Commit aa00dbdc authored by's avatar

MIPS: pre-crankshaft updates to assembler and related files. (1/3)

- assembler.h adds FPU definitions used for Crankshaft.
- Support optimization of mips call: jalr->jal
    - includes changes to  set_target_address_at(), support routines.
    - Add 2nd use of Apply() to update target addresses.
- Minor debugging improvement in simulator.


Review URL:
Patch from Paul Lind <>.

git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent e645597a
......@@ -83,6 +83,14 @@ bool Operand::is_reg() const {
// RelocInfo.
void RelocInfo::apply(intptr_t delta) {
if (IsCodeTarget(rmode_)) {
uint32_t scope1 = (uint32_t) target_address() & ~kImm28Mask;
uint32_t scope2 = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(pc_) & ~kImm28Mask;
if (scope1 != scope2) {
if (IsInternalReference(rmode_)) {
// Absolute code pointer inside code object moves with the code object.
byte* p = reinterpret_cast<byte*>(pc_);
......@@ -218,8 +226,9 @@ bool RelocInfo::IsPatchedReturnSequence() {
Instr instr2 = Assembler::instr_at(pc_ + 2 * Assembler::kInstrSize);
bool patched_return = ((instr0 & kOpcodeMask) == LUI &&
(instr1 & kOpcodeMask) == ORI &&
(instr2 & kOpcodeMask) == SPECIAL &&
(instr2 & kFunctionFieldMask) == JALR);
((instr2 & kOpcodeMask) == JAL ||
((instr2 & kOpcodeMask) == SPECIAL &&
(instr2 & kFunctionFieldMask) == JALR)));
return patched_return;
......@@ -172,7 +172,8 @@ Register ToRegister(int num) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation of RelocInfo.
const int RelocInfo::kApplyMask = 1 << RelocInfo::INTERNAL_REFERENCE;
const int RelocInfo::kApplyMask = RelocInfo::kCodeTargetMask |
bool RelocInfo::IsCodedSpecially() {
......@@ -546,6 +547,19 @@ bool Assembler::IsJ(Instr instr) {
bool Assembler::IsJal(Instr instr) {
return GetOpcodeField(instr) == JAL;
bool Assembler::IsJr(Instr instr) {
return GetOpcodeField(instr) == SPECIAL && GetFunctionField(instr) == JR;
bool Assembler::IsJalr(Instr instr) {
return GetOpcodeField(instr) == SPECIAL && GetFunctionField(instr) == JALR;
bool Assembler::IsLui(Instr instr) {
uint32_t opcode = GetOpcodeField(instr);
// Checks if the instruction is a load upper immediate.
......@@ -1112,7 +1126,12 @@ void Assembler::bne(Register rs, Register rt, int16_t offset) {
void Assembler::j(int32_t target) {
ASSERT(is_uint28(target) && ((target & 3) == 0));
// Get pc of delay slot.
uint32_t ipc = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(pc_ + 1 * kInstrSize);
bool in_range = ((uint32_t)(ipc^target) >> (kImm26Bits+kImmFieldShift)) == 0;
ASSERT(in_range && ((target & 3) == 0));
GenInstrJump(J, target >> 2);
......@@ -1128,8 +1147,13 @@ void Assembler::jr(Register rs) {
void Assembler::jal(int32_t target) {
#ifdef DEBUG
// Get pc of delay slot.
uint32_t ipc = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(pc_ + 1 * kInstrSize);
bool in_range = ((uint32_t)(ipc^target) >> (kImm26Bits+kImmFieldShift)) == 0;
ASSERT(in_range && ((target & 3) == 0));
ASSERT(is_uint28(target) && ((target & 3) == 0));
GenInstrJump(JAL, target >> 2);
......@@ -1142,6 +1166,32 @@ void Assembler::jalr(Register rs, Register rd) {
void Assembler::j_or_jr(int32_t target, Register rs) {
// Get pc of delay slot.
uint32_t ipc = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(pc_ + 1 * kInstrSize);
bool in_range = ((uint32_t)(ipc^target) >> (kImm26Bits+kImmFieldShift)) == 0;
if (in_range) {
} else {
void Assembler::jal_or_jalr(int32_t target, Register rs) {
// Get pc of delay slot.
uint32_t ipc = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(pc_ + 1 * kInstrSize);
bool in_range = ((uint32_t)(ipc^target) >> (kImm26Bits+kImmFieldShift)) == 0;
if (in_range) {
} else {
// Arithmetic.
