Commit a42a2f41 authored by Camillo Bruni's avatar Camillo Bruni Committed by V8 LUCI CQ

[tools] Add variants support for

We usually run benchmarks in multiple variants: default, future, noopt
This is currently only achieved by copying the run-perf json file and
changing the flags at the top-level (or copy whole subsections).

Using "variants" we can duplicate the tests at the current level with
different values and easily create benchmarks that differ only in v8

- Add Node.__iter__ and log the whole config graph in debug mode
- Add GraphConfig.__str__ method for better debugging
- Rename TraceConfig to LeafTraceConfig
- Rename RunnableTraceConfig to RunnableLeafTraceConfig
- Make --filter accept a regexp to better filter out variants

Bug: v8:12821, v8:11113
Change-Id: I56a2ba2dd24da15c7757406e9961746219cd8061
Reviewed-on: 's avatarMichael Achenbach <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarTamer Tas <>
Commit-Queue: Camillo Bruni <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#80307}
parent 0e9a55d2
......@@ -24,6 +24,13 @@ The suite json format is expected to be:
"retry_count": <how many times to retry failures (in addition to first try)",
"retry_count_XXX": <how many times to retry failures for arch XXX>
"resources": [<js file to be moved to android device>, ...]
"variants": [
"name": <name of the variant>,
"flags": [<flag to the test file>, ...],
<other suite properties>
}, ...
"main": <main js perf runner file>,
"results_regexp": <optional regexp>,
"results_processor": <optional python results processor script>,
......@@ -57,6 +64,10 @@ The results_regexp will be applied to the processed output.
A suite without "tests" is considered a performance test itself.
Variants can be used to run different configurations at the current level. This
essentially copies the sub suites at the current level and can be used to avoid
duplicating a lot of nested "tests" were for instance only the "flags" change.
Full example (suite with one runner):
"path": ["."],
......@@ -81,10 +92,15 @@ Full example (suite with several runners):
"path": ["."],
"owners": ["", ""],
"flags": ["--expose-gc"],
"archs": ["ia32", "x64"],
"flags": ["--expose-gc"]},
"run_count": 5,
"units": "score",
"variants:" {
{"name": "default", "flags": []},
{"name": "future", "flags": ["--future"]},
{"name": "noopt", "flags": ["--noopt"]},
"tests": [
{"name": "Richards",
"path": ["richards"],
......@@ -243,7 +259,7 @@ class ResultTracker(object):
True if specified confidence level have been achieved.
if not isinstance(graph_config, TraceConfig):
if not isinstance(graph_config, LeafTraceConfig):
return all(self.HasEnoughRuns(child, confidence_level)
for child in graph_config.children)
......@@ -300,6 +316,11 @@ class Node(object):
def children(self):
return self._children
def __iter__(self):
yield self
for child in self.children:
yield from iter(child)
class DefaultSentinel(Node):
"""Fake parent node with all default values."""
......@@ -321,6 +342,10 @@ class DefaultSentinel(Node):
self.units = 'score' = False
self.owners = []
self.main = None
def __str__(self):
return type(self).__name__
class GraphConfig(Node):
......@@ -339,6 +364,11 @@ class GraphConfig(Node):
assert isinstance(suite.get('test_flags', []), list)
assert isinstance(suite.get('resources', []), list)
# Only used by child classes
self.main = suite.get('main', parent.main)
# Keep parent for easier debugging
self.parent = parent
# Accumulated values.
self.path = parent.path[:] + suite.get('path', [])
self.graphs = parent.graphs[:] + [suite['name']]
......@@ -368,11 +398,15 @@ class GraphConfig(Node):
