Commit a7f9c491 authored by's avatar

Use VLDR instead of VMOVs from GPR when a 64-bit double can't be encoded as a VMOV immediate.

This requires constant blinding before it can be enabled. There are other interesting optimizations that can be added later, detailed in a TODO.


Review URL:
Patch from JF Bastien <>.

git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 2e6a7c73
......@@ -309,8 +309,11 @@ const Instr kPopRegPattern =
// mov lr, pc
const Instr kMovLrPc = al | MOV | kRegister_pc_Code | kRegister_lr_Code * B12;
// ldr rd, [pc, #offset]
const Instr kLdrPCMask = kCondMask | 15 * B24 | 7 * B20 | 15 * B16;
const Instr kLdrPCPattern = al | 5 * B24 | L | kRegister_pc_Code * B16;
const Instr kLdrPCMask = 15 * B24 | 7 * B20 | 15 * B16;
const Instr kLdrPCPattern = 5 * B24 | L | kRegister_pc_Code * B16;
// vldr dd, [pc, #offset]
const Instr kVldrDPCMask = 15 * B24 | 3 * B20 | 15 * B16 | 15 * B8;
const Instr kVldrDPCPattern = 13 * B24 | L | kRegister_pc_Code * B16 | 11 * B8;
// blxcc rm
const Instr kBlxRegMask =
15 * B24 | 15 * B20 | 15 * B16 | 15 * B12 | 15 * B8 | 15 * B4;
......@@ -351,6 +354,7 @@ Assembler::Assembler(Isolate* isolate, void* buffer, int buffer_size)
positions_recorder_(this) {
reloc_info_writer.Reposition(buffer_ + buffer_size_, pc_);
num_pending_reloc_info_ = 0;
num_pending_64_bit_reloc_info_ = 0;
next_buffer_check_ = 0;
const_pool_blocked_nesting_ = 0;
no_const_pool_before_ = 0;
......@@ -369,6 +373,7 @@ void Assembler::GetCode(CodeDesc* desc) {
// Emit constant pool if necessary.
CheckConstPool(true, false);
ASSERT(num_pending_reloc_info_ == 0);
ASSERT(num_pending_64_bit_reloc_info_ == 0);
// Set up code descriptor.
desc->buffer = buffer_;
......@@ -415,6 +420,11 @@ bool Assembler::IsLdrRegisterImmediate(Instr instr) {
bool Assembler::IsVldrDRegisterImmediate(Instr instr) {
return (instr & (15 * B24 | 3 * B20 | 15 * B8)) == (13 * B24 | B20 | 11 * B8);
int Assembler::GetLdrRegisterImmediateOffset(Instr instr) {
bool positive = (instr & B23) == B23;
......@@ -423,6 +433,15 @@ int Assembler::GetLdrRegisterImmediateOffset(Instr instr) {
int Assembler::GetVldrDRegisterImmediateOffset(Instr instr) {
bool positive = (instr & B23) == B23;
int offset = instr & kOff8Mask; // Zero extended offset.
offset <<= 2;
return positive ? offset : -offset;
Instr Assembler::SetLdrRegisterImmediateOffset(Instr instr, int offset) {
bool positive = offset >= 0;
......@@ -435,6 +454,19 @@ Instr Assembler::SetLdrRegisterImmediateOffset(Instr instr, int offset) {
Instr Assembler::SetVldrDRegisterImmediateOffset(Instr instr, int offset) {
ASSERT((offset & ~3) == offset); // Must be 64-bit aligned.
bool positive = offset >= 0;
if (!positive) offset = -offset;
// Set bit indicating whether the offset should be added.
instr = (instr & ~B23) | (positive ? B23 : 0);
// Set the actual offset. Its bottom 2 bits are zero.
return (instr & ~kOff8Mask) | (offset >> 2);
bool Assembler::IsStrRegisterImmediate(Instr instr) {
return (instr & (B27 | B26 | B25 | B22 | B20)) == B26;
......@@ -520,7 +552,14 @@ bool Assembler::IsLdrRegFpNegOffset(Instr instr) {
bool Assembler::IsLdrPcImmediateOffset(Instr instr) {
// Check the instruction is indeed a
// ldr<cond> <Rd>, [pc +/- offset_12].