......@@ -1614,6 +1664,13 @@ void Assembler::cfc1(Register rt, FPUControlRegister fs) {
GenInstrRegister(COP1, CFC1, rt, fs);
void Assembler::DoubleAsTwoUInt32(double d, uint32_t* lo, uint32_t* hi) {
uint64_t i;
memcpy(&i, &d, 8);
*lo = i & 0xffffffff;
*hi = i >> 32;
// Arithmetic.
......@@ -1972,11 +2029,16 @@ void Assembler::RecordRelocInfo(RelocInfo::Mode rmode, intptr_t data) {
if (rinfo.rmode() != RelocInfo::NONE) {
// Don't record external references unless the heap will be serialized.
if (rmode == RelocInfo::EXTERNAL_REFERENCE &&
!Serializer::enabled() &&
!FLAG_debug_code) {
if (rmode == RelocInfo::EXTERNAL_REFERENCE) {
#ifdef DEBUG
if (!Serializer::enabled()) {
if (!Serializer::enabled() && !emit_debug_code()) {
ASSERT(buffer_space() >= kMaxRelocSize); // Too late to grow buffer here.
if (rmode == RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET_WITH_ID) {
RelocInfo reloc_info_with_ast_id(pc_, rmode, RecordedAstId());
......@@ -2070,30 +2132,142 @@ Address Assembler::target_address_at(Address pc) {
// On Mips, a target address is stored in a lui/ori instruction pair, each
// of which load 16 bits of the 32-bit address to a register.
// Patching the address must replace both instr, and flush the i-cache.
// There is an optimization below, which emits a nop when the address
// fits in just 16 bits. This is unlikely to help, and should be benchmarked,
// and possibly removed.
void Assembler::set_target_address_at(Address pc, Address target) {
// On MIPS we patch the address into lui/ori instruction pair.
// First check we have an li (lui/ori pair).
Instr instr2 = instr_at(pc + kInstrSize);
uint32_t rt_code = GetRtField(instr2);
uint32_t* p = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(pc);
uint32_t itarget = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(target);
#ifdef DEBUG
// Check we have the result from a li macro-instruction, using instr pair.
Instr instr1 = instr_at(pc);
// Check we have indeed the result from a li with MustUseReg true.
CHECK((GetOpcodeField(instr1) == LUI && GetOpcodeField(instr2) == ORI));
uint32_t rt_code = GetRtField(instr2);
uint32_t* p = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(pc);
uint32_t itarget = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(target);
// lui rt, high-16.
// ori rt rt, low-16.
// Must use 2 instructions to insure patchable code => just use lui and ori.
// lui rt, upper-16.
// ori rt rt, lower-16.
*p = LUI | rt_code | ((itarget & kHiMask) >> kLuiShift);
*(p+1) = ORI | rt_code | (rt_code << 5) | (itarget & kImm16Mask);
CPU::FlushICache(pc, 2 * sizeof(int32_t));
// The following code is an optimization for the common case of Call()
// or Jump() which is load to register, and jump through register:
// li(t9, address); jalr(t9) (or jr(t9)).
// If the destination address is in the same 256 MB page as the call, it
// is faster to do a direct jal, or j, rather than jump thru register, since
// that lets the cpu pipeline prefetch the target address. However each
// time the address above is patched, we have to patch the direct jal/j
// instruction, as well as possibly revert to jalr/jr if we now cross a
// 256 MB page. Note that with the jal/j instructions, we do not need to
// load the register, but that code is left, since it makes it easy to
// revert this process. A further optimization could try replacing the
// li sequence with nops.
// This optimization can only be applied if the rt-code from instr2 is the
// register used for the jalr/jr. Finally, we have to skip 'jr ra', which is
// mips return. Occasionally this lands after an li().
Instr instr3 = instr_at(pc + 2 * kInstrSize);
uint32_t ipc = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(pc + 3 * kInstrSize);
bool in_range =
((uint32_t)(ipc ^ itarget) >> (kImm26Bits + kImmFieldShift)) == 0;
uint32_t target_field = (uint32_t)(itarget & kJumpAddrMask) >> kImmFieldShift;
bool patched_jump = false;
// This is a workaround to the 24k core E156 bug (affect some 34k cores also).
