Commit b4132846 authored by Yang Guo's avatar Yang Guo Committed by Commit Bot

Revert "Reland "[array] Change QuickSort to TimSort for Array.p.sort""

This reverts commit 9d406a02.

Reason for revert: Layout Test failures:

Original change's description:
> Reland "[array] Change QuickSort to TimSort for Array.p.sort"
> This is a reland of 6bb82368
> Original change's description:
> > [array] Change QuickSort to TimSort for Array.p.sort
> > 
> > Bug: v8:7382
> > Change-Id: I7f125a62867eb586d2720a2c641fb5f4012b284d
> > Reviewed-on:
> > Commit-Queue: Simon Zünd <>
> > Reviewed-by: Jakob Gruber <>
> > Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#53838}
> Bug: v8:7382
> Change-Id: I499d782feaeb36df154e00a11d3b03cd41442347
> Reviewed-on:
> Reviewed-by: Jakob Gruber <>
> Commit-Queue: Simon Zünd <>
> Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#53864},,

Change-Id: I877834301d98174b148e42dee42f598a62c544de
No-Presubmit: true
No-Tree-Checks: true
No-Try: true
Bug: v8:7382
Reviewed-on: 's avatarYang Guo <>
Commit-Queue: Yang Guo <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#53874}
parent ec245267
......@@ -12,11 +12,6 @@ module array {
type FastDoubleElements;
type DictionaryElements;
// This is a special type, used to access the work array which is always
// PACKED_ELEMENTS. As a result, we do not need a sanity check for it,
// otherwise we might wrongly bail to the slow path.
type WorkArrayElements;
macro Load<ElementsAccessor : type>(
context: Context, receiver: Object, index: Smi): Object labels Bailout {
return GetProperty(context, receiver, index);
......@@ -24,14 +19,12 @@ module array {
context: Context, elements: Object, index: Smi): Object labels Bailout {
let elems: FixedArray = unsafe_cast<FixedArray>(elements);
return elems[index];
context: Context, elements: Object, index: Smi): Object labels Bailout {
let elems: FixedArray = unsafe_cast<FixedArray>(elements);
let result: Object = elems[index];
if (IsTheHole(result)) goto Bailout;
......@@ -56,13 +49,6 @@ module array {
return value;
context: Context, elements: Object, index: Smi): Object labels Bailout {
let elems: FixedArray = unsafe_cast<FixedArray>(elements);
return elems[index];
macro Store<ElementsAccessor : type>(
context: Context, receiver: Object, index: Smi, value: Object) {
SetProperty(context, receiver, index, value, kStrict);
......@@ -89,6 +75,12 @@ module array {
StoreFixedDoubleArrayElementWithSmiIndex(elems, index, val);
type CompareBuiltinFn = builtin(Context, Object, Object, Object) => Number;
extern macro UnsafeCastObjectToCompareBuiltinFn(Object): CompareBuiltinFn;
unsafe_cast<CompareBuiltinFn>(o: Object): CompareBuiltinFn {
return UnsafeCastObjectToCompareBuiltinFn(o);
context: Context, elements: Object, index: Smi, value: Object) {
try {
......@@ -104,18 +96,6 @@ module array {
context: Context, elements: Object, index: Smi, value: Object) {
let elems: FixedArray = unsafe_cast<FixedArray>(elements);
elems[index] = value;
type CompareBuiltinFn = builtin(Context, Object, Object, Object) => Number;
extern macro UnsafeCastObjectToCompareBuiltinFn(Object): CompareBuiltinFn;
unsafe_cast<CompareBuiltinFn>(o: Object): CompareBuiltinFn {
return UnsafeCastObjectToCompareBuiltinFn(o);
builtin SortCompareDefault(
context: Context, comparefn: Object, x: Object, y: Object): Number {
assert(comparefn == Undefined);
......@@ -169,7 +149,6 @@ module array {
let a: JSArray = unsafe_cast<JSArray>(receiver);
if ( != initialReceiverMap) return false;
let originalLength: Smi = unsafe_cast<Smi>(initialReceiverLength);
if (a.length_fast != originalLength) return false;
......@@ -192,14 +171,6 @@ module array {
return == initialReceiverMap;
context: Context, receiver: Object, elements: Object,
initialReceiverMap: Object, initialReceiverLength: Number): bool {
// Do nothing for the work array. Otherwise we might bail to the slow path
// even if we are already on the slow path.
return true;
macro CallCompareFn<E : type>(
context: Context, receiver: Object, elements: Object,
initialReceiverMap: Object, initialReceiverLength: Number,
......@@ -213,6 +184,38 @@ module array {
return result;
// InsertionSort is used for smaller arrays.
macro ArrayInsertionSort<E : type>(
context: Context, receiver: Object, elements: Object,
initialReceiverMap: Object, initialReceiverLength: Number, from: Smi,
to: Smi, userCmpFn: Object, sortCompare: CompareBuiltinFn)
labels Bailout {
for (let i: Smi = from + 1; i < to; ++i) {
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap, initialReceiverLength));
let element: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, i) otherwise Bailout;
let j: Smi = i - 1;
for (; j >= from; --j) {
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
let tmp: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, j) otherwise Bailout;
let order: Number = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, userCmpFn, sortCompare, tmp, element)
otherwise Bailout;
if (order > 0) {
Store<E>(context, elements, j + 1, tmp);
} else {
Store<E>(context, elements, j + 1, element);
// TODO(szuend): Replace these with constants when Torque has them.
macro kReceiverIdx(): constexpr int31 {
return 0;
......@@ -232,594 +235,119 @@ module array {
macro kElementsIdx(): constexpr int31 {
return 5;
macro kRunBaseStackIdx(): constexpr int31 {
macro kRandomStateIdx(): constexpr int31 {
return 6;
macro kRunLensStackIdx(): constexpr int31 {
return 7;
macro kStackSizeIdx(): constexpr int31 {
return 8;
macro kWorkArrayIdx(): constexpr int31 {
return 9;
macro kWorkArraySizeIdx(): constexpr int31 {
return 10;
macro kMinGallopIdx(): constexpr int31 {
return 11;
macro kSortStateSize(): intptr {
return IntPtrConstant(12);
return IntPtrConstant(7);
// Re-loading the stack-size is done in a few places. The small macro allows
// for easier invariant checks at all use sites.
macro GetStackSize(sortState: FixedArray): Smi {
let stack_size: Smi = unsafe_cast<Smi>(sortState[kStackSizeIdx()]);
// Returns a random positive Smi in the range of [0, range).
macro Rand(sortState: FixedArray, range: Smi): Smi {
assert(stack_size >= 0);
return stack_size;
let current_state_smi: Smi = unsafe_cast<Smi>(sortState[kRandomStateIdx()]);
let current_state: int32 = convert<int32>(current_state_smi);
// Returns the length of the run beginning at the specified position in the
// array and reverses the run if it is descending (ensuring that the run will
// always be ascending when the method returns).
