Use phase-local zone in the graph builder.

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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 3647fe80
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class ControlBuilder {
typedef StructuredGraphBuilder Builder;
typedef StructuredGraphBuilder::Environment Environment;
Zone* zone() const { return builder_->zone(); }
Zone* zone() const { return builder_->local_zone(); }
Environment* environment() { return builder_->environment(); }
void set_environment(Environment* env) { builder_->set_environment(env); }
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ StructuredGraphBuilder::StructuredGraphBuilder(Graph* graph,
: GraphBuilder(graph),
exit_control_(NULL) {}
......@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ Node* StructuredGraphBuilder::MakeNode(const Operator* op,
if (has_framestate) ++input_count_with_deps;
if (has_control) ++input_count_with_deps;
if (has_effect) ++input_count_with_deps;
Node** buffer = zone()->NewArray<Node*>(input_count_with_deps);
Node** buffer = local_zone()->NewArray<Node*>(input_count_with_deps);
memcpy(buffer, value_inputs, kPointerSize * value_input_count);
Node** current_input = buffer + value_input_count;
if (has_context) {
......@@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ void StructuredGraphBuilder::UpdateControlDependencyToLeaveFunction(
StructuredGraphBuilder::Environment* StructuredGraphBuilder::CopyEnvironment(
Environment* env) {
return new (zone()) Environment(*env);
return new (local_zone()) Environment(*env);
......@@ -163,7 +164,7 @@ void StructuredGraphBuilder::Environment::PrepareForLoop() {
Node* StructuredGraphBuilder::NewPhi(int count, Node* input, Node* control) {
const Operator* phi_op = common()->Phi(kMachAnyTagged, count);
Node** buffer = zone()->NewArray<Node*>(count + 1);
Node** buffer = local_zone()->NewArray<Node*>(count + 1);
MemsetPointer(buffer, input, count);
buffer[count] = control;
return graph()->NewNode(phi_op, count + 1, buffer);
......@@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ Node* StructuredGraphBuilder::NewPhi(int count, Node* input, Node* control) {
Node* StructuredGraphBuilder::NewEffectPhi(int count, Node* input,
Node* control) {
const Operator* phi_op = common()->EffectPhi(count);
Node** buffer = zone()->NewArray<Node*>(count + 1);
Node** buffer = local_zone()->NewArray<Node*>(count + 1);
MemsetPointer(buffer, input, count);
buffer[count] = control;
return graph()->NewNode(phi_op, count + 1, buffer);
......@@ -186,12 +187,12 @@ Node* StructuredGraphBuilder::MergeControl(Node* control, Node* other) {
if (control->opcode() == IrOpcode::kLoop) {
// Control node for loop exists, add input.
const Operator* op = common()->Loop(inputs);
control->AppendInput(zone(), other);
control->AppendInput(graph_zone(), other);
} else if (control->opcode() == IrOpcode::kMerge) {
// Control node for merge exists, add input.
const Operator* op = common()->Merge(inputs);
control->AppendInput(zone(), other);
control->AppendInput(graph_zone(), other);
} else {
// Control node is a singleton, introduce a merge.
......@@ -209,7 +210,7 @@ Node* StructuredGraphBuilder::MergeEffect(Node* value, Node* other,
NodeProperties::GetControlInput(value) == control) {
// Phi already exists, add input.
value->InsertInput(zone(), inputs - 1, other);
value->InsertInput(graph_zone(), inputs - 1, other);
} else if (value != other) {
// Phi does not exist yet, introduce one.
value = NewEffectPhi(inputs, value, control);
......@@ -226,7 +227,7 @@ Node* StructuredGraphBuilder::MergeValue(Node* value, Node* other,
NodeProperties::GetControlInput(value) == control) {
// Phi already exists, add input.
value->set_op(common()->Phi(kMachAnyTagged, inputs));
value->InsertInput(zone(), inputs - 1, other);
value->InsertInput(graph_zone(), inputs - 1, other);
} else if (value != other) {
// Phi does not exist yet, introduce one.
value = NewPhi(inputs, value, control);
......@@ -122,9 +122,9 @@ class StructuredGraphBuilder : public GraphBuilder {
Node* dead_control();
// TODO(mstarzinger): Use phase-local zone instead!
Zone* zone() const { return graph()->zone(); }
Isolate* isolate() const { return zone()->isolate(); }
Zone* graph_zone() const { return graph()->zone(); }
Zone* local_zone() { return &local_zone_; }
Isolate* isolate() const { return graph_zone()->isolate(); }
CommonOperatorBuilder* common() const { return common_; }
// Helper to wrap a Handle<T> into a Unique<T>.
......@@ -144,6 +144,9 @@ class StructuredGraphBuilder : public GraphBuilder {
CommonOperatorBuilder* common_;
Environment* environment_;
// Zone local to the builder for data not leaking into the graph.
Zone local_zone_;
// Node representing the control dependency for dead code.
SetOncePointer<Node> dead_control_;
......@@ -207,8 +210,7 @@ class StructuredGraphBuilder::Environment : public ZoneObject {
Node* GetContext() { return builder_->current_context(); }
// TODO(mstarzinger): Use phase-local zone instead!
Zone* zone() const { return graph()->zone(); }
Zone* zone() const { return builder_->local_zone(); }
Graph* graph() const { return builder_->graph(); }
StructuredGraphBuilder* builder() const { return builder_; }
CommonOperatorBuilder* common() { return builder_->common(); }
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