Commit afe9020f authored by Frank Emrich's avatar Frank Emrich Committed by Commit Bot

[dict-proto] TF support for constants in dictionary mode protos, pt. 2

This CL is part of a  series that implements Turbofan support for
property accesses satisfying the following conditions:
1. The holder is a dictionary mode object.
2. The holder is a prototype.
3. The access is a load.

This feature will only be enabled if the build flag
v8_dict_property_const_tracking is set.

This particular CL implements support for the case that the property
in question is a data property, meaning that the given
PropertyAccessInfo has kind kDataDictionaryProtoConstant.
Support for accessor properties is added in a separated CL.

Bug: v8:11248
Change-Id: I8794127d08c3d3aed6ec2a3eb19c4c82bdf2d1df
Commit-Queue: Frank Emrich <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarGeorg Neis <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarMarja Hölttä <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#73603}
parent 8e86f221
......@@ -67,6 +67,11 @@ static V8_INLINE bool CheckForName(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Name> name,
// If true, *object_offset contains offset of object field.
bool Accessors::IsJSObjectFieldAccessor(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Map> map,
Handle<Name> name, FieldIndex* index) {
if (map->is_dictionary_map()) {
// There are not descriptors in a dictionary mode map.
return false;
switch (map->instance_type()) {
return CheckForName(isolate, name, isolate->factory()->length_string(),
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class PropertyAccessInfo final {
static PropertyAccessInfo Invalid(Zone* zone);
static PropertyAccessInfo DictionaryProtoDataConstant(
Zone* zone, Handle<Map> receiver_map, Handle<JSObject> holder,
InternalIndex dict_index);
InternalIndex dict_index, Handle<Name> name);
static PropertyAccessInfo DictionaryProtoAccessorConstant(
Zone* zone, Handle<Map> receiver_map, MaybeHandle<JSObject> holder,
Handle<Object> constant);
......@@ -173,6 +173,11 @@ class PropertyAccessInfo final {
return dictionary_index_;
Handle<Name> name() const {
return name_.ToHandleChecked();
explicit PropertyAccessInfo(Zone* zone);
PropertyAccessInfo(Zone* zone, Kind kind, MaybeHandle<JSObject> holder,
......@@ -188,7 +193,7 @@ class PropertyAccessInfo final {
ZoneVector<CompilationDependency const*>&& dependencies);
PropertyAccessInfo(Zone* zone, Kind kind, MaybeHandle<JSObject> holder,
ZoneVector<Handle<Map>>&& lookup_start_object_maps,
InternalIndex dictionary_index);
InternalIndex dictionary_index, Handle<Name> name);
// Members used for fast and dictionary mode holders:
Kind kind_;
......@@ -207,6 +212,7 @@ class PropertyAccessInfo final {
// Members only used for dictionary mode holders:
InternalIndex dictionary_index_;
MaybeHandle<Name> name_;
// This class encapsulates information required to generate load properties
......@@ -255,6 +261,11 @@ class AccessInfoFactory final {
Handle<Name> name,
AccessMode access_mode) const;
PropertyAccessInfo ComputeDictionaryProtoAccessInfo(
Handle<Map> receiver_map, Handle<Name> name, Handle<JSObject> holder,
InternalIndex dict_index, AccessMode access_mode,
PropertyDetails details) const;
MinimorphicLoadPropertyAccessInfo ComputePropertyAccessInfo(
MinimorphicLoadPropertyAccessFeedback const& feedback) const;
......@@ -298,6 +309,10 @@ class AccessInfoFactory final {
AccessMode access_mode,
ZoneVector<PropertyAccessInfo>* result) const;
bool TryLoadPropertyDetails(Handle<Map> map, MaybeHandle<JSObject> holder,
Handle<Name> name, InternalIndex* index_out,
PropertyDetails* details_out) const;
CompilationDependencies* dependencies() const { return dependencies_; }
JSHeapBroker* broker() const { return broker_; }
Isolate* isolate() const;
......@@ -105,6 +105,105 @@ class StableMapDependency final : public CompilationDependency {
MapRef map_;
class ConstantInDictionaryPrototypeChainDependency final
: public CompilationDependency {
explicit ConstantInDictionaryPrototypeChainDependency(
const MapRef receiver_map, const NameRef property_name,
const ObjectRef constant)
: receiver_map_(receiver_map),
constant_{constant} {
// Checks that |constant_| is still the value of accessing |property_name_|
// starting at |receiver_map_|.
bool IsValid() const override { return !GetHolderIfValid().is_null(); }
void Install(const MaybeObjectHandle& code) const override {
Isolate* isolate = receiver_map_.isolate();
Handle<JSObject> holder = GetHolderIfValid().ToHandleChecked();
Handle<Map> map = receiver_map_.object();
while (map->prototype() != *holder) {
map = handle(map->prototype().map(), isolate);
DCHECK(map->IsJSObjectMap()); // Due to IsValid holding.