// A run is the longest ascending sequence with:
// a[from] <= a[from + 1] <= a[from + 2] <= ...
// or the longest descending sequence with:
// a[from] > a[from + 1] > a[from + 2] > ...
builtin CountRunAndMakeAscending<E : type>(
context: Context, receiver: Object, elements: Object,
initialReceiverMap: Object, initialReceiverLength: Number, from: Smi,
to: Smi, userCmpFn: Object, sortCompare: CompareBuiltinFn): Smi {
assert(from < to);
let a: int32 = 1103515245;
let c: int32 = 12345;
let m: int32 = 0x3fffffff; // 2^30 bitmask.
let run_high: Smi = from + 1;
if (run_high == to) return 1;
let new_state: int32 = ((current_state * a) + c) & m;
sortState[kRandomStateIdx()] = convert<Smi>(new_state);
try {
// Find end of run, and reverse range if descending.
let lo_elem: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, from) otherwise Bailout;
let hi_elem: Object =
Load<E>(context, elements, run_high++) otherwise Bailout;
let order: Number = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, userCmpFn, sortCompare, lo_elem, hi_elem)
otherwise Bailout;
if (order > 0) { // Descending.
while (run_high < to) {
let run_high_elem: Object =
Load<E>(context, elements, run_high) otherwise Bailout;
let run_next_elem: Object =
Load<E>(context, elements, run_high - 1) otherwise Bailout;
order = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, userCmpFn, sortCompare, run_high_elem,
otherwise Bailout;
if (order >= 0) break;
ReverseRange<E>(context, elements, from, run_high) otherwise Bailout;
} else { // Ascending.
while (run_high < to) {
let run_high_elem: Object =
Load<E>(context, elements, run_high) otherwise Bailout;
let run_next_elem: Object =
Load<E>(context, elements, run_high - 1) otherwise Bailout;
order = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, userCmpFn, sortCompare, run_high_elem,
otherwise Bailout;
if (order < 0) break;
return run_high - from;
label Bailout {
return SmiConstant(-1);
let r: int32 = convert<int32>(range);
return convert<Smi>(new_state % r);
// Reverses the specified range of the given array.
macro ReverseRange<E : type>(
context: Context, elements: Object, from: Smi, to: Smi)
macro CalculatePivot<E : type>(
sortState: FixedArray, context: Context, receiver: Object,
elements: Object, initialReceiverMap: Object,
initialReceiverLength: Number, from: Smi, to: Smi, userCmpFn: Object,
sortCompare: CompareBuiltinFn): Object
labels Bailout {
let high: Smi = to - 1;
let low: Smi = from;
while (low < high) {
let loElem: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, low) otherwise Bailout;
let hiElem: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, high) otherwise Bailout;
Store<E>(context, elements, low++, hiElem);
Store<E>(context, elements, high--, loElem);
// Sorts the specified portion of the array using a binary insertion sort.
// This is the best method for sorting small number of elements.
// If the initial part of the specified range is already sorted,
// this method can take advantage of it: the builtin assumes that the elements
// in [from, start) are already sorted.
builtin BinaryInsertionSort<E : type>(
context: Context, receiver: Object, elements: Object,
initialReceiverMap: Object, initialReceiverLength: Number, fromArg: Smi,
toArg: Smi, startArg: Smi, userCmpFn: Object,
sortCompare: CompareBuiltinFn): Smi {
assert(fromArg <= startArg && startArg <= toArg);
let start: Smi = startArg == fromArg ? startArg + 1 : startArg;
try {
for (; start < toArg; start++) {
let pivot: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, start) otherwise Bailout;
// Set left (and right) to the index where a[start] (pivot) belongs.
let left: Smi = fromArg;
let right: Smi = start;
assert(left <= right);
// Invariants:
// pivot >= all in [from, left).
// pivot < all in [right, start).
while (left < right) {
let mid: Smi = (left + right) >>> 1;
let mid_elem: Object =
Load<E>(context, elements, mid) otherwise Bailout;
let order: Number = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, userCmpFn, sortCompare, pivot, mid_elem)
otherwise Bailout;
if (order < 0)
right = mid;
left = mid + 1;
assert(left == right);
// The invariants still hold, so pivot belongs at left. Note that if
// there are elements equal to pivot, left points to the first slot
// after them -- thats why this sort is stable.
// Slide elements over to make room for pivot.
let n: Smi = start - left; // The number of elements to move.
for (let j: Smi = left + n - 1; j >= left; --j) {
let tmp: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, j) otherwise Bailout;
Store<E>(context, elements, j + 1, tmp);
Store<E>(context, elements, left, pivot);
return SmiConstant(0);
label Bailout {
return SmiConstant(-1);
// Returns the minimum acceptable run length for an array of the specified
// length. Natural runs shorter than this will be extended with
// BinaryInsertionSort.
macro MinRunLength(nArg: Smi, kMinMerge: Smi): Smi {
assert(nArg >= 0);
let n: Smi = nArg;
let r: Smi = 0; // Becomes 1 if any 1 bits are shifted off.
while (n >= kMinMerge) {
r = r | (n & 1);
n = n >>> 1;
return n + r;
// Merges the two runs at stack indices i and i + 1. Run i must be the
// penultimate or antepenultimate run on the stack. In other words, i must be
// equal to stack_size - 2 or stack_size - 3.
builtin MergeAt<E : type>(
context: Context, sortState: FixedArray, i: Smi): Smi {
let stack_size: Smi = GetStackSize(sortState);
let run_base: FixedArray =
let run_lens: FixedArray =
let elements: Object = sortState[kElementsIdx()];
assert(stack_size >= 2);
assert(i >= 0);
assert(i == stack_size - 2 || i == stack_size - 3);
let base1: Smi = unsafe_cast<Smi>(run_base[i]);
let len1: Smi = unsafe_cast<Smi>(run_lens[i]);
let base2: Smi = unsafe_cast<Smi>(run_base[i + 1]);
let len2: Smi = unsafe_cast<Smi>(run_lens[i + 1]);
assert(len1 > 0 && len2 > 0);
assert(base1 + len1 == base2);
// Record the length of the combined runs; if i is the 3rd-last run now,
// also slide over the last run (which isn't involved in this merge).
