Commit a538d945 authored by adamk's avatar adamk Committed by Commit bot

Teach ModuleDescriptor about basic local exports

Add() becomes AddLocalExport, which takes an export_name and a local_name.
New parsing tests exercise this.

Also start generating exports for default exports (though this doesn't yet
handle anonymous default exports).


Review URL:

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#26758}
parent e0110920
......@@ -234,6 +234,7 @@ class AstValue : public ZoneObject {
F(anonymous_function, "(anonymous function)") \
F(arguments, "arguments") \
F(constructor, "constructor") \
F(default, "default") \
F(done, "done") \
F(dot, ".") \
F(dot_for, ".for") \
......@@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ var kMessages = {
symbol_to_string: ["Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string"],
symbol_to_primitive: ["Cannot convert a Symbol wrapper object to a primitive value"],
symbol_to_number: ["Cannot convert a Symbol value to a number"],
invalid_module_path: ["Module does not export '", "%0", "', or export is not itself a module"],
module_export_undefined: ["Export '", "%0", "' is not defined in module"],
duplicate_export: ["Duplicate export of '", "%0", "'"],
unexpected_super: ["'super' keyword unexpected here"],
extends_value_not_a_function: ["Class extends value ", "%0", " is not a function or null"],
prototype_parent_not_an_object: ["Class extends value does not have valid prototype property ", "%0"],
......@@ -11,28 +11,27 @@
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Addition.
void ModuleDescriptor::Add(const AstRawString* name, Zone* zone, bool* ok) {
void* key = const_cast<AstRawString*>(name);
void ModuleDescriptor::AddLocalExport(const AstRawString* export_name,
const AstRawString* local_name,
Zone* zone, bool* ok) {
void* key = const_cast<AstRawString*>(export_name);
ZoneHashMap** map = &exports_;
ZoneAllocationPolicy allocator(zone);
if (*map == nullptr) {
*map = new (zone->New(sizeof(ZoneHashMap)))
if (exports_ == nullptr) {
exports_ = new (zone->New(sizeof(ZoneHashMap)))
ZoneHashMap::kDefaultHashMapCapacity, allocator);
ZoneHashMap::Entry* p =
(*map)->Lookup(key, name->hash(), !IsFrozen(), allocator);
exports_->Lookup(key, export_name->hash(), !IsFrozen(), allocator);
if (p == nullptr || p->value != nullptr) {
*ok = false;
p->value = key;
p->value = const_cast<AstRawString*>(local_name);
} // namespace v8::internal
......@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ class ModuleDescriptor : public ZoneObject {
// Add a name to the list of exports. If it already exists, or this descriptor
// is frozen, that's an error.
void Add(const AstRawString* name, Zone* zone, bool* ok);
void AddLocalExport(const AstRawString* export_name,
const AstRawString* local_name, Zone* zone, bool* ok);
// Do not allow any further refinements, directly or through unification.
void Freeze() { frozen_ = true; }
......@@ -67,10 +68,14 @@ class ModuleDescriptor : public ZoneObject {
class Iterator {
bool done() const { return entry_ == NULL; }
const AstRawString* name() const {
const AstRawString* export_name() const {
return static_cast<const AstRawString*>(entry_->key);
const AstRawString* local_name() const {
return static_cast<const AstRawString*>(entry_->value);
void Advance() { entry_ = exports_->Next(entry_); }
......@@ -1290,8 +1290,11 @@ Statement* Parser::ParseModule(bool* ok) {
ModuleDescriptor* descriptor = scope->module();
for (ModuleDescriptor::Iterator it = descriptor->iterator(); !it.done();
it.Advance()) {
if (scope->LookupLocal( == NULL) {
if (scope->LookupLocal(it.local_name()) == NULL) {
// TODO(adamk): Pass both local_name and export_name once ParserTraits
// supports multiple arg error messages.
// Also try to report this at a better location.