return (instr & (kLdrPCMask & ~kCondMask)) == 0x051f0000;
return (instr & kLdrPCMask) == kLdrPCPattern;
bool Assembler::IsVldrDPcImmediateOffset(Instr instr) {
// Check the instruction is indeed a
// vldr<cond> <Dd>, [pc +/- offset_10].
return (instr & kVldrDPCMask) == kVldrDPCPattern;
......@@ -796,7 +835,7 @@ bool Operand::must_output_reloc_info(const Assembler* assembler) const {
#endif // def DEBUG
if (assembler != NULL && assembler->predictable_code_size()) return true;
return Serializer::enabled();
} else if (rmode_ == RelocInfo::NONE) {
} else if (RelocInfo::IsNone(rmode_)) {
return false;
return true;
......@@ -2027,9 +2066,26 @@ void Assembler::vmov(const DwVfpRegister dst,
if (CpuFeatures::IsSupported(VFP3) && FitsVMOVDoubleImmediate(imm, &enc)) {
// The double can be encoded in the instruction.
emit(cond | 0xE*B24 | 0xB*B20 | dst.code()*B12 | 0xB*B8 | enc);
} else if (FLAG_enable_vldr_imm) {
// TODO(jfb) Temporarily turned off until we have constant blinding or
// some equivalent mitigation: an attacker can otherwise control
// generated data which also happens to be executable, a Very Bad
// Thing indeed.
// Blinding gets tricky because we don't have xor, we probably
// need to add/subtract without losing precision, which requires a
// cookie value that Lithium is probably better positioned to
// choose.
// We could also add a few peepholes here like detecting 0.0 and
// -0.0 and doing a vmov from the sequestered d14, forcing denorms
// to zero (we set flush-to-zero), and normalizing NaN values.
// We could also detect redundant values.
// The code could also randomize the order of values, though
// that's tricky because vldr has a limited reach. Furthermore
// it breaks load locality.
vldr(dst, MemOperand(pc, 0), cond);
} else {
// Synthesise the double from ARM immediates. This could be implemented
// using vldr from a constant pool.
// Synthesise the double from ARM immediates.
uint32_t lo, hi;
DoubleAsTwoUInt32(imm, &lo, &hi);
mov(ip, Operand(lo));
......@@ -2592,6 +2648,7 @@ void Assembler::db(uint8_t data) {
// to write pure data with no pointers and the constant pool should
// be emitted before using db.
ASSERT(num_pending_reloc_info_ == 0);
ASSERT(num_pending_64_bit_reloc_info_ == 0);
*reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(pc_) = data;
pc_ += sizeof(uint8_t);
......@@ -2603,6 +2660,7 @@ void Assembler::dd(uint32_t data) {
// to write pure data with no pointers and the constant pool should
// be emitted before using dd.
ASSERT(num_pending_reloc_info_ == 0);
ASSERT(num_pending_64_bit_reloc_info_ == 0);
*reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(pc_) = data;
pc_ += sizeof(uint32_t);
......@@ -2626,16 +2684,9 @@ void Assembler::RecordRelocInfo(RelocInfo::Mode rmode, intptr_t data,
// These modes do not need an entry in the constant pool.
} else {
ASSERT(num_pending_reloc_info_ < kMaxNumPendingRelocInfo);
if (num_pending_reloc_info_ == 0) {
first_const_pool_use_ = pc_offset();
pending_reloc_info_[num_pending_reloc_info_++] = rinfo;
// Make sure the constant pool is not emitted in place of the next
// instruction for which we just recorded relocation info.
if (rinfo.rmode() != RelocInfo::NONE) {
if (!RelocInfo::IsNone(rinfo.rmode())) {
// Don't record external references unless the heap will be serialized.
if (rmode == RelocInfo::EXTERNAL_REFERENCE) {
#ifdef DEBUG
......@@ -2661,14 +2712,38 @@ void Assembler::RecordRelocInfo(RelocInfo::Mode rmode, intptr_t data,
void Assembler::RecordRelocInfo(double data) {
// We do not try to reuse pool constants.