// The current run (i + 1) goes away in any case.
run_lens[i] = len1 + len2;
if (i == stack_size - 3) {
run_base[i + 1] = run_base[i + 2];
run_lens[i + 1] = run_lens[i + 2];
sortState[kStackSizeIdx()] = stack_size;
try {
// Find where the first element of run2 goes in run1. Prior elements in
// run1 can be ignored (because the are already in place).
let key_right: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, base2)
otherwise Bailout;
let k: Smi = GallopRight<E>(
context, sortState, key_right, elements, base1, len1, 0);
if (k < 0) goto Bailout;
assert(k >= 0);
base1 = base1 + k;
len1 = len1 - k;
if (len1 == 0) return SmiConstant(0);
// Find where the last element of run1 goes in run2. Subsequent elements
// in run2 can be ignored (because they are already in place).
let key_left: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, base1 + len1 - 1)
otherwise Bailout;
len2 = GallopLeft<E>(
context, sortState, key_left, elements, base2, len2, len2 - 1);
if (len2 < 0) goto Bailout;
assert(len2 >= 0);
if (len2 == 0) return SmiConstant(0);
// Merge remaining runs, using tmp array with min(len1, len2) elements.
if (len1 <= len2)
MergeLow<E>(context, sortState, base1, len1, base2, len2)
otherwise Bailout;
MergeHigh<E>(context, sortState, base1, len1, base2, len2)
otherwise Bailout;
return SmiConstant(0);
label Bailout {
return SmiConstant(-1);
// Locates the position at which to insert the specified key into the
// specified sorted range; if the range contains an element equal to key,
// returns the index of the leftmost equal element.
// Returns the Smi k, 0 <= k <= n such that a[b + k - 1] < key <= a[b + k],
// pretending that a[b - 1] is minus infinity and a[b + n] is infinity.
// In other words, key belongs at index b + k.
builtin GallopLeft<E : type>(
context: Context, sortState: FixedArray, key: Object, elements: Object,
base: Smi, len: Smi, hint: Smi): Smi {
assert(len > 0 && hint >= 0 && hint < len);
let receiver: Object = sortState[kReceiverIdx()];
let userCmpFn: Object = sortState[kUserCmpFnIdx()];
let sortCompare: CompareBuiltinFn =
let initialReceiverMap: Object = sortState[kInitialReceiverMapIdx()];
let initialReceiverLength: Number =
let last_ofs: Smi = 0;
let ofs: Smi = 1;
try {
let base_hint: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, base + hint)
otherwise Bailout;
let order: Number = CallCompareFn<E>(
let random: Smi = Rand(sortState, to - from - 2);
let third_index: Smi = from + 1 + random;
assert(third_index > from);
assert(third_index <= to - 1);
// Find a pivot as the median of first, last and a random middle element.
// Always using the middle element as the third index causes the quicksort
// to degrade to O(n^2) for certain data configurations.
// The previous solution was to sample larger arrays and use the median
// element of the sorted sample. This causes more overhead than just
// choosing a random middle element, which also mitigates the worst cases
// in all relevant benchmarks.
let v0: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, from) otherwise Bailout;
let v1: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, to - 1) otherwise Bailout;
let v2: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, third_index) otherwise Bailout;
let c01: Number = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap, initialReceiverLength,
userCmpFn, sortCompare, v0, v1)
otherwise Bailout;
if (c01 > 0) {
// v0 > v1, so swap them.
let tmp: Object = v0;
v0 = v1;
v1 = tmp;
// Current state: v0 <= v1.
let c02: Number = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap, initialReceiverLength,
userCmpFn, sortCompare, v0, v2)
otherwise Bailout;
if (c02 >= 0) {
// v0 <= v1 and v0 >= v2, hence swap to v2 <= v0 <= v1.
let tmp: Object = v0;
v0 = v2;
v2 = v1;
v1 = tmp;
} else {
// v0 <= v1 and v0 < v2.
let c12: Number = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, userCmpFn, sortCompare, key, base_hint)
initialReceiverLength, userCmpFn, sortCompare, v1, v2)
otherwise Bailout;
if (order > 0) {
// Gallop right until a[base+hint+last_ofs] < key <= a[base+hint+ofs].
let max_ofs: Smi = len - hint;
while (ofs < max_ofs) {
let base_hint_ofs: Object =
Load<E>(context, elements, base + hint + ofs)
otherwise Bailout;
order = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, userCmpFn, sortCompare, key, base_hint_ofs)
otherwise Bailout;
if (order <= 0) break;
last_ofs = ofs;
ofs = (ofs * SmiConstant(2)) + 1;
// integer overflow.
if (ofs <= 0) ofs = max_ofs;
if (ofs > max_ofs) ofs = max_ofs;
// Make offsets relative to base.
last_ofs = last_ofs + hint;
ofs = ofs + hint;
} else { // key <= a[base + hint]
// Gallop left until a[base+hint-ofs] < key <= a[base+hint-lastOfs]
let max_ofs: Smi = hint + 1;
while (ofs < max_ofs) {
let base_hint_ofs: Object =
Load<E>(context, elements, base + hint - ofs)
otherwise Bailout;
order = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, userCmpFn, sortCompare, key, base_hint_ofs)
otherwise Bailout;
if (order > 0) break;
last_ofs = ofs;
ofs = (ofs * 2) + 1;
// integer overflow.
if (ofs <= 0) ofs = max_ofs;
if (ofs > max_ofs) ofs = max_ofs;
// Make offsets relative to base.
let tmp: Smi = last_ofs;
last_ofs = hint - ofs;
ofs = hint - tmp;
if (c12 > 0) {
// v0 <= v1 and v0 < v2 and v1 > v2, hence swap to v0 <= v2 < v1.
let tmp: Object = v1;
v1 = v2;
v2 = tmp;
assert(-1 <= last_ofs && last_ofs < ofs && ofs <= len);
// Now a[base+last_ofs] < key <= a[base+ofs], so key belongs somewhere to
// the right of last_ofs but no farther right than ofs. Do a binary
// search, with invariant a[base + last_ofs - 1] < key <= a[base + ofs].
while (last_ofs < ofs) {
let m: Smi = last_ofs + ((ofs - last_ofs) >>> 1);
let base_m: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, base + m)
otherwise Bailout;
order = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, userCmpFn, sortCompare, key, base_m)
otherwise Bailout;
if (order > 0)
last_ofs = m + 1; // a[base + m] < key
ofs = m; // key <= a[base + m]
assert(last_ofs == ofs); // so a[base + ofs - 1] <= key < a[b + ofs]
return ofs;
label Bailout {
return SmiConstant(-1);
// Like GallopLeft, except that if the range contains an element equal to
// key, GallopRight returns the index after the rightmost equal element.
builtin GallopRight<E : type>(
context: Context, sortState: FixedArray, key: Object, elements: Object,
base: Smi, len: Smi, hint: Smi): Smi {
assert(len > 0 && hint >= 0 && hint < len);
// v0 <= v1 <= v2.
