Commit 9f859fef authored by's avatar

Make X64 double-to-int32 conversion use the 64-bit version of cvttsd2si.

Use type info to allow ia32 to use the 32-bit versions in some cases.
Remove sse3-specific code from X64 GenericBinaryOpStub.

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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent fa7c92ea
......@@ -10296,6 +10296,11 @@ void IntegerConvert(MacroAssembler* masm,
Label done, right_exponent, normal_exponent;
Register scratch = ebx;
Register scratch2 = edi;
if (type_info.IsInteger32() && CpuFeatures::IsEnabled(SSE2)) {
CpuFeatures::Scope scope(SSE2);
__ cvttsd2si(ecx, FieldOperand(source, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
if (!type_info.IsInteger32() || !use_sse3) {
// Get exponent word.
__ mov(scratch, FieldOperand(source, HeapNumber::kExponentOffset));
......@@ -2510,6 +2510,17 @@ void Assembler::cvttsd2si(Register dst, const Operand& src) {
void Assembler::cvttsd2siq(Register dst, XMMRegister src) {
EnsureSpace ensure_space(this);
last_pc_ = pc_;
emit_rex_64(dst, src);
emit_sse_operand(dst, src);
void Assembler::cvtlsi2sd(XMMRegister dst, const Operand& src) {
EnsureSpace ensure_space(this);
last_pc_ = pc_;
......@@ -1092,6 +1092,7 @@ class Assembler : public Malloced {
void cvttss2si(Register dst, const Operand& src);
void cvttsd2si(Register dst, const Operand& src);
void cvttsd2siq(Register dst, XMMRegister src);
void cvtlsi2sd(XMMRegister dst, const Operand& src);
void cvtlsi2sd(XMMRegister dst, Register src);
......@@ -277,7 +277,6 @@ class FloatingPointHelper : public AllStatic {
// Takes the operands in rdx and rax and loads them as integers in rax
// and rcx.
static void LoadAsIntegers(MacroAssembler* masm,
bool use_sse3,
Label* operand_conversion_failure);
......@@ -8015,138 +8014,29 @@ void TranscendentalCacheStub::GenerateOperation(MacroAssembler* masm,
// Get the integer part of a heap number. Surprisingly, all this bit twiddling
// is faster than using the built-in instructions on floating point registers.
// Get the integer part of a heap number.
// Trashes rdi and rbx. Dest is rcx. Source cannot be rcx or one of the
// trashed registers.
void IntegerConvert(MacroAssembler* masm,
Register source,
bool use_sse3,
Label* conversion_failure) {
ASSERT(! && ! && !;
Label done, right_exponent, normal_exponent;
Register scratch = rbx;
Register scratch2 = rdi;
// Get exponent word.
__ movl(scratch, FieldOperand(source, HeapNumber::kExponentOffset));
__ movq(scratch2, FieldOperand(source, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
// Get exponent alone in scratch2.
__ movl(scratch2, scratch);
__ and_(scratch2, Immediate(HeapNumber::kExponentMask));
if (use_sse3) {
CpuFeatures::Scope scope(SSE3);
// Check whether the exponent is too big for a 64 bit signed integer.
static const uint32_t kTooBigExponent =
(HeapNumber::kExponentBias + 63) << HeapNumber::kExponentShift;
__ cmpl(scratch2, Immediate(kTooBigExponent));
__ movq(xmm0, scratch2);
__ shr(scratch2, Immediate(HeapNumber::kMantissaBits));
__ andl(scratch2, Immediate((1 << HeapNumber::KExponentBits) - 1));
// Check whether the exponent is too big for a 63 bit unsigned integer.
// (Notice: Doesn't handle MIN_SMI).
__ cmpl(scratch2, Immediate(63 + HeapNumber::kExponentBias));
__ j(greater_equal, conversion_failure);
// Load x87 register with heap number.
__ fld_d(FieldOperand(source, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
// Reserve space for 64 bit answer.
__ subq(rsp, Immediate(sizeof(uint64_t))); // Nolint.
// Do conversion, which cannot fail because we checked the exponent.
__ fisttp_d(Operand(rsp, 0));
__ movl(rcx, Operand(rsp, 0)); // Load low word of answer into rcx.
__ addq(rsp, Immediate(sizeof(uint64_t))); // Nolint.
} else {
// Load rcx with zero. We use this either for the final shift or
// for the answer.
__ xor_(rcx, rcx);
// Check whether the exponent matches a 32 bit signed int that cannot be
// represented by a Smi. A non-smi 32 bit integer is * 2^30 so the
// exponent is 30 (biased). This is the exponent that we are fastest at and
// also the highest exponent we can handle here.
const uint32_t non_smi_exponent =
(HeapNumber::kExponentBias + 30) << HeapNumber::kExponentShift;
__ cmpl(scratch2, Immediate(non_smi_exponent));
// If we have a match of the int32-but-not-Smi exponent then skip some
// logic.
__ j(equal, &right_exponent);
// If the exponent is higher than that then go to slow case. This catches
// numbers that don't fit in a signed int32, infinities and NaNs.
__ j(less, &normal_exponent);
// Handle a big exponent. The only reason we have this code is that the
// >>> operator has a tendency to generate numbers with an exponent of 31.
const uint32_t big_non_smi_exponent =
(HeapNumber::kExponentBias + 31) << HeapNumber::kExponentShift;
__ cmpl(scratch2, Immediate(big_non_smi_exponent));
__ j(not_equal, conversion_failure);
// We have the big exponent, typically from >>>. This means the number is
// in the range 2^31 to 2^32 - 1. Get the top bits of the mantissa.
__ movl(scratch2, scratch);
__ and_(scratch2, Immediate(HeapNumber::kMantissaMask));
// Put back the implicit 1.
__ or_(scratch2, Immediate(1 << HeapNumber::kExponentShift));
// Shift up the mantissa bits to take up the space the exponent used to
// take. We just orred in the implicit bit so that took care of one and
// we want to use the full unsigned range so we subtract 1 bit from the
// shift distance.
const int big_shift_distance = HeapNumber::kNonMantissaBitsInTopWord - 1;
__ shl(scratch2, Immediate(big_shift_distance));
// Get the second half of the double.
__ movl(rcx, FieldOperand(source, HeapNumber::kMantissaOffset));
// Shift down 21 bits to get the most significant 11 bits or the low
// mantissa word.
__ shr(rcx, Immediate(32 - big_shift_distance));
__ or_(rcx, scratch2);
// We have the answer in rcx, but we may need to negate it.
__ testl(scratch, scratch);
__ j(positive, &done);
__ neg(rcx);
__ jmp(&done);
__ bind(&normal_exponent);
// Exponent word in scratch, exponent part of exponent word in scratch2.
// Zero in rcx.
// We know the exponent is smaller than 30 (biased). If it is less than
// 0 (biased) then the number is smaller in magnitude than 1.0 * 2^0, ie
// it rounds to zero.
const uint32_t zero_exponent =
(HeapNumber::kExponentBias + 0) << HeapNumber::kExponentShift;
__ subl(scratch2, Immediate(zero_exponent));
// rcx already has a Smi zero.
__ j(less, &done);
// We have a shifted exponent between 0 and 30 in scratch2.
__ shr(scratch2, Immediate(HeapNumber::kExponentShift));
__ movl(rcx, Immediate(30));
__ subl(rcx, scratch2);
__ bind(&right_exponent);
// Here rcx is the shift, scratch is the exponent word.
// Get the top bits of the mantissa.
__ and_(scratch, Immediate(HeapNumber::kMantissaMask));
// Put back the implicit 1.
__ or_(scratch, Immediate(1 << HeapNumber::kExponentShift));
// Shift up the mantissa bits to take up the space the exponent used to
// take. We have kExponentShift + 1 significant bits int he low end of the
// word. Shift them to the top bits.
const int shift_distance = HeapNumber::kNonMantissaBitsInTopWord - 2;
__ shl(scratch, Immediate(shift_distance));
// Get the second half of the double. For some exponents we don't
// actually need this because the bits get shifted out again, but
// it's probably slower to test than just to do it.
__ movl(scratch2, FieldOperand(source, HeapNumber::kMantissaOffset));
// Shift down 22 bits to get the most significant 10 bits or the low
// mantissa word.
__ shr(scratch2, Immediate(32 - shift_distance));
__ or_(scratch2, scratch);
// Move down according to the exponent.
__ shr_cl(scratch2);
// Now the unsigned answer is in scratch2. We need to move it to rcx and
// we may need to fix the sign.
Label negative;
__ xor_(rcx, rcx);
__ cmpl(rcx, FieldOperand(source, HeapNumber::kExponentOffset));
__ j(greater, &negative);
__ movl(rcx, scratch2);
__ jmp(&done);
__ bind(&negative);
__ subl(rcx, scratch2);
__ bind(&done);
// Handle exponent range -inf..62.
__ cvttsd2siq(rcx, xmm0);
// TODO(lrn): Do bit-fiddling for exponents in range 63..84 and return
// zero for everything else (also including negative exponents).
......@@ -8196,7 +8086,7 @@ void GenericUnaryOpStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ j(not_equal, &slow);
// Convert the heap number in rax to an untagged integer in rcx.
IntegerConvert(masm, rax, CpuFeatures::IsSupported(SSE3), &slow);
IntegerConvert(masm, rax, &slow);
// Do the bitwise operation and check if the result fits in a smi.
Label try_float;
......@@ -9777,7 +9667,6 @@ void FloatingPointHelper::LoadFloatOperandsFromSmis(MacroAssembler* masm,
// Input: rdx, rax are the left and right objects of a bit op.
// Output: rax, rcx are left and right integers for a bit op.
void FloatingPointHelper::LoadAsIntegers(MacroAssembler* masm,
bool use_sse3,
Label* conversion_failure) {
// Check float operands.
Label arg1_is_object, check_undefined_arg1;
......@@ -9800,10 +9689,10 @@ void FloatingPointHelper::LoadAsIntegers(MacroAssembler* masm,
__ CompareRoot(rbx, Heap::kHeapNumberMapRootIndex);
__ j(not_equal, &check_undefined_arg1);
// Get the untagged integer version of the edx heap number in rcx.
IntegerConvert(masm, rdx, use_sse3, conversion_failure);
IntegerConvert(masm, rdx, conversion_failure);
__ movl(rdx, rcx);
// Here edx has the untagged integer, eax has a Smi or a heap number.
// Here rdx has the untagged integer, rax has a Smi or a heap number.
__ bind(&load_arg2);
// Test if arg2 is a Smi.
__ JumpIfNotSmi(rax, &arg2_is_object);
......@@ -9823,7 +9712,7 @@ void FloatingPointHelper::LoadAsIntegers(MacroAssembler* masm,
__ CompareRoot(rbx, Heap::kHeapNumberMapRootIndex);
__ j(not_equal, &check_undefined_arg2);
// Get the untagged integer version of the eax heap number in ecx.
IntegerConvert(masm, rax, use_sse3, conversion_failure);
IntegerConvert(masm, rax, conversion_failure);
__ bind(&done);
__ movl(rax, rdx);
......@@ -9898,7 +9787,6 @@ const char* GenericBinaryOpStub::GetName() {
(flags_ & NO_SMI_CODE_IN_STUB) ? "_NoSmiInStub" : "",
args_in_registers_ ? "RegArgs" : "StackArgs",
args_reversed_ ? "_R" : "",
use_sse3_ ? "SSE3" : "SSE2",
return name_;
......@@ -10331,7 +10219,7 @@ void GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
case Token::SHL:
case Token::SHR: {
Label skip_allocation, non_smi_result;
FloatingPointHelper::LoadAsIntegers(masm, use_sse3_, &call_runtime);
FloatingPointHelper::LoadAsIntegers(masm, &call_runtime);
switch (op_) {
case Token::BIT_OR: __ orl(rax, rcx); break;
case Token::BIT_AND: __ andl(rax, rcx); break;
......@@ -10342,7 +10230,7 @@ void GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
default: UNREACHABLE();
if (op_ == Token::SHR) {
// Check if result is non-negative. This can only happen for a shift
// Check if result is negative. This can only happen for a shift
// by zero, which also doesn't update the sign flag.
__ testl(rax, rax);
__ j(negative, &non_smi_result);
......@@ -713,7 +713,6 @@ class GenericBinaryOpStub: public CodeStub {
name_(NULL) {
use_sse3_ = CpuFeatures::IsSupported(SSE3);
......@@ -723,7 +722,6 @@ class GenericBinaryOpStub: public CodeStub {
......@@ -748,7 +746,6 @@ class GenericBinaryOpStub: public CodeStub {
GenericBinaryFlags flags_;
bool args_in_registers_; // Arguments passed in registers not on the stack.
bool args_reversed_; // Left and right argument are swapped.
bool use_sse3_;
// Number type information of operands, determined by code generator.
TypeInfo static_operands_type_;
......@@ -774,15 +771,14 @@ class GenericBinaryOpStub: public CodeStub {
// Minor key encoding in 18 bits TTNNNFRASOOOOOOOMM.
// Minor key encoding in 17 bits TTNNNFRAOOOOOOOMM.
class ModeBits: public BitField<OverwriteMode, 0, 2> {};
class OpBits: public BitField<Token::Value, 2, 7> {};
class SSE3Bits: public BitField<bool, 9, 1> {};
class ArgsInRegistersBits: public BitField<bool, 10, 1> {};
class ArgsReversedBits: public BitField<bool, 11, 1> {};
class FlagBits: public BitField<GenericBinaryFlags, 12, 1> {};
class StaticTypeInfoBits: public BitField<int, 13, 3> {};
class RuntimeTypeInfoBits: public BitField<BinaryOpIC::TypeInfo, 16, 2> {};
class ArgsInRegistersBits: public BitField<bool, 9, 1> {};
class ArgsReversedBits: public BitField<bool, 10, 1> {};
class FlagBits: public BitField<GenericBinaryFlags, 11, 1> {};
class StaticTypeInfoBits: public BitField<int, 12, 3> {};
class RuntimeTypeInfoBits: public BitField<BinaryOpIC::TypeInfo, 15, 2> {};
Major MajorKey() { return GenericBinaryOp; }
int MinorKey() {
......@@ -790,7 +786,6 @@ class GenericBinaryOpStub: public CodeStub {
return OpBits::encode(op_)
| ModeBits::encode(mode_)
| FlagBits::encode(flags_)
| SSE3Bits::encode(use_sse3_)
| ArgsInRegistersBits::encode(args_in_registers_)
| ArgsReversedBits::encode(args_reversed_)
| StaticTypeInfoBits::encode(
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