# suite name is expected.
# TODO(machenbach): Currently that makes only sense for the leaf level.
# Multiple place holders for multiple levels are not supported.
if parent.results_regexp:
regexp_default = parent.results_regexp % re.escape(suite['name'])
regexp_default = None
self.results_regexp = suite.get('results_regexp', regexp_default)
self.results_regexp = suite.get('results_regexp', None)
if self.results_regexp is None and parent.results_regexp:
self.results_regexp = parent.results_regexp % re.escape(suite['name'])
except TypeError as e:
raise TypeError(
"Got error while preparing results_regexp: "
"parent.results_regexp='%s''%s' suite='%s', error: %s" %
(parent.results_regexp, suite['name'], str(suite)[:100], e))
# A similar regular expression for the standard deviation (optional).
if parent.stddev_regexp:
......@@ -385,13 +419,39 @@ class GraphConfig(Node):
def name(self):
return '/'.join(self.graphs)
def __str__(self):
return "%s(%s)" % (type(self).__name__,
class TraceConfig(GraphConfig):
class VariantConfig(GraphConfig):
"""Represents an intermediate node that has children that are all
variants of each other"""
def __init__(self, suite, parent, arch):
super(VariantConfig, self).__init__(suite, parent, arch)
assert "variants" in suite
for variant in suite.get('variants'):
assert "variants" not in variant, \
"Cannot directly nest variants:" + str(variant)[:100]
assert "name" in variant, \
"Variant must have 'name' property: " + str(variant)[:100]
assert len(variant) >= 2, \
"Variant must define other properties than 'name': " + str(variant)
class LeafTraceConfig(GraphConfig):
"""Represents a leaf in the suite tree structure."""
def __init__(self, suite, parent, arch):
super(TraceConfig, self).__init__(suite, parent, arch)
super(LeafTraceConfig, self).__init__(suite, parent, arch)
assert self.results_regexp
assert self.owners
if '%s' in self.results_regexp:
raise Exception(
"results_regexp at the wrong level. "
"Regexp should not contain '%%s': results_regexp='%s' name=%s" %
def AppendChild(self, node):
raise Exception("%s cannot have child configs." % type(self).__name__)
def ConsumeOutput(self, output, result_tracker):
"""Extracts trace results from the output.
......@@ -403,6 +463,14 @@ class TraceConfig(GraphConfig):
The raw extracted result value or None if an error occurred.
if len(self.children) > 0:
results_for_total = []
for trace in self.children:
result = trace.ConsumeOutput(output, result_tracker)
if result:
result = None
stddev = None
......@@ -435,16 +503,59 @@ class TraceConfig(GraphConfig):
return result
class RunnableConfig(GraphConfig):
class TraceConfig(GraphConfig):
A TraceConfig contains either TraceConfigs or LeafTraceConfigs
def ConsumeOutput(self, output, result_tracker):
"""Processes test run output and updates result tracker.
output: Output object from the test run.
result_tracker: ResultTracker object to be updated.
count: Index of the test run (used for better logging).
results_for_total = []
for trace in self.children:
result = trace.ConsumeOutput(output, result_tracker)
if result:
# Produce total metric only when all traces have produced results.
if len(self.children) != len(results_for_total):
'Not all traces have produced results. Can not compute total for '
'%s.' %
# Calculate total as a the geometric mean for results from all traces.
total_trace = LeafTraceConfig(
'name': 'Total',
'units': self.children[0].units
}, self, self.arch)
GeometricMean(results_for_total), '')
def AppendChild(self, node):
if node.__class__ not in (TraceConfig, LeafTraceConfig):
raise Exception(
"%s only allows TraceConfig and LeafTraceConfig as child configs." %
super(TraceConfig, self).AppendChild(node)
class RunnableConfig(TraceConfig):
"""Represents a runnable suite definition (i.e. has a main file).
def __init__(self, suite, parent, arch):
super(RunnableConfig, self).__init__(suite, parent, arch)
self.arch = arch
def main(self):
return self._suite.get('main', '')
assert self.main, "No main js file provided"
if not self.owners:
logging.error("No owners provided for %s" %
def ChangeCWD(self, suite_path):
"""Changes the cwd to to path defined in the current graph.