Store<E>(context, elements, from, v0);
Store<E>(context, elements, to - 1, v2);
let receiver: Object = sortState[kReceiverIdx()];
let userCmpFn: Object = sortState[kUserCmpFnIdx()];
let sortCompare: CompareBuiltinFn =
let initialReceiverMap: Object = sortState[kInitialReceiverMapIdx()];
let initialReceiverLength: Number =
let last_ofs: Smi = 0;
let ofs: Smi = 1;
try {
let base_hint: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, base + hint)
otherwise Bailout;
let order: Number = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, userCmpFn, sortCompare, key, base_hint)
otherwise Bailout;
if (order < 0) {
// Gallop left until a[base+hint-ofs] <= key < a[base+hint-last_ofs].
let max_ofs: Smi = hint + 1;
while (ofs < max_ofs) {
let base_hint_ofs: Object =
Load<E>(context, elements, base + hint - ofs)
otherwise Bailout;
order = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, userCmpFn, sortCompare, key, base_hint_ofs)
otherwise Bailout;
if (order >= 0) break;
last_ofs = ofs;
ofs = (ofs * SmiConstant(2)) + 1;
// integer overflow.
if (ofs <= 0) ofs = max_ofs;
if (ofs > max_ofs) ofs = max_ofs;
// Make offsets relative to base.
let tmp: Smi = last_ofs;
last_ofs = hint - ofs;
ofs = hint - tmp;
} else { // a[base + hint] <= key
// Gallop right until a[base+hint+last_ofs] <= key < a[base+hint+ofs].
let max_ofs: Smi = len - hint;
while (ofs < max_ofs) {
let base_hint_ofs: Object =
Load<E>(context, elements, base + hint + ofs)
otherwise Bailout;
order = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, userCmpFn, sortCompare, key, base_hint_ofs)
otherwise Bailout;
if (order < 0) break;
last_ofs = ofs;
ofs = (ofs * 2) + 1;
// integer overflow.
if (ofs <= 0) ofs = max_ofs;
// Move pivot element to a place on the left.
Swap<E>(context, elements, from + 1, third_index, v1) otherwise Bailout;
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap, initialReceiverLength));
if (ofs > max_ofs) ofs = max_ofs;
// Make offsets relative to base.
last_ofs = last_ofs + hint;
ofs = ofs + hint;
assert(-1 <= last_ofs && last_ofs < ofs && ofs <= len);
// Now a[base+last_ofs] <= key < a[base+ofs], so key belongs somewhere to
// the right of last_ofs but no farther right than ofs. Do a binary
// search, with invariant a[base + last_ofs - 1] < key <= a[base + ofs].
while (last_ofs < ofs) {
let m: Smi = last_ofs + ((ofs - last_ofs) >>> 1);
let base_m: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, base + m)
otherwise Bailout;
order = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, userCmpFn, sortCompare, key, base_m)
otherwise Bailout;
if (order < 0)
ofs = m; // key < a[base + m].
last_ofs = m + 1; // a[base + m] <= key.
assert(last_ofs == ofs); // so a[base + ofs - 1] <= key < a[b + ofs]
return ofs;
label Bailout {
return SmiConstant(-1);
return v1;
// Ensures that the work_array has at least the specified number of elements,
// increasing its size if necessary. Thie size increases exponentially to
// ensure amortized linear time complexity.
macro EnsureWorkArrayCapacity(sortState: FixedArray, minCapacity: Smi) {
let work_array_size: Smi = unsafe_cast<Smi>(sortState[kWorkArraySizeIdx()]);
if (work_array_size < minCapacity) {
let new_size: Smi = minCapacity;
new_size = new_size | (new_size >>> 1);
new_size = new_size | (new_size >>> 2);
new_size = new_size | (new_size >>> 4);
new_size = new_size | (new_size >>> 8);
new_size = new_size | (new_size >>> 16);
if (new_size < 0)
new_size = minCapacity;
else {
let half_length: Smi =
unsafe_cast<Smi>(sortState[kInitialReceiverLengthIdx()]) >>> 1;
new_size = new_size < half_length ? new_size : half_length;
sortState[kWorkArrayIdx()] =
AllocateFixedArray(PACKED_ELEMENTS, convert<intptr>(new_size));
sortState[kWorkArraySizeIdx()] = new_size;
unsafe_cast<FixedArray>(sortState[kWorkArrayIdx()]), new_size);
macro CopyToWorkArray<E : type>(
context: Context, srcElements: Object, srcPos: Smi, workArray: FixedArray,
dstPos: Smi, length: Smi)
// elements[indexB] = elements[indexA].
// elements[indexA] = value.