RelocInfo rinfo(pc_, data);
void Assembler::RecordRelocInfoConstantPoolEntryHelper(const RelocInfo& rinfo) {
ASSERT(num_pending_reloc_info_ < kMaxNumPendingRelocInfo);
if (num_pending_reloc_info_ == 0) {
first_const_pool_use_ = pc_offset();
pending_reloc_info_[num_pending_reloc_info_++] = rinfo;
if (rinfo.rmode() == RelocInfo::NONE64) {
ASSERT(num_pending_64_bit_reloc_info_ <= num_pending_reloc_info_);
// Make sure the constant pool is not emitted in place of the next
// instruction for which we just recorded relocation info.
void Assembler::BlockConstPoolFor(int instructions) {
int pc_limit = pc_offset() + instructions * kInstrSize;
if (no_const_pool_before_ < pc_limit) {
// If there are some pending entries, the constant pool cannot be blocked
// further than first_const_pool_use_ + kMaxDistToPool
// further than constant pool instruction's reach.
ASSERT((num_pending_reloc_info_ == 0) ||
(pc_limit < (first_const_pool_use_ + kMaxDistToPool)));
(pc_limit - first_const_pool_use_ < kMaxDistToIntPool));
// TODO(jfb) Also check 64-bit entries are in range (requires splitting
// them up from 32-bit entries).
no_const_pool_before_ = pc_limit;
......@@ -2690,29 +2765,60 @@ void Assembler::CheckConstPool(bool force_emit, bool require_jump) {
// There is nothing to do if there are no pending constant pool entries.
if (num_pending_reloc_info_ == 0) {
ASSERT(num_pending_64_bit_reloc_info_ == 0);
// Calculate the offset of the next check.
next_buffer_check_ = pc_offset() + kCheckPoolInterval;
// Check that the code buffer is large enough before emitting the constant
// pool (include the jump over the pool and the constant pool marker and
// the gap to the relocation information).
// Note 64-bit values are wider, and the first one needs to be 64-bit aligned.
int jump_instr = require_jump ? kInstrSize : 0;
int size_up_to_marker = jump_instr + kInstrSize;
int size_after_marker = num_pending_reloc_info_ * kPointerSize;
bool has_fp_values = (num_pending_64_bit_reloc_info_ > 0);
// 64-bit values must be 64-bit aligned.
// We'll start emitting at PC: branch+marker, then 32-bit values, then
// 64-bit values which might need to be aligned.
bool require_64_bit_align = has_fp_values &&
(((uintptr_t)pc_ + size_up_to_marker + size_after_marker) & 0x3);
if (require_64_bit_align) {
size_after_marker += kInstrSize;
// num_pending_reloc_info_ also contains 64-bit entries, the above code
// therefore already counted half of the size for 64-bit entries. Add the
// remaining size.
STATIC_ASSERT(kPointerSize == kDoubleSize / 2);
size_after_marker += num_pending_64_bit_reloc_info_ * (kDoubleSize / 2);
int size = size_up_to_marker + size_after_marker;
// We emit a constant pool when:
// * requested to do so by parameter force_emit (e.g. after each function).
// * the distance to the first instruction accessing the constant pool is
// kAvgDistToPool or more.
// * no jump is required and the distance to the first instruction accessing
// the constant pool is at least kMaxDistToPool / 2.
ASSERT(first_const_pool_use_ >= 0);
int dist = pc_offset() - first_const_pool_use_;
if (!force_emit && dist < kAvgDistToPool &&
(require_jump || (dist < (kMaxDistToPool / 2)))) {
// * the distance from the first instruction accessing the constant pool to
// any of the constant pool entries will exceed its limit the next
// time the pool is checked. This is overly restrictive, but we don't emit
// constant pool entries in-order so it's conservatively correct.
