Commit 98cd2833 authored by's avatar

Remove symbol preparse data altogether.

Removing it seems to be a clear win on mobile: producing symbol data makes cold
parsing 20-30% slower, and having symbol data doesn't make warm parsing any

- V8 used to produce symbol data, but because of a bug, it was never used until
recently. (See fix which takes the
symbol data into use again.)
- On desktop, warm parsing is faster if we have symbol data, and producing it
during cold parsing doesn't make parsing substantially slower. However, this
doesn't seem to be the case on mobile.
- The preparse data (cached data) will now contain only the positions of the
lazy functions.


Review URL:

git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 275bfa1b
......@@ -182,25 +182,6 @@ void RegExpBuilder::AddQuantifierToAtom(
Handle<String> Parser::LookupCachedSymbol(int symbol_id) {
// Make sure the cache is large enough to hold the symbol identifier.
if (symbol_cache_.length() <= symbol_id) {
// Increase length to index + 1.
symbol_id + 1 - symbol_cache_.length(), zone());
Handle<String> result =;
if (result.is_null()) {
result = scanner()->AllocateInternalizedString(isolate_);
ASSERT(!result.is_null()); = result;
return result;
return result;
ScriptData* ScriptData::New(const char* data, int length) {
// The length is obviously invalid.
if (length % sizeof(unsigned) != 0) {
......@@ -280,10 +261,6 @@ bool ScriptData::SanityCheck() {
if (functions_size < 0) return false;
if (functions_size % FunctionEntry::kSize != 0) return false;
// Check that the count of symbols is non-negative.
int symbol_count =
if (symbol_count < 0) return false;
// Check that the total size has room for header and function entries.
int minimum_size =
PreparseDataConstants::kHeaderSize + functions_size;
......@@ -707,18 +684,6 @@ void ParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location source_location,
Handle<String> ParserTraits::GetSymbol(Scanner* scanner) {
if (parser_->cached_data_mode() == CONSUME_CACHED_DATA) {
int symbol_id = (*parser_->cached_data())->GetSymbolIdentifier();
// If there is no symbol data, -1 will be returned.
if (symbol_id >= 0 &&
symbol_id < (*parser_->cached_data())->symbol_count()) {
return parser_->LookupCachedSymbol(symbol_id);
} else if (parser_->cached_data_mode() == PRODUCE_CACHED_DATA) {
// Parser is never used inside lazy functions (it falls back to PreParser
// instead), so we can produce the symbol data unconditionally.
parser_->scanner()->LogSymbol(parser_->log_, parser_->position());
Handle<String> result =
......@@ -819,7 +784,6 @@ Parser::Parser(CompilationInfo* info)
symbol_cache_(0, info->zone()),
......@@ -91,11 +91,6 @@ class ScriptData {
const char* BuildMessage() const;
Vector<const char*> BuildArgs() const;
int symbol_count() {
return (store_.length() > PreparseDataConstants::kHeaderSize)
? store_[PreparseDataConstants::kSymbolCountOffset]
: 0;
int function_count() {
int functions_size =
......@@ -658,7 +653,6 @@ class Parser : public ParserBase<ParserTraits> {
} else {
ASSERT(data != NULL);
cached_data_ = data;
symbol_cache_.Initialize(*data ? (*data)->symbol_count() : 0, zone());
......@@ -769,8 +763,6 @@ class Parser : public ParserBase<ParserTraits> {
Scope* NewScope(Scope* parent, ScopeType type);
Handle<String> LookupCachedSymbol(int symbol_id);
// Skip over a lazy function, either using cached data if we have it, or
// by parsing the function with PreParser. Consumes the ending }.
void SkipLazyFunctionBody(Handle<String> function_name,
......@@ -790,7 +782,6 @@ class Parser : public ParserBase<ParserTraits> {
bool* ok);
Isolate* isolate_;
ZoneList<Handle<String> > symbol_cache_;
Handle<Script> script_;
Scanner scanner_;
......@@ -14,15 +14,14 @@ struct PreparseDataConstants {
// Layout and constants of the preparse data exchange format.
static const unsigned kMagicNumber = 0xBadDead;
static const unsigned kCurrentVersion = 8;
static const unsigned kCurrentVersion = 9;
static const int kMagicOffset = 0;
static const int kVersionOffset = 1;
static const int kHasErrorOffset = 2;
static const int kFunctionsSizeOffset = 3;
static const int kSymbolCountOffset = 4;
static const int kSizeOffset = 5;
static const int kHeaderSize = 6;
static const int kSizeOffset = 4;
static const int kHeaderSize = 5;
// If encoding a message, the following positions are fixed.
static const int kMessageStartPos = 0;
......@@ -15,48 +15,16 @@ namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
template <typename Char>
static int vector_hash(Vector<const Char> string) {
int hash = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++) {
int c = static_cast<int>(string[i]);
hash += c;
hash += (hash << 10);
hash ^= (hash >> 6);
return hash;
static bool vector_compare(void* a, void* b) {
CompleteParserRecorder::Key* string1 =
CompleteParserRecorder::Key* string2 =
if (string1->is_one_byte != string2->is_one_byte) return false;
int length = string1->literal_bytes.length();
if (string2->literal_bytes.length() != length) return false;
return memcmp(string1->literal_bytes.start(),
string2->literal_bytes.start(), length) == 0;
: function_store_(0),
symbol_id_(0) {
: function_store_(0) {
preamble_[PreparseDataConstants::kMagicOffset] =
preamble_[PreparseDataConstants::kVersionOffset] =
preamble_[PreparseDataConstants::kHasErrorOffset] = false;
preamble_[PreparseDataConstants::kFunctionsSizeOffset] = 0;
preamble_[PreparseDataConstants::kSymbolCountOffset] = 0;
preamble_[PreparseDataConstants::kSizeOffset] = 0;
ASSERT_EQ(6, PreparseDataConstants::kHeaderSize);
ASSERT_EQ(5, PreparseDataConstants::kHeaderSize);
#ifdef DEBUG
prev_start_ = -1;
......@@ -93,90 +61,18 @@ void CompleteParserRecorder::WriteString(Vector<const char> str) {
void CompleteParserRecorder::LogOneByteSymbol(int start,
Vector<const uint8_t> literal) {
int hash = vector_hash(literal);
LogSymbol(start, hash, true, literal);
void CompleteParserRecorder::LogTwoByteSymbol(int start,
Vector<const uint16_t> literal) {
int hash = vector_hash(literal);
LogSymbol(start, hash, false, Vector<const byte>::cast(literal));
void CompleteParserRecorder::LogSymbol(int start,
int hash,
bool is_one_byte,
Vector<const byte> literal_bytes) {
Key key = { is_one_byte, literal_bytes };
HashMap::Entry* entry = string_table_.Lookup(&key, hash, true);
int id = static_cast<int>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(entry->value));
if (id == 0) {
// Copy literal contents for later comparison.
key.literal_bytes =
Vector<const byte>::cast(literal_chars_.AddBlock(literal_bytes));
// Put (symbol_id_ + 1) into entry and increment it.
id = ++symbol_id_;
entry->value = reinterpret_cast<void*>(id);
Vector<Key> symbol = symbol_keys_.AddBlock(1, key);
entry->key = &symbol[0];
WriteNumber(id - 1);
Vector<unsigned> CompleteParserRecorder::ExtractData() {
int function_size = function_store_.size();
// Add terminator to symbols, then pad to unsigned size.
int symbol_size = symbol_store_.size();
int padding = sizeof(unsigned) - (symbol_size % sizeof(unsigned));
symbol_store_.AddBlock(padding, PreparseDataConstants::kNumberTerminator);
symbol_size += padding;
int total_size = PreparseDataConstants::kHeaderSize + function_size
+ (symbol_size / sizeof(unsigned));
int total_size = PreparseDataConstants::kHeaderSize + function_size;
Vector<unsigned> data = Vector<unsigned>::New(total_size);
preamble_[PreparseDataConstants::kFunctionsSizeOffset] = function_size;
preamble_[PreparseDataConstants::kSymbolCountOffset] = symbol_id_;
OS::MemCopy(data.start(), preamble_, sizeof(preamble_));
int symbol_start = PreparseDataConstants::kHeaderSize + function_size;
if (function_size > 0) {
if (!has_error()) {
Vector<byte>::cast(data.SubVector(symbol_start, total_size)));
return data;
void CompleteParserRecorder::WriteNumber(int number) {
// Split the number into chunks of 7 bits. Write them one after another (the
// most significant first). Use the MSB of each byte for signalling that the
// number continues. See ScriptDataImpl::ReadNumber for the reading side.
ASSERT(number >= 0);
int mask = (1 << 28) - 1;
int i = 28;
// 26 million symbols ought to be enough for anybody.
ASSERT(number <= mask);
while (number < mask) {
mask >>= 7;
i -= 7;
while (i > 0) {
symbol_store_.Add(static_cast<byte>(number >> i) | 0x80u);
number &= mask;
mask >>= 7;
i -= 7;
ASSERT(number < (1 << 7));
} } // namespace v8::internal.
......@@ -34,16 +34,6 @@ class ParserRecorder {
const char* message,
const char* argument_opt,
bool is_reference_error) = 0;
// The following functions are only callable on CompleteParserRecorder
// and are guarded by calls to ShouldLogSymbols.
virtual void LogOneByteSymbol(int start, Vector<const uint8_t> literal) {
virtual void LogTwoByteSymbol(int start, Vector<const uint16_t> literal) {
......@@ -158,9 +148,6 @@ class CompleteParserRecorder : public ParserRecorder {
const char* message,
const char* argument_opt,
bool is_reference_error_);
virtual void LogOneByteSymbol(int start, Vector<const uint8_t> literal);
virtual void LogTwoByteSymbol(int start, Vector<const uint16_t> literal);
Vector<unsigned> ExtractData();
......@@ -170,14 +157,6 @@ class CompleteParserRecorder : public ParserRecorder {
void WriteString(Vector<const char> str);
// For testing. Defined in
friend struct CompleteParserRecorderFriend;
void LogSymbol(int start,
int hash,
bool is_one_byte,
Vector<const byte> literal);
// Write a non-negative number to the symbol store.
void WriteNumber(int number);
......@@ -187,12 +166,6 @@ class CompleteParserRecorder : public ParserRecorder {
#ifdef DEBUG
int prev_start_;
Collector<byte> literal_chars_;
Collector<byte> symbol_store_;
Collector<Key> symbol_keys_;
HashMap string_table_;
int symbol_id_;
......@@ -1138,15 +1138,6 @@ int Scanner::FindSymbol(DuplicateFinder* finder, int value) {
void Scanner::LogSymbol(ParserRecorder* log, int position) {
if (is_literal_one_byte()) {
log->LogOneByteSymbol(position, literal_one_byte_string());
} else {
log->LogTwoByteSymbol(position, literal_two_byte_string());
int DuplicateFinder::AddOneByteSymbol(Vector<const uint8_t> key, int value) {
return AddSymbol(key, true, value);
......@@ -405,8 +405,6 @@ class Scanner {
int FindNumber(DuplicateFinder* finder, int value);
int FindSymbol(DuplicateFinder* finder, int value);
void LogSymbol(ParserRecorder* log, int position);
UnicodeCache* unicode_cache() { return unicode_cache_; }
// Returns the location of the last seen octal literal.
......@@ -277,56 +277,6 @@ TEST(PreparseFunctionDataIsUsed) {
TEST(PreparseSymbolDataIsUsed) {
// This tests that we actually do use the symbol data generated by the
// preparser.
// Only do one compilation pass in this test (otherwise we will parse the
// source code again without preparse data and it will fail).
i::FLAG_crankshaft = false;
// Make preparsing work for short scripts.
i::FLAG_min_preparse_length = 0;
v8::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::isolate();
v8::HandleScope handles(isolate);
v8::Local<v8::Context> context = v8::Context::New(isolate);
v8::Context::Scope context_scope(context);
int marker;
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&marker) - 128 * 1024);
// Note that the ( before function makes the function not lazily compiled.
const char* good_code =
"(function weird() { var foo = 26; return foo; })()";
// Insert an undefined identifier. If the preparser data is used, the symbol
// stream is used instead, and this identifier resolves to "foo".
const char* bad_code =
"(function weird() { var foo = 26; return wut; })()";
v8::ScriptCompiler::Source good_source(v8_str(good_code));
v8::ScriptCompiler::Compile(isolate, &good_source,
const v8::ScriptCompiler::CachedData* cached_data =
CHECK(cached_data->data != NULL);
CHECK_GT(cached_data->length, 0);
// Now compile the erroneous code with the good preparse data. If the preparse
// data is used, we will see a second occurrence of "foo" instead of the
// unknown "wut".
v8::ScriptCompiler::Source bad_source(
v8_str(bad_code), new v8::ScriptCompiler::CachedData(
cached_data->data, cached_data->length));
v8::Local<v8::Value> result =
v8::ScriptCompiler::Compile(isolate, &bad_source)->Run();
CHECK_EQ(26, result->Int32Value());
TEST(StandAlonePreParser) {
......@@ -435,53 +385,6 @@ TEST(PreparsingObjectLiterals) {
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
struct CompleteParserRecorderFriend {
static void FakeWritingSymbolIdInPreParseData(CompleteParserRecorder* log,
int number) {
if (log->symbol_id_ < number + 1) {
log->symbol_id_ = number + 1;
TEST(StoringNumbersInPreParseData) {
// Symbol IDs are split into chunks of 7 bits for storing. This is a
// regression test for a bug where a symbol id was incorrectly stored if some
// of the chunks in the middle were all zeros.
typedef i::CompleteParserRecorderFriend F;
i::CompleteParserRecorder log;
for (int i = 0; i < 18; ++i) {
F::FakeWritingSymbolIdInPreParseData(&log, 1 << i);
for (int i = 1; i < 18; ++i) {
F::FakeWritingSymbolIdInPreParseData(&log, (1 << i) + 1);
for (int i = 6; i < 18; ++i) {
F::FakeWritingSymbolIdInPreParseData(&log, (3 << i) + (5 << (i - 6)));
i::Vector<unsigned> store = log.ExtractData();
i::ScriptData script_data(store);
// Check that we get the same symbols back.
for (int i = 0; i < 18; ++i) {
CHECK_EQ(1 << i, script_data.GetSymbolIdentifier());
for (int i = 1; i < 18; ++i) {
CHECK_EQ((1 << i) + 1, script_data.GetSymbolIdentifier());
for (int i = 6; i < 18; ++i) {
CHECK_EQ((3 << i) + (5 << (i - 6)), script_data.GetSymbolIdentifier());
TEST(RegressChromium62639) {
......@@ -2072,28 +1975,19 @@ TEST(DontRegressPreParserDataSizes) {
struct TestCase {
const char* program;
int symbols;
int functions;
} test_cases[] = {
// Labels and variables are recorded as symbols.
{"{label: 42}", 1, 0}, {"{label: 42; label2: 43}", 2, 0},
{"var x = 42;", 1, 0}, {"var x = 42, y = 43;", 2, 0},
{"var x = {y: 1};", 2, 0},
{"var x = {}; x.y = 1", 2, 0},
// "get" is recorded as a symbol too.
{"var x = {get foo(){} };", 3, 1},
// When keywords are used as identifiers, they're logged as symbols, too:
{"var x = {if: 1};", 2, 0},
{"var x = {}; x.if = 1", 2, 0},
{"var x = {get if(){} };", 3, 1},
// Functions
{"function foo() {}", 1, 1}, {"function foo() {} function bar() {}", 2, 2},
// Labels, variables and functions insize lazy functions are not recorded.
{"function lazy() { var a, b, c; }", 1, 1},
{"function lazy() { a: 1; b: 2; c: 3; }", 1, 1},
{"function lazy() { function a() {} function b() {} function c() {} }", 1,
{NULL, 0, 0}
// No functions.
{"var x = 42;", 0},
// Functions.
{"function foo() {}", 1}, {"function foo() {} function bar() {}", 2},
// Getter / setter functions are recorded as functions if they're on the top
// level.
{"var x = {get foo(){} };", 1},
// Functions insize lazy functions are not recorded.
{"function lazy() { function a() {} function b() {} function c() {} }", 1},
{"function lazy() { var x = {get foo(){} } }", 1},
{NULL, 0}
for (int i = 0; test_cases[i].program; i++) {
......@@ -2109,14 +2003,6 @@ TEST(DontRegressPreParserDataSizes) {
if (data->symbol_count() != test_cases[i].symbols) {
"Expected preparse data for program:\n"
"to contain %d symbols, however, received %d symbols.\n",
program, test_cases[i].symbols, data->symbol_count());
if (data->function_count() != test_cases[i].functions) {
"Expected preparse data for program:\n"
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