Commit a1f33fa2 authored by Sigurd Schneider's avatar Sigurd Schneider Committed by Commit Bot

[deoptimizer] Refactor frame output writing in deoptimizer

This CL introduces an stack abstraction for writing frame descriptions.
Previously, we managed the output offset by hand, which is verbose and
error prone. This CL introduced FrameWriter, which offers a stack
abstraction with push operations for constructing the output frame

The abstraction is only applied to DoComputeBuiltinContinuation;
following CLs will apply it to the other DoCompute* functions.

Bug: v8:7679

Change-Id: Ia6e34de1ed63ba9245e2a08945b1e0548562ed43
Reviewed-on: 's avatarJaroslav Sevcik <>
Commit-Queue: Sigurd Schneider <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#52714}
parent 6b129066
......@@ -25,6 +25,107 @@
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// {FrameWriter} offers a stack writer abstraction for writing
// FrameDescriptions. The main service the class provides is managing
// {top_offset_}, i.e. the offset of the next slot to write to.
class FrameWriter {
static const int NO_INPUT_INDEX = -1;
FrameWriter(Deoptimizer* deoptimizer, FrameDescription* frame,
CodeTracer::Scope* trace_scope)
: deoptimizer_(deoptimizer),
top_offset_(frame->GetFrameSize()) {}
void PushRawValue(intptr_t value, const char* debug_hint) {
if (trace_scope_ != nullptr) {
DebugPrintOutputValue(value, debug_hint);
void PushRawObject(Object* obj, const char* debug_hint) {
intptr_t value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(obj);
if (trace_scope_ != nullptr) {
DebugPrintOutputObject(obj, top_offset_, debug_hint);
void PushCallerPc(intptr_t pc) {
top_offset_ -= kPCOnStackSize;
frame_->SetCallerPc(top_offset_, pc);
DebugPrintOutputValue(pc, "caller's pc\n");
void PushCallerFp(intptr_t fp) {
top_offset_ -= kFPOnStackSize;
frame_->SetCallerFp(top_offset_, fp);
DebugPrintOutputValue(fp, "caller's fp\n");
void PushCallerConstantPool(intptr_t cp) {
top_offset_ -= kPointerSize;
frame_->SetCallerConstantPool(top_offset_, cp);
DebugPrintOutputValue(cp, "caller's constant_pool\n");
void PushTranslatedValue(const TranslatedFrame::iterator& iterator,
const char* debug_hint = "") {
Object* obj = iterator->GetRawValue();
PushRawObject(obj, debug_hint);
deoptimizer_->QueueValueForTranslation(output_address(top_offset_), obj,
unsigned top_offset() const { return top_offset_; }
void PushValue(intptr_t value) {
CHECK_GE(top_offset_, 0);
top_offset_ -= kPointerSize;
frame_->SetFrameSlot(top_offset_, value);
Address output_address(unsigned output_offset) {
Address output_address =
static_cast<Address>(frame_->GetTop()) + output_offset;
return output_address;
void DebugPrintOutputValue(intptr_t value, const char* debug_hint = "") {
if (trace_scope_ != nullptr) {
" 0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %3d] <- 0x%08" V8PRIxPTR " ; %s",
output_address(top_offset_), top_offset_, value, debug_hint);
void DebugPrintOutputObject(Object* obj, unsigned output_offset,
const char* debug_hint = "") {
if (trace_scope_ != nullptr) {
PrintF(trace_scope_->file(), " 0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %3d] <- ",
output_address(output_offset), output_offset);
if (obj->IsSmi()) {
PrintF("0x%08" V8PRIxPTR " <Smi %d>", reinterpret_cast<Address>(obj),
} else {
PrintF(trace_scope_->file(), " ; %s", debug_hint);
Deoptimizer* deoptimizer_;
FrameDescription* frame_;
CodeTracer::Scope* trace_scope_;
unsigned top_offset_;
DeoptimizerData::DeoptimizerData(Heap* heap) : heap_(heap), current_(nullptr) {
for (int i = 0; i <= Deoptimizer::kLastBailoutType; ++i) {
deopt_entry_code_[i] = nullptr;
......@@ -1562,6 +1663,7 @@ void Deoptimizer::DoComputeBuiltinContinuation(
FrameDescription* output_frame = new (output_frame_size)
FrameDescription(output_frame_size, stack_param_count);
output_[frame_index] = output_frame;
FrameWriter frame_writer(this, output_frame, trace_scope_);
// The top address of the frame is computed from the previous frame's top and
// this frame's size.
......@@ -1576,32 +1678,23 @@ void Deoptimizer::DoComputeBuiltinContinuation(
// Get the possible JSFunction for the case that this is a
// JavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrame, which needs the JSFunction pointer
// like a normal JavaScriptFrame.
intptr_t maybe_function =
const intptr_t maybe_function =
struct RegisterValue {
Object* raw_value_;
TranslatedFrame::iterator iterator_;
std::vector<RegisterValue> register_values;
int total_registers = config->num_general_registers();
register_values.resize(total_registers, {Smi::kZero, value_iterator});
intptr_t value;
unsigned output_frame_offset = output_frame_size;
if (ShouldPadArguments(stack_param_count)) {
output_frame_offset -= kPointerSize;
WriteValueToOutput(isolate()->heap()->the_hole_value(), 0, frame_index,