// Since the excluded space is only 64KB out of 256MB (0.02 %), we will just
// apply this workaround for all cores so we don't have to identify the core.
if (in_range) {
// The 24k core E156 bug has some very specific requirements, we only check
// the most simple one: if the address of the delay slot instruction is in
// the first or last 32 KB of the 256 MB segment.
uint32_t segment_mask = ((256 * MB) - 1) ^ ((32 * KB) - 1);
uint32_t ipc_segment_addr = ipc & segment_mask;
if (ipc_segment_addr == 0 || ipc_segment_addr == segment_mask)
in_range = false;
if (IsJalr(instr3)) {
// Try to convert JALR to JAL.
if (in_range && GetRt(instr2) == GetRs(instr3)) {
*(p+2) = JAL | target_field;
patched_jump = true;
} else if (IsJr(instr3)) {
// Try to convert JR to J, skip returns (jr ra).
bool is_ret = static_cast<int>(GetRs(instr3)) == ra.code();
if (in_range && !is_ret && GetRt(instr2) == GetRs(instr3)) {
*(p+2) = J | target_field;
patched_jump = true;
} else if (IsJal(instr3)) {
if (in_range) {
// We are patching an already converted JAL.
*(p+2) = JAL | target_field;
} else {
// Patch JAL, but out of range, revert to JALR.
// JALR rs reg is the rt reg specified in the ORI instruction.
uint32_t rs_field = GetRt(instr2) << kRsShift;
uint32_t rd_field = ra.code() << kRdShift; // Return-address (ra) reg.
*(p+2) = SPECIAL | rs_field | rd_field | JALR;
patched_jump = true;
} else if (IsJ(instr3)) {
if (in_range) {
// We are patching an already converted J (jump).
*(p+2) = J | target_field;
} else {
// Trying patch J, but out of range, just go back to JR.
// JR 'rs' reg is the 'rt' reg specified in the ORI instruction (instr2).
uint32_t rs_field = GetRt(instr2) << kRsShift;
*(p+2) = SPECIAL | rs_field | JR;
patched_jump = true;
CPU::FlushICache(pc, (patched_jump ? 3 : 2) * sizeof(int32_t));
void Assembler::JumpLabelToJumpRegister(Address pc) {
// Address pc points to lui/ori instructions.
// Jump to label may follow at pc + 2 * kInstrSize.
uint32_t* p = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(pc);
#ifdef DEBUG
Instr instr1 = instr_at(pc);
Instr instr2 = instr_at(pc + 1 * kInstrSize);
Instr instr3 = instr_at(pc + 2 * kInstrSize);
bool patched = false;
if (IsJal(instr3)) {
ASSERT(GetOpcodeField(instr1) == LUI);
ASSERT(GetOpcodeField(instr2) == ORI);
uint32_t rs_field = GetRt(instr2) << kRsShift;
uint32_t rd_field = ra.code() << kRdShift; // Return-address (ra) reg.
*(p+2) = SPECIAL | rs_field | rd_field | JALR;
patched = true;
} else if (IsJ(instr3)) {
ASSERT(GetOpcodeField(instr1) == LUI);
ASSERT(GetOpcodeField(instr2) == ORI);
uint32_t rs_field = GetRt(instr2) << kRsShift;
*(p+2) = SPECIAL | rs_field | JR;
patched = true;
if (patched) {
CPU::FlushICache(pc+2, sizeof(Address));
} } // namespace v8::internal
......@@ -168,24 +168,36 @@ Register ToRegister(int num);
// Coprocessor register.
struct FPURegister {
static const int kNumRegisters = v8::internal::kNumFPURegisters;
// f0 has been excluded from allocation. This is following ia32
// where xmm0 is excluded.
static const int kNumAllocatableRegisters = 15;
// TODO(plind): Warning, inconsistent numbering here. kNumFPURegisters refers
// to number of 32-bit FPU regs, but kNumAllocatableRegisters refers to
// number of Double regs (64-bit regs, or FPU-reg-pairs).
// A few double registers are reserved: one as a scratch register and one to
// hold 0.0.