......@@ -491,69 +602,107 @@ class RunnableConfig(GraphConfig):
if self.results_processor:
output = RunResultsProcessor(self.results_processor, output, count)
results_for_total = []
for trace in self.children:
result = trace.ConsumeOutput(output, result_tracker)
if result:
# Produce total metric only when all traces have produced results.
if len(self.children) != len(results_for_total):
'Not all traces have produced results. Can not compute total for '
'%s.' %
# Calculate total as a the geometric mean for results from all traces.
total_trace = TraceConfig(
{'name': 'Total', 'units': self.children[0].units}, self, self.arch)
total_trace, GeometricMean(results_for_total), '')
self.ConsumeOutput(output, result_tracker)
class RunnableTraceConfig(TraceConfig, RunnableConfig):
class RunnableLeafTraceConfig(LeafTraceConfig, RunnableConfig):
"""Represents a runnable suite definition that is a leaf."""
def __init__(self, suite, parent, arch):
super(RunnableTraceConfig, self).__init__(suite, parent, arch)
super(RunnableLeafTraceConfig, self).__init__(suite, parent, arch)
if not self.owners:
logging.error("No owners provided for %s" %
def ProcessOutput(self, output, result_tracker, count):
result_tracker.AddRunnableDuration(self, output.duration)
self.ConsumeOutput(output, result_tracker)
def MakeGraphConfig(suite, arch, parent):
def MakeGraphConfig(suite, parent, arch):
cls = GetGraphConfigClass(suite, parent)
return cls(suite, parent, arch)
def GetGraphConfigClass(suite, parent):
"""Factory method for making graph configuration objects."""
if isinstance(parent, RunnableConfig):
# Below a runnable can only be traces.
return TraceConfig(suite, parent, arch)
if isinstance(parent, TraceConfig):
if suite.get("tests"):
return TraceConfig
return LeafTraceConfig
elif suite.get('main') is not None:
# A main file makes this graph runnable. Empty strings are accepted.
if suite.get('tests'):
# This graph has subgraphs (traces).
return RunnableConfig(suite, parent, arch)
return RunnableConfig
# This graph has no subgraphs, it's a leaf.
return RunnableTraceConfig(suite, parent, arch)
return RunnableLeafTraceConfig
elif suite.get('tests'):
# This is neither a leaf nor a runnable.
return GraphConfig(suite, parent, arch)
return GraphConfig
else: # pragma: no cover
raise Exception('Invalid suite configuration.')
raise Exception('Invalid suite configuration.' + str(suite)[:200])
def BuildGraphConfigs(suite, arch, parent):
def BuildGraphConfigs(suite, parent, arch):
"""Builds a tree structure of graph objects that corresponds to the suite
- GraphConfig:
- Can have arbitrary children
- can be used to store properties used by it's children
- VariantConfig
- Has variants of the same (any) type as children
For all other configs see the override AppendChild methods.
Example 1:
- GraphConfig
- RunnableLeafTraceConfig (no children)
- ...
Example 2:
- RunnableConfig
- LeafTraceConfig (no children)
- ...
Example 3:
- RunnableConfig
- LeafTraceConfig (optional)
- TraceConfig
- LeafTraceConfig (no children)
- ...
- TraceConfig (optional)
- ...
- ...
Example 4:
- VariantConfig
- RunnableConfig
- ...
- RunnableConfig
- ...