output_frame_offset, "padding ");
for (int i = 0; i < translated_stack_parameters; ++i) {
output_frame_offset -= kPointerSize;
WriteTranslatedValueToOutput(&value_iterator, &input_index, frame_index,
frame_writer.PushTranslatedValue(value_iterator, "stack parameter");
if (trace_scope_) {
PrintF(trace_scope_->file(), " (input #%d)\n", input_index);
switch (mode) {
......@@ -1610,34 +1703,32 @@ void Deoptimizer::DoComputeBuiltinContinuation(
case BuiltinContinuationMode::JAVASCRIPT:
case BuiltinContinuationMode::JAVASCRIPT_WITH_CATCH: {
output_frame_offset -= kPointerSize;
WriteValueToOutput(isolate()->heap()->the_hole_value(), input_index,
frame_index, output_frame_offset,
"placeholder for exception on lazy deopt ");
"placeholder for exception on lazy deopt\n");
} break;
case BuiltinContinuationMode::JAVASCRIPT_HANDLE_EXCEPTION: {
output_frame_offset -= kPointerSize;
intptr_t accumulator_value =
WriteValueToOutput(reinterpret_cast<Object*>(accumulator_value), 0,
frame_index, output_frame_offset,
"exception (from accumulator)");
"exception (from accumulator)\n");
} break;
if (must_handle_result) {
output_frame_offset -= kPointerSize;
WriteValueToOutput(isolate()->heap()->the_hole_value(), input_index,
frame_index, output_frame_offset,
"placeholder for return result on lazy deopt ");
"placeholder for return result on lazy deopt\n");
DCHECK_EQ(output_frame_offset, output_frame->GetLastArgumentSlotOffset());
std::vector<TranslatedFrame::iterator> register_values;
int total_registers = config->num_general_registers();
register_values.resize(total_registers, {value_iterator});
for (int i = 0; i < register_parameter_count; ++i) {
Object* object = value_iterator->GetRawValue();
int code = continuation_descriptor.GetRegisterParameter(i).code();
register_values[code] = {object, value_iterator};
register_values[code] = value_iterator;
......@@ -1648,107 +1739,66 @@ void Deoptimizer::DoComputeBuiltinContinuation(
// set (it was automatically added at the end of the FrameState by the
// instruction selector).
Object* context = value_iterator->GetRawValue();
value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(context);
const RegisterValue context_register_value = {context, value_iterator};
register_values[kContextRegister.code()] = context_register_value;
const intptr_t value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(context);
TranslatedFrame::iterator context_register_value = value_iterator;
register_values[kContextRegister.code()] = value_iterator;
output_frame->SetRegister(kContextRegister.code(), value);
// Set caller's PC (JSFunction continuation).
output_frame_offset -= kPCOnStackSize;
if (is_bottommost) {
value = caller_pc_;
} else {
value = output_[frame_index - 1]->GetPc();
output_frame->SetCallerPc(output_frame_offset, value);
DebugPrintOutputSlot(value, frame_index, output_frame_offset,
"caller's pc\n");
const intptr_t caller_pc =
is_bottommost ? caller_pc_ : output_[frame_index - 1]->GetPc();
// Read caller's FP from the previous frame, and set this frame's FP.
output_frame_offset -= kFPOnStackSize;
if (is_bottommost) {
value = caller_fp_;
} else {
value = output_[frame_index - 1]->GetFp();
output_frame->SetCallerFp(output_frame_offset, value);
const intptr_t fp_value = top_address + output_frame_offset;
const intptr_t caller_fp =
is_bottommost ? caller_fp_ : output_[frame_index - 1]->GetFp();
const intptr_t fp_value = top_address + frame_writer.top_offset();
DebugPrintOutputSlot(value, frame_index, output_frame_offset,
"caller's fp\n");
DCHECK_EQ(output_frame_size_above_fp, output_frame_offset);
DCHECK_EQ(output_frame_size_above_fp, frame_writer.top_offset());
if (FLAG_enable_embedded_constant_pool) {
// Read the caller's constant pool from the previous frame.
output_frame_offset -= kPointerSize;
if (is_bottommost) {
value = caller_constant_pool_;
} else {
value = output_[frame_index - 1]->GetConstantPool();
output_frame->SetCallerConstantPool(output_frame_offset, value);
DebugPrintOutputSlot(value, frame_index, output_frame_offset,
"caller's constant_pool\n");
const intptr_t caller_cp =
is_bottommost ? caller_constant_pool_
: output_[frame_index - 1]->GetConstantPool();
// A marker value is used in place of the context.
output_frame_offset -= kPointerSize;
intptr_t marker =
const intptr_t marker =
output_frame->SetFrameSlot(output_frame_offset, marker);
DebugPrintOutputSlot(marker, frame_index, output_frame_offset,
"context (builtin continuation sentinel)\n");
output_frame_offset -= kPointerSize;
value = BuiltinContinuationModeIsJavaScript(mode) ? maybe_function : 0;
output_frame->SetFrameSlot(output_frame_offset, value);
value, frame_index, output_frame_offset,
BuiltinContinuationModeIsJavaScript(mode) ? "JSFunction\n" : "unused\n");
if (BuiltinContinuationModeIsJavaScript(mode)) {
