A64: Abstract colour definitions for the Simulator tracing.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/203563002

git-svn-id: http://v8.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge@20106 ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 9cd1057c
......@@ -51,6 +51,34 @@ namespace internal {
#define SScanF sscanf // NOLINT
// Helpers for colors.
// Depending on your terminal configuration, the colour names may not match the
// observed colours.
#define COLOUR(colour_code) "\033[" colour_code "m"
#define BOLD(colour_code) "1;" colour_code
#define NORMAL ""
#define GREY "30"
#define GREEN "32"
#define ORANGE "33"
#define BLUE "34"
#define PURPLE "35"
#define INDIGO "36"
#define WHITE "37"
typedef char const * const TEXT_COLOUR;
TEXT_COLOUR clr_normal = FLAG_log_colour ? COLOUR(NORMAL) : "";
TEXT_COLOUR clr_flag_name = FLAG_log_colour ? COLOUR(BOLD(GREY)) : "";
TEXT_COLOUR clr_flag_value = FLAG_log_colour ? COLOUR(BOLD(WHITE)) : "";
TEXT_COLOUR clr_reg_name = FLAG_log_colour ? COLOUR(BOLD(BLUE)) : "";
TEXT_COLOUR clr_reg_value = FLAG_log_colour ? COLOUR(BOLD(INDIGO)) : "";
TEXT_COLOUR clr_fpreg_name = FLAG_log_colour ? COLOUR(BOLD(ORANGE)) : "";
TEXT_COLOUR clr_fpreg_value = FLAG_log_colour ? COLOUR(BOLD(PURPLE)) : "";
TEXT_COLOUR clr_memory_value = FLAG_log_colour ? COLOUR(BOLD(GREEN)) : "";
TEXT_COLOUR clr_memory_address = FLAG_log_colour ? COLOUR(GREEN) : "";
TEXT_COLOUR clr_debug_number = FLAG_log_colour ? COLOUR(BOLD(ORANGE)) : "";
TEXT_COLOUR clr_debug_message = FLAG_log_colour ? COLOUR(ORANGE) : "";
TEXT_COLOUR clr_printf = FLAG_log_colour ? COLOUR(GREEN) : "";
// This is basically the same as PrintF, with a guard for FLAG_trace_sim.
void PRINTF_CHECKING TraceSim(const char* format, ...) {
if (FLAG_trace_sim) {
......@@ -820,12 +848,6 @@ void Simulator::PrintInstructionsAt(Instruction* start, uint64_t count) {
void Simulator::PrintSystemRegisters(bool print_all) {
static bool first_run = true;
// Define some colour codes to use for the register dump.
// TODO(jbramley): Find a more elegant way of defining these.
char const * const clr_normal = (FLAG_log_colour) ? ("\033[m") : ("");
char const * const clr_flag_name = (FLAG_log_colour) ? ("\033[1;30m") : ("");
char const * const clr_flag_value = (FLAG_log_colour) ? ("\033[1;37m") : ("");
static SimSystemRegister last_nzcv;
if (print_all || first_run || (last_nzcv.RawValue() != nzcv().RawValue())) {
fprintf(stream_, "# %sFLAGS: %sN:%d Z:%d C:%d V:%d%s\n",
......@@ -861,12 +883,6 @@ void Simulator::PrintRegisters(bool print_all_regs) {
static bool first_run = true;
static int64_t last_regs[kNumberOfRegisters];
// Define some colour codes to use for the register dump.
// TODO(jbramley): Find a more elegant way of defining these.
char const * const clr_normal = (FLAG_log_colour) ? ("\033[m") : ("");
char const * const clr_reg_name = (FLAG_log_colour) ? ("\033[1;34m") : ("");
char const * const clr_reg_value = (FLAG_log_colour) ? ("\033[1;36m") : ("");
for (unsigned i = 0; i < kNumberOfRegisters; i++) {
if (print_all_regs || first_run ||
(last_regs[i] != xreg(i, Reg31IsStackPointer))) {
......@@ -889,12 +905,6 @@ void Simulator::PrintFPRegisters(bool print_all_regs) {
static bool first_run = true;
static uint64_t last_regs[kNumberOfFPRegisters];
// Define some colour codes to use for the register dump.
// TODO(jbramley): Find a more elegant way of defining these.
char const * const clr_normal = (FLAG_log_colour) ? ("\033[m") : ("");
char const * const clr_reg_name = (FLAG_log_colour) ? ("\033[1;33m") : ("");
char const * const clr_reg_value = (FLAG_log_colour) ? ("\033[1;35m") : ("");
// Print as many rows of registers as necessary, keeping each individual
// register in the same column each time (to make it easy to visually scan
// for changes).
......@@ -902,18 +912,18 @@ void Simulator::PrintFPRegisters(bool print_all_regs) {
if (print_all_regs || first_run || (last_regs[i] != dreg_bits(i))) {
"# %s %4s:%s 0x%016" PRIx64 "%s (%s%s:%s %g%s %s:%s %g%s)\n",
......@@ -2949,14 +2959,6 @@ bool Simulator::GetValue(const char* desc, int64_t* value) {
bool Simulator::PrintValue(const char* desc) {
// Define some colour codes to use for the register dump.
// TODO(jbramley): Find a more elegant way of defining these.
char const * const clr_normal = FLAG_log_colour ? "\033[m" : "";
char const * const clr_reg_name = FLAG_log_colour ? "\033[1;34m" : "";
char const * const clr_reg_value = FLAG_log_colour ? "\033[1;36m" : "";
char const * const clr_fpreg_name = FLAG_log_colour ? "\033[1;33m" : "";
char const * const clr_fpreg_value = FLAG_log_colour ? "\033[1;35m" : "";
if (strcmp(desc, "csp") == 0) {
ASSERT(CodeFromName(desc) == static_cast<int>(kSPRegInternalCode));
PrintF("%s csp:%s 0x%016" PRIx64 "%s\n",
......@@ -3335,17 +3337,6 @@ typedef void (*SimulatorRuntimeProfilingGetterCall)(int64_t arg0, int64_t arg1,
void* arg2);
void Simulator::VisitException(Instruction* instr) {
// Define some colour codes to use for log messages.
// TODO(jbramley): Find a more elegant way of defining these.
char const* const clr_normal = (FLAG_log_colour) ? ("\033[m")
: ("");
char const* const clr_debug_number = (FLAG_log_colour) ? ("\033[1;33m")
: ("");
char const* const clr_debug_message = (FLAG_log_colour) ? ("\033[0;33m")
: ("");
char const* const clr_printf = (FLAG_log_colour) ? ("\033[0;32m")
: ("");
switch (instr->Mask(ExceptionMask)) {
case HLT: {
if (instr->ImmException() == kImmExceptionIsDebug) {
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