DependentCode::InstallDependency(isolate, code, map,
DCHECK(map->prototype().map().IsJSObjectMap()); // Due to IsValid holding.
DependentCode::InstallDependency(isolate, code,
handle(map->prototype().map(), isolate),
// If the dependency is still valid, returns holder of the constant. Otherwise
// returns null.
// TODO(neis) Currently, invoking IsValid and then Install duplicates the call
// to GetHolderIfValid. Instead, consider letting IsValid change the state
// (and store the holder), or merge IsValid and Install.
MaybeHandle<JSObject> GetHolderIfValid() const {
DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
Isolate* isolate = receiver_map_.isolate();
Handle<Object> holder;
HeapObject prototype = receiver_map_.object()->prototype();
enum class ValidationResult { kFoundCorrect, kFoundIncorrect, kNotFound };
auto try_load = [&](auto dictionary) -> ValidationResult {
InternalIndex entry =
dictionary.FindEntry(isolate, property_name_.object());
if (entry.is_not_found()) {
return ValidationResult::kNotFound;
PropertyDetails details = dictionary.DetailsAt(entry);
if (details.constness() != PropertyConstness::kConst) {
return ValidationResult::kFoundIncorrect;
Object value = dictionary.ValueAt(entry);
return value == *constant_.object() ? ValidationResult::kFoundCorrect
: ValidationResult::kFoundIncorrect;
while (prototype.IsJSObject()) {
// We only care about JSObjects because that's the only type of holder
// (and types of prototypes on the chain to the holder) that
// AccessInfoFactory::ComputePropertyAccessInfo allows.
JSObject object = JSObject::cast(prototype);
// We only support dictionary mode prototypes on the chain for this kind
// of dependency.
ValidationResult result =
? try_load(object.property_dictionary_swiss())
: try_load(object.property_dictionary());
if (result == ValidationResult::kFoundCorrect) {
return handle(object, isolate);
} else if (result == ValidationResult::kFoundIncorrect) {
return MaybeHandle<JSObject>();
// In case of kNotFound, continue walking up the chain.
prototype =;
return MaybeHandle<JSObject>();
MapRef receiver_map_;
NameRef property_name_;
ObjectRef constant_;
class TransitionDependency final : public CompilationDependency {
explicit TransitionDependency(const MapRef& map) : map_(map) {
......@@ -394,6 +493,7 @@ ObjectRef CompilationDependencies::DependOnPrototypeProperty(
void CompilationDependencies::DependOnStableMap(const MapRef& map) {
if (map.CanTransition()) {
......@@ -402,6 +502,13 @@ void CompilationDependencies::DependOnStableMap(const MapRef& map) {
void CompilationDependencies::DependOnConstantInDictionaryPrototypeChain(
const MapRef& receiver_map, const NameRef& property_name,
const ObjectRef& constant) {
receiver_map, property_name, constant));
AllocationType CompilationDependencies::DependOnPretenureMode(
const AllocationSiteRef& site) {
......@@ -45,6 +45,16 @@ class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE CompilationDependencies : public ZoneObject {
// Record the assumption that {map} stays stable.
void DependOnStableMap(const MapRef& map);
// Depend on the fact that accessing property |property_name| from
// |receiver_map| yields the constant value |constant|, which is held by
// |holder|. Therefore, must be invalidated if |property_name| is added to any
// of the objects between receiver and |holder| on the prototype chain, b) any
// of the objects on the prototype chain up to |holder| change prototypes, or
// c) the value of |property_name| in |holder| changes.
void DependOnConstantInDictionaryPrototypeChain(const MapRef& receiver_map,
const NameRef& property_name,
const ObjectRef& constant);
// Return the pretenure mode of {site} and record the assumption that it does
// not change.
AllocationType DependOnPretenureMode(const AllocationSiteRef& site);
......@@ -347,6 +347,13 @@ class JSObjectRef : public JSReceiverRef {
Representation field_representation, FieldIndex index,
SerializationPolicy policy =
SerializationPolicy::kAssumeSerialized) const;
// Return the value of the dictionary property at {index} in the dictionary
// if {index} is known to be an own data property of the object.