ParserTraits::ReportMessage("module_export_undefined", it.local_name());
*ok = false;
return NULL;
......@@ -1312,7 +1315,9 @@ Literal* Parser::ParseModuleSpecifier(bool* ok) {
void* Parser::ParseExportClause(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* names,
void* Parser::ParseExportClause(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* export_names,
ZoneList<Scanner::Location>* export_locations,
ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* local_names,
Scanner::Location* reserved_loc, bool* ok) {
// ExportClause :
// '{' '}'
......@@ -1337,14 +1342,17 @@ void* Parser::ParseExportClause(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* names,
!Token::IsIdentifier(name_tok, STRICT, false)) {
*reserved_loc = scanner()->location();
const AstRawString* name = ParseIdentifierName(CHECK_OK);
names->Add(name, zone());
const AstRawString* local_name = ParseIdentifierName(CHECK_OK);
const AstRawString* export_name = NULL;
if (CheckContextualKeyword(CStrVector("as"))) {
export_name = ParseIdentifierName(CHECK_OK);
// TODO(ES6): Return the export_name as well as the name.
if (export_name == NULL) {
export_name = local_name;
export_names->Add(export_name, zone());
local_names->Add(local_name, zone());
export_locations->Add(scanner()->location(), zone());
if (peek() == Token::RBRACE) break;
Expect(Token::COMMA, CHECK_OK);
......@@ -1488,16 +1496,20 @@ Statement* Parser::ParseExportDefault(bool* ok) {
// 'export' 'default' ClassDeclaration
// 'export' 'default' AssignmentExpression[In] ';'
Expect(Token::DEFAULT, CHECK_OK);
Scanner::Location default_loc = scanner()->location();
ZoneList<const AstRawString*> names(1, zone());
Statement* result = NULL;
switch (peek()) {
case Token::FUNCTION:
// TODO(ES6): Support parsing anonymous function declarations here.
result = ParseFunctionDeclaration(NULL, CHECK_OK);
result = ParseFunctionDeclaration(&names, CHECK_OK);
case Token::CLASS:
// TODO(ES6): Support parsing anonymous class declarations here.
result = ParseClassDeclaration(NULL, CHECK_OK);
result = ParseClassDeclaration(&names, CHECK_OK);
default: {
......@@ -1509,7 +1521,20 @@ Statement* Parser::ParseExportDefault(bool* ok) {
// TODO(ES6): Add default export to scope_->module()
const AstRawString* default_string = ast_value_factory()->default_string();
DCHECK_LE(names.length(), 1);
if (names.length() == 1) {
scope_->module()->AddLocalExport(default_string, names.first(), zone(), ok);
if (!*ok) {
ParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(default_loc, "duplicate_export",
return NULL;
} else {
// TODO(ES6): Assign result to a const binding with the name "*default*"
// and add an export entry with "*default*" as the local name.
return result;
......@@ -1528,10 +1553,8 @@ Statement* Parser::ParseExportDeclaration(bool* ok) {
Statement* result = NULL;
ZoneList<const AstRawString*> names(1, zone());
bool is_export_from = false;
switch (peek()) {
case Token::DEFAULT:
return ParseExportDefault(ok);
case Token::MUL: {
......@@ -1539,12 +1562,9 @@ Statement* Parser::ParseExportDeclaration(bool* ok) {
ExpectContextualKeyword(CStrVector("from"), CHECK_OK);
Literal* module = ParseModuleSpecifier(CHECK_OK);
// TODO(ES6): Do something with the return value
// of ParseModuleSpecifier.
// TODO(ES6): scope_->module()->AddStarExport(...)
is_export_from = true;
result = factory()->NewEmptyStatement(pos);
return factory()->NewEmptyStatement(pos);
case Token::LBRACE: {
......@@ -1560,13 +1580,14 @@ Statement* Parser::ParseExportDeclaration(bool* ok) {
// encountered, and then throw a SyntaxError if we are in the
// non-FromClause case.
Scanner::Location reserved_loc = Scanner::Location::invalid();
ParseExportClause(&names, &reserved_loc, CHECK_OK);
ZoneList<const AstRawString*> export_names(1, zone());
ZoneList<Scanner::Location> export_locations(1, zone());
ZoneList<const AstRawString*> local_names(1, zone());
ParseExportClause(&export_names, &export_locations, &local_names,
&reserved_loc, CHECK_OK);
Literal* indirect_export_module_specifier = NULL;
if (CheckContextualKeyword(CStrVector("from"))) {
Literal* module = ParseModuleSpecifier(CHECK_OK);
// TODO(ES6): Do something with the return value
// of ParseModuleSpecifier.
is_export_from = true;
indirect_export_module_specifier = ParseModuleSpecifier(CHECK_OK);
} else if (reserved_loc.IsValid()) {
// No FromClause, so reserved words are invalid in ExportClause.