// f28: 0.0
// f30: scratch register.
static const int kNumReservedRegisters = 2;
static const int kNumAllocatableRegisters = kNumRegisters / 2 -
static int ToAllocationIndex(FPURegister reg) {
ASSERT(reg.code() != 0);
ASSERT(reg.code() % 2 == 0);
return (reg.code() / 2) - 1;
ASSERT(reg.code() / 2 < kNumAllocatableRegisters);
return (reg.code() / 2);
static FPURegister FromAllocationIndex(int index) {
ASSERT(index >= 0 && index < kNumAllocatableRegisters);
return from_code((index + 1) * 2);
return from_code(index * 2);
static const char* AllocationIndexToString(int index) {
ASSERT(index >= 0 && index < kNumAllocatableRegisters);
const char* const names[] = {
......@@ -198,9 +210,7 @@ struct FPURegister {
return names[index];
......@@ -212,6 +222,23 @@ struct FPURegister {
bool is_valid() const { return 0 <= code_ && code_ < kNumFPURegisters ; }
bool is(FPURegister creg) const { return code_ == creg.code_; }
FPURegister low() const {
// Find low reg of a Double-reg pair, which is the reg itself.
ASSERT(code_ % 2 == 0); // Specified Double reg must be even.
FPURegister reg;
reg.code_ = code_;
return reg;
FPURegister high() const {
// Find high reg of a Doubel-reg pair, which is reg + 1.
ASSERT(code_ % 2 == 0); // Specified Double reg must be even.
FPURegister reg;
reg.code_ = code_ + 1;
return reg;
int code() const {
return code_;
......@@ -228,9 +255,19 @@ struct FPURegister {
int code_;
// V8 now supports the O32 ABI, and the FPU Registers are organized as 32
// 32-bit registers, f0 through f31. When used as 'double' they are used
// in pairs, starting with the even numbered register. So a double operation
// on f0 really uses f0 and f1.
// (Modern mips hardware also supports 32 64-bit registers, via setting
// (priviledged) Status Register FR bit to 1. This is used by the N32 ABI,
// but it is not in common use. Someday we will want to support this in v8.)
// For O32 ABI, Floats and Doubles refer to same set of 32 32-bit registers.
typedef FPURegister DoubleRegister;
typedef FPURegister FloatRegister;
const FPURegister no_creg = { -1 };
const FPURegister no_freg = { -1 };
const FPURegister f0 = { 0 }; // Return value in hard float mode.
const FPURegister f1 = { 1 };
......@@ -265,6 +302,8 @@ const FPURegister f29 = { 29 };
const FPURegister f30 = { 30 };
const FPURegister f31 = { 31 };
const FPURegister kDoubleRegZero = f28;
// FPU (coprocessor 1) control registers.
// Currently only FCSR (#31) is implemented.
struct FPUControlRegister {
......@@ -331,6 +370,10 @@ class MemOperand : public Operand {
explicit MemOperand(Register rn, int32_t offset = 0);
int32_t offset() const { return offset_; }
bool OffsetIsInt16Encodable() const {
return is_int16(offset_);
int32_t offset_;
......@@ -504,6 +547,8 @@ class Assembler : public AssemblerBase {
static Address target_address_at(Address pc);
static void set_target_address_at(Address pc, Address target);
static void JumpLabelToJumpRegister(Address pc);
// This sets the branch destination (which gets loaded at the call address).
// This is for calls and branches within generated code.
inline static void set_target_at(Address instruction_payload,
......@@ -534,9 +579,13 @@ class Assembler : public AssemblerBase {
static const int kExternalTargetSize = 0 * kInstrSize;
// Number of consecutive instructions used to store 32bit constant.
// Used in RelocInfo::target_address_address() function to tell serializer
// address of the instruction that follows LUI/ORI instruction pair.
static const int kInstructionsFor32BitConstant = 2;
// Before jump-optimizations, this constant was used in
// RelocInfo::target_address_address() function to tell serializer address of
// the instruction that follows LUI/ORI instruction pair. Now, with new jump
// optimization, where jump-through-register instruction that usually
// follows LUI/ORI pair is substituted with J/JAL, this constant equals
// to 3 instructions (LUI+ORI+J/JAL/JR/JALR).
static const int kInstructionsFor32BitConstant = 3;
// Distance between the instruction referring to the address of the call
// target and the return address.
