regexp code according to encoding.
// (1) Sequential string? If yes, go to (4).
// (2) Sequential or cons? If not, go to (5).
// (3) Cons string. If the string is flat, replace subject with first string
// and go to (1). Otherwise bail out to runtime.
// (4) Sequential string. Load regexp code according to encoding.
// (E) Carry on.
/// [...]
// Deferred code at the end of the stub:
// (6) Not a long external string? If yes, go to (8).
// (7) External string. Make it, offset-wise, look like a sequential string.
// Go to (5).
// (8) Short external string or not a string? If yes, bail out to runtime.
// (9) Sliced string. Replace subject with parent. Go to (4).
Label check_underlying; // (4)
Label seq_string; // (5)
Label not_seq_nor_cons; // (6)
Label external_string; // (7)
Label not_long_external; // (8)
// (1) Sequential string? If yes, go to (5).
// (5) Long external string? If not, go to (7).
// (6) External string. Make it, offset-wise, look like a sequential string.
// Go to (4).
// (7) Short external string or not a string? If yes, bail out to runtime.
// (8) Sliced string. Replace subject with parent. Go to (1).
Label check_underlying; // (1)
Label seq_string; // (4)
Label not_seq_nor_cons; // (5)
Label external_string; // (6)
Label not_long_external; // (7)
__ bind(&check_underlying);
__ ld(a2, FieldMemOperand(subject, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ Daddu(a0, a2, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset);
__ lbu(a0, MemOperand(a0));
// (1) Sequential string? If yes, go to (4).
__ And(a1,
Operand(kIsNotStringMask |
kStringRepresentationMask |
STATIC_ASSERT((kStringTag | kSeqStringTag) == 0);
__ Branch(&seq_string, eq, a1, Operand(zero_reg)); // Go to (5).
__ Branch(&seq_string, eq, a1, Operand(zero_reg)); // Go to (4).
// (2) Anything but sequential or cons? If yes, go to (6).
// (2) Sequential or cons? If not, go to (5).
STATIC_ASSERT(kConsStringTag < kExternalStringTag);
STATIC_ASSERT(kSlicedStringTag > kExternalStringTag);
STATIC_ASSERT(kIsNotStringMask > kExternalStringTag);
STATIC_ASSERT(kShortExternalStringTag > kExternalStringTag);
// Go to (6).
// Go to (5).
__ Branch(&not_seq_nor_cons, ge, a1, Operand(kExternalStringTag));
// (3) Cons string. Check that it's flat.
......@@ -1735,16 +1740,9 @@ void RegExpExecStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ LoadRoot(a1, Heap::kempty_stringRootIndex);
__ Branch(&runtime, ne, a0, Operand(a1));
__ ld(subject, FieldMemOperand(subject, ConsString::kFirstOffset));
__ jmp(&check_underlying);
// (4) Is subject external? If yes, go to (7).
__ bind(&check_underlying);
__ ld(a0, FieldMemOperand(subject, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ lbu(a0, FieldMemOperand(a0, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
STATIC_ASSERT(kSeqStringTag == 0);
__ And(at, a0, Operand(kStringRepresentationMask));
__ Branch(&external_string, ne, at, Operand(zero_reg)); // Go to (7).
// (5) Sequential string. Load regexp code according to encoding.
// (4) Sequential string. Load regexp code according to encoding.
__ bind(&seq_string);
// subject: sequential subject string (or look-alike, external string)
// a3: original subject string
......@@ -1987,12 +1985,12 @@ void RegExpExecStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kRegExpExec);
// Deferred code for string handling.
// (6) Not a long external string? If yes, go to (8).
// (5) Long external string? If not, go to (7).
__ bind(&not_seq_nor_cons);
// Go to (8).
// Go to (7).
__ Branch(&not_long_external, gt, a1, Operand(kExternalStringTag));
// (7) External string. Make it, offset-wise, look like a sequential string.
// (6) External string. Make it, offset-wise, look like a sequential string.
__ bind(&external_string);
__ ld(a0, FieldMemOperand(subject, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ lbu(a0, FieldMemOperand(a0, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
......@@ -2012,20 +2010,20 @@ void RegExpExecStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ Dsubu(subject,
SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag);
__ jmp(&seq_string); // Go to (5).
__ jmp(&seq_string); // Go to (4).
// (8) Short external string or not a string? If yes, bail out to runtime.
// (7) Short external string or not a string? If yes, bail out to runtime.
__ bind(&not_long_external);
STATIC_ASSERT(kNotStringTag != 0 && kShortExternalStringTag !=0);
__ And(at, a1, Operand(kIsNotStringMask | kShortExternalStringMask));
__ Branch(&runtime, ne, at, Operand(zero_reg));
// (9) Sliced string. Replace subject with parent. Go to (4).
// (8) Sliced string. Replace subject with parent. Go to (4).
// Load offset into t0 and replace subject string with parent.
__ ld(t0, FieldMemOperand(subject, SlicedString::kOffsetOffset));
__ SmiUntag(t0);
__ ld(subject, FieldMemOperand(subject, SlicedString::kParentOffset));
__ jmp(&check_underlying); // Go to (4).
__ jmp(&check_underlying); // Go to (1).
......@@ -86,9 +86,6 @@
'test-func-name-inference/UpperCaseClass': [FAIL],
'test-func-name-inference/LowerCaseClass': [FAIL],
# BUG(4923). MIPS64 port is missing.
'test-regexp/UncachedExternalString': [PASS, ['arch==mips64 or arch==mips64el', FAIL]],
# TurboFan compiler failures.
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