*ok = false;
......@@ -1574,8 +1595,25 @@ Statement* Parser::ParseExportDeclaration(bool* ok) {
return NULL;
result = factory()->NewEmptyStatement(pos);
const int length = export_names.length();
DCHECK_EQ(length, local_names.length());
DCHECK_EQ(length, export_locations.length());
if (indirect_export_module_specifier == NULL) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
scope_->module()->AddLocalExport(export_names[i], local_names[i],
zone(), ok);
if (!*ok) {
"duplicate_export", export_names[i]);
return NULL;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
// TODO(ES6): scope_->module()->AddIndirectExport(...);(
return factory()->NewEmptyStatement(pos);
case Token::FUNCTION:
......@@ -1598,37 +1636,18 @@ Statement* Parser::ParseExportDeclaration(bool* ok) {
return NULL;
// Every export of a module may be assigned.
for (int i = 0; i < names.length(); ++i) {
Variable* var = scope_->Lookup(names[i]);
if (var == NULL) {
// TODO(sigurds) This is an export that has no definition yet,
// not clear what to do in this case.
if (!IsImmutableVariableMode(var->mode())) {
// TODO(ES6): Handle 'export from' once imports are properly implemented.
// For now we just drop such exports on the floor.
if (!is_export_from) {
// Extract declared names into export declarations and module descriptor.
// Extract declared names into export declarations.
ModuleDescriptor* descriptor = scope_->module();
for (int i = 0; i < names.length(); ++i) {
// TODO(adamk): Make early errors here provide the right error message
// (duplicate exported names).
descriptor->Add(names[i], zone(), CHECK_OK);
// TODO(rossberg): Rethink whether we actually need to store export
// declarations (for compilation?).
// ExportDeclaration* declaration =
// factory()->NewExportDeclaration(proxy, scope_, position);
// scope_->AddDeclaration(declaration);
descriptor->AddLocalExport(names[i], names[i], zone(), ok);
if (!*ok) {
// TODO(adamk): Possibly report this error at the right place.
ParserTraits::ReportMessage("duplicate_export", names[i]);
return NULL;
DCHECK(result != NULL);
return result;
......@@ -713,7 +713,9 @@ class Parser : public ParserBase<ParserTraits> {
Statement* ParseImportDeclaration(bool* ok);
Statement* ParseExportDeclaration(bool* ok);
Statement* ParseExportDefault(bool* ok);
void* ParseExportClause(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* names,
void* ParseExportClause(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* export_names,
ZoneList<Scanner::Location>* export_locations,
ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* local_names,
Scanner::Location* reserved_loc, bool* ok);
void* ParseNamedImports(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* names, bool* ok);
Statement* ParseStatement(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* labels, bool* ok);
......@@ -560,8 +560,8 @@ Handle<ModuleInfo> ModuleInfo::Create(Isolate* isolate,
int i = 0;
for (ModuleDescriptor::Iterator it = descriptor->iterator(); !it.done();
it.Advance(), ++i) {
Variable* var = scope->LookupLocal(;
info->set_name(i, *(>string()));
Variable* var = scope->LookupLocal(it.local_name());
info->set_name(i, *(it.export_name()->string()));
info->set_mode(i, var->mode());
DCHECK(var->index() >= 0);
info->set_index(i, var->index());