......@@ -623,6 +672,8 @@ class Assembler : public AssemblerBase {
void jal(int32_t target);
void jalr(Register rs, Register rd = ra);
void jr(Register target);
void j_or_jr(int32_t target, Register rs);
void jal_or_jalr(int32_t target, Register rs);
......@@ -892,6 +943,10 @@ class Assembler : public AssemblerBase {
static bool IsLui(Instr instr);
static bool IsOri(Instr instr);
static bool IsJal(Instr instr);
static bool IsJr(Instr instr);
static bool IsJalr(Instr instr);
static bool IsNop(Instr instr, unsigned int type);
static bool IsPop(Instr instr);
static bool IsPush(Instr instr);
......@@ -976,6 +1031,8 @@ class Assembler : public AssemblerBase {
return internal_trampoline_exception_;
void DoubleAsTwoUInt32(double d, uint32_t* lo, uint32_t* hi);
bool is_trampoline_emitted() const {
return trampoline_emitted_;
......@@ -191,6 +191,7 @@ bool Instruction::IsLinkingInstruction() const {
const int op = OpcodeFieldRaw();
switch (op) {
case JAL:
return true;
case REGIMM:
switch (RtFieldRaw()) {
case BGEZAL:
......@@ -272,7 +273,7 @@ Instruction::Type Instruction::InstructionType() const {
case MOVCI:
return kRegisterType;
return kUnsupported;
case SPECIAL2:
......@@ -281,7 +282,7 @@ Instruction::Type Instruction::InstructionType() const {
case CLZ:
return kRegisterType;
return kUnsupported;
case SPECIAL3:
......@@ -290,7 +291,7 @@ Instruction::Type Instruction::InstructionType() const {
case EXT:
return kRegisterType;
return kUnsupported;
case COP1: // Coprocessor instructions.
......@@ -341,7 +342,7 @@ Instruction::Type Instruction::InstructionType() const {
case JAL:
return kJumpType;
return kUnsupported;
return kUnsupported;
......@@ -204,6 +204,10 @@ static const int kImm26Bits = 26;
static const int kImm28Shift = 0;
static const int kImm28Bits = 28;
// In branches and jumps immediate fields point to words, not bytes,
// and are therefore shifted by 2.
static const int kImmFieldShift = 2;
static const int kFsShift = 11;
static const int kFsBits = 5;
static const int kFtShift = 16;
......@@ -233,7 +237,7 @@ static const int kFunctionFieldMask =
static const int kHiMask = 0xffff << 16;
static const int kLoMask = 0xffff;
static const int kSignMask = 0x80000000;
static const int kJumpAddrMask = (1 << (kImm26Bits + kImmFieldShift)) - 1;
// ----- MIPS Opcodes and Function Fields.
// We use this presentation to stay close to the table representation in
......@@ -290,12 +294,12 @@ enum Opcode {
enum SecondaryField {
// SPECIAL Encoding of Function Field.
SLL = ((0 << 3) + 0),
MOVCI = ((0 << 3) + 1),
SRL = ((0 << 3) + 2),
SRA = ((0 << 3) + 3),
SLLV = ((0 << 3) + 4),
SRLV = ((0 << 3) + 6),
SRAV = ((0 << 3) + 7),
MOVCI = ((0 << 3) + 1),
JR = ((1 << 3) + 0),
JALR = ((1 << 3) + 1),
......@@ -498,14 +502,38 @@ inline Condition ReverseCondition(Condition cc) {
// ----- Coprocessor conditions.
enum FPUCondition {
F, // False.
UN, // Unordered.
EQ, // Equal.
UEQ, // Unordered or Equal.
OLT, // Ordered or Less Than.
ULT, // Unordered or Less Than.
OLE, // Ordered or Less Than or Equal.
ULE // Unordered or Less Than or Equal.
kNoFPUCondition = -1,
F = 0, // False.
UN = 1, // Unordered.
EQ = 2, // Equal.
UEQ = 3, // Unordered or Equal.
OLT = 4, // Ordered or Less Than.
ULT = 5, // Unordered or Less Than.
OLE = 6, // Ordered or Less Than or Equal.