macro Swap<E : type>(
context: Context, elements: Object, indexA: Smi, indexB: Smi,
value: Object)
labels Bailout {
let src_idx: Smi = srcPos;
let dst_idx: Smi = dstPos;
let to: Smi = srcPos + length;
assert(dst_idx + length <= workArray.length);
while (src_idx < to) {
let element: Object = Load<E>(context, srcElements, src_idx++)
otherwise Bailout;
workArray[dst_idx++] = element;
builtin CopyFromWorkArray<E : type>(
context: Context, dstElements: Object, dstPos: Smi, workArray: FixedArray,
srcPos: Smi, length: Smi): Smi {
assert(srcPos >= 0);
assert(dstPos >= 0);
let src_idx: Smi = srcPos;
let dst_idx: Smi = dstPos;
let to: Smi = srcPos + length;
while (src_idx < to) {
Store<E>(context, dstElements, dst_idx++, workArray[src_idx++]);
return SmiConstant(0);
let tmp: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, indexA) otherwise Bailout;
Store<E>(context, elements, indexB, tmp);
Store<E>(context, elements, indexA, value);
builtin CopyWithinSortArray<E : type>(
context: Context, elements: Object, srcPos: Smi, dstPos: Smi,
length: Smi): Smi {
assert(srcPos >= 0);
assert(dstPos >= 0);
try {
if (srcPos < dstPos) {
let src_idx: Smi = srcPos + length - 1;
let dst_idx: Smi = dstPos + length - 1;
while (src_idx >= srcPos) {
let element: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, src_idx--)
otherwise Bailout;
Store<E>(context, elements, dst_idx--, element);
} else {
let src_idx: Smi = srcPos;
let dst_idx: Smi = dstPos;
let to: Smi = srcPos + length;
while (src_idx < to) {
let element: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, src_idx++)
otherwise Bailout;
Store<E>(context, elements, dst_idx++, element);
return SmiConstant(0);
label Bailout {
return SmiConstant(-1);
// Merges two adjacent runs in place, in a stable fashion. The first element
// of the first run must be greater than the first element of the second run
// (a[base1] > a[base2]), and the last element of the first run
// (a[base1 + len1-1]) must be greater than all elements of the second run.
// For performance, this method should be called only when len1 <= len2;
// its twin, MergeHigh should be clled if len1 >= len2.
macro MergeLow<E : type>(
context: Context, sortState: FixedArray, base1: Smi, len1Arg: Smi,
base2: Smi, len2Arg: Smi): Object
macro ArrayQuickSortImpl<E : type>(
context: Context, sortState: FixedArray, fromArg: Smi, toArg: Smi)
labels Bailout {
assert(len1Arg > 0 && len2Arg > 0 && base1 + len1Arg == base2);
let from: Smi = fromArg;
let to: Smi = toArg;
let len1: Smi = len1Arg;
let len2: Smi = len2Arg;
let receiver: Object = sortState[kReceiverIdx()];
let userCmpFn: Object = sortState[kUserCmpFnIdx()];
let sortCompare: CompareBuiltinFn =
......@@ -829,536 +357,113 @@ module array {
let elements: Object = sortState[kElementsIdx()];
// Copy first run into temp array.
EnsureWorkArrayCapacity(sortState, len1);
let work_array: FixedArray =
while (to - from > 1) {
if (to - from <= 10) {
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, from, to, userCmpFn, sortCompare)
otherwise Bailout;
let cursor1: Smi = 0; // Indexes into work array.
let cursor2: Smi = base2; // Indexes into a.
let dest: Smi = base1; // Indexes into a.
CopyToWorkArray<E>(context, elements, base1, work_array, cursor1, len1)
otherwise Bailout;
let pivot: Object = CalculatePivot<E>(
sortState, context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, from, to, userCmpFn, sortCompare)
otherwise Bailout;
// Move first element of second run and deal with degenerate cases.
let elem_cursor2: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, cursor2++)
otherwise Bailout;
Store<E>(context, elements, dest++, elem_cursor2);
let low_end: Smi = from + 1; // Upper bound of elems lower than pivot.
let high_start: Smi = to - 1; // Lower bound of elems greater than pivot.
if (--len2 == 0) {
CopyFromWorkArray<E>(context, elements, dest, work_array, cursor1, len1);
return SmiConstant(0);
if (len1 == 1) {
let r: Smi =
CopyWithinSortArray<E>(context, elements, cursor2, dest, len2);
if (r < 0) goto Bailout;
// Last element of run 1 to end of merge.
Store<E>(context, elements, dest + len2, work_array[cursor1]);
return SmiConstant(0);
// From low_end to idx are elements equal to pivot.
// From idx to high_start are elements that haven"t been compared yet.
for (let idx: Smi = low_end + 1; idx < high_start; idx++) {
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
let min_gallop: Smi = unsafe_cast<Smi>(sortState[kMinGallopIdx()]);
while (True == True) {
let break_outer: bool = false;
let count1: Smi = 0; // Number of times in a row that first run won.
let count2: Smi = 0; // Number of times in a row that second run won.
// Do the straightforward thing until (if ever) one run starts
// winning consistantly.
let first_iteration: bool = true;
while (((count1 | count2) < min_gallop) || first_iteration) {
first_iteration = false;
assert(len1 > 1 && len2 > 0);
let elem_a: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, cursor2)
otherwise Bailout;
let elem_work: Object = work_array[cursor1];
let element: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, idx) otherwise Bailout;
let order: Number = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, userCmpFn, sortCompare, elem_a, elem_work)
initialReceiverLength, userCmpFn, sortCompare, element, pivot)
otherwise Bailout;
if (order < 0) {
let tmp: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, cursor2++)
otherwise Bailout;
Store<E>(context, elements, dest++, tmp);
count1 = 0;
if (--len2 == 0) {
break_outer = true;
Swap<E>(context, elements, low_end, idx, element) otherwise Bailout;
} else if (order > 0) {
let break_for: bool = false;
// Start looking for high_start to find the first value that is
// smaller than pivot.
while (order > 0) {
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap, initialReceiverLength));
} else {
Store<E>(context, elements, dest++, work_array[cursor1++]);
count2 = 0;
if (--len1 == 1) {
break_outer = true;
if (break_outer) break;
if (high_start == idx) {
break_for = true;
// One run is winning so consistently that galloping may be a huge win.
// So try that, and continue galloping until (if ever) neither run
// appears to be winning consistentyl anymore.