// * the instruction doesn't require a jump after itself to jump over the
// constant pool, and we're getting close to running out of range.
if (!force_emit) {
ASSERT((first_const_pool_use_ >= 0) && (num_pending_reloc_info_ > 0));
int dist = pc_offset() + size - first_const_pool_use_;
if (has_fp_values) {
if ((dist < kMaxDistToFPPool - kCheckPoolInterval) &&
(require_jump || (dist < kMaxDistToFPPool / 2))) {
} else {
if ((dist < kMaxDistToIntPool - kCheckPoolInterval) &&
(require_jump || (dist < kMaxDistToIntPool / 2))) {
// Check that the code buffer is large enough before emitting the constant
// pool (include the jump over the pool and the constant pool marker and
// the gap to the relocation information).
int jump_instr = require_jump ? kInstrSize : 0;
int size = jump_instr + kInstrSize + num_pending_reloc_info_ * kPointerSize;
int needed_space = size + kGap;
while (buffer_space() <= needed_space) GrowBuffer();
......@@ -2729,10 +2835,43 @@ void Assembler::CheckConstPool(bool force_emit, bool require_jump) {
// Put down constant pool marker "Undefined instruction".
emit(kConstantPoolMarker |
// The data size helps disassembly know what to print.
emit(kConstantPoolMarker | EncodeConstantPoolLength(size_after_marker));
if (require_64_bit_align) {
// Emit 64-bit constant pool entries first: their range is smaller than
// 32-bit entries.
for (int i = 0; i < num_pending_reloc_info_; i++) {
RelocInfo& rinfo = pending_reloc_info_[i];
if (rinfo.rmode() != RelocInfo::NONE64) {
// 32-bit values emitted later.
// Emit constant pool entries.
ASSERT(!((uintptr_t)pc_ & 0x3)); // Check 64-bit alignment.
Instr instr = instr_at(rinfo.pc());
// Instruction to patch must be 'vldr rd, [pc, #offset]' with offset == 0.
ASSERT((IsVldrDPcImmediateOffset(instr) &&
GetVldrDRegisterImmediateOffset(instr) == 0));
int delta = pc_ - rinfo.pc() - kPcLoadDelta;
instr_at_put(rinfo.pc(), SetVldrDRegisterImmediateOffset(instr, delta));
const double double_data = rinfo.data64();
uint64_t uint_data = 0;
memcpy(&uint_data, &double_data, sizeof(double_data));
emit(uint_data & 0xFFFFFFFF);
emit(uint_data >> 32);
// Emit 32-bit constant pool entries.
for (int i = 0; i < num_pending_reloc_info_; i++) {
RelocInfo& rinfo = pending_reloc_info_[i];
ASSERT(rinfo.rmode() != RelocInfo::COMMENT &&
......@@ -2740,25 +2879,35 @@ void Assembler::CheckConstPool(bool force_emit, bool require_jump) {
rinfo.rmode() != RelocInfo::STATEMENT_POSITION &&
rinfo.rmode() != RelocInfo::CONST_POOL);
if (rinfo.rmode() == RelocInfo::NONE64) {
// 64-bit values emitted earlier.
Instr instr = instr_at(rinfo.pc());
// Instruction to patch must be 'ldr rd, [pc, #offset]' with offset == 0.
if (IsLdrPcImmediateOffset(instr) &&
GetLdrRegisterImmediateOffset(instr) == 0) {
// 64-bit loads shouldn't get here.
