Commit 9e121d0d authored by's avatar

Remove unused variables from

Local arm.debug build with make fails - not sure why arm build doesn't fail on
the waterfall.

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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 63b3d135
......@@ -400,10 +400,6 @@ NeonListOperand::NeonListOperand(DoubleRegister base, int registers_count) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Specific instructions, constants, and masks.
// add(sp, sp, 4) instruction (aka Pop())
const Instr kPopInstruction =
al | PostIndex | 4 | LeaveCC | I | kRegister_sp_Code * B16 |
kRegister_sp_Code * B12;
// str(r, MemOperand(sp, 4, NegPreIndex), al) instruction (aka push(r))
// register r is not encoded.
const Instr kPushRegPattern =
......@@ -412,8 +408,6 @@ const Instr kPushRegPattern =
// register r is not encoded.
const Instr kPopRegPattern =
al | B26 | L | 4 | PostIndex | kRegister_sp_Code * B16;
// mov lr, pc
const Instr kMovLrPc = al | MOV | kRegister_pc_Code | kRegister_lr_Code * B12;
// ldr rd, [pc, #offset]
const Instr kLdrPCImmedMask = 15 * B24 | 7 * B20 | 15 * B16;
const Instr kLdrPCImmedPattern = 5 * B24 | L | kRegister_pc_Code * B16;
......@@ -437,8 +431,6 @@ const Instr kMovMvnPattern = 0xd * B21;
const Instr kMovMvnFlip = B22;
const Instr kMovLeaveCCMask = 0xdff * B16;
const Instr kMovLeaveCCPattern = 0x1a0 * B16;
const Instr kMovwMask = 0xff * B20;
const Instr kMovwPattern = 0x30 * B20;
const Instr kMovwLeaveCCFlip = 0x5 * B21;
const Instr kCmpCmnMask = 0xdd * B20 | 0xf * B12;
const Instr kCmpCmnPattern = 0x15 * B20;
......@@ -456,8 +448,6 @@ const Instr kLdrRegFpNegOffsetPattern =
const Instr kStrRegFpNegOffsetPattern =
al | B26 | NegOffset | kRegister_fp_Code * B16;
const Instr kLdrStrInstrTypeMask = 0xffff0000;
const Instr kLdrStrInstrArgumentMask = 0x0000ffff;
const Instr kLdrStrOffsetMask = 0x00000fff;
Assembler::Assembler(Isolate* isolate, void* buffer, int buffer_size)
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