# TODO(machenbach): Implement notion of cpu type?
if arch not in suite.get('archs', SUPPORTED_ARCHS):
return None
graph = MakeGraphConfig(suite, arch, parent)
variants = suite.get('variants', [])
if len(variants) == 0:
graph = MakeGraphConfig(suite, parent, arch)
for subsuite in suite.get('tests', []):
BuildGraphConfigs(subsuite, graph, arch)
graph = VariantConfig(suite, parent, arch)
variant_class = GetGraphConfigClass(suite, parent)
for variant_suite in variants:
# Propagate down the results_regexp if it's not override in the variant
suite.get('results_regexp', None))
variant_graph = variant_class(variant_suite, graph, arch)
for subsuite in suite.get('tests', []):
BuildGraphConfigs(subsuite, arch, graph)
BuildGraphConfigs(subsuite, variant_graph, arch)
return graph
......@@ -605,6 +754,7 @@ class Platform(object):
def __init__(self, args):
self.shell_dir = args.shell_dir
self.shell_dir_secondary = args.shell_dir_secondary
self.is_dry_run = args.dry_run
self.extra_flags = args.extra_flags.split()
self.args = args
......@@ -699,11 +849,12 @@ class DesktopPlatform(Platform):
shell_dir = self.shell_dir_secondary if secondary else self.shell_dir
cmd = runnable.GetCommand(self.command_prefix, shell_dir, self.extra_flags)
logging.debug('Running command: %s' % cmd)
output = cmd.execute()
output = Output() if self.is_dry_run else cmd.execute()
if output.IsSuccess() and '--prof' in self.extra_flags:
os_prefix = {'linux': 'linux', 'macos': 'mac'}.get(utils.GuessOS())
if os_prefix:
if not self.is_dry_run:
tick_tools = os.path.join(TOOLS_BASE, '%s-tick-processor' % os_prefix)
subprocess.check_call(tick_tools + ' --only-summary', shell=True)
else: # pragma: no cover
......@@ -771,6 +922,7 @@ class AndroidPlatform(Platform): # pragma: no cover
output = Output()
start = time.time()
if not self.is_dry_run:
output.stdout =
......@@ -950,12 +1102,12 @@ def Main(argv):
'"powersave" for more stable results, or "performance" '
'for shorter completion time of suite, with potentially '
'more noise in results.')
help='Only run the benchmarks beginning with this '
'string. For example: '
help='Only run the benchmarks matching with this '
'regex. For example: '
'--filter=JSTests/TypedArrays/ will run only TypedArray '
'benchmarks from the JSTests suite.',
'benchmarks from the JSTests suite.')
parser.add_argument('--confidence-level', type=float,
help='Repeatedly runs each benchmark until specified '
'confidence level is reached. The value is interpreted '
......@@ -976,6 +1128,11 @@ def Main(argv):
parser.add_argument('--run-count', type=int, default=0,
help='Override the run count specified by the test '
'suite. The default 0 uses the suite\'s config.')
help='Do not run any actual tests.')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Be verbose and print debug output.')
parser.add_argument('suite', nargs='+', help='Path to the suite config file.')
......@@ -1032,6 +1189,13 @@ def Main(argv):
args.json_test_results_secondary = os.path.abspath(
if args.filter:
args.filter = re.compile(args.filter)
except re.error:
logging.error("Invalid regular expression for --filter=%s" % args.filter)
# Ensure all arguments have absolute path before we start changing current
# directory.
args.suite = list(map(os.path.abspath, args.suite))
......@@ -1061,7 +1225,12 @@ def Main(argv):
# Build the graph/trace tree structure.
default_parent = DefaultSentinel(default_binary_name)
root = BuildGraphConfigs(suite, args.arch, default_parent)
root = BuildGraphConfigs(suite, default_parent, args.arch)
if logging.DEBUG >= logging.root.level:
logging.debug("Config tree:")
for node in iter(root):
logging.debug(" %s", node)
# Callback to be called on each node on traversal.
def NodeCB(node):
......@@ -1072,8 +1241,8 @@ def Main(argv):
for runnable in FlattenRunnables(root, NodeCB):
runnable_name = '/'.join(runnable.graphs)
if (not runnable_name.startswith(args.filter) and
runnable_name + '/' != args.filter):
if args.filter and'Skipping suite "%s" due to filter', runnable_name)
continue'>>> Running suite: %s', runnable_name)
......@@ -42,6 +42,35 @@ V8_JSON = {
'path': ['.'],
'owners': [''],
'binary': 'd7',
'timeout': 60,
'flags': ['--flag'],
'main': 'run.js',
'run_count': 1,
'results_regexp': '%s: (.+)$',
'variants': [{
'name': 'default',
'flags': [],
}, {
'name': 'VariantA',
'flags': ['--variant-a-flag'],
}, {
'name': 'VariantB',
'flags': ['--variant-b-flag'],
'tests': [
'name': 'Richards',
'name': 'DeltaBlue',
'path': ['.'],
'owners': [''],
......@@ -138,14 +167,17 @@ class PerfTest(unittest.TestCase):
with open(self._test_input, 'w') as f:
def _MockCommand(self, *args, **kwargs):
def _MockCommand(self, raw_dirs, raw_outputs, *args, **kwargs):
on_bots = kwargs.pop('on_bots', False)