first_iteration = false;
while ((count1 >= 7 || count2 >= 7) || first_iteration) {
first_iteration = false;
assert(len1 > 1 && len2 > 0);
let key_right: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, cursor2)
otherwise Bailout;
count1 = GallopRight<WorkArrayElements>(
context, sortState, key_right, work_array, cursor1, len1, 0);
if (count1 < 0) goto Bailout;
if (count1 != 0) {
context, elements, dest, work_array, cursor1, count1);
dest = dest + count1;
cursor1 = cursor1 + count1;
len1 = len1 - count1;
if (len1 <= 1) {
break_outer = true;
let top_elem: Object =
Load<E>(context, elements, high_start) otherwise Bailout;
order = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, userCmpFn, sortCompare, top_elem, pivot)
otherwise Bailout;
let tmp: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, cursor2++)
otherwise Bailout;
Store<E>(context, elements, dest++, tmp);
if (--len2 == 0) {
break_outer = true;
count2 = GallopLeft<E>(
context, sortState, work_array[cursor1], elements, cursor2, len2,
if (count2 < 0) goto Bailout;
if (count2 != 0) {
let r: Smi =
CopyWithinSortArray<E>(context, elements, cursor2, dest, count2);
if (r < 0) goto Bailout;
dest = dest + count2;
cursor2 = cursor2 + count2;
len2 = len2 - count2;
if (len2 == 0) {
break_outer = true;
if (break_for) {
Store<E>(context, elements, dest++, work_array[cursor1++]);
if (--len1 == 1) {
break_outer = true;
if (break_outer) break;
if (min_gallop < 0) min_gallop = 0;
min_gallop = min_gallop + 2; // Penalize for leaving gallop mode
sortState[kMinGallopIdx()] = min_gallop < 1 ? SmiConstant(1) : min_gallop;
if (len1 == 1) {
assert(len2 > 0);
let r: Smi =
CopyWithinSortArray<E>(context, elements, cursor2, dest, len2);
if (r < 0) goto Bailout;
// Last element of run1 to end of merge
Store<E>(context, elements, dest + len2, work_array[cursor1]);
} else if (len1 == 0) {
// Comparison function does not behave well.
// Do nothing.
} else {
assert(len2 == 0);
assert(len1 > 0);
CopyFromWorkArray<E>(context, elements, dest, work_array, cursor1, len1);
return SmiConstant(0);
// Like MergeLow, except that this method should be called only if
// len1 >= len2.
macro MergeHigh<E : type>(
context: Context, sortState: FixedArray, base1: Smi, len1Arg: Smi,
base2: Smi, len2Arg: Smi): Object
labels Bailout {
assert(len1Arg > 0 && len2Arg > 0 && base1 + len1Arg == base2);
let len1: Smi = len1Arg;
let len2: Smi = len2Arg;
let receiver: Object = sortState[kReceiverIdx()];
let userCmpFn: Object = sortState[kUserCmpFnIdx()];
let sortCompare: CompareBuiltinFn =
let initialReceiverMap: Object = sortState[kInitialReceiverMapIdx()];
let initialReceiverLength: Number =
let elements: Object = sortState[kElementsIdx()];
// Copy second run into temp array.
EnsureWorkArrayCapacity(sortState, len2);
let work_array: FixedArray =
let cursor1: Smi = base1 + len1 - 1; // Indexes into a.
let cursor2: Smi = len2 - 1; // Indexes into work array.
let dest: Smi = base2 + len2 - 1; // Indexes into a.
CopyToWorkArray<E>(context, elements, base2, work_array, 0, len2)
otherwise Bailout;
// Move last element of first run and deal with degenerate cases.
let tmp: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, cursor1--)
otherwise Bailout;
Store<E>(context, elements, dest--, tmp);
if (--len1 == 0) {
context, elements, dest - (len2 - 1), work_array, 0, len2);
return SmiConstant(0);
if (len2 == 1) {
dest = dest - len1;
cursor1 = cursor1 - len1;
let r: Smi = CopyWithinSortArray<E>(
context, elements, cursor1 + 1, dest + 1, len1);
if (r < 0) goto Bailout;
Store<E>(context, elements, dest, work_array[cursor2]);
return SmiConstant(0);
let min_gallop: Smi = unsafe_cast<Smi>(sortState[kMinGallopIdx()]);
while (True == True) {
let break_outer: bool = false;
let count1: Smi = 0; // Number of times in a row that first run won.
let count2: Smi = 0; // Number of times in a row that second run won.
// Do the straightforward thing until (if ever) one run starts
// winning consistantly.
let first_iteration: bool = true;
while (((count1 | count2) < min_gallop) || first_iteration) {
first_iteration = false;
assert(len1 > 0 && len2 > 1);
let elem_work: Object = work_array[cursor2];
let elem_a: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, cursor1)
otherwise Bailout;
let order: Number = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, userCmpFn, sortCompare, elem_work, elem_a)
otherwise Bailout;
if (order < 0) {
let tmp: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, cursor1--)
Swap<E>(context, elements, high_start, idx, element)
otherwise Bailout;
Store<E>(context, elements, dest--, tmp);
count2 = 0;
if (--len1 == 0) {
break_outer = true;
} else {
Store<E>(context, elements, dest--, work_array[cursor2--]);
count1 = 0;
if (--len2 == 1) {
break_outer = true;
if (break_outer) break;
// One run is winning so consistently that galloping may be a huge win.
// So try that, and continue galloping until (if ever) neither run
// appears to be winning consistently anymore.
first_iteration = false;
while ((count1 >= 7 || count2 >= 7) || first_iteration) {
first_iteration = false;
assert(len1 > 0 && len2 > 1);
let gallop: Smi = GallopRight<E>(
context, sortState, work_array[cursor2], elements, base1, len1,
len1 - 1);
if (gallop < 0) goto Bailout;
count1 = len1 - gallop;
if (count1 != 0) {
dest = dest - count1;
cursor1 = cursor1 - count1;
len1 = len1 - count1;
let r: Smi = CopyWithinSortArray<E>(
context, elements, cursor1 + 1, dest + 1, count1);
if (r < 0) goto Bailout;
if (len1 == 0) {
break_outer = true;
Store<E>(context, elements, dest--, work_array[cursor2--]);
if (--len2 == 1) {
break_outer = true;
if (order < 0) {
element = Load<E>(context, elements, idx) otherwise Bailout;
let key_left: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, cursor1)
otherwise Bailout;
let gallopl: Smi = GallopLeft<WorkArrayElements>(
context, sortState, key_left, work_array, 0, len2, len2 - 1);
if (gallopl < 0) goto Bailout;
count2 = len2 - gallopl;
if (count2 != 0) {
dest = dest - count2;
cursor2 = cursor2 - count2;
len2 = len2 - count2;
context, elements, dest + 1, work_array, cursor2 + 1, count2);
if (len2 <= 1) {
break_outer = true;
Swap<E>(context, elements, low_end, idx, element) otherwise Bailout;
let tmp: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, cursor1--)
otherwise Bailout;
Store<E>(context, elements, dest--, tmp);
if (--len1 == 0) {
break_outer = true;
if (break_outer) break;
if (min_gallop < 0) min_gallop = 0;
min_gallop = min_gallop + 2; // Penalize for leaving gallop mode
sortState[kMinGallopIdx()] = min_gallop < 1 ? SmiConstant(1) : min_gallop;
if (len2 == 1) {
assert(len1 > 0);
dest = dest - len1;
cursor1 = cursor1 - len1;
let r: Smi = CopyWithinSortArray<E>(
context, elements, cursor1 + 1, dest + 1, len1);
if (r < 0) goto Bailout;
Store<E>(context, elements, dest, work_array[cursor2]);
} else if (len2 == 0) {
// Comparison function does not behave well.