ObjectRef GetOwnDictionaryProperty(
InternalIndex index, SerializationPolicy policy =
SerializationPolicy::kAssumeSerialized) const;
base::Optional<FixedArrayBaseRef> elements() const;
void SerializeElements();
void EnsureElementsTenured();
......@@ -7706,6 +7706,7 @@ Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceRegExpPrototypeTest(Node* node) {
ai_exec.lookup_start_object_maps(), kStartAtPrototype,
JSObjectRef(broker(), holder));
} else {
// TODO(v8:11457) Support dictionary mode protoypes here.
return inference.NoChange();
......@@ -426,6 +426,9 @@ class JSObjectData : public JSReceiverData {
JSHeapBroker* broker, Representation representation,
FieldIndex field_index,
SerializationPolicy policy = SerializationPolicy::kAssumeSerialized);
ObjectData* GetOwnDictionaryProperty(JSHeapBroker* broker,
InternalIndex dict_index,
SerializationPolicy policy);
// This method is only used to assert our invariants.
bool cow_or_empty_elements_tenured() const;
......@@ -455,8 +458,9 @@ class JSObjectData : public JSReceiverData {
// (2) are known not to (possibly they don't exist at all).
// In case (2), the second pair component is nullptr.
// For simplicity, this may in theory overlap with inobject_fields_.
// The keys of the map are the property_index() values of the
// respective property FieldIndex'es.
// For fast mode objects, the keys of the map are the property_index() values
// of the respective property FieldIndex'es. For slow mode objects, the keys
// are the dictionary indicies.
ZoneUnorderedMap<int, ObjectData*> own_properties_;
......@@ -505,6 +509,14 @@ ObjectRef GetOwnFastDataPropertyFromHeap(JSHeapBroker* broker,
return ObjectRef(broker, constant);
ObjectRef GetOwnDictionaryPropertyFromHeap(JSHeapBroker* broker,
Handle<JSObject> receiver,
InternalIndex dict_index) {
Handle<Object> constant =
JSObject::DictionaryPropertyAt(receiver, dict_index);
return ObjectRef(broker, constant);
} // namespace
ObjectData* JSObjectData::GetOwnConstantElement(JSHeapBroker* broker,
......@@ -547,6 +559,25 @@ ObjectData* JSObjectData::GetOwnFastDataProperty(JSHeapBroker* broker,
return result;
ObjectData* JSObjectData::GetOwnDictionaryProperty(JSHeapBroker* broker,
InternalIndex dict_index,
SerializationPolicy policy) {
auto p = own_properties_.find(dict_index.as_int());
if (p != own_properties_.end()) return p->second;
if (policy == SerializationPolicy::kAssumeSerialized) {
TRACE_MISSING(broker, "knowledge about dictionary property with index "
<< dict_index.as_int() << " on " << this);
return nullptr;
ObjectRef property = GetOwnDictionaryPropertyFromHeap(
broker, Handle<JSObject>::cast(object()), dict_index);
ObjectData* result(;
own_properties_.insert(std::make_pair(dict_index.as_int(), result));
return result;
class JSTypedArrayData : public JSObjectData {
JSTypedArrayData(JSHeapBroker* broker, ObjectData** storage,
......@@ -4034,6 +4065,19 @@ base::Optional<ObjectRef> JSObjectRef::GetOwnFastDataProperty(
return ObjectRef(broker(), property);
ObjectRef JSObjectRef::GetOwnDictionaryProperty(
InternalIndex index, SerializationPolicy policy) const {
if (data_->should_access_heap()) {
return GetOwnDictionaryPropertyFromHeap(
broker(), Handle<JSObject>::cast(object()), index);
ObjectData* property =
data()->AsJSObject()->GetOwnDictionaryProperty(broker(), index, policy);
CHECK_NE(property, nullptr);
return ObjectRef(broker(), property);
ObjectRef JSArrayRef::GetBoilerplateLength() const {
// Safe to read concurrently because:
// - boilerplates are immutable after initialization.
......@@ -424,7 +424,9 @@ Reduction JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceJSInstanceOf(Node* node) {
if (access_info.IsInvalid()) return NoChange();
// TODO(v8:11457) Support dictionary mode holders here.
if (access_info.IsInvalid() || access_info.HasDictionaryHolder())
return NoChange();
PropertyAccessBuilder access_builder(jsgraph(), broker(), dependencies());
......@@ -554,7 +556,9 @@ JSNativeContextSpecialization::InferHasInPrototypeChain(
map = map.prototype().map();
if (!map.is_stable()) return kMayBeInPrototypeChain;
// TODO(v8:11457) Support dictionary mode protoypes here.