# Fake output for each test run.
test_outputs = [Output(stdout=arg,
test_outputs = [
timed_out=kwargs.get('timed_out', False),
exit_code=kwargs.get('exit_code', 0),
for arg in args[1]]
duration=42) for output in raw_outputs
def create_cmd(*args, **kwargs):
cmd = mock.MagicMock()
def execute(*args, **kwargs):
......@@ -168,9 +200,16 @@ class PerfTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Check that d8 is called from the correct cwd for each test run.
dirs = [os.path.join(TEST_WORKSPACE, arg) for arg in args[0]]
def chdir(*args, **kwargs):
self.assertEqual(dirs.pop(), args[0])
dirs = [os.path.join(TEST_WORKSPACE, dir) for dir in raw_dirs]
def chdir(dir, *args, **kwargs):
if not dirs:
raise Exception("Missing test chdir '%s'" % dir)
expected_dir = dirs.pop()
expected_dir, dir,
"Unexpected chdir: expected='%s' got='%s'" % (expected_dir, dir))
os.chdir = mock.MagicMock(side_effect=chdir)
subprocess.check_call = mock.MagicMock()
......@@ -190,6 +229,12 @@ class PerfTest(unittest.TestCase):
with open(file_name or self._test_output) as f:
return json.load(f)
def _VerifyResultTraces(self, traces, file_name=None):
sorted_expected = sorted(traces, key=SORT_KEY)
sorted_results = sorted(
self._LoadResults(file_name)['traces'], key=SORT_KEY)
self.assertListEqual(sorted_expected, sorted_results)
def _VerifyResults(self, suite, units, traces, file_name=None):
{'units': units,
......@@ -244,6 +289,60 @@ class PerfTest(unittest.TestCase):
os.path.join('out', 'x64.release', 'd7'), '--flag', 'run.js')
def testOneRunVariants(self):
self._MockCommand(['.', '.', '.'], [
'x\nRichards: 3.3\nDeltaBlue: 3000\ny\n',
'x\nRichards: 2.2\nDeltaBlue: 2000\ny\n',
'x\nRichards: 1.1\nDeltaBlue: 1000\ny\n'
self.assertEqual(0, self._CallMain())
'units': 'score',
'graphs': ['test', 'default', 'Richards'],
'results': [1.1],
'stddev': ''
'units': 'score',
'graphs': ['test', 'default', 'DeltaBlue'],
'results': [1000],
'stddev': ''
'units': 'score',
'graphs': ['test', 'VariantA', 'Richards'],
'results': [2.2],
'stddev': ''
'units': 'score',
'graphs': ['test', 'VariantA', 'DeltaBlue'],
'results': [2000],
'stddev': ''
'units': 'score',
'graphs': ['test', 'VariantB', 'Richards'],
'results': [3.3],
'stddev': ''
'units': 'score',
'graphs': ['test', 'VariantB', 'DeltaBlue'],
'results': [3000],
'stddev': ''
(os.path.join('out', 'x64.release', 'd7'), '--flag', 'run.js'),
(os.path.join('out', 'x64.release',
'd7'), '--flag', '--variant-a-flag', 'run.js'),
(os.path.join('out', 'x64.release',
'd7'), '--flag', '--variant-b-flag', 'run.js'))
def testOneRunWithTestFlags(self):
test_input = dict(V8_JSON)
test_input['test_flags'] = ['2', 'test_name']
......@@ -378,6 +477,7 @@ class PerfTest(unittest.TestCase):
(os.path.join('out', 'x64.release', 'd8'),
'--flag', '--flag2', 'run.js'))
def testOneRunStdDevRegExp(self):
test_input = dict(V8_JSON)
test_input['stddev_regexp'] = r'^%s-stddev: (.+)$'
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