ULE = 7 // Unordered or Less Than or Equal.
// FPU rounding modes.
enum FPURoundingMode {
RN = 0 << 0, // Round to Nearest.
RZ = 1 << 0, // Round towards zero.
RP = 2 << 0, // Round towards Plus Infinity.
RM = 3 << 0, // Round towards Minus Infinity.
// Aliases.
kRoundToNearest = RN,
kRoundToZero = RZ,
kRoundToPlusInf = RP,
kRoundToMinusInf = RM
static const uint32_t kFPURoundingModeMask = 3 << 0;
enum CheckForInexactConversion {
......@@ -716,7 +744,7 @@ class Instruction {
inline int32_t Imm26Value() const {
ASSERT(InstructionType() == kJumpType);
return Bits(kImm16Shift + kImm26Bits - 1, kImm26Shift);
return Bits(kImm26Shift + kImm26Bits - 1, kImm26Shift);
// Say if the instruction should not be used in a branch delay slot.
......@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class Decoder {
void PrintUImm16(Instruction* instr);
void PrintSImm16(Instruction* instr);
void PrintXImm16(Instruction* instr);
void PrintImm26(Instruction* instr);
void PrintXImm26(Instruction* instr);
void PrintCode(Instruction* instr); // For break and trap instructions.
// Printing of instruction name.
void PrintInstructionName(Instruction* instr);
......@@ -273,9 +273,9 @@ void Decoder::PrintXImm16(Instruction* instr) {
// Print 26-bit immediate value.
void Decoder::PrintImm26(Instruction* instr) {
int32_t imm = instr->Imm26Value();
out_buffer_pos_ += OS::SNPrintF(out_buffer_ + out_buffer_pos_, "%d", imm);
void Decoder::PrintXImm26(Instruction* instr) {
uint32_t imm = instr->Imm26Value() << kImmFieldShift;
out_buffer_pos_ += OS::SNPrintF(out_buffer_ + out_buffer_pos_, "0x%x", imm);
......@@ -383,9 +383,9 @@ int Decoder::FormatOption(Instruction* instr, const char* format) {
return 6;
} else {
ASSERT(STRING_STARTS_WITH(format, "imm26"));
return 5;
ASSERT(STRING_STARTS_WITH(format, "imm26x"));
return 6;
case 'r': { // 'r: registers.
......@@ -926,10 +926,10 @@ void Decoder::DecodeTypeImmediate(Instruction* instr) {
void Decoder::DecodeTypeJump(Instruction* instr) {
switch (instr->OpcodeFieldRaw()) {
case J:
Format(instr, "j 'imm26");
Format(instr, "j 'imm26x");
case JAL:
Format(instr, "jal 'imm26");
Format(instr, "jal 'imm26x");
......@@ -958,6 +958,7 @@ int Decoder::InstructionDecode(byte* instr_ptr) {
default: {
Format(instr, "UNSUPPORTED");
......@@ -87,7 +87,6 @@ static const RegList kCalleeSavedFPU =
static const int kNumCalleeSavedFPU = 6;
// Number of registers for which space is reserved in safepoints. Must be a
// multiple of 8.
// TODO(mips): Only 8 registers may actually be sufficient. Revisit.
static const int kNumSafepointRegisters = 24;
// Define the list of registers actually saved at safepoints.
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#if defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS)
#include "cpu.h"
#include "disasm.h"
#include "assembler.h"
#include "globals.h" // Need the BitCast.
......@@ -1215,6 +1216,8 @@ int32_t Simulator::get_pc() const {
int Simulator::ReadW(int32_t addr, Instruction* instr) {
if (addr >=0 && addr < 0x400) {
// This has to be a NULL-dereference, drop into debugger.
PrintF("Memory read from bad address: 0x%08x, pc=0x%08x\n",
addr, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(instr));
MipsDebugger dbg(this);
......@@ -1234,6 +1237,8 @@ int Simulator::ReadW(int32_t addr, Instruction* instr) {
void Simulator::WriteW(int32_t addr, int value, Instruction* instr) {
if (addr >= 0 && addr < 0x400) {
// This has to be a NULL-dereference, drop into debugger.
PrintF("Memory write to bad address: 0x%08x, pc=0x%08x\n",
addr, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(instr));
MipsDebugger dbg(this);
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