if (!map.is_stable() || map.is_dictionary_map())
return kMayBeInPrototypeChain;
if (map.oddball_type() == OddballType::kNull) {
all = false;
......@@ -741,7 +745,10 @@ Reduction JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceJSResolvePromise(Node* node) {
PropertyAccessInfo access_info =
if (access_info.IsInvalid()) return inference.NoChange();
// TODO(v8:11457) Support dictionary mode prototypes here.
if (access_info.IsInvalid() || access_info.HasDictionaryHolder())
return inference.NoChange();
// Only optimize when {resolution} definitely doesn't have a "then" property.
if (!access_info.IsNotFound()) return inference.NoChange();
......@@ -2341,7 +2348,8 @@ JSNativeContextSpecialization::BuildPropertyLoad(
ZoneVector<Node*>* if_exceptions, PropertyAccessInfo const& access_info) {
// Determine actual holder and perform prototype chain checks.
Handle<JSObject> holder;
if (access_info.holder().ToHandle(&holder)) {
if (access_info.holder().ToHandle(&holder) &&
!access_info.HasDictionaryHolder()) {
access_info.lookup_start_object_maps(), kStartAtPrototype,
JSObjectRef(broker(), holder));
......@@ -2369,10 +2377,15 @@ JSNativeContextSpecialization::BuildPropertyLoad(
DCHECK_EQ(receiver, lookup_start_object);
value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StringLength(), receiver);
} else {
DCHECK(access_info.IsDataField() || access_info.IsFastDataConstant());
DCHECK(access_info.IsDataField() || access_info.IsFastDataConstant() ||
PropertyAccessBuilder access_builder(jsgraph(), broker(), dependencies());
value = access_builder.BuildLoadDataField(
name, access_info, lookup_start_object, &effect, &control);
if (access_info.IsDictionaryProtoDataConstant()) {
value = access_builder.FoldLoadDictPrototypeConstant(access_info);
} else {
value = access_builder.BuildLoadDataField(
name, access_info, lookup_start_object, &effect, &control);
return ValueEffectControl(value, effect, control);
......@@ -2381,6 +2394,9 @@ JSNativeContextSpecialization::BuildPropertyLoad(
Node* effect, Node* control, PropertyAccessInfo const& access_info) {
// TODO(v8:11457) Support property tests for dictionary mode protoypes.
// Determine actual holder and perform prototype chain checks.
Handle<JSObject> holder;
if (access_info.holder().ToHandle(&holder)) {
......@@ -148,7 +148,25 @@ MachineRepresentation PropertyAccessBuilder::ConvertRepresentation(
Node* PropertyAccessBuilder::TryBuildLoadConstantDataField(
Node* PropertyAccessBuilder::FoldLoadDictPrototypeConstant(
PropertyAccessInfo const& access_info) {
JSObjectRef holder(broker(), access_info.holder().ToHandleChecked());
base::Optional<ObjectRef> value =
for (const Handle<Map> map : access_info.lookup_start_object_maps()) {
MapRef{broker(), map}, NameRef{broker(),},
return jsgraph()->Constant(value.value());
Node* PropertyAccessBuilder::TryFoldLoadConstantDataField(
NameRef const& name, PropertyAccessInfo const& access_info,
Node* lookup_start_object) {
if (!access_info.IsFastDataConstant()) return nullptr;
......@@ -274,8 +292,8 @@ Node* PropertyAccessBuilder::BuildLoadDataField(
Node* lookup_start_object, Node** effect, Node** control) {
DCHECK(access_info.IsDataField() || access_info.IsFastDataConstant());
if (Node* value = TryBuildLoadConstantDataField(name, access_info,
lookup_start_object)) {
if (Node* value = TryFoldLoadConstantDataField(name, access_info,
lookup_start_object)) {
return value;
......@@ -64,6 +64,10 @@ class PropertyAccessBuilder {
Node* lookup_start_object, Node** effect,
Node** control);
// Loads a constant value from a prototype object in dictionary mode and
// constant-folds it.
Node* FoldLoadDictPrototypeConstant(PropertyAccessInfo const& access_info);
// Builds the load for data-field access for minimorphic loads that use
// dynamic map checks. These cannot depend on any information from the maps.
Node* BuildMinimorphicLoadDataField(
......@@ -82,9 +86,9 @@ class PropertyAccessBuilder {
CommonOperatorBuilder* common() const;
SimplifiedOperatorBuilder* simplified() const;
Node* TryBuildLoadConstantDataField(NameRef const& name,
PropertyAccessInfo const& access_info,
Node* lookup_start_object);
Node* TryFoldLoadConstantDataField(NameRef const& name,
PropertyAccessInfo const& access_info,
Node* lookup_start_object);
// Returns a node with the holder for the property access described by
// {access_info}.
