Commit a2f85d6c authored by's avatar

Promotion is the backup strategy when semi-space copy fails and vice versa.


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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 3247a71c
......@@ -388,8 +388,6 @@ bool Heap::OldGenerationAllocationLimitReached() {
bool Heap::ShouldBePromoted(Address old_address, int object_size) {
// An object should be promoted if the object has survived a
// scavenge operation.
NewSpacePage* page = NewSpacePage::FromAddress(old_address);
Address age_mark = new_space_.age_mark();
return page->IsFlagSet(MemoryChunk::NEW_SPACE_BELOW_AGE_MARK) &&
......@@ -1970,14 +1970,49 @@ class ScavengingVisitor : public StaticVisitorBase {
template<int alignment>
static inline bool SemiSpaceCopyObject(Map* map,
HeapObject** slot,
HeapObject* object,
int object_size) {
Heap* heap = map->GetHeap();
int allocation_size = object_size;
if (alignment != kObjectAlignment) {
ASSERT(alignment == kDoubleAlignment);
allocation_size += kPointerSize;
ASSERT(heap->AllowedToBeMigrated(object, NEW_SPACE));
AllocationResult allocation =
HeapObject* target = NULL; // Initialization to please compiler.
if (allocation.To(&target)) {
if (alignment != kObjectAlignment) {
target = EnsureDoubleAligned(heap, target, allocation_size);
// Order is important: slot might be inside of the target if target
// was allocated over a dead object and slot comes from the store
// buffer.
*slot = target;
MigrateObject(heap, object, target, object_size);
return true;
return false;
template<ObjectContents object_contents, int alignment>
static inline void EvacuateObject(Map* map,
HeapObject** slot,
HeapObject* object,
int object_size) {
SLOW_ASSERT(object_size <= Page::kMaxRegularHeapObjectSize);
SLOW_ASSERT(object->Size() == object_size);
static inline bool PromoteObject(Map* map,
HeapObject** slot,
HeapObject* object,
int object_size) {
Heap* heap = map->GetHeap();
int allocation_size = object_size;
if (alignment != kObjectAlignment) {
......@@ -1985,73 +2020,68 @@ class ScavengingVisitor : public StaticVisitorBase {
allocation_size += kPointerSize;
Heap* heap = map->GetHeap();
if (heap->ShouldBePromoted(object->address(), object_size)) {
AllocationResult allocation;
AllocationResult allocation;
if (object_contents == DATA_OBJECT) {
ASSERT(heap->AllowedToBeMigrated(object, OLD_DATA_SPACE));
allocation = heap->old_data_space()->AllocateRaw(allocation_size);
} else {
ASSERT(heap->AllowedToBeMigrated(object, OLD_POINTER_SPACE));
allocation = heap->old_pointer_space()->AllocateRaw(allocation_size);
if (object_contents == DATA_OBJECT) {
ASSERT(heap->AllowedToBeMigrated(object, OLD_DATA_SPACE));
allocation = heap->old_data_space()->AllocateRaw(allocation_size);
} else {
ASSERT(heap->AllowedToBeMigrated(object, OLD_POINTER_SPACE));
allocation = heap->old_pointer_space()->AllocateRaw(allocation_size);
HeapObject* target = NULL; // Initialization to please compiler.
if (allocation.To(&target)) {
if (alignment != kObjectAlignment) {
target = EnsureDoubleAligned(heap, target, allocation_size);
HeapObject* target = NULL; // Initialization to please compiler.
if (allocation.To(&target)) {
if (alignment != kObjectAlignment) {
target = EnsureDoubleAligned(heap, target, allocation_size);
// Order is important: slot might be inside of the target if target
// was allocated over a dead object and slot comes from the store
// buffer.
*slot = target;
MigrateObject(heap, object, target, object_size);
if (object_contents == POINTER_OBJECT) {
if (map->instance_type() == JS_FUNCTION_TYPE) {
target, JSFunction::kNonWeakFieldsEndOffset);
} else {
heap->promotion_queue()->insert(target, object_size);
return true;
return false;
// Order is important: slot might be inside of the target if target
// was allocated over a dead object and slot comes from the store
// buffer.
*slot = target;
MigrateObject(heap, object, target, object_size);
if (object_contents == POINTER_OBJECT) {
if (map->instance_type() == JS_FUNCTION_TYPE) {
target, JSFunction::kNonWeakFieldsEndOffset);
} else {
heap->promotion_queue()->insert(target, object_size);
template<ObjectContents object_contents, int alignment>
static inline void EvacuateObject(Map* map,
HeapObject** slot,
HeapObject* object,
int object_size) {
SLOW_ASSERT(object_size <= Page::kMaxRegularHeapObjectSize);
SLOW_ASSERT(object->Size() == object_size);
Heap* heap = map->GetHeap();
if (!heap->ShouldBePromoted(object->address(), object_size)) {
// A semi-space copy may fail due to fragmentation. In that case, we
// try to promote the object.
if (SemiSpaceCopyObject<alignment>(map, slot, object, object_size)) {
ASSERT(heap->AllowedToBeMigrated(object, NEW_SPACE));
AllocationResult allocation =
// Allocation in the other semi-space may fail due to fragmentation.
// In that case we allocate in the old generation.
if (allocation.IsRetry()) {
if (object_contents == DATA_OBJECT) {
ASSERT(heap->AllowedToBeMigrated(object, OLD_DATA_SPACE));
allocation = heap->old_data_space()->AllocateRaw(allocation_size);
} else {
ASSERT(heap->AllowedToBeMigrated(object, OLD_POINTER_SPACE));
allocation = heap->old_pointer_space()->AllocateRaw(allocation_size);
HeapObject* target = HeapObject::cast(allocation.ToObjectChecked());
if (alignment != kObjectAlignment) {
target = EnsureDoubleAligned(heap, target, allocation_size);
if (PromoteObject<object_contents, alignment>(
map, slot, object, object_size)) {
// Order is important: slot might be inside of the target if target
// was allocated over a dead object and slot comes from the store
// buffer.
*slot = target;
MigrateObject(heap, object, target, object_size);
// If promotion failed, we try to copy the object to the other semi-space
if (SemiSpaceCopyObject<alignment>(map, slot, object, object_size)) return;
......@@ -1200,10 +1200,8 @@ class Heap {
void VisitExternalResources(v8::ExternalResourceVisitor* visitor);
// Helper function that governs the promotion policy from new space to
// old. If the object's old address lies below the new space's age
// mark or if we've already filled the bottom 1/16th of the to space,
// we try to promote this object.
// An object should be promoted if the object has survived a
// scavenge operation.
inline bool ShouldBePromoted(Address old_address, int object_size);
void ClearJSFunctionResultCaches();
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