// Do nothing.
} else {
assert(len1 == 0);
assert(len2 > 0);
context, elements, dest - (len2 - 1), work_array, 0, len2);
return SmiConstant(0);
extern macro FillFixedArrayWithZero(FixedArray, Smi);
// Examines the stack of runs waiting to be merged and merges adjacent runs
// until the stack invariants are reestablished:
// 1. run_lens[i - 3] > run_lens[i - 2] + run_lens[i - 1]
// 2. run_lens[i - 2] > run_lens[i - 1]
// This macro is called each time a new run is pushed onto the stack,
// so the invariants are guaranteed to hold for i < stack_size upon entry
// of the macro.
macro MergeCollapse<E : type>(context: Context, sortState: FixedArray)
labels Bailout {
let stack_size: Smi = GetStackSize(sortState);
let run_lens: FixedArray =
while (stack_size > 1) {
let n: Smi = stack_size - 2;
assert(n >= 0);
let rl_n: Smi = unsafe_cast<Smi>(run_lens[n]);
let rl_np: Smi = unsafe_cast<Smi>(run_lens[n + 1]);
if (n > 0) {
let rl_nm: Smi = unsafe_cast<Smi>(run_lens[n - 1]);
if (rl_nm <= rl_n + rl_np) {
if (rl_nm < rl_np) n--;
let r: Smi = MergeAt<E>(context, sortState, n);
if (r < 0) goto Bailout;
// Reload because MergeAt might have changed it.
stack_size = GetStackSize(sortState);
if (rl_n <= rl_np) {
let r: Smi = MergeAt<E>(context, sortState, n);
if (r < 0) goto Bailout;
if ((to - high_start) < (low_end - from)) {
ArrayQuickSort<E>(context, sortState, high_start, to);
to = low_end;
} else {
break; // Invariant is established.
ArrayQuickSort<E>(context, sortState, from, low_end);
from = high_start;
// Reload because MergeAt might have changed it.
stack_size = GetStackSize(sortState);
macro ArrayTimSortImpl<E : type>(
context: Context, sortState: FixedArray, fromArg: Smi, toArg: Smi)
labels Bailout {
let receiver: Object = sortState[kReceiverIdx()];
let userCmpFn: Object = sortState[kUserCmpFnIdx()];
let sortCompare: CompareBuiltinFn =
let initialReceiverMap: Object = sortState[kInitialReceiverMapIdx()];
let initialReceiverLength: Number =
let elements: Object = sortState[kElementsIdx()];
// This is the minimum sequence that will be merged. Shorter
// sequences will be lengthened by calling BinaryInsertionSort.
// This constant should be a tower of 2, otherwise MinRunLength macro
// must be changed.
let kMinMerge: int32 = 32;
let kMinGallop: int32 = 7;
let kInitialTmpStorageLength: int32 = 256;
let remaining: Smi = toArg - fromArg;
if (remaining < 2) return;
// Use InsertionSort for small arrays.
if (remaining < convert<Smi>(kMinMerge)) {
let init_run_len: Smi = CountRunAndMakeAscending<E>(
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, fromArg, toArg, userCmpFn, sortCompare);
if (init_run_len < 0) goto Bailout;
let r: Smi = BinaryInsertionSort<E>(
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, fromArg, toArg, fromArg + init_run_len,
userCmpFn, sortCompare);
if (r < 0) goto Bailout;
let temporary_len: Smi =
(toArg < convert<Smi>(Int32Constant(2) * kInitialTmpStorageLength)) ?
toArg >>> 1 :
sortState[kWorkArrayIdx()] =
AllocateFixedArray(PACKED_ELEMENTS, convert<intptr>(temporary_len));
sortState[kWorkArraySizeIdx()] = temporary_len;
sortState[kMinGallopIdx()] = convert<Smi>(kMinGallop);
unsafe_cast<FixedArray>(sortState[kWorkArrayIdx()]), temporary_len);
// Allocate runs-to-be-merged stack (which cannot be expanded). The
// "magic numbers" in the computation below must be changed if kMinMerge
// is decreased.
// More explanations are given in section 4 of:
let stack_len: intptr =
(toArg < 120 ? 5 : (toArg < 1542 ? 10 : (toArg < 119151 ? 24 : 49)));
let run_base: FixedArray =
AllocateFixedArray(PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS, stack_len);
FillFixedArrayWithZero(run_base, convert<Smi>(stack_len));
let run_lens: FixedArray =
AllocateFixedArray(PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS, stack_len);
FillFixedArrayWithZero(run_lens, convert<Smi>(stack_len));
sortState[kRunBaseStackIdx()] = run_base;
sortState[kRunLensStackIdx()] = run_lens;
sortState[kStackSizeIdx()] = SmiConstant(0);
let from: Smi = fromArg;
let min_run: Smi = MinRunLength(remaining, convert<Smi>(kMinMerge));
while (remaining != 0) {
// Identify next run.
let run_len: Smi = CountRunAndMakeAscending<E>(
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, from, toArg, userCmpFn, sortCompare);
if (run_len < 0) goto Bailout;
// If run is short, extend to min(minRun, remaining).
if (run_len < min_run) {
let force: Smi = min_run < remaining ? min_run : remaining;
let r: Smi = BinaryInsertionSort<E>(
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, from, from + force, from + run_len,
userCmpFn, sortCompare);
if (r < 0) goto Bailout;
run_len = force;
// Push run onto pending-run stack, and maybe merge.
let stack_size: Smi = GetStackSize(sortState);
assert(stack_size >= 0);
run_base[stack_size] = from;
run_lens[stack_size] = run_len;
sortState[kStackSizeIdx()] = stack_size;
MergeCollapse<E>(context, sortState) otherwise Bailout;
// Advance to find next run.
from = from + run_len;
remaining = remaining - run_len;
// Merge all remaining runs to complete sort.
assert(from == toArg);
let stack_size: Smi = GetStackSize(sortState);
while (stack_size > 1) {
let n: Smi = stack_size - 2;
if (n > 0) {
assert(TaggedIsSmi(run_lens[n - 1]));
assert(TaggedIsSmi(run_lens[n + 1]));
let rl_nm: Smi = unsafe_cast<Smi>(run_lens[n - 1]);
let rl_np: Smi = unsafe_cast<Smi>(run_lens[n + 1]);
if (rl_nm < rl_np) n--;
let r: Smi = MergeAt<E>(context, sortState, n);
if (r < 0) goto Bailout;
// Reload because MergeAt might have changed it.