......@@ -63,9 +63,6 @@
# are actually 13 * 38 * 5 * 128 = 316160 individual tests hidden here.
'test-parsing/ParserSync': [PASS, NO_VARIANTS],
# Modules are busted
'test-parsing/ExportsMaybeAssigned': [SKIP],
# This tests only the type system, so there is no point in running several
# variants.
'test-hydrogen-types/*': [PASS, NO_VARIANTS],
......@@ -3246,70 +3246,6 @@ TEST(IfArgumentsArrayAccessedThenParametersMaybeAssigned) {
TEST(ExportsMaybeAssigned) {
i::FLAG_use_strict = true;
i::FLAG_harmony_scoping = true;
i::FLAG_harmony_modules = true;
i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate();
i::Factory* factory = isolate->factory();
i::HandleScope scope(isolate);
LocalContext env;
const char* src =
"module A {"
" export var x = 1;"
" export function f() { return x };"
" export const y = 2;"
" module B {}"
" export module C {}"
i::ScopedVector<char> program(Utf8LengthHelper(src) + 1);
i::SNPrintF(program, "%s", src);
i::Handle<i::String> source = factory->InternalizeUtf8String(program.start());
i::Zone zone;
v8::Local<v8::Value> v = CompileRun(src);
i::Handle<i::Object> o = v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*v);
i::Handle<i::JSFunction> f = i::Handle<i::JSFunction>::cast(o);
i::Context* context = f->context();
i::AstValueFactory avf(&zone, isolate->heap()->HashSeed());
i::Scope* script_scope =
new (&zone) i::Scope(&zone, NULL, i::SCRIPT_SCOPE, &avf);
i::Scope* s =
i::Scope::DeserializeScopeChain(isolate, &zone, context, script_scope);
DCHECK(s != script_scope);
const i::AstRawString* name_x = avf.GetOneByteString("x");
const i::AstRawString* name_f = avf.GetOneByteString("f");
const i::AstRawString* name_y = avf.GetOneByteString("y");
const i::AstRawString* name_B = avf.GetOneByteString("B");
const i::AstRawString* name_C = avf.GetOneByteString("C");
// Get result from h's function context (that is f's context)
i::Variable* var_x = s->Lookup(name_x);
CHECK(var_x != NULL);
CHECK(var_x->maybe_assigned() == i::kMaybeAssigned);
i::Variable* var_f = s->Lookup(name_f);
CHECK(var_f != NULL);
CHECK(var_f->maybe_assigned() == i::kMaybeAssigned);
i::Variable* var_y = s->Lookup(name_y);
CHECK(var_y != NULL);
CHECK(var_y->maybe_assigned() == i::kNotAssigned);
i::Variable* var_B = s->Lookup(name_B);
CHECK(var_B != NULL);
CHECK(var_B->maybe_assigned() == i::kNotAssigned);
i::Variable* var_C = s->Lookup(name_C);
CHECK(var_C != NULL);
CHECK(var_C->maybe_assigned() == i::kNotAssigned);
TEST(InnerAssignment) {
i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate();
i::Factory* factory = isolate->factory();
......@@ -5108,6 +5044,7 @@ TEST(BasicImportExportParsing) {
"export { yield } from 'm.js'",
"export { static } from 'm.js'",
"export { let } from 'm.js'",
"var a; export { a as b, a as c };",
"import 'somemodule.js';",
"import { } from 'm.js';",
......@@ -5211,6 +5148,10 @@ TEST(ImportExportParsingErrors) {
"export { arguments }",
"export { arguments as foo }",
"var a; export { a, a };",
"var a, b; export { a as b, b };",
"var a, b; export { a as c, b as c };",
"export default function f(){}; export default class C {};",
"export default function f(){}; var a; export { a as default };",
"import from;",
"import from 'm.js';",
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
var a, b;
export { a as c };
export { a, b as c };
# Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
*%(basename)s:9: SyntaxError: Duplicate export of 'c'
export { a, b as c };
SyntaxError: Duplicate export of 'c'
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
export default function f() {};
export default class C {};
# Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
*%(basename)s:8: SyntaxError: Duplicate export of 'default'
export default class C {};
SyntaxError: Duplicate export of 'default'
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
var a, b;
export { a };
export { a, b };
# Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
*%(basename)s:9: SyntaxError: Duplicate export of 'a'
export { a, b };
SyntaxError: Duplicate export of 'a'
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ from testrunner.objects import testcase
FLAGS_PATTERN = re.compile(r"//\s+Flags:(.*)")
INVALID_FLAGS = ["--enable-slow-asserts"]
MODULE_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^// MODULE$", flags=re.MULTILINE)
class MessageTestSuite(testsuite.TestSuite):
......@@ -63,6 +64,8 @@ class MessageTestSuite(testsuite.TestSuite):
for match in flags_match:
result += match.strip().split()
result += context.mode_flags
result = [x for x in result if x not in INVALID_FLAGS]
result.append(os.path.join(self.root, testcase.path + ".js"))
return testcase.flags + result
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