Node* ResolveHolder(PropertyAccessInfo const& access_info,
......@@ -3059,8 +3059,10 @@ SerializerForBackgroundCompilation::ProcessMapForNamedPropertyAccess(
switch (access_mode) {
case AccessMode::kLoad:
// For PropertyAccessBuilder::TryBuildLoadConstantDataField
if (access_info.IsFastDataConstant()) {
// For PropertyAccessBuilder::TryBuildLoadConstantDataField and
// PropertyAccessBuilder::BuildLoadDictPrototypeConstant
if (access_info.IsFastDataConstant() ||
access_info.IsDictionaryProtoDataConstant()) {
base::Optional<JSObjectRef> holder;
Handle<JSObject> prototype;
if (access_info.holder().ToHandle(&prototype)) {
......@@ -3072,9 +3074,14 @@ SerializerForBackgroundCompilation::ProcessMapForNamedPropertyAccess(
if (holder.has_value()) {
base::Optional<ObjectRef> constant(holder->GetOwnFastDataProperty(
access_info.field_representation(), access_info.field_index(),
SerializationPolicy policy = SerializationPolicy::kSerializeIfNeeded;
base::Optional<ObjectRef> constant =
? holder->GetOwnFastDataProperty(
access_info.field_index(), policy)
: holder->GetOwnDictionaryProperty(
access_info.dictionary_index(), policy);
if (constant.has_value()) {
result_hints->AddConstant(constant->object(), zone(), broker());
......@@ -660,9 +660,14 @@ class DependentCode : public WeakFixedArray {
// deoptimized when the transition is replaced by a new version.
// Group of code that omit run-time prototype checks for prototypes
// described by this map. The group is deoptimized whenever an object
// described by this map changes shape (and transitions to a new map),
// possibly invalidating the assumptions embedded in the code.
// described by this map. The group is deoptimized whenever the following
// conditions hold, possibly invalidating the assumptions embedded in the
// code:
// a) A fast-mode object described by this map changes shape (and
// transitions to a new map), or
// b) A dictionary-mode prototype described by this map changes shape, the
// const-ness of one of its properties changes, or its [[Prototype]]
// changes (only the latter causes a transition).
// Group of code that depends on global property values in property cells
// not being changed.
......@@ -4160,6 +4160,20 @@ Handle<Object> JSObject::FastPropertyAt(Handle<JSObject> object,
return Object::WrapForRead(isolate, raw_value, representation);
// static
Handle<Object> JSObject::DictionaryPropertyAt(Handle<JSObject> object,
InternalIndex dict_index) {
Isolate* isolate = object->GetIsolate();
SwissNameDictionary dict = object->property_dictionary_swiss();
return handle(dict.ValueAt(dict_index), isolate);
} else {
NameDictionary dict = object->property_dictionary();
return handle(dict.ValueAt(dict_index), isolate);
// TODO(cbruni/jkummerow): Consider moving this into
bool JSObject::HasEnumerableElements() {
// TODO(cbruni): cleanup
......@@ -4577,6 +4591,22 @@ void InvalidateOnePrototypeValidityCellInternal(Map map) {
PrototypeInfo prototype_info = PrototypeInfo::cast(maybe_prototype_info);
// We may inline accesses to constants stored in dictionary mode protoypes in
// optimized code. When doing so, we install depenendies of group
// |kPrototypeCheckGroup| on each prototype between the receiver's immediate
// prototype and the holder of the constant property. This dependency is used
// both to detect changes to the constant value itself, and other changes to
// the prototype chain that invalidate the access to the given property from
// the given receiver (like adding the property to another prototype between
// the receiver and the (previous) holder). This works by de-opting this group
// whenever the validity cell would be invalidated. However, the actual value
// of the validity cell is not used. Therefore, we always trigger the de-opt
// here, even if the cell was already invalid.
if (V8_DICT_PROPERTY_CONST_TRACKING_BOOL && map.is_dictionary_map()) {
void InvalidatePrototypeChainsInternal(Map map) {
......@@ -643,6 +643,10 @@ class JSObject : public TorqueGeneratedJSObject<JSObject, JSReceiver> {
int unused_property_fields,
const char* reason);
// Access property in dictionary mode object at the given dictionary index.
static Handle<Object> DictionaryPropertyAt(Handle<JSObject> object,
InternalIndex dict_index);
// Access fast-case object properties at index.
static Handle<Object> FastPropertyAt(Handle<JSObject> object,
Representation representation,
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