stack_size = GetStackSize(sortState);
assert(stack_size == 1);
builtin ArrayTimSort<ElementsAccessor : type>(
builtin ArrayQuickSort<ElementsAccessor : type>(
context: Context, sortState: FixedArray, from: Smi, to: Smi): Object {
try {
ArrayTimSortImpl<ElementsAccessor>(context, sortState, from, to)
ArrayQuickSortImpl<ElementsAccessor>(context, sortState, from, to)
otherwise Slow;
label Slow {
// Generic version uses Set- and GetProperty, replace elements with
// the receiver itself.
sortState[kElementsIdx()] = sortState[kReceiverIdx()];
ArrayTimSort<GenericElementsAccessor>(context, sortState, from, to);
ArrayQuickSort<GenericElementsAccessor>(context, sortState, from, to);
return SmiConstant(0);
// The specialization is needed since we would end up in an endless loop
// when the ElementsAccessor fails and bails to the ElementsAccessor again.
context: Context, sortState: FixedArray, from: Smi, to: Smi): Object {
try {
ArrayTimSortImpl<GenericElementsAccessor>(context, sortState, from, to)
otherwise Slow;
ArrayQuickSortImpl<GenericElementsAccessor>(context, sortState, from, to)
otherwise Error;
label Slow {
// We are already on the slow path.
label Error {
// The generic baseline path must not fail.
return SmiConstant(0);
......@@ -1405,12 +510,7 @@ module array {
// Needed for heap verification.
sort_state[kInitialReceiverLengthIdx()] = Undefined;
sort_state[kElementsIdx()] = Undefined;
sort_state[kRunBaseStackIdx()] = Undefined;
sort_state[kRunLensStackIdx()] = Undefined;
sort_state[kStackSizeIdx()] = Undefined;
sort_state[kWorkArrayIdx()] = Undefined;
sort_state[kWorkArraySizeIdx()] = Undefined;
sort_state[kMinGallopIdx()] = Undefined;
sort_state[kRandomStateIdx()] = Undefined;
try {
let a: JSArray = cast<JSArray>(obj) otherwise slow;
......@@ -1428,16 +528,17 @@ module array {
sort_state[kInitialReceiverLengthIdx()] = len;
sort_state[kElementsIdx()] = a.elements;
sort_state[kRandomStateIdx()] = nofNonUndefined;
if (IsDoubleElementsKind(elementsKind)) {
context, sort_state, 0, nofNonUndefined);
} else {
if (elementsKind == PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS) {
context, sort_state, 0, nofNonUndefined);
} else {
context, sort_state, 0, nofNonUndefined);
......@@ -1451,6 +552,7 @@ module array {
let nofNonUndefined: Smi = PrepareElementsForSort(context, obj, len);
sort_state[kInitialReceiverLengthIdx()] = len;
sort_state[kRandomStateIdx()] = nofNonUndefined;
// Reload the map, PrepareElementsForSort might have changed the
// elements kind.
......@@ -1460,13 +562,13 @@ module array {
!IsCustomElementsReceiverInstanceType(map.instance_type)) {
let jsobj: JSObject = unsafe_cast<JSObject>(obj);
sort_state[kElementsIdx()] = jsobj.elements;
context, sort_state, 0, nofNonUndefined);
return receiver;
sort_state[kElementsIdx()] = obj;
context, sort_state, 0, nofNonUndefined);
......@@ -233,9 +233,7 @@ extern operator '!=' macro WordNotEqual(Object, Object): bool;
extern operator '+' macro SmiAdd(Smi, Smi): Smi;
extern operator '-' macro SmiSub(Smi, Smi): Smi;
extern operator '*' macro SmiMul(Smi, Smi): Smi;
extern operator '&' macro SmiAnd(Smi, Smi): Smi;
extern operator '|' macro SmiOr(Smi, Smi): Smi;
extern operator '>>>' macro SmiShr(Smi, constexpr int31): Smi;
extern operator '+' macro IntPtrAdd(intptr, intptr): intptr;
......@@ -662,7 +660,6 @@ extern macro IsJSArray(HeapObject): bool;
extern macro TaggedIsCallable(Object): bool;
extern macro IsDetachedBuffer(JSArrayBuffer): bool;
extern macro IsHeapNumber(HeapObject): bool;
extern macro IsFixedArray(HeapObject): bool;
extern macro IsExtensibleMap(Map): bool;
extern macro IsCustomElementsReceiverInstanceType(int32): bool;
......@@ -381,26 +381,6 @@ Node* ArrayBuiltinsAssembler::FindProcessor(Node* k_value, Node* k) {
void ArrayBuiltinsAssembler::NullPostLoopAction() {}
void ArrayBuiltinsAssembler::FillFixedArrayWithZero(TNode<FixedArray> array,
TNode<Smi> smi_length) {
TNode<IntPtrT> length = SmiToIntPtr(smi_length);
TNode<WordT> byte_length = WordShl(length, kPointerSizeLog2);
CSA_ASSERT(this, UintPtrLessThan(length, byte_length));
static const int32_t fa_base_data_offset =
FixedArray::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag;
TNode<IntPtrT> backing_store = IntPtrAdd(
BitcastTaggedToWord(array), IntPtrConstant(fa_base_data_offset));
// Call out to memset to perform initialization.
TNode<ExternalReference> memset =
STATIC_ASSERT(kSizetSize == kIntptrSize);
CallCFunction3(MachineType::Pointer(), MachineType::Pointer(),
MachineType::IntPtr(), MachineType::UintPtr(), memset,
backing_store, IntPtrConstant(0), byte_length);
void ArrayBuiltinsAssembler::ReturnFromBuiltin(Node* value) {
if (argc_ == nullptr) {
......@@ -77,9 +77,6 @@ class ArrayBuiltinsAssembler : public BaseBuiltinsFromDSLAssembler {
return StoreFixedArrayElement(array, index, value);
// Uses memset to effectively initialize the given FixedArray with Smi zeroes.
void FillFixedArrayWithZero(TNode<FixedArray> array, TNode<Smi> smi_length);
TNode<Context> context() { return context_; }
TNode<Object> receiver() { return receiver_; }
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