frame_writer.PushRawValue(maybe_function, "JSFunction\n");
} else {
frame_writer.PushRawValue(0, "unused\n");
// The delta from the SP to the FP; used to reconstruct SP in
// Isolate::UnwindAndFindHandler.
output_frame_offset -= kPointerSize;
value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(Smi::FromInt(output_frame_size_above_fp));
output_frame->SetFrameSlot(output_frame_offset, value);
DebugPrintOutputSlot(value, frame_index, output_frame_offset,
"frame height at deoptimization\n");
// The context even if this is a stub contininuation frame. We can't use the
// usual context slot, because we must store the frame marker there.
output_frame_offset -= kPointerSize;
value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(context);
output_frame->SetFrameSlot(output_frame_offset, value);
DebugPrintOutputSlot(value, frame_index, output_frame_offset,
"builtin JavaScript context\n");
if (context == isolate_->heap()->arguments_marker()) {
Address output_address =
static_cast<Address>(output_[frame_index]->GetTop()) +
{output_address, context_register_value.iterator_});
// The builtin to continue to.
output_frame_offset -= kPointerSize;
value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(builtin);
output_frame->SetFrameSlot(output_frame_offset, value);
DebugPrintOutputSlot(value, frame_index, output_frame_offset,
"builtin address\n");
frame_writer.PushRawObject(builtin, "builtin address\n");
for (int i = 0; i < allocatable_register_count; ++i) {
output_frame_offset -= kPointerSize;
int code = config->GetAllocatableGeneralCode(i);
Object* object = register_values[code].raw_value_;
value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(object);
output_frame->SetFrameSlot(output_frame_offset, value);
if (trace_scope_ != nullptr) {
ScopedVector<char> str(128);
if (trace_scope_ != nullptr) {
if (BuiltinContinuationModeIsJavaScript(mode) &&
code == kJavaScriptCallArgCountRegister.code()) {
......@@ -1759,46 +1809,36 @@ void Deoptimizer::DoComputeBuiltinContinuation(
SNPrintF(str, "builtin register argument %s\n",
DebugPrintOutputSlot(value, frame_index, output_frame_offset,
if (object == isolate_->heap()->arguments_marker()) {
Address output_address =
static_cast<Address>(output_[frame_index]->GetTop()) +
{output_address, register_values[code].iterator_});
register_values[code], trace_scope_ != nullptr ? str.start() : "");
// Some architectures must pad the stack frame with extra stack slots
// to ensure the stack frame is aligned.
for (int i = 0; i < padding_slot_count; ++i) {
output_frame_offset -= kPointerSize;
WriteValueToOutput(isolate()->heap()->the_hole_value(), 0, frame_index,
output_frame_offset, "padding ");
if (is_topmost) {
if (PadTopOfStackRegister()) {
output_frame_offset -= kPointerSize;
WriteValueToOutput(isolate()->heap()->the_hole_value(), 0, frame_index,
output_frame_offset, "padding ");
// Ensure the result is restored back when we return to the stub.
output_frame_offset -= kPointerSize;
Register result_reg = kReturnRegister0;
if (must_handle_result) {
value = input_->GetRegister(result_reg.code());
Register result_reg = kReturnRegister0;
"callback result\n");
} else {
value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(isolate()->heap()->undefined_value());
output_frame->SetFrameSlot(output_frame_offset, value);
DebugPrintOutputSlot(value, frame_index, output_frame_offset,
"callback result\n");
CHECK_EQ(0u, output_frame_offset);
CHECK_EQ(0u, frame_writer.top_offset());
// Clear the context register. The context might be a de-materialized object
// and will be materialized by {Runtime_NotifyDeoptimized}. For additional
......@@ -1861,6 +1901,13 @@ void Deoptimizer::MaterializeHeapObjects() {
void Deoptimizer::QueueValueForTranslation(
Address output_address, Object* obj,
const TranslatedFrame::iterator& iterator) {
if (obj == isolate_->heap()->arguments_marker()) {
values_to_materialize_.push_back({output_address, iterator});
void Deoptimizer::WriteTranslatedValueToOutput(
TranslatedFrame::iterator* iterator, int* input_index, int frame_index,
......@@ -188,6 +188,8 @@ class TranslatedFrame {
TranslatedValue& operator*() { return (*position_); }
TranslatedValue* operator->() { return &(*position_); }
const TranslatedValue& operator*() const { return (*position_); }
const TranslatedValue* operator->() const { return &(*position_); }
friend TranslatedFrame;
......@@ -520,6 +522,10 @@ class Deoptimizer : public Malloced {
Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
friend class FrameWriter;
void QueueValueForTranslation(Address output_address, Object* obj,
const TranslatedFrame::iterator& iterator);
static const int kMinNumberOfEntries = 64;
static const int kMaxNumberOfEntries = 16384;
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