int delta = pc_ - rinfo.pc() - kPcLoadDelta;
// 0 is the smallest delta:
// ldr rd, [pc, #0]
// constant pool marker
// data
if (IsLdrPcImmediateOffset(instr) &&
GetLdrRegisterImmediateOffset(instr) == 0) {
instr_at_put(rinfo.pc(), SetLdrRegisterImmediateOffset(instr, delta));
} else {
num_pending_reloc_info_ = 0;
num_pending_64_bit_reloc_info_ = 0;
first_const_pool_use_ = -1;
......@@ -1278,8 +1278,11 @@ class Assembler : public AssemblerBase {
static bool IsBranch(Instr instr);
static int GetBranchOffset(Instr instr);
static bool IsLdrRegisterImmediate(Instr instr);
static bool IsVldrDRegisterImmediate(Instr instr);
static int GetLdrRegisterImmediateOffset(Instr instr);
static int GetVldrDRegisterImmediateOffset(Instr instr);
static Instr SetLdrRegisterImmediateOffset(Instr instr, int offset);
static Instr SetVldrDRegisterImmediateOffset(Instr instr, int offset);
static bool IsStrRegisterImmediate(Instr instr);
static Instr SetStrRegisterImmediateOffset(Instr instr, int offset);
static bool IsAddRegisterImmediate(Instr instr);
......@@ -1294,6 +1297,7 @@ class Assembler : public AssemblerBase {
static bool IsStrRegFpNegOffset(Instr instr);
static bool IsLdrRegFpNegOffset(Instr instr);
static bool IsLdrPcImmediateOffset(Instr instr);
static bool IsVldrDPcImmediateOffset(Instr instr);
static bool IsTstImmediate(Instr instr);
static bool IsCmpRegister(Instr instr);
static bool IsCmpImmediate(Instr instr);
......@@ -1304,12 +1308,13 @@ class Assembler : public AssemblerBase {
static bool IsMovW(Instr instr);
// Constants in pools are accessed via pc relative addressing, which can
// reach +/-4KB thereby defining a maximum distance between the instruction
// and the accessed constant.
static const int kMaxDistToPool = 4*KB;
static const int kMaxNumPendingRelocInfo = kMaxDistToPool/kInstrSize;
STATIC_ASSERT((kConstantPoolLengthMaxMask & kMaxNumPendingRelocInfo) ==
// reach +/-4KB for integer PC-relative loads and +/-1KB for floating-point
// PC-relative loads, thereby defining a maximum distance between the
// instruction and the accessed constant.
static const int kMaxDistToIntPool = 4*KB;
static const int kMaxDistToFPPool = 1*KB;
// All relocations could be integer, it therefore acts as the limit.
static const int kMaxNumPendingRelocInfo = kMaxDistToIntPool/kInstrSize;
// Postpone the generation of the constant pool for the specified number of
// instructions.
......@@ -1349,7 +1354,9 @@ class Assembler : public AssemblerBase {
if (--const_pool_blocked_nesting_ == 0) {
// Check the constant pool hasn't been blocked for too long.
ASSERT((num_pending_reloc_info_ == 0) ||
(pc_offset() < (first_const_pool_use_ + kMaxDistToPool)));
(pc_offset() < (first_const_pool_use_ + kMaxDistToIntPool)));
ASSERT((num_pending_64_bit_reloc_info_ == 0) ||
(pc_offset() < (first_const_pool_use_ + kMaxDistToFPPool)));
// Two cases:
// * no_const_pool_before_ >= next_buffer_check_ and the emission is
// still blocked
......@@ -1392,13 +1399,6 @@ class Assembler : public AssemblerBase {
static const int kCheckPoolInterval = kCheckPoolIntervalInst * kInstrSize;
// Average distance beetween a constant pool and the first instruction
// accessing the constant pool. Longer distance should result in less I-cache
// pollution.
// In practice the distance will be smaller since constant pool emission is
// forced after function return and sometimes after unconditional branches.
static const int kAvgDistToPool = kMaxDistToPool - kCheckPoolInterval;
// Emission of the constant pool may be blocked in some code sequences.
int const_pool_blocked_nesting_; // Block emission if this is not zero.
int no_const_pool_before_; // Block emission before this pc offset.
......@@ -1423,6 +1423,9 @@ class Assembler : public AssemblerBase {
RelocInfo pending_reloc_info_[kMaxNumPendingRelocInfo];
// number of pending reloc info entries in the buffer
int num_pending_reloc_info_;
// Number of pending reloc info entries included above which also happen to
// be 64-bit.
int num_pending_64_bit_reloc_info_;
// The bound position, before this we cannot do instruction elimination.
int last_bound_pos_;
......@@ -1459,6 +1462,8 @@ class Assembler : public AssemblerBase {
// Record reloc info for current pc_
void RecordRelocInfo(RelocInfo::Mode rmode, intptr_t data = 0,
UseConstantPoolMode mode = USE_CONSTANT_POOL);
void RecordRelocInfo(double data);
void RecordRelocInfoConstantPoolEntryHelper(const RelocInfo& rinfo);
friend class RegExpMacroAssemblerARM;
friend class RelocInfo;
......@@ -267,7 +267,8 @@ enum {
kCoprocessorMask = 15 << 8,
kOpCodeMask = 15 << 21, // In data-processing instructions.
kImm24Mask = (1 << 24) - 1,
kOff12Mask = (1 << 12) - 1
kOff12Mask = (1 << 12) - 1,
kOff8Mask = (1 << 8) - 1
......@@ -464,6 +465,9 @@ extern const Instr kMovLrPc;
// ldr rd, [pc, #offset]
extern const Instr kLdrPCMask;
extern const Instr kLdrPCPattern;
// vldr dd, [pc, #offset]
extern const Instr kVldrDPCMask;
extern const Instr kVldrDPCPattern;
// blxcc rm
extern const Instr kBlxRegMask;
......@@ -693,7 +693,9 @@ RelocIterator::RelocIterator(const CodeDesc& desc, int mode_mask) {
const char* RelocInfo::RelocModeName(RelocInfo::Mode rmode) {
switch (rmode) {
case RelocInfo::NONE:
return "no reloc";
return "no reloc 32";
case RelocInfo::NONE64:
return "no reloc 64";
case RelocInfo::EMBEDDED_OBJECT:
return "embedded object";
case RelocInfo::CONSTRUCT_CALL:
......@@ -817,6 +819,7 @@ void RelocInfo::Verify() {
case NONE:
case NONE64:
......@@ -248,7 +248,8 @@ class RelocInfo BASE_EMBEDDED {
// add more as needed
// Pseudo-types
NUMBER_OF_MODES, // There are at most 15 modes with noncompact encoding.
NONE, // never recorded
NONE, // never recorded 32-bit value
NONE64, // never recorded 64-bit value
CODE_AGE_SEQUENCE, // Not stored in RelocInfo array, used explictly by
// code aging.
......@@ -268,6 +269,9 @@ class RelocInfo BASE_EMBEDDED {
RelocInfo(byte* pc, Mode rmode, intptr_t data, Code* host)
: pc_(pc), rmode_(rmode), data_(data), host_(host) {
RelocInfo(byte* pc, double data64)
: pc_(pc), rmode_(NONE64), data64_(data64), host_(NULL) {
static inline bool IsRealRelocMode(Mode mode) {
return mode >= FIRST_REAL_RELOC_MODE &&
......@@ -315,6 +319,9 @@ class RelocInfo BASE_EMBEDDED {
static inline bool IsDebugBreakSlot(Mode mode) {
return mode == DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT;
static inline bool IsNone(Mode mode) {
return mode == NONE || mode == NONE64;
static inline bool IsCodeAgeSequence(Mode mode) {
return mode == CODE_AGE_SEQUENCE;
......@@ -325,6 +332,7 @@ class RelocInfo BASE_EMBEDDED {
void set_pc(byte* pc) { pc_ = pc; }
Mode rmode() const { return rmode_; }
intptr_t data() const { return data_; }
double data64() const { return data64_; }
Code* host() const { return host_; }
// Apply a relocation by delta bytes
......@@ -423,7 +431,10 @@ class RelocInfo BASE_EMBEDDED {
// comment).
byte* pc_;
Mode rmode_;
union {
intptr_t data_;
double data64_;
Code* host_;
// Code and Embedded Object pointers on some platforms are stored split
// across two consecutive 32-bit instructions. Heap management
......@@ -300,6 +300,8 @@ DEFINE_bool(enable_unaligned_accesses, true,
"enable unaligned accesses for ARMv7 (ARM only)")
DEFINE_bool(enable_fpu, true,
"enable use of MIPS FPU instructions if available (MIPS only)")
DEFINE_bool(enable_vldr_imm, false,
"enable use of constant pools for double immediate (ARM only)")
DEFINE_string(expose_natives_as, NULL, "expose natives in global object")
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