Commit 9e187ea9 authored by ulan's avatar ulan Committed by Commit bot

[heap] Remove Heap::TracePath* functions.

The functions do not work correctly with concurrent sweeper and they
do not take weak references into account.

The latter is a fundamental problem for this tracing approach.


Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#43284}
parent a84b2339
......@@ -6189,194 +6189,6 @@ HeapObject* HeapIterator::NextObject() {
#ifdef DEBUG
Object* const PathTracer::kAnyGlobalObject = NULL;
class PathTracer::MarkVisitor : public ObjectVisitor {
explicit MarkVisitor(PathTracer* tracer) : tracer_(tracer) {}
void VisitPointers(Object** start, Object** end) override {
// Scan all HeapObject pointers in [start, end)
for (Object** p = start; !tracer_->found() && (p < end); p++) {
if ((*p)->IsHeapObject()) tracer_->MarkRecursively(p, this);
PathTracer* tracer_;
class PathTracer::UnmarkVisitor : public ObjectVisitor {
explicit UnmarkVisitor(PathTracer* tracer) : tracer_(tracer) {}
void VisitPointers(Object** start, Object** end) override {
// Scan all HeapObject pointers in [start, end)
for (Object** p = start; p < end; p++) {
if ((*p)->IsHeapObject()) tracer_->UnmarkRecursively(p, this);
PathTracer* tracer_;
void PathTracer::VisitPointers(Object** start, Object** end) {
bool done = ((what_to_find_ == FIND_FIRST) && found_target_);
// Visit all HeapObject pointers in [start, end)
for (Object** p = start; !done && (p < end); p++) {
if ((*p)->IsHeapObject()) {
done = ((what_to_find_ == FIND_FIRST) && found_target_);
void PathTracer::Reset() {
found_target_ = false;
void PathTracer::TracePathFrom(Object** root) {
DCHECK((search_target_ == kAnyGlobalObject) ||
found_target_in_trace_ = false;
MarkVisitor mark_visitor(this);
MarkRecursively(root, &mark_visitor);
UnmarkVisitor unmark_visitor(this);
UnmarkRecursively(root, &unmark_visitor);
static bool SafeIsNativeContext(HeapObject* obj) {
return obj->map() == obj->GetHeap()->root(Heap::kNativeContextMapRootIndex);
void PathTracer::MarkRecursively(Object** p, MarkVisitor* mark_visitor) {
if (!(*p)->IsHeapObject()) return;
HeapObject* obj = HeapObject::cast(*p);
MapWord map_word = obj->map_word();
if (!map_word.ToMap()->IsHeapObject()) return; // visited before
if (found_target_in_trace_) return; // stop if target found
if (((search_target_ == kAnyGlobalObject) && obj->IsJSGlobalObject()) ||
(obj == search_target_)) {
found_target_in_trace_ = true;
found_target_ = true;
bool is_native_context = SafeIsNativeContext(obj);
// not visited yet
Map* map = Map::cast(map_word.ToMap());
MapWord marked_map_word =
MapWord::FromRawValue(obj->map_word().ToRawValue() + kMarkTag);
// Scan the object body.
if (is_native_context && (visit_mode_ == VISIT_ONLY_STRONG)) {
// This is specialized to scan Context's properly.
Object** start =
reinterpret_cast<Object**>(obj->address() + Context::kHeaderSize);
Object** end =
reinterpret_cast<Object**>(obj->address() + Context::kHeaderSize +
Context::FIRST_WEAK_SLOT * kPointerSize);
mark_visitor->VisitPointers(start, end);
} else {
obj->IterateBody(map->instance_type(), obj->SizeFromMap(map), mark_visitor);
// Scan the map after the body because the body is a lot more interesting
// when doing leak detection.
MarkRecursively(reinterpret_cast<Object**>(&map), mark_visitor);
if (!found_target_in_trace_) { // don't pop if found the target
void PathTracer::UnmarkRecursively(Object** p, UnmarkVisitor* unmark_visitor) {
if (!(*p)->IsHeapObject()) return;
HeapObject* obj = HeapObject::cast(*p);
MapWord map_word = obj->map_word();
if (map_word.ToMap()->IsHeapObject()) return; // unmarked already
MapWord unmarked_map_word =
MapWord::FromRawValue(map_word.ToRawValue() - kMarkTag);
Map* map = Map::cast(unmarked_map_word.ToMap());
UnmarkRecursively(reinterpret_cast<Object**>(&map), unmark_visitor);
obj->IterateBody(map->instance_type(), obj->SizeFromMap(map), unmark_visitor);
void PathTracer::ProcessResults() {
if (found_target_) {
OFStream os(stdout);
os << "=====================================\n"
<< "==== Path to object ====\n"
<< "=====================================\n\n";
for (int i = 0; i < object_stack_.length(); i++) {
if (i > 0) os << "\n |\n |\n V\n\n";
os << "=====================================\n";
// Triggers a depth-first traversal of reachable objects from one
// given root object and finds a path to a specific heap object and
// prints it.
void Heap::TracePathToObjectFrom(Object* target, Object* root) {
PathTracer tracer(target, PathTracer::FIND_ALL, VISIT_ALL);
// Triggers a depth-first traversal of reachable objects from roots
// and finds a path to a specific heap object and prints it.
void Heap::TracePathToObject(Object* target) {
PathTracer tracer(target, PathTracer::FIND_ALL, VISIT_ALL);
IterateRoots(&tracer, VISIT_ONLY_STRONG);
// Triggers a depth-first traversal of reachable objects from roots
// and finds a path to any global object and prints it. Useful for
// determining the source for leaks of global objects.
void Heap::TracePathToGlobal() {
PathTracer tracer(PathTracer::kAnyGlobalObject, PathTracer::FIND_ALL,
IterateRoots(&tracer, VISIT_ONLY_STRONG);
void Heap::UpdateTotalGCTime(double duration) {
if (FLAG_trace_gc_verbose) {
total_gc_time_ms_ += duration;
......@@ -1489,10 +1489,6 @@ class Heap {
#ifdef DEBUG
void set_allocation_timeout(int timeout) { allocation_timeout_ = timeout; }
void TracePathToObjectFrom(Object* target, Object* root);
void TracePathToObject(Object* target);
void TracePathToGlobal();
void Print();
void PrintHandles();
......@@ -5497,18 +5497,6 @@ TEST(RegressArrayListGC) {
#ifdef DEBUG
TEST(PathTracer) {
v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate());
v8::Local<v8::Value> result = CompileRun("'abc'");
Handle<Object> o = v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*result);
#endif // DEBUG
TEST(WritableVsImmortalRoots) {
for (int i = 0; i < Heap::kStrongRootListLength; ++i) {
Heap::RootListIndex root_index = static_cast<Heap::RootListIndex>(i);
......@@ -13701,9 +13701,6 @@ static void CheckSurvivingGlobalObjectsCount(int expected) {
int count = GetGlobalObjectsCount();
#ifdef DEBUG
if (count != expected) CcTest::heap()->TracePathToGlobal();
CHECK_